Veteran new police officer

Chapter 212 Lu Zhengtong

At 1:30 p.m., Linghai Branch Narcotics Brigade.

Lan Doudou rushed to the office half an hour early, turned on the computer, and modified the courseware produced during the anti-drug training in the first half of the year.

At that time, in order to allow the police participating in the training to have a more intuitive understanding of drugs and drug addicts, a large number of pictures and videos were collected. Some of the videos were even taken specifically at drug rehabilitation centers. Considering that drug arrest is different from drug rehabilitation, many cases solved by colleagues from various places were also collected at that time.

Half a year has passed in the blink of an eye. In the past six months, several methods of hiding and transporting drugs have emerged, and even several new types of drugs that have never been heard of before have appeared.

Compared with the grassroots police of the local public security bureau, customs officers, anti-smuggling police of the Customs Anti-Smuggling Bureau and immigration police at entry-exit border inspection stations are much more professional in drug detection.

As a lecturer who trains others, you must be more professional than others, otherwise you will not only lose your own people, but even the entire Binjiang anti-drug system.

She checked and adjusted page after page, and was thinking about whether to bring some props so that people could smell the smell of drug addicts. Zhang Yuhang and Liu Haipeng knocked on the door and walked in.

"Doudou, what are you busy with?"

"About going to the customs to give lectures, I received a call from Xiao Han in the morning and an invitation letter from Sister Jiang at noon."

"Xiao Zhi also called me." Zhang Yuhang put down his bag and sat across from her.

Lan Doudou smiled and asked, "What did Xiao Zhi say?"

"He said that there will be more training activities in the future. He asked you to go to the customs first to give lectures, and then to the Chonggang Branch and Development Zone Branch. The next new police training will also be held for half a day. He also said that this is also for our branch. It is an affirmation of anti-drug work and I hope we will support it.”

"Does this mean that I should stop doing business and just help them teach?"

"Lectures are business. If others want to give lectures, they haven't had the chance. This is treating you as an anti-narcotics expert!"

"Who told you to speak well and have a good image? Even if you sit on the podium and don't say a word, the people in the audience will not fall asleep."

"Captain Liu, why are you laughing at me!"

Lan Doudou was scolded, but she was happy in her heart. After all, as Zhang Yuhang said, not everyone has the opportunity to teach on stage.

Liu Haipeng didn't care about joking anymore and immediately got down to business: "Doudou, I discussed it with Zhang Da and felt that Liu Xiaohui's matter cannot be left alone."

Mentioning that girl Lan Doudou gave me a headache, and said with a grimace: "Even compulsory drug detoxification is not an administrative penalty or a criminal penalty, it is just a compulsory rehabilitation treatment measure, let alone community detoxification.

We cannot restrict her personal freedom, and this ideological work cannot be done. What can we do when we encounter such a person? "

“There’s not much we can do, but we can’t do nothing.”

Zhang Yuhang took a deep breath, touched the corner of his mouth and said, "Wang Ting is actually quite reasonable, otherwise her family's business would not be so big. The reason why she supports Liu Xiaohui going abroad is largely because she feels that Liu Xiaohui has no development and no development in China. I am discriminated against in terms of my future and even wherever I go.”

As a mother, Lan Doudou could understand Wang Ting's mood and whispered: "In the end, she just wants to help her daughter change her environment so that her daughter can start over."

"But no matter where she goes in China, because Liu Xiaohui is a subject of dynamic control, the public security organs will come to her home for a urine test. Although this is a kind of responsibility for her daughter, she definitely does not think so."

Zhang Yuhang paused and then continued: "She must feel that her daughter has no human rights and that her basic dignity has been violated. It can be said that she is angry and has taken advantage of the situation. Otherwise, she would not have hired a lawyer and is ready to fight with us."

Once a person has a drug abuse record, his or her human rights will not be deprived, but all aspects of work and life will be greatly affected.

Especially at work, which company would recruit a person with a drug abuse record?

