Veteran new police officer

Chapter 207 News from Nanyun

Cheng Wenming learned about a murder in the Chonggang branch at around 11 p.m.

However, he did not call to inquire about the case, nor would he actively participate in the investigation, because under the current technical conditions, there were no difficult cases at all, and it was only a matter of time before the murderer was caught.

More importantly, he received a call from Nan Yun during lunch. It was related to the safety of a public security policeman. He couldn't care about the murder case now.

At 1:21 p.m., Cui Tao, deputy captain of the criminal police detachment of the municipal bureau, Chen Wenjun, deputy director of the Linghai branch, and Yang Qianli, instructor of the criminal police brigade, were ordered to rush to the police officer training center.

A total of four people did not need to go to the conference room. They just sat around in his office, looked at the computer screen, and held a video conference with Chen Youming, captain of the Xinkang Border Management Detachment of Nanyun Province, and Lu Xiangyang, a police officer of the investigation team.

The first agenda is mutual introductions.

"Boss Chen" didn't expect that Binjiang's colleagues would pay so much attention to it, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, so he simply asked Lu Xiangyang to introduce the situation.

"Reporting to all leaders, around nine o'clock yesterday morning, our detachment's Mangjing Brigade received a report call. The reporter said that drugs would be trafficked into the country at night. The time, location, number of people, route and quantity of drugs transported were clearly stated. "

"After receiving the report, the Mangjing Brigade immediately reported to the detachment and organized police forces to secretly set up an ambush.

Facts have proved that the clues are good. At about 9:42 last night, the investigation team of the Mangjing Brigade and the border police station successfully arrested three suspects and seized 14 kilograms of methamphetamine. "

Lu Xiangyang paused, and then changed the subject: "Through interrogation, it was found that a suspect who was helping overseas drug traffickers, when he was about to enter the ambush circle set by the Mangjing Brigade, claimed that he had a stomachache and wanted to relieve himself.

The suspect who organized the drug transport saw that he had already entered the country, and the pick-up car was not far ahead. He was nervous when he first entered the country illegally, and did not want to make too much noise, so he relaxed his vigilance and no longer watched as closely as when he was abroad. .

Just let him untie his big hand first, and continue walking forward with the other two suspects, and ask him to quickly follow after he finished untying his hands.

The Mangjing Brigade received a tip from exactly three people. Seeing that all three suspects appeared, they decisively closed the net, causing the fourth suspect to escape. "

This was Cui Tao's first time dealing with Nanyun border guards, and he asked in a low voice: "Did the fourth suspect make the reporting call?"

"At first, the Mangjing Brigade thought it was just a coincidence. Later, through interrogation and asking the three arrested suspects to identify the photos, they found that the suspect who slipped through the net was very similar to Wu Shouyi, the drug dealer we wanted online."

"Counsel Lu, what does Wu Shouyi have to do with our Binjiang?"

"His eldest son Wu Qingbo, second son Wu Qingfeng, and his eldest son's wife Sheng Yunli were arrested by us on suspicion of drug trafficking. They have all been sentenced to death and have been executed.

In order to destroy this family-run drug trafficking gang, Han Xin stayed with him for two and a half months and worked as a pony under his eldest son Wu Qingbo for two and a half months. "

Bureau Chen knew that the city bureau leader's request to come to the police officer training center for a meeting was no good, but he didn't expect that it would be related to Han Keng.

Yang Qianli was secretly frightened when he heard this, so much so that he forgot that he had been tricked by Han Keng not long ago.

Not only did Cui Tao not know Han Xin, he had never even heard of the name. He subconsciously asked: "Counsel Lu, is this Han Xin you mentioned coming to our Binjiang?"

Director Chen smiled bitterly and said: "Cui Zhi, Xiao Han was transferred back last year. He turned out to be a policeman in our branch. The city bureau just issued a transfer order today to transfer him to the anti-drug detachment as the squadron leader of the intelligence squadron of the drug case investigation brigade."

The old subordinate was entrusted with an important task. "Boss Chen" was very happy. He raised his head and said with a smile: "That boy has become a squadron leader. Cheng Zhi, you really think highly of him."

"There are no weak soldiers under a strong general. He is the soldier you brought out. Of course our city bureau must reuse him."

Cheng Wenming and "Boss Chen" are old friends. He picked up another cigarette and lit it first with a lighter.

"Boss Chen" also lit one and signaled his subordinates to continue reporting the case.

Lu Xiangyang cleared his throat and continued: "After we received the report, we rushed to the Mangjing Brigade overnight to interrogate the three suspects who were arrested. At the same time, we verified the accounts of the three suspects through various channels, and finally confirmed the one who slipped through the net. It’s Wu Shouyi!

We learned that he was not doing well overseas and suffered from stomach problems. Before entering the country to transport drugs, he went to a small clinic and complained of stomachache, nausea and vomiting. The doctor at the small clinic found that he was also anemic and prescribed some medicine for him. Stomach medicine, I suggest he come to a major hospital in the country for a good check-up. "

It was precisely because he didn't do well, and even had one meal but not another, that he took the risk to help others transport poison. However, he kept an eye on it, came to kill with a borrowed knife, sold the three suspects who organized and helped transport the drugs, and took away twelve kilograms of methamphetamine. "

In Binjiang, drugs seized are measured in grams, and those in the kilogram range are considered major cases.

