Veteran new police officer

Chapter 222 Advanced!

The professional anti-email fraud team was disbanded, and Li Yijun was finally "liberated". Although he was still busy after returning to the squadron in the city, he was so busy that he felt accomplished and he was really happy.

Zhou Kehong also got what he wanted. As soon as he received the order, he organized the case files and hurriedly handed them over.

Seeing the boxes of case files being taken away by the newly established upgraded Anti-Electronic Fraud Center, including Fan Ziyu, the team's newly established model, Yang Qianli couldn't be happy.

Huang Da knew that he wanted to do a great job and could understand his feelings at this moment. He reminded: "Lao Yang, when will it be announced that the Third Squadron will display the 'Picture Scout Squadron' sign?"

The Third Squadron was originally an intelligence squadron, but the branch had already established an intelligence center with overlapping powers. The bureau leaders simply took the opportunity of upgrading the Anti-Electronic Fraud Center to version 2.0, took off the name of the Intelligence Squadron, and replaced it with the Intelligence Squadron of the Criminal Police Brigade. It became the Picture Scout Squadron.

Picture reconnaissance is to look at surveillance...

Although the work after the name change was similar to before, it didn't sound as grand as the Intelligence Squadron.

The more Yang Qianli thought about it, the more depressed he became. He asked in a consultative tone: "How about tomorrow? It's too late to notify several squadrons in the responsible area today."

"Then arrange it for tomorrow morning."

Huang laughed, picked up his phone and pulled out a notification he had just received: "One more thing, the Municipal Anti-Drug Office and the Municipal Bureau will hold a commendation meeting at our Linghai Grand Theater at 7:40 tonight.

Municipal leaders, municipal bureau leaders and district leaders will all attend, as will provincial and departmental leaders and provincial and departmental anti-drug corps leaders.

The security was handled by the Chengnan Police Station and the Special Patrol Brigade, and the Traffic Police Brigade was responsible for transportation. We just had to be spectators.

Hurry up and ask each squadron to count how many police officers can participate. After the count is completed, quickly report to the Political Department so that seats can be arranged. "

Leaders of provincial departments and anti-drug corps are also here!

Yang Qianli didn't expect Zhang Yuhang to make such a big noise again quietly. He looked at the notification on Huang Da's phone and said, "What are we going to do at the commendation ceremony for the anti-drug system?"

"I heard that this event was arranged very urgently, so I gave Zhang Yuhang two days to prepare. The theater is so big, there are so many seats, and it doesn't look good with too few audiences."

"Does this mean we are asking for people to use their heads as background and applaud others?"

"You can't say that, this is also an opportunity to show the image of our Linghai branch. And why the city's seven district, county, and municipal police bureaus arranged to hold it in our Linghai, it can be said that this is an affirmation of our Linghai branch. "

Huang Da looked at the time on his phone and urged: "Hurry up and notify us. The department leaders, city leaders and city bureau leaders will come to Linghai at 5:30. They will visit Zhang Yuhang first, and then go to the Grand Theater after the visit."

"Okay, I'll let the general office notify you first."

"Everyone must wear police uniforms and pay attention to police appearance and conduct."


The brigade police received the notice and hurriedly came to the canteen to eat.

Zhou Kehong, Li Yijun and Xu Wenjing were very happy. They were whispering about whether Han Keng would attend the commendation ceremony that evening and whether he would be commended. Yang Qianli walked in with a straight face. No one dared to say anything. As silent as a cicada.

Yang Qianli thought that the young men were as unhappy as him, so he thought they should boost their morale and sat down opposite Zhou Kehong with a lunch box in his hand.

"what's the topic?"

"Nothing to talk about, Professor Yang, today's braised pork was well done."

"Stop pretending, it's just disbanding a professional team. What's the big deal?"

Yang Qianli put down his chopsticks and said in a measured tone: "I know you envy the anti-drug brigade. Since you are envious, you should work hard and work hard. When it comes to cases, there are not as many drug cases in Linghai as other criminal cases. The anti-drug brigade can handle so few cases. If you are doing a great job under the circumstances, our criminal police brigade can do the same!"

Xu Wenjing thought to herself that you leaders are the only ones who want to be prosperous. We ordinary police officers only need to do our jobs well. No one envies the anti-drug brigade...

However, she only dared to think about these words and did not dare to say them out. She simply picked up the lunch box and said: "Teacher Yang, I am full. You can eat slowly."

"You're so skinny, you should eat more."

"How can I lose weight? I'm almost 110 pounds."

Xu Wenjing smiled brightly and ran away with her lunch box.

Li Yijun didn't want to be educated even when he was eating. He wanted to run away but didn't dare.

Zhou Kehong also didn't want to live without a meal, so he immediately changed the subject: "Jiao Yang, tonight is the commendation ceremony for the anti-drug system. Do you think Han Keng will be commended?"

Yang Qianli picked up his chopsticks and muttered: "There will definitely be media interviews tonight, and they may be broadcast live on the Internet. He has offended many people in the past, and his identity is shady. It is unlikely that he