Veteran new police officer

Chapter 196 An unexpected gain

Liangzhuang Police Station and Liangzhuang Criminal Police Squadron were once the most desirable units for Sigang police officers.

However, as the urban area of ​​Sigang develops better and better, especially the education, medical, employment and other conditions are not known to be better than those in the villages and towns, people have gone to the city to buy houses, and the already remote Liangzhuang has become more and more deserted, and It became the "Siberia" of Sigang.

If it's just remote and can't take care of the family, then that's it.

But Liangzhuang Police Station and Liangzhuang Criminal Police Squadron are model units that must maintain their fine traditions.

The superiors have very high requirements for Liangzhuang Police Station and Liangzhuang Criminal Police Squadron, and their management is very strict. They are called the two units that train people the most, and no one is willing to go there.

Because of this, Li Zheng, who had trained in Liangzhuang for many years, could not only be directly promoted to squadron leader, but no one even envied him.

After all, the squadron leader is not the team leader or director. Although he is said to be a regular member, he is actually still a section member. The salary cannot be increased much, but there are still many things to do and great responsibilities.

Li Zheng is not particularly enthusiastic about this transfer and promotion.

Because starting from today, my wife will have to run back and forth every day, more than 70 kilometers every day!

He looked at the scenery outside the car window and was secretly apologizing when his cell phone suddenly rang. He took it out and looked at the caller ID and quickly opened the call button to answer it.

"Hello, Captain Liu, we have just set off. Bureau Luo has led a team to handle the case. Today, our Bureau Wang is leading the team, a total of six people. Okay, thank you, I have caused you trouble. I will take a look and report to Bureau Wang. "

"Li Zheng, who is it?"

"Liu Haipeng, the squadron leader of the anti-drug brigade of the Linghai branch, said that he has made arrangements there, and deputy director Chen Wenjun, who is in charge of anti-drug work, will accompany the whole process."

Li Zheng clicked on his cell phone and added: "Wang Bureau, Jiang Da, I forwarded the visit agenda drawn up by Team Liu to the group. Team Liu asked me to ask if it is okay. If they think it is not okay, they can adjust it."

Wang Yan picked up her mobile phone and clicked on the agenda drafted by Ling Hai's colleagues, and found that they were very thoughtful.

From Sigang to Linghai City, you must first pass through the former Xingong Town and now Xingong Street. The first stop of the visit was arranged at the Anti-Drug Science Education Center located in Xingong Street.

Deputy Director Chen Wenjun will not only wait at the popular science education center, but also invite a deputy director of the Justice Bureau and the director of the Xingong Subdistrict Office and the director of the Xingong Law Firm to participate in the reception.

The second stop was Yanggang Community, where we mainly visited the construction of an “anti-drug community” and the community drug treatment (rehabilitation) work station located in the community.

At these two points in the morning, after visiting, we went to Linghai Hotel, which is close to Yanggang Community, for dinner.

After dinner, we rested in the hotel for an hour and then visited the warehouse of the Anti-Drug Foundation.

Take a look at the clothes donated by the Anti-Drug Foundation from the society and how anti-drug volunteers wash, iron and pack them.

Then we went to visit the physical Linghai Anti-Narcotics Office. After the visit, we held a symposium at the Anti-Narcotics Office.

The presidents of the Linghai Anti-Drug Association and the Anti-Drug Foundation, anti-drug social worker representatives, anti-drug volunteer representatives, and lecturers from the anti-drug propaganda group will all participate...

After reading the agenda, Jiang Da sighed: "Bureau Wang, it seems that the Linghai Branch has really put some effort into anti-drugs. The Anti-Drug Association, the Anti-Drug Foundation, and the Anti-Drug Propaganda Group have done so many tricks!"

Wang Yan put down her phone and muttered: "So we should learn from others with an open mind. If you think about it, it's a bit embarrassing. We in Sigang don't even have an anti-drug science education center."

Li Zheng introduced: "Bureau Wang, the anti-drug science education center in Linghai was not built by the anti-drug brigade or the anti-drug office. It was invested and built by the Linghai Justice Bureau and Xingong Street."

"The Bureau of Justice is originally a member of the Narcotics Control Committee, which shows that they really take it seriously and truly involve the whole society."

"Wang Ju, this reminds me."

"What did you remind me of?"

Jiang Da smiled bitterly and said: "If we want to carry out anti-drug work well, we, the police, cannot do it alone. We must mobilize the power of the whole society!"

