Veteran new police officer

Chapter 218 Classic Case

Xiao Zhi asked Han Xin and Xu Haoran to go home and rest, but arranged for Gui Zhi to participate in the interrogation because it seemed that the detachment leader did not pay enough attention to such a big case.

Furthermore, Guizhi's personality is a bit like Li Chongzheng, the former deputy captain of the Criminal Police Brigade of Linghai Branch. He likes to organize and investigate cases, but he doesn't like to attend various meetings or socialize.

Once at the meeting, he not only fell asleep, but even snored, and was criticized by the bureau leaders.

The reason why Hou Wen and Guizhi were arranged to stay up late together was simpler.

Not only is he single, but he is also an out-of-towner. He still lives in the dormitory of the Police Officer Training Center, making him the perfect candidate for working overtime and staying up late!

Hou Wen did not expect that he had no human rights in the Xingdong Public Security Bureau, and he still had no human rights when he was transferred to the Anti-Narcotics Detachment. He sat in the observation room of the Chonggang Branch Case Handling Center and listened to the interrogation for a while. He walked out of the observation room and took back his mobile phone. According to Xiao Zhi's request, Hou Wen Group chat started.

Xiao Zhi might be busy, or he might not have heard or joined the group voice.

Political Commissar Yun had been waiting for news at home, and immediately went to the study and asked: "Xiao Hou, has Sun Baoping spoken?"

"Reporting to the political commissar, he spoke and confessed to the crime of intentionally killing Yang Qin."

"Why did he kill Yang Qin?" Xu Haoran asked curiously.

Hou Wen turned sideways and looked at the auxiliary police officer who was delivering supper to the people who stayed up late to handle the case. He held up his mobile phone and said, "There is a case in the case. The case is quite complicated. It turns out that Jiang Zhengfei, who lived with Yang Qin, was a drug dealer. He once sold drugs to Sun Baoping and Yang Qin. Qin not only knew about it, but also helped Jiang Zhengfei deliver goods."

Political Commissar Yun asked in a low voice: "What then?"

"Later on, he couldn't contact Jiang Zhengfei, so he had to work with Cao Guoxiang and Zhu Ailing to find the source of drugs again, mainly through the Internet, and he was deceived several times during this period.

The day before the incident, he was addicted to drugs and was particularly irritable. He was wandering around outside and accidentally saw Yang Qin. "

After hearing what Hou Wen said, Han Xin roughly guessed how Yang Qin was killed, and suddenly said: "Drug dealers must not let drug addicts know where they live, otherwise they will be close to death."

"Captain Han, as you said, he confessed that as soon as he saw Yang Qin, he wanted to steal drugs. He took action and followed Yang Qin all the way to the private house where Yang Qin rented. He knocked on the door and said he was looking for Jiang Zhengfei. Qin met him and opened the door for him, saying that Jiang Zhengfei was not here."

Hou Wen paused, then continued: "He didn't believe it, so he tied up Yang Qin, and then rummaged through the cabinets to find drugs. Yang Qin knew that participating in drug trafficking would be held criminally responsible, so he didn't dare to shout for help, so he could only explain. Jiang Zhengfei ran away long ago, and she was abandoned by Jiang Zhengfei.

Not only did he not believe it, but he also became angry. Thinking that he could get some money if he couldn't find drugs, he used a dagger to force Yang Qin to transfer all the money in the card to him. Yang Qin's financial situation may not be very good, so she was very reluctant and uncooperative, and even claimed to call 110.

After he succeeded, he simply became heartbroken. He stood behind Yang Qin, covered Yang Qin's mouth with one hand, and stabbed Yang Qin six times with a dagger with the other hand. After confirming that Yang Qin was dead, he calmly left the scene. Take the high road and choose the small road.

After withdrawing the money, I was worried that the public security organs would find out, so I turned off the phone to get the card, went around a long way to find Cao Guoxiang and Zhu Ailing, gave the money to Cao Guoxiang to buy drugs, and then smoked together. "

Political Commissar Yun was more concerned about the drug case than the murder case: "Zhu Ailing said in the afternoon that the drugs were bought online. Is the delivery speed that fast?"

"This will only be known after Cao Guoxiang and Zhu Ailing completely wake up. He doesn't know where Cao bought it."

"Then, do Cao Guoxiang and Zhu Ailing know about his murder?"

"He didn't say anything, and Cao Guoxiang and Zhu Ailing didn't ask either."

Hou Wen thought for a while and added: "He didn't seem to be covering up. He was very scared at first, but after he spoke, he became more and more calm, pretending to be indifferent, saying that he had seen through the world a long time ago. I no longer want to live.”

Han Xin has seen many people like this. Now she says she is not afraid, but when the death sentence comes down, she will be scared to death.

Han Xin pondered for a moment and said: "So there are two drug cases now, one is drug trafficking by Jiang Zhengfei, and the other is drug trafficking by Cao Guoxiang and Zhu Ailing's boss."

Hou Wen said quickly: "Guizhi and Ren Da are studying it. They can't believe that there are actually two drug trafficking gangs in our Binjiang."

"Drug dealers and addicts have no criminal record, they are not the subject of dynamic control, and they are not even locals. It is very likely that the people who buy drugs from them are not locals either. It is normal that they have not mastered it before."

"Then these two cases are really being investigated jointly with the Chonggang Branch?"

"Commissar, what do you think?"

Political Commissar Yun said without hesitation: "We have few manpower, and now everyone from top to bottom is asking us to decentralize the police force. It is not appropriate to always transfer police from the grassroots level, so we can only jointly investigate with the Chonggang Branch. And our work focus is not on certain cases. We Consider the overall situation.”

