Veteran new police officer

Chapter 201 Your advantage!

The landlady is a police wife and knows Bureau Chen.

Seeing Han Xin leaving with Mr. Chen, she was too embarrassed to catch up and ask who paid the bill. She quickly ran into the box and asked, "Jiao Yang, what staple food do you want, noodles or rice?"

Yang Qianli was depressed and couldn't eat any staple food. He took out a cigarette and said, "I won't use it. Do you want some?"

Huang Da, who was on the phone to the brigade duty room, raised his head and said, "I don't need it either."

Only then did Fan Ziyu, Zhou Kehong, Zhang Hao, Chen Yang and others react, shaking their heads and saying no.

Li Yijun didn't expect his cousin to be so awesome. Not only did he counterattack, he also pulled the bureau leaders to the platform.

While snickering secretly, Yang Qianli lit up a cigarette and said expressionlessly: "Sister-in-law, how much does it cost? I'll pay for it."

This table is not cheap. If he is asked to pay for it, there might be a family feud if he goes back tonight...

Thinking again that the sexy idea was thought up by the brats in front of him, and that they were betrayed by Han Keng because of their poor work, Huang Da put down his phone and said calmly:

"AA, Tzuyu, you pay the bill first, and we will transfer the money to you later."

You Yaoxing calmed down and said quickly: "Tzuyu, let's go together!"

"Huang Da, AA what, let me do it."

"I'm willing to admit defeat. You didn't lose this alone."

Seeing that Yang Biaohan wanted to save face and suffer the consequences, Huang Da pretended to be relaxed and said: "We lost, but at least we don't have to worry about finding the source of the fraud signal. Treating people to a meal is a good deal. Besides, you still owe me a meal."

"Yes, Teacher Yang, we won't lose." Zhou Kehong also agreed with a wry smile.

The more Yang Qianli thought about it, the angrier he became, and he said bitterly: "This kid actually dares to trick me!"

This time is different from before.

In the past, scammers usually deceive people unintentionally, but today they are not only prepared, but may also be deceived under orders.

It's not Han Buhan's fault that he continues to be entangled, but it's something that the bureau leader Gao is unhappy about!

Huang Da didn't want to be embarrassed anymore, let alone be criticized by the bureau leader, so he patted him on the arm: "He cheated us, and he did it blatantly, but we set this trick on him first. Chen Bureau is right, I am willing to bet I have to admit defeat, anyway, I was tricked into believing it."


"Don't do this. People will laugh at you if this spreads. Let's go and see what's going on with those suspects."

Director Chen did not go home directly, and Han Xin did not go to the People's Hospital to visit the second aunt's grandma. Instead, he took a taxi to a small restaurant not far from the special patrol team and had supper with Zhang Yuhang, Liu Haipeng, Yu Jinze and others who had just finished their work.

"Xiao Han, Yang Biaohan knows that we helped him find the source of the signal and helped him catch the suspect. Isn't his expression wonderful? Is he still tough?"

Lan Doudou couldn't wait.

Zhang Yuhang smiled and said nothing. Liu Haipeng wanted to control his expression, but he still looked gloating.

Yu Jinze was "brought down" by Yang Biaohan. Although he really wanted to see Yang Biaohan's jokes, he could only hold it back and not let the bureau leaders think that he was adding insult to injury.

Lao Zhong from the Food and Drug Environmental Protection Brigade was relegated to the second line from the Public Security Brigade. He had been fighting with Yang Biao for many years. How could he miss this opportunity? He patted the table and said with a smile:

"We helped him catch the suspect, and we helped him seize the crime tools. He should be happy, hahaha."

Han Xin looked up at Chen Ju and said with a smile: "The meal was not cheap, and the drinks cost four or five thousand, so he was not very happy."

"He deserves it. Who made him so arrogant? He still lives a tough life without any explanation!"

"He used to be very arrogant, looking down on this and that, but in the past six months he is not arrogant, and he can't be arrogant even if he wants to."

Now, only the police station teams with the power to enforce the law are handling cases. Compared with public security, economic investigation, network security, and the Chengnan Police Station, which has a large number of people, the criminal police brigade has no advantage.

In terms of the attention of superiors, the criminal police brigade is not even as good as the anti-drug brigade, which can frequently achieve results for the branch and even the district.

Yang Biao is a smart woman who cannot make a meal without rice, and it is really difficult to be arrogant now.

Han Xin was secretly sighing when Director Chen suddenly asked: "Yuhang, what's going on with those suspects? Judging from the information you have, is there any hope of establishing a chain and expanding the results of the battle?"