Wang Yan was silent for a moment, raised her head and said with a smile: "Let's make a front stop today. When we get back, we will report to Mayor He and see if we can ask Mayor He to come forward and organize the heads of the member units of the Anti-Narcotics Committee to go to Linghai to have a look. , especially the person in charge of the Finance Bureau, let them see how others support the anti-drug work."

When it comes to the Finance Bureau, it requires funding.

Li Zheng said cautiously: "Bureau Wang, there is something you may not know. It seems that the budget of the Linghai Narcotics Control Office is not as large as ours."

"It's not as much as ours. Is it true?"

"It's really not as many as us. If I remember correctly, they only have 560,000 this year."

Jiang Da didn't quite believe it and asked in a low voice: "How many are we?"

Li Zheng hesitated for a moment and said with a wry smile: "The budget for our Sigang Narcotics Control Office this year seems to be 1.62 million, and their funding is not even a fraction of ours."

“We have so much anti-drug funding, where does the money go?”

"I don't know that."

They really don’t pick up any of the pots...

As the deputy director in charge of money, Wang Yan was a little embarrassed and immediately changed the subject: "Li Zheng, is your cheating master here? I have admired him for a long time. I want to meet him."

"have no idea."

"Call and ask."

"Oh, I'll hit him right now."

Han Xin happened to be "visiting" at the unit, but she was not interested in things like welcoming and sending people off, and she didn't want to meet Li Zheng's bureau leader. She made an excuse and said a few perfunctory words, then put down her phone and continued to "visit".

The reason why I say "visit" is because after being away for half a year, the unit has changed a lot.

As Lan Doudou once said, the bureau leaders like to follow fashion, like various systems, and install large LED screens everywhere.

The former open office area of ​​the full-time anti-drug social workers has been transformed into a high-end and classy "command center"!

On the north wall, a large and impressive LED screen is installed.

There are two rows of workstations filled with computers, facing large screens.

Behind the work station is a row of command seats.

Cao Na sat in front of the computer in the middle of the second row of workstations and introduced while demonstrating: "The basic information and locations of community detoxification personnel, community rehabilitation personnel and those who have not relapsed for three years can be seen here. The risk assessment is here. As the date for drug testing approaches, the system will automatically remind you.”

Han Xin smiled and said: "It seemed to be possible before, but there was no big screen."

"The large screen is not only connected to the signal of the management system, but also can be connected to the real-time monitoring signal of the precursor chemical enterprise warehouse!"

"As long as it is a warehouse of precursor chemicals, you can see it here?"


Cao Na clicked the mouse, and the big screen turned into a nine-square grid, and real-time monitoring pictures of nine chemical company warehouses appeared in front of her eyes.

Han Xin was watching intently when the screen switched to nine other companies, then several hospital warehouses where anesthetic drugs were stored, and even the surveillance of more than two dozen pharmacies could be seen.

"We can only see 26 pharmacies now. Zhang Da and Team Liu are working hard to connect them all before the end of the year."

Cao Na turned back and smiled, and added happily: "Isn't there a case handling area on the first floor? We can also see the surveillance footage from the inquiry room and inquiry room in the case handling area.

But we can only see it when our brigade is questioning or interrogating suspects in drug-related cases. We can't see it when other units are handling cases, and we can't see it even if we want to. "

Qian Shanghong, a full-time anti-drug social worker, clicked the mouse, raised his arm and pointed at the big screen: "Team Han, you can also see the monitoring of the community drug treatment workstation in Yanggang Community here."

"Awesome, how much does this cost?"

"We don't know about this. The bureau helped install it."

"It seems that the bureau has spent a lot of money on us!"

"We have also achieved results for the bureau. In the six months since you went out for training, leaders have come to investigate and visit almost every week."

It seems that the Bureau has built the Anti-Narcotics Brigade into the third "attraction" after the Chengnan Police Station and the Law Enforcement Case Handling Center!

Han Xin was completely convinced, walked out of the "command center" and visited the activity bases of the Anti-Drug Association, the Anti-Drug Foundation and the Anti-Drug Volunteer Association.

As expected, the walls were all occupied, with photos and introductions dazzling everyone.

Seeing the pictures of the activities of the Postal Express Industry Branch of the Anti-Drug Association, Han Xin's eyes lit up: "The express company also purchased a Raman spectrometer. Is this instrument effective?"

Cao Na looked at the photo, scratched her head and said, "I don't know either. Sister Doudou went to the Express Logistics Distribution Center before the National Day and saw that they have used it. You can ask Sister Doudou."