This is the biggest difficulty facing the anti-drug work. On the one hand, we must maintain a high-pressure attitude towards drugs and have zero tolerance. On the one hand, it will cause people with drug abuse records to become marginalized people in society.

Lan Doudou really couldn't think of any good solution, so she said helplessly: "If she has the ability to send her daughters abroad, just let them go. It's not easy for us to stop her, and we can't stop her even if we want to. We can't sit at her house." , keeping an eye on her daughter 24 hours a day.”

Liu Haipeng raised his head and said, "Doudou, what you said is just angry."

"What should we do?"

"Think about it, if they can't leave the country, the branch will be sued by her. There's nothing to be afraid of. Although we have never encountered such a situation, it is certainly not the first case across the country, and it will not be the last case. , but this is tantamount to handing over conflicts."

Liu Haipeng put the mobile phone aside and continued: "If they really go abroad, it means that a control object is out of control for us. Not only will it affect performance, but our superiors will definitely ask us how we do our work. of."

"The blame can only be on the lagging legislation. What can we do?"

"There are ways, but they need to be flexible." Zhang Yuhang said with a smile.

Lan Doudou asked in a low voice: "How to change it?" "

"We will do Wang Ting's work in the afternoon. If she really wants to accompany Liu Xiaohui to go abroad, we can support it, but she must first apply to join the Anti-Drug Volunteer Association and work as an anti-drug volunteer with Cao Na and Qian Shanghong for a month. .”

"Zhang Da, do you mean to let her become an anti-drug volunteer and give her daughter a urine test on time after she goes abroad?"

"This is the only way. This is the best solution we can think of."

"But is she willing to come and train with me for a month?"

"She must be willing, because if she doesn't adapt like this, her daughter will seriously violate the community drug treatment agreement. Unless she never returns to the country for the rest of her life, she will be forced to give up the drug after returning to the country."

"Then will she give Liu Xiaohui a urine test on time?"

"Liu Xiaohui is her daughter. She is more distressed than us by Liu Xiaohui's drug abuse."

"Think about it, this is the best of both worlds."

"Since you think it's feasible, then give her a call and ask her if she has time in the afternoon. Let's find a place to have a good chat."

"Okay, I'll hit her right now."

At the same time, although Dinglong Mall paid an advertising company to build a balloon arch, the mall was deserted, with only one customer inquiring about the package deal at the counter.

Wang Xuejun was bored, so he took advantage of his girlfriend's absence to flirt with the young lady at the counter opposite.

While the conversation was getting heated, the mall manager came over and said, "Boss Wang, are you busy?"

"There's not even anyone here, tell me if you're busy or not."

"If you're not busy, just do me a favor. Several people from the Market Administration Bureau are here to convene some kind of symposium with merchant representatives."

"There's another meeting!"

"There are just too many Communist parties. Come on, help me make up the numbers."

Thinking that there was a little girl staring at the counter and it would be okay if she didn't sit here, Wang Xuejun picked up the phone: "Is it still the same conference room as last time?"

"It's the same as last time. You go there first, and I'll find someone else at the cosmetics department."

"Okay, I'll go up first."

Doing business in a shopping mall requires frequent meetings. Wang Xuejun has long been accustomed to it. He took the elevator to the sixth floor and was stopped by two tall young people as soon as he entered the office area of ​​the shopping mall.

"Boss Wang, right? We are from the anti-drug detachment of the city bureau. This is my police card. Please come with us. We want to find out something about you."

"Anti-drug detachment... I sell mobile phones, not drugs. What do you want to know about me?"

"See clearly, we are taking you to the detachment for questioning in accordance with the law. If you don't cooperate, we will take coercive measures!"

Wang Xuejun didn't want to be seen, so he said unhappily: "I know, I know why you are looking for me. Okay, I'll go with you."

Xu Haoran didn't want to make too much noise, so he put away his police card and grabbed his arm: "Let's go down from the elevator over there."

"Don't pull, I told you to follow you, but I won't run away."

"I won't pull, but you have to cooperate."

"I promise to cooperate. I have done nothing wrong. There is nothing to be afraid of."

