With the arrest of four suspects in one fell swoop and the province's anti-drug intelligence business training approaching, the anti-drug detachment, from leaders to police officers, has become very busy.

The representative detachment of Guizhi teamed up with the Chonggang Branch to investigate two drug cases that had just surfaced. Xu Haoran and Hou Wen were responsible for the investigation of Cai Jiasheng's suspected illegal possession of drugs and illegal possession of guns.

In the words of the leader, individual cases are important, but individual cases cannot affect the overall situation.

Han Xin, the leader of the intelligence squadron, could only follow the leader's request and go with Sister Jiang to first visit the Drug Rehabilitation Guidance Section of the Justice Bureau, and then visit the compulsory drug rehabilitation center of the Municipal Bureau and the compulsory drug rehabilitation center of the judicial system.

The two drug rehabilitation centers are the places with the largest number of drug addicts in Binjiang, and they are also the places where it is easiest to find drug-related clues!

Han Xin felt that he should have come a long time ago, but Sister Jiang did not have time to accompany him to communicate with the police at the drug rehabilitation center. She said hello to the leader of the center and hurried back to the unit to prepare for the meeting.

I worked overtime yesterday and I have to work overtime tonight.

As soon as Han Xin walked out of the drug rehabilitation center, she quickly called Jiang Yue.

It was common for police officers to work overtime. Jiang Yue was used to it and was not unhappy. Instead, she asked curiously: "The detachment is an agency, why is the agency so busy?"

"The detachment is an agency, but the detachment also has to handle cases. We have one case of our own, and we have to work with the Chonggang branch to investigate two cases. We also have to study and analyze drug cases in the city. We don't have time during the day, so we can only analyze the case at night. meeting."

"What were you busy with during the day?"

"I visited two drug rehab centers in one day, and I just got out of the drug rehab center now."

"We have two drug rehabilitation centers in Binjiang?"

"Yes, one is from our municipal bureau, and the other is a drug treatment center under the jurisdiction of the Drug Treatment Bureau of the Provincial Department of Justice."

Jiang Yue really didn't know this and asked curiously: "Is there any difference?"

Han Xin turned on the turn signal, held the steering wheel and explained: "There is a difference. The compulsory drug detoxification period is two years. The longest period of detention in our public security detoxification center cannot exceed one year, and then it is transferred to the judicial detoxification center. It is different from the detention center and prison." The relationship is somewhat similar.”

"I understand, you go ahead and drive slowly when you come back."


Unexpectedly, just after hanging up the phone, Lan Doudou called again.

Han Xin looked at the long queue of traffic and lightly stepped on the brakes: "Master, what's the matter?"

Lan Doudou stood under the stage of Linghai Grand Theatre, raising her hand to greet Xu Linlin who was rehearsing on the stage, and smiled: "Xiao Han, guess who I am with now?"

The sound insulation effect of the car was relatively good. Han Xin could hear the movement on her side clearly and said without thinking: "Are you with my cousin?"

"How did you know!"

"I've been to Dancing Star and seen her rehearsing. Master, why are you with her? Is the team going to have another cultural activity?"

"Why is our brigade doing activities? Our brigade is helping your detachment do it!"

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "Help us do it?"

"You don't know?" Lan Doudou asked.

"I'm so busy, I really don't know."

Lan Doudou sat down and took a sip of water. She looked at the girls dancing on the stage with a smile and said, "The provincial department arranged the province's anti-drug intelligence business training in Binjiang. The leaders of the municipal bureau requested that the activities be made more colorful.

Just last year, the Municipal Anti-drug Office and the Municipal Bureau began to select the most beautiful anti-drug people in the city and commend the city's advanced anti-drug groups and individuals. I don’t know why, but I haven’t done anything about it until now. "

Han Xin reacted: "So I want to take this opportunity to do it. When the time comes, invite the leaders of the provincial department to attend and even award awards?"

"But your detachment is too busy, so Xiaozhi left the award ceremony to us, Linghai, to host it. The time is too tight. Fortunately, there are many units and individuals to be commended. In addition to the leaders' speeches, we only need to rehearse four programs interspersed with them. ”

"Should we invite the leaders and trainees to visit the brigade then?"

"That's for sure. According to the agenda, the large group will come over after dinner. They will first visit our group, then come to the Grand Theater, attend the commendation ceremony, and watch the performance, and then collectively take the bus back to the Police Officer Training Center."

Lan Doudou thought about it and said proudly: "Linghai is the only bright spot in Binjiang in terms of anti-drug control."

Han Xin smiled and said: "So you are very busy!"

"Zhang Da and Captain Liu are busy. I'm going to give a lecture at the customs tomorrow. After the lecture, I will report to the Police Officer Training Center to participate in intelligence business training."

"I almost forgot, you have to train others as well as participate in training."

"Are you going to participate?"

"I still want to participate. I'll ask Sister Jiang later if she can change our seats and arrange for us to sit together."

"What are you thinking about all day long? I won't sit with you!"

"If you don't push me down at the same table, I'll find another young lady."

"Are you itchy? Believe it or not, I'll tell Xiaoyue."

"Master, I'm kidding you."

During the training, many people didn’t know me.

Lan Doudou actually wanted to sit with the "evil disciple", but she couldn't care less now. She covered her mouth and snickered: "Xiao Han, let me tell you good news, Yang Biaohan can no longer be strong!"