Raman spectrometer is an instrument that can directly identify drugs, explosives and toxic and harmful substances.

Han Xin didn't understand what the principle was, but she had heard of it more than once. She only knew that it was very advanced, expensive, relatively easy to operate, and the detection speed was relatively fast.

Compared with drones, Han Xin was more interested in this portable drug and explosion artifact, and immediately ran to Lan Doudou's office.

"Master, I want to visit Mr. Chai. I'm not familiar with him. Can you give him a call for me?"

"What are you doing at Mr. Chai's place?"

"Go and see a Raman spectrometer and learn how to operate it."

Lan Doudou didn't expect that he already had a girlfriend, but he was still like a child, wanting to play with new equipment whenever he saw it.

"Let's go tomorrow. Li Zheng and the others will go to the popular science education center right away. You and he have been colleagues for such a long time, so it would be nice if we didn't meet. We can go have a meal with him later."

"He came with their leader. It's not interesting to eat with the leader."

"Can you understand something? They are here to visit our brigade, and we must give them a warm reception!"

"I'm seconded to the detachment now, and I'm not part of the brigade for the time being."

Lan Doudou had no choice but to find out Mr. Chai's mobile phone number: "Okay, I'll help you contact him. Anyway, I want to remind Mr. Chai not to forget to come to the symposium in the afternoon and say hello to him by the way. "

Han Xin chuckled and said, "Thank you."

"What's there to thank you for? Are you sure you don't want to have lunch together?"

"Forget it about eating. I'll go back directly after reading this."

"What about the afternoon?"

"There are people coming to visit in the afternoon, so I won't come over in the afternoon."

"Okay, I know you want to go to the entry-exit brigade. Who knows that there are more ladies in the entry-exit brigade than we have here!"

"Master, where are you thinking?"

Han Xin took back the old mobile phone card she brought back from Nanyun so that she could start studying on her own today, and then drove to the express logistics distribution center not far from the train station.

I've been here once before, but never checked in.

When I came in and took a look, I realized that the investment in the express delivery industry is also huge.

There are several rows of steel structure workshops equipped with fully automatic sorting equipment and X-ray machines.

Mr. Chai is now not only the management service object of the Anti-Narcotics Brigade and the Public Security Brigade, he is also the president of the Postal Express Industry Branch of the Anti-Drug Association. He can be said to be one of his own.

He welcomed Han Xin's arrival and accompanied him around enthusiastically.

"Team Han, the spectrometer is here. The security requirements during the National Day are very strict. In fact, not only are you afraid of something happening, we are also afraid of something happening. Thinking that it is difficult to ensure everything is foolproof with an X-ray machine alone, we purchased this at Zhang Da's suggestion. "

"how much did you spend?"

"It's not cheap. It cost 150,000 yuan. No one would believe it if I told you."

"I believe, Mr. Chai, you are really a responsible entrepreneur."

"It's not about how responsible I am. The main thing is to spend money to buy peace of mind. After all, if something doesn't happen, it will be a big deal. I don't want to be punished, let alone be imprisoned without knowing anything."

This is what I say from the bottom of my heart!

Because the express delivery industry is really a high-risk industry. If there are loopholes in management and help criminals or even terrorists to deliver drugs and explosives, they will be held criminally responsible.

Han Xin nodded, turned around and looked at the young man standing next to the X-ray machine: "Mr. Chai, can someone teach me how to use this spectrometer?"

"No problem, Xiao Xu, let's demonstrate it to the Korean team."


Facts have proved that the publicity seen before was not exaggerated.

At least the operation is simple and the detection speed is very fast. Han Xin mastered it in a short time.

The only fly in the ointment is that there are neither drugs nor explosives here, and there are also no highly toxic substances. I don’t know how effective the instrument detection is.

The branch has seized a lot of drugs this year, and they are all stored in the evidence center in the law enforcement case handling center.

It is impossible to borrow some drugs to try. First, you have to apply to your superiors, which is very troublesome. Secondly, there is a legal issue of illegal possession.

I wanted to borrow an instrument from someone and take it to the evidence center to try it out, but I was embarrassed to ask. After all, it was equipment worth hundreds of thousands.

Han Xin's intention was not yet finished. Each express package was slowly sent into the large X-ray machine by the automatic conveyor belt.

Xiao Xu, who was equivalent to the security inspector here, immediately turned around and looked at the computer screen.

Mr. Chai touched his pocket and looked apologetic: "Captain Han, I'm going to go out and smoke a cigarette first. Fireworks are strictly prohibited here, so you can only go out and smoke."