But people can easily weigh more than ten kilograms, and they talk about it lightly.

Cui Tao was stunned and asked again: "Xiao Lu, are you saying that this Wu Shouyi might come to Binjiang to find Han Xin and take revenge on Han Xin?"

"He definitely wants to take revenge. In fact, he threatened revenge abroad a year ago and even offered a reward of one million. But the desperadoes abroad are not stupid. Who dares to go against us."

"Then will he come?"

"It is unlikely that he will go to your side. First, we are organizing a manhunt, and he can hardly move here.

Secondly, he only knew that Han Xin was from Jiangnan Province. He probably didn't know that Han Xin was in Binjiang, and it was even less likely that he knew Han Xin's current workplace and home address. "

Lu Xiangyang paused and added: "But don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. In line with the attitude of being responsible for our comrades, we must inform you as soon as possible."

Cheng Wenming turned around and said: "Bureau Chen, the reason why the bureau leaders informed you is because although the transfer order to transfer Xiao Han to the Anti-Narcotics Detachment was issued, the formal transfer procedures have not been completed. He is still a policeman in your branch. At the same time, Considering that his family is all in Linghai."


"Cui Zhi, the bureau leader also means not to be afraid of ten thousand, but to be afraid of the worst. The safety of Comrade Han Xin must be ensured. Considering that he is a client and is only good at anti-drugs, he has no control over the public security prevention and control situation in the urban area and even Binjiang. Not familiar with it, so this matter must be kept secret not only from him, but also from Xiao Yunbo and others."

Since you are a party involved, you must avoid suspicion.

As for Xiao Yunbo and Yun Weiting, they are good at anti-drugs, but they are not good at this!

How could Cui Tao not know the good intentions of the bureau leaders? He mused: "As long as we know the suspect's height, age and physical characteristics, as long as he dares to come to our Binjiang, it should not be difficult to catch him."

"Cui Zhi, I will send the suspect's information to Cheng Zhi right now."


"You're welcome, it's actually us who have caused trouble for you guys."

Lu Xiangyang picked up the police pass and forwarded Wu Shouyi's basic information to Cheng Wenming. After thinking about it, he added: "Although this old guy has no education, he is very cunning. This is the second time he has slipped through the net.

He knows that he is wanted by us. If he really knows that Han Xin is in Binjiang, if he can avoid all the checkpoints and leave Nanyun to go to your place, he will definitely not take a plane or a train, but will only take a bus or a black car halfway. Maybe even walking.

He suffers from stomach problems and should only dare to go to the drugstore to buy some medicine or go to a small clinic for treatment. He should not dare to go to a large hospital for examination. He is also unlikely to stay in a hotel, unless he can cash out the drugs in his hands in a short period of time and find a man with no criminal record to help him take care of everything. "

Cui Tao looked at the information forwarded by Cheng Wenming and whispered: "Okay, let's study it and then carry out targeted control."

"Boss Chen" didn't think that the old bastard named Wu could find Binjiang, but when it came to the safety of his old subordinates, he still felt that he was prepared, so he simply changed the subject: "Cheng Zhi, did you just say that Political Commissar Yun and the others planned to let Han Xin do intelligence? "

"Well, he's been busy these days."

"What are you busy with?"

"Follow Xiao Yunbo and Political Commissar Yun to investigate everywhere, including the airport branch, customs anti-smuggling bureau, entry-exit border inspection station, Changhang Airlines Binjiang branch, railway police, border management detachment, international mail supervision center, and several postal express distribution centers. As long as it is for external He has been to all the places.”

Cheng Wenming knocked the ashes of his cigarette and said with a smile: "It is said that he also plans to go to the Coast Guard. I used to follow you to guard the country. Although the nature of his work has changed a bit now, if you think about it carefully, what he is doing is different from before. Pretty much the same.”

This is the true way of knowing people and being kind to them...

After his old subordinate was transferred back, he had a professional counterpart and a bright future. "Boss Chen" was very pleased and couldn't help but smile: "So now he not only sticks to the national gate, but also sticks to the gate of your Binjiang City."

"Well, that's an appropriate metaphor."

"Cheng Zhi, thank you."

"What's there to thank you for? It should be that we want to thank you for helping us cultivate a talent."

Cheng Wenming took a long puff of cigarette and continued: "Chen Zhi, there is something else I forgot to tell you. In fact, all of this was facilitated by the two chief officers of the anti-drug detachment.

I personally don't want him to be transferred to the detachment, and I don't want him to be like before after tossing and turning. But I was a soft-spoken person, and my words didn't count. I could only watch the two men from the anti-drug detachment turn raw rice into cooked rice. "

"Boss Chen" didn't expect him to be so straightforward, and was speechless for a moment.

Everything he saw and heard just now made Yang Qianli secretly frightened, and he finally realized that his loss was not unfair at all.

Chen Ju asked in confusion: "Cheng Zhi, why do you think so?"

"We are also new comrades. What other new comrades need is growth, but what Han Xin needs is to complete the transition from the battlefield to the workplace as soon as possible. But Chen's teaching support was so good, and Xiao Yunbo added fuel to the fire, wanting him to truly integrate into the new environment. It's really tough."

"Cheng Zhi, I know you are doing it for his own good, but I know my soldiers well. If he has done nothing else in these years, he will do this now. If you let him do other things, you might as well let him resign and deliver food. .”

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