Han Xin immediately became energetic: "What's wrong with him?"

"The bureau originally had an anti-email fraud center, but the previous anti-email fraud center can no longer keep up with the situation. This morning, the bureau leaders studied and decided to make the anti-email fraud center as physical as our anti-narcotics office, starting from the criminal police brigade, The Cyber ​​Security Brigade and the Combined Warfare Center have mobilized civilian police, staff and auxiliary police to form a new anti-electronic fraud center!"

"Are you going to cut him off again?"

"So he can't be tough anymore, but I think it's very necessary. Telecom fraud is so rampant now. Even I, a police officer, can receive several fraudulent text messages a day."

"Can the new anti-email fraud center solve the problem?" Han Xin asked in a low voice.

Lan Doudou said: "Although it may not solve the problem fundamentally, it is definitely better than before. This is led by the district government and our branch. We must integrate police resources. After that, ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Postal Savings Bank and the three major operators of China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom will jointly settle in.

I heard that after it is completed, the accounts involved in the case nationwide can be queried, stopped, and frozen as soon as possible. It is necessary to install a new system to implement real-time monitoring, real-time discovery and real-time attack on "pseudo base stations".

I heard that all the police officers with the highest academic qualifications in the branch will be transferred there. If any telecom fraud cases occur in the future, the Anti-Telecom Fraud Center will uniformly accept, inquire, block, investigate and deal with them, and organize preventive publicity at the same time. "

Anti-drug control became independent.

Anti-email fraud does not need to be dealt with by the criminal police brigade.

The branch office became more and more professional. The more Han Xin thought about it, the more interesting it became: "Yang Biaohan will definitely not be happy, and he might faint in the toilet from crying, hahaha."

Lan Doudou chuckled and said, "I don't know if he fainted in the toilet from crying, but he will definitely have a hard time in the future. A good woman can't make a living without rice, and she can't do anything. In the future, she can only compete with his old employer for business. "

The criminal police team was getting worse and worse. Han Xin was filled with emotion. After thinking about it, she curiously asked: "What about his professional anti-email fraud team?"

"Disbanded, Fan Ziyu was transferred to the Anti-Electronic Fraud Center, Zhou Kehong and Li Yijun returned to their respective squadrons, and now there is only one professional anti-crime and anti-evil team left. But do we have so many gangs involved in crime in Linghai?"

"Poor Yang Biaohan, he is becoming more and more difficult to be a big brother."

"Let's not talk about him anymore. Zhang Da asked me to remind you that if you find any clues, as long as they involve our Linghai, you must call us in time, whether it is criminal or public security!"

The old unit now also has a strike mission, which involves performance appraisal, which is no joke. It must compete with Yang Biaohan for business.

Han Xin muttered: "Master, as soon as you tell me, I discovered a fighter plane."

"What fighter plane?"

"Didn't I and Xiao Zhi go to the Customs, Changhang Branch and Coast Guard for a few days to investigate, and found that there are many smuggling cases in our Binjiang River, especially the smuggling of refined oil products."

Lan Doudou murmured and asked, "Do we have jurisdiction over smuggling cases?"

Han Xin looked at the traffic light in front and said with a smile: "Our brigade definitely doesn't have it, but the Economic Investigation Brigade should have it, because the Economic Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau has added a sign of 'anti-smuggling', so our branch's Economic Investigation Brigade should also add it." Put up a sign saying 'Private business'."

"Now that I think of it, the Economic Investigation Brigade has put up several more signs, and the Food and Drug Administration is independent from the Economic Investigation Brigade!"

"You need to understand the situation first. If they have jurisdiction over the smuggling case, you can cooperate with them."

"As long as it is a criminal case, our branch will definitely have the authority to take charge of it. Instead of asking for economic investigation, we can also go to the department that has the authority to take charge. The main thing is clues. What will happen if there are no clues!"

Han Xin said confidently: "Master, when I was checking the bottom of chemical companies in the first half of the year, I saw that there were several private gas stations in Binhai New Area. The oil price was lower than the 'two barrels of oil', and many trucks went there to queue up for refueling. I didn't understand at first. , and now I know that there may be something wrong with the source of the oil.”

Lan Doudou asked eagerly: "Smuggled here?"

"Maybe it was stolen by the 'oil rats' on the river. Anyway, as long as you pay attention, you can definitely find out the problem."

"I know, I'll call Zhang Da right now."

"Zhang Da doesn't have time."

"Zhang Da and Captain Liu don't have time, but my second uncle has time."

Almost forgetting that there was a former criminal police brigade instructor who was dismissed from his old unit, Han Xin said quickly: "Okay, you tell Zhang Da first, as long as Teacher Yu finds out the clues and confirms that the oil was smuggled from the river, I will help You coordinate with the Customs Anti-Smuggling Bureau and jointly investigate when the time comes."

"What if it comes from the sea?"

"I will help you coordinate with the Coast Guard. Whether it is a joint investigation with the Customs Anti-Smuggling Bureau or a joint investigation with the Coast Guard, this should be the first case in our branch."

"It's very possible. Anyway, I haven't seen any unit jointly investigate with others in these years."

"That's it, the amount involved in this kind of case is not small, there must be something behind it!"


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