"It's okay, you are busy with your business."

"Then I'll wait for you outside?"

"Don't wait, I'll leave in a moment. I'm just here to open my eyes and see the world."

"I don't have anything to do in the morning. I'll wait for you outside."

Han Xin didn't want to affect other people's work, and was about to go home when she suddenly noticed an X-ray screen that looked a bit like a switch appeared on the computer screen.

"Xiao Xu, stop for a moment."

"Team Han, what's wrong?" The young man turned around subconsciously.

Han Xin walked to him and stared at the screen: "Can you let the conveyor belt go back and look at the box just now?"


The young man picked up the remote control and pressed it gently. The automatic conveyor belt stopped and then moved back with the package.

Mr. Chai didn’t bother going out to smoke anymore, so he came over and asked, “Captain Han, is there something wrong with this package?”

Han Xin did not answer his question, but pointed to the picture on the computer and asked: "What is this thing wrapped around? Can the picture be enlarged?"

"Yes." The young man clicked the mouse.

Mr. Chai looked at the enlarged picture and finally relaxed: "I was shocked. I thought there was something wrong. It turned out to be an antenna, and what was wrapped around it was the power cord connecting the antenna."

Han Xin is not highly educated and does not understand high technology, which does not mean that he has not seen the world.

Looking at the X-ray picture on the computer, I couldn't help but smile when I thought of what the anti-email fraud team was looking for: "To be precise, it's a signal line."

Mr. Chai smiled and said: "Whether it is a power cord or a signal line, as long as it is not a fuse or a powder wire!"

"That's true."

Han Xin nodded slightly, then straightened up: "Xiao Xu, okay, put this package out, and I'll take a look at the express delivery information on the box."


"Team Han, you can actually check it on the computer."

"Let's see it with our own eyes."

Han Xin smiled, took out her mobile phone and walked to a cardboard box that had just been delivered by the automatic conveyor belt. She took several photos of the express delivery order on the box.

The people from the Anti-Narcotics Brigade would not take this picture for no reason. Mr. Chai asked in a low voice: "Team Han, there is something wrong with this package."

"We can't confirm yet when you plan to deliver it."

"Let me see where it is."

Mr. Chai walked over and looked at the express delivery list, then raised his head and said, "Xiao Chen's piece. He came here to pick it up after lunch. It will be delivered to the express delivery station in Jianghai Garden around two o'clock in the afternoon."

"Give me Xiao Chen's mobile phone number. I may need his cooperation next time."

"no problem."

"Then keep it secret."

"Don't worry, we don't know how many times we have cooperated with you."

"Thank you Mr. Chai."

Unexpectedly, when I went out for a spin, I got an unexpected harvest!

Han Xin walked out of the sorting workshop, came to the parking lot, and dialed Yang Biaohan's number.

The information provided by Li Cainiao was indeed correct. As soon as the call came through, Yang Biaohan said enthusiastically: "Xiao Han, why did you come back? You didn't even call me when you came back.

I heard that your boy has caught up with Jiang Yue, who used to be an intern at our Chengnan Police Station. Jiang Yue is a good girl. You are so lucky, congratulations..."

"Thank you, Professor Yang."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me. Since we're back, we have to get together. Do you have time tonight?"

"Yes, I was just about to tell you about this, but I was afraid you wouldn't have time."

The fake goods were delivered to his door. How could Yang Qianli miss this opportunity? He laughed and said: "I'm free at any time, Xiao Han. It's not interesting for us to just hang out. I'll help you ask Xiao Fan, Xiao Zhou and Chen Yang if they have time." , the more people there are, the more lively it will be.”

"Okay, otherwise, I'll ask our Zhang Da, Captain Liu and Coach Yu if they have time."

"This way, the table may not be able to fit."

"If you can't fit at one table, there will be two tables."

"Okay, just two tables, that's settled. Where will the place be arranged?"

Han Xin secretly thought that you proposed a gathering, and asked me where the venue was. Didn't you clearly ask me to treat you?

When I thought about who would pay the bill, I couldn't help but laugh and said: "Master Yang, I've been out for half a year, and I don't know where the food is delicious and where the food is not. How about you watch the arrangements."

Yang Qianli thought to himself that as long as you are willing to come, when those brats coax them together, you will definitely pay the bill. He suppressed his laughter and said, "There is no need to make special arrangements, just go to Lao Yang's house. Party by yourself, of course." Take care of your own people’s business.”

"Okay, that's it!"

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