He was so calm, Xu Haoran was full of suspicion, wondering if he had made a mistake.

Hou Wen was also a little disappointed, but since he was here, he could only take the person downstairs first.

Taking the elevator to the underground parking lot, walking to the car and letting him get into the back seat, Xu Haoran walked around the front of the car, got in from the left, and sandwiched him in the middle.

Auxiliary police officer Xiao Wang looked back, started the engine and drove.

Xu Haoran looked through the car window to confirm that no one was paying attention. He picked up the law enforcement recorder and hung it on the cover of the front seat. He turned around and asked: "Wang Xuejun, you just said upstairs that you knew why we were looking for you. What on earth are you doing?" what do you know?"

"Because I'm from Xijia Town, and we have a Shebo Village in Xijia. There used to be a lot of people in Shebo doing drugs, so you would always check us out no matter where we went."

"Have you been interrogated before?"

"Not in Binjiang. Last time I went to Donghai to play, I was checked on the train." Wang Xuejun looked at the police radio in front of him curiously, thought about it and muttered: "I have many fellow villagers who have been checked."

Xu Haoran didn't expect him to be so open-minded. He stared at him and asked: "Do you think we came to you because you are from La Liga?"

"Then why."

"Are you really not aware, or are you pretending not to know?"

"Uncle policeman, don't fool me, I really don't know."

Most people in Dongguang cannot speak Mandarin well. The man in front of me not only speaks Mandarin well, but also has a relatively high degree of education.

Xu Haoran felt that he was unlikely to be selling drugs, or even suspicious, so he simply took out his mobile phone and pulled out the photos Hou Wen took last night: "Who is this person?"

"This is Lu Zhengtong, are you following me?"

"Answer my question first, how did you meet Lu Zhengtong?"

"I met some friends when we were having dinner together. He is a fellow countryman of mine. What happened to him?"

"Where is he from?"

"He is from Helu County."

"Helu County is big. Where are you from Helu County?"

"I don't know about that, I didn't ask."

Xu Haoran asked: "When did he come to Binjiang? What business is he doing in Binjiang?"

Wang Xuejun really couldn't think of anything wrong with the fellow villager. He scratched his neck and said, "He seems to have come here last year. He is in the cosmetics business. He is different from me. He has not opened a store. He is from the manufacturer, which is equivalent to a supplier. He is a professional Supply to wholesale markets and cosmetics sellers in shopping malls.”

"What cosmetics are you making?"

"Women use cosmetics, put them on their faces, put them on their mouths, everything. I even gave several sets to my girlfriend."

"Where does he live?"

"I used to live in a hotel, but now I live in Xingguangyao. I have a friend who acts as an agent, and I asked my friend to rent the apartment for him."

Xingguangyao is not far from the city hall. It is a commercial and residential building with a good location, beautiful exterior decoration, but also a lot of troubles.

The reason why I say it is a pitfall is that the public area there is very large, the water and electricity bills are very expensive, the taxes on transactions are very high, it is impossible to settle down, and there is no school district.

All housing prices in the surrounding areas have risen, but there has not been any rise there. People who bought apartments for investment at that time are almost regretting it now.

Hou Wen immediately took out the police pass and checked, frowning as he checked.

Xu Haoran glanced at the query results and asked calmly: "Wang Xuejun, through whom did you know Lu Zhengtong?"

"Officer Xu, I really can't remember. Anyway, we met him at the restaurant owned by the fellow who had dinner last night. Not only do I know him, but all the fellow fellows who often go there to eat know him. Don't you rely on fellow fellows when you go out?"

"Who does he play better with?"

Wang Xuejun was stunned by the question. He was stunned for a while and then said with an embarrassed look: "I really don't know, but I have a good relationship with him. I had something at home some time ago and I couldn't make ends meet, so I even borrowed money from him. "

Xu Haoran asked while the iron was hot: "How much did you borrow?"

"Borrowed two hundred thousand."

"Did you give it back to him?"

"I told him that I would pay it back at the end of the year, but he said it didn't matter..."

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