"Reporting to the Bureau, just as Xiao Han had speculated before, the two groups of suspects were ordered by the upline hiding outside the country to come to our Binjiang to set up relay equipment. The salary is calculated daily, including car rental, food and accommodation expenses. , three thousand per group per day.”

Zhang Yuhang looked back at the bar and continued: "They are only responsible for the installation and maintenance. In order to avoid investigation, they drive around in circles every day. They do not make any fraudulent calls or answer the phone. According to the principal criminal, they have been doing this for more than a month. .”

Liu Haipeng added: "Bureau Chen, they are a family-style criminal gang, and the four suspects are related."

"Hasn't the main criminal been dealt with for suspected fraud before?"

“We checked online and briefly interrogated him on the way to the case handling center, and he confessed to his criminal conduct of telecommunications fraud two years ago.

But you may not believe it. He thought about becoming a boss and took action. However, instead of making any money, he lost hundreds of thousands. "

"Compensated?" Chen Ju was surprised.

Zhang Yuhang put down his chopsticks and explained: "He said that after arriving in the Philippines, it didn't cost much to rent a house. The main reason was that he spent a lot of money to buy citizen information online, and the recruiter helped book air tickets and take care of food and housing. After working for more than a month, I lost more than 400,000 yuan."

Director Chen pondered: "It seems that fraud is also a technical job."

"Because he lost money before, after he was released from prison, he contacted the Taiwanese family he met in the Philippines and began to engage in criminal activities of setting up relays and number-changing equipment."

"Another liar from Taiwan!"

"He said yes, but it's hard to verify whether it is."

The waiter came to serve the food, and Zhang Yuhang ended the topic decisively.

Han Xin spent her last meal drinking and chatting with Yang Biaohan, and was not full.

Just as he raised his chopsticks and was about to eat some more, Li Yijun suddenly called.

"What's up?"

"Brother, when you gods fight, I, a brat, will suffer! Huang Dayang AA, evenly split 460 per person. The main reason is that the wine is expensive, two bottles of wine cost more than 2,000. If I had known this, I should have drank some at that time. It’s such a big loss when you think about it.”

"Yang Biaohan is so worthless that he actually let you AA."

"Stop talking, I not only have to pay, but I also have to work overtime. They drank, but you and I didn't. I just arrived at the case handling center, and I want to go in with you to interrogate the suspect."

Lan Doudou and others burst into laughter again when they heard that one of the singles in the criminal police brigade had to pay for each one.

The second meal was more enjoyable than the first.

Han Xin had eaten and drank enough, and Jiang Yue also took a taxi. If she doesn't come, the car won't be able to drive back tonight.

Unexpectedly, Principal Ding called me right after I got home.

The gathering of the three major companies mentioned last time, either one didn't have time or the other didn't have time, so it never came together.

Principal Ding said that he would have time tomorrow and the place had been arranged. He sent a position and asked Jiang Yue to be taken there early tomorrow.

There is nothing more important than a gathering of comrades!

Early the next morning, Han Xin was about to go out to buy a few bottles of wine, when her father-in-law delivered the box of Maotai given by Mr. Han.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"Aren't you going to invite the old army leaders to dinner later? You can't invite people to dinner without wine. If you have wine at home, why go out and buy it? There are so many fake wines out there, what if you buy fake ones."

Han Xin said with a bitter face: "No, no, this is for you!"

Jiang Chenggui was in a hurry to go to work. He held on to the security door and said, "It's not like I've never drank before. Besides, I can't drink Maotai-flavor wine. I'm still comfortable drinking 38-degree wine."

"Keep it and drink it slowly, you'll get used to it."

"Am I willing to drink such an expensive wine? If you leave it at home, I will give it away sooner or later. Why don't you take it to the old army leaders. People care and take care of you so much, so you should treat it well."

Comrade Lao Jiang's tone left no room for doubt. After speaking, he put on his helmet and left.

Han Xin was so moved that she didn't know what to do with the box of wine for a while.

Jiang Yue was equally moved, looked at the wine and was silent for a while, then said with a wry smile: "Husband, poor people like us always like to give away the best things to others, and we are worried that others will not appreciate it.

But those who have money and ability give away the most useless things, thinking that others have never eaten or seen them. "

"Are we poor?"

"I'm still poor at heart."

"Then who has the money and ability?"

"My eldest aunt, she married well back then. She married to the East China Sea and lived a better life than my family and my second aunt. She even brought me clothes that her granddaughter didn't wear.