Han Xin smiled and said, "Okay, we will listen to you."

Political Commissar Yun was afraid of dampening the enthusiasm of the young men and emphasized: "Through today's incident, we can see the importance of intelligence work. In the past, it was from clues to people, from people to people, or from cases to people, but this time From intelligence to people to cases, it can be said that clues are discovered through basic and controlling intelligence."

A leader is a leader, and he can sum up the truth so quickly.

Han Xin was impressed. Just as she was about to end the call and go downstairs to pick up her girlfriend who was shopping with her mother-in-law, political commissar Yun said again:

"And we have a lot of work to do next. For example, we need to investigate Cai Jiasheng's suspected illegal possession of guns and illegal possession of drugs. We need to find out what happened when he was absconding in fear of crime. We need to contact several public security bureaus who want him. Communication and coordination.

I almost forgot that I have to apply to freeze the funds in his three bank cards tomorrow morning. In short, things have to be prioritized. The hard nut of Cai Jiasheng must be broken first. We cannot give up eating because of choking. "

Several million in drug money could not be recovered even though a series of small drug cases were solved.

What kind of hard bone is this? This is obviously a piece of fat!

Han Xin couldn't help but laugh.

Xu Haoran was also secretly having fun.

Hou Wen was also very happy that he had made his first contribution to this case. After thinking about it, he added: "Political Commissar, Team Han, there is a situation that I almost forgot to mention. I just examined the three suspects and found that Cao Guoxiang and Zhu Ailing not only tested positive for drugs. positive, the HIV test was also positive.

Xia Bureau and Wu Da from the Chonggang Branch are contacting the detention center and drug rehabilitation center. The detention center seems to have said that they have an AIDS prison area, but they only take in suspects with AIDS, not drug-addicted AIDS suspects. . "

Nine out of ten people addicted to methamphetamine are promiscuous, and it is not uncommon to contract AIDS.

What's more, where to send the suspect is a headache for the leaders of Chonggang Branch.

Han Xin didn't care about this, but reminded: "Haoran, Zhu Ailing fell in love with you this afternoon, and kept getting closer to you. She can't wait to kiss you a few times."

Xu Haoran suddenly trembled and said hurriedly: "Political Commissar, I'm going to wash my face and brush my teeth first. I want to take a shower quickly."

Thinking of the female suspect's nymphomaniac and idiot look when she saw Xu Haoran in the afternoon, Political Commissar Yun also realized that this was not a trivial matter, and quickly said: "The clothes must be washed well, preferably with 84 disinfectant!"

Hou Wen did not participate in the arrest of Cao Guoxiang and Zhu Ailing. After hearing what the political commissar and Han Keng said, he directly believed that Xu Haoran was bitten or spat on by the suspect in the afternoon, and quickly suggested: "Old Xu, have you washed your hands yet?" It’s best to go to the hospital to take blockers.”

Although he was not spat on by the suspect in the afternoon, it was hard to tell whether he had inhaled the suspect's spit foam. The more Xu Haoran thought about it, the more frightened he became. He said with a grimace: "I'll wash it off first, and then go to the hospital for a checkup."

Political Commissar Yun agreed: "It's okay to go to the hospital for a checkup. It's safe to go to the hospital for a checkup."

The more Han Xin thought about it, the funnier she became. She couldn't help but joke: "People like police guys like you, Lao Xu. It seems that you are too handsome and charming, which is not entirely a good thing."

"Captain Han, please stop gloating about your misfortune, you have already tricked me!"

"When have I ever tricked you?"

"Just now, you clearly knew that Ren Da was my old leader, yet you said that I was the one who found out the clues about Sun Baoping's whereabouts."

"You were the one who found out, am I wrong?"

"I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to wash my face and brush my teeth first. I'm going to the hospital to take the blockers later."

Chatting with a few young people, Political Commissar Yun felt that he had become younger. He couldn't help laughing and said: "Xiao Han, you have tricked Xiao Xu quite badly today. He is not only Ren Zhongnian's old subordinate, but also Ren Zhongnian's old subordinate." Zhongnian’s apprentice. Think about it, he made his master disgraced, how can his master make him feel better?"

Han Xin reacted: "It turns out it's because of this. It's a bit embarrassing to think about it."

Hou Wen really wanted to trick the leaders of his old unit, but unfortunately he didn't have the opportunity. He gloated and asked: "Political Commissar, does this mean that Xu Haoran will not be able to return to his old unit in a short time?"

Political Commissar Yun put down his cell phone and confirmed that Xu Haoran had exited the group chat. He couldn't help but smile and said: "It's not that I won't be able to reply in a short time, I guess I won't be able to reply for a long time."


“Because the provincial department will hold a province-wide anti-drug intelligence business training in Binjiang in a few days, we are the host, and the bureau leaders will take the stage to speak.

Director Yang called Xiao Zhi in the evening and asked us to prepare materials quickly. He planned to talk about today's case as a classic case of our city bureau's anti-drug intelligence work. "

"I'll go, this won't put the Chonggang branch on the fire!"

"It's not as serious as you think. After all, the case was solved by our Binjiang police, and the suspect was arrested by our Binjiang police, and it was solved within thirty hours. There is no shame in telling people."

Political Commissar Yun smiled and emphasized: "Many murder cases can be solved a year, but it is difficult to achieve anything in intelligence work. Director Yang is having a headache and has nothing to talk about. Now there is a ready-made case. Of course Let’s talk about it carefully.”

Han Xin finally understood why Xiao Zhi was so easy to talk to at night. Several suspects were handed over as soon as they were told. It turned out that there was a bigger pit behind him!

Hou Wen also realized what this meant to the Chonggang Branch, and suddenly sympathized with Xu Haoran.

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