Later, her son's family immigrated to Australia and sold the house. They called my dad and asked him to call a car to pick up the useless things. "

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "What?"

"It's just some old appliances, old furniture, and an old computer. You know what kind of person my dad is. Although he felt uncomfortable, he still went there when he got the call. When he came back, there was no place to pile it up. I Mom was so angry that she asked the waste collectors to drag them away."

Jiang Yue sighed softly, thought about it and smiled: "Bring the wine with you. As my dad said, if you don't give it to your old army leader, he will give it to others sooner or later. He will definitely be reluctant to drink it himself."

"Okay, bring it."

Principal Ding arranged a farm located at the junction of the development zone and Linghai District.

Today is not only a gathering of the three major companies, but also a family gathering. Because you can pick and fish, everyone brought their families with them, and they all came early.

Han Xin parked the car and found Principal Ding who was fishing.

Just as he was about to ask about lunch arrangements, Principal Ding pointed at the bald man standing across the pond chatting with a tall middle-aged man and smiled:

"The guy fishing is Du Zhi from your city bureau's border management detachment, and the guy next to him is the farm owner."

"I'll go over and say hello to Du Zhi, and talk to the boss by the way..."

"Why worry, I haven't finished yet."

Ding Haijun put down his fishing rod, nodded with a smile to Jiang Yue who was nervous and restrained, took out a cigarette and said: "The boss's surname is Wang. He is a comrade of Secretary Guan. He and Secretary Guan were soldiers in the same year. He runs the farm for fun. He There is a factory in the development zone.”

"It turns out to be the big boss!"

"The real big boss, with a net worth of hundreds of millions. As people said, it's rare for our companies to get together once, and it's not the turn of a new recruit like you to treat us."

"How can this be so embarrassing..."

"It's okay. Secretary Guan also said there's no need to be polite to him."

While they were chatting, Miao Chengyu, a second-level senior sergeant of the Customs Anti-Smuggling Bureau, and He Jun, who had chosen his own business to open a small restaurant, accompanied Secretary Guan along a path and walked over happily, chatting and laughing. Ding Haijun quickly took the young couple up to say hello.

Mr. Wang and Du Zhi from the border management detachment also came around the pond.

The young man was very ambitious. Within a year after his return, he had made meritorious deeds one after another.

Secretary Guan was very happy and had a good face. He had just finished the introduction and was about to tease the young man's girlfriend when another guest came and he introduced him again with enthusiasm.

You wouldn't know it without hearing the introduction, but Han Xin was shocked when he heard the introduction.

The last person to arrive was actually Stationmaster Gao of the Binjiang Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station.

The Binjiang entry-exit border inspection station is very powerful. It is not only responsible for the border inspection of Binjiang Airport, but also responsible for the 31 open terminals, 47 berths, two quarantine anchorages and two seaports of Yangkou and Sulu in the Binjiang section of the Yangtze River. entry-exit border inspection tasks.

The gathering of the three major companies naturally involves jokes.

Mr. Wang and Secretary Guan were soldiers of the same age and were members of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC. In his opinion, these leaders were all comrades-in-arms and comrades.

Han Xin and Jiang Yue were just like little policemen. Faced with so many on- and off-duty leaders, they felt a little restrained. They couldn't just go picking with the women, so they could only follow them into a pavilion. Listen to them talking and laughing.

While Secretary Guan was chatting, the conversation suddenly changed: "Xiao Han, I heard that you are unwilling to be transferred to the city bureau?"

Han Xin was stunned for a moment: "Secretary Guan, my education level is not high. I think it is better to stay in the branch."

"Has Xiao Yunbo ever talked to you?"

"Xiao Zhi mentioned it to me, and Cheng Zhi also asked me."

Ding Haijun didn't know these things and subconsciously asked: "Secretary Guan, what's going on with Xiao Han?"

Secretary Guan put down the mineral water and looked back at Han Xin: "Xiao Yunbo planned to help Xiao Han handle the formal transfer. Even the leaders of the municipal bureau thought it was no problem and even planned to promote him as squadron leader, but he was unwilling!"

"Xiao Han, it's a good thing to mention the squadron leader. What do you think?"

"Political Commissar, I'm not good enough to be a squadron leader."

Du Zhixiao looked at him and asked, "Why is your level not good enough? You don't want to go to the city, right?"

Han Xin scratched his head and said sheepishly: "Duzhi, I'm not familiar with the city. I..."

Secretary Guan had a look of hatred on his face: "Thank you for working in Caiyun Company for so long. Logically speaking, you should like the atmosphere from all over the world. I didn't expect that when you go back to your hometown, you will be like ordinary people. You think this place is better than that in your hometown in Linghai. good!"

Stationmaster Gao couldn't help but laugh and said: "The same goes for people from Xingdong, hahaha."

"It's too narrow-minded and doesn't have a big picture view."

Secretary Guan pointed at him and said earnestly: "Xiao Han, you are different from us, you are only in your twenties this year, you are young, and youth is your capital!

If you think about it again, with so many cadres transferred from the military to the public security system every year, how many of them can be assigned positions? "

These words touched Ding Haijun's heart. He stared at him and said seriously: "Xiao Han, you are not just a soldier from our border defense. In a sense, you also represent the military transfer. There are so many battalion and company positions." When cadres transfer to the Public Security Bureau, they can only become ordinary police officers. Why don't you fight for the opportunity!"

This involves a sense of collective honor. Stationmaster Gao takes it seriously: "If you can be transferred to the city bureau and be promoted to squadron leader, why don't you want to? Is your boy a soldier from our border defense? Can he be of some use?"

"Webmaster Gao, I graduated from a vocational high school, and my undergraduate diploma was self-taught..."

"The self-study diploma is recognized by the country, and you have already achieved results. If you don't have the results, the bureau leaders will definitely not consider you as a squadron leader."

Miao Chengyu also thought this was an opportunity, and mused: "Xiao Han, I know your concerns, but as an anti-drug policeman, you should be very aware of the drug situation in Binjiang. If you just stay in Linghai like this, you may be the only one in this life. That’s it.

But if you seize this opportunity, transfer to the anti-drug detachment, and work hard for a few years, it is not impossible to become a deputy detachment leader before retirement, let alone a captain. "

"Brother Miao, don't be joking. I may not even be a squadron leader, so why should I be a deputy detachment leader?"

"Why can't I make it? As long as I transfer over, I can still make it through it. After all, the starting point is different and the platform is different."

Secretary Guan took over the conversation and analyzed: "Xiao Han, I know you are reluctant to leave Linghai, but you should think about how far it is from Linghai to the city, and it only takes thirty minutes by car.

If everyone is like you, what will the office workers in Donghai do? They may spend two or three hours commuting every day. "

"Really, thirty minutes is nothing in a big city." Du Zhi nodded slightly.

"Let's talk about work. You are a professional in anti-narcotics. If you always stay in Linghai, you will soon become an ordinary policeman because there are not so many drugs for you to seize."

Secretary Guan looked back at Station Master Gao, Du Zhi and Miao Chengyu, and continued: "As far as I know, in the six months since you were on a business trip, 80% of the drugs seized in the city came from abroad.

Some were sent from abroad and seized by customs, some were brought by plane and seized by border inspection, and some were brought into the country by seafarers from foreign ships and seized by border inspection and border management detachments.

If you are transferred to the anti-drug detachment, Stationmaster Gao, Du Zhi and Lao Miao will definitely support your work, and then you can show your talents. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the right time, right place and right people! "

Stationmaster Gao finally understood why Secretary Guan invited him to dinner, and couldn't help but smile: "Xiao Han, Secretary Guan is right, your own people will definitely help your own people."

Miao Chengyu smiled half-heartedly: "Our Anti-Smuggling Bureau has already cooperated with your detachment, and we have also signed an agreement to cooperate in combating cross-border drug shipments through parcels, but we don't have a dedicated person to handle it."

Du Zhi patted him on the shoulder: "Although our detachment can't help a lot, we should be able to help with a little help."

Seeing Han Xin hesitate to speak, Secretary Guan looked around at everyone: "Xiao Yunbo wants to transfer Xiao Han to their detachment, largely because he considers that Xiao Han comes from the border defense. I know that as long as Xiao Han is entrusted with important responsibilities, you will The three of you must support us."

"This Xiao Yunbo is really weird!" Stationmaster Gao laughed and cursed.

Du Zhi also patted his thigh and smiled: "The entry-exit border inspection station, the border management detachment, and the customs anti-smuggling bureau are all in place. He is planning to take advantage of the opportunity of transferring Xiao Han to the anti-drug detachment to catch us all in one go."

Ding Haijun didn't want to see his young comrade in the old army not seeking improvement, so he reached out and patted his shoulder: "Xiao Han, this is your advantage, think about it carefully. Xiao Yue, please help me think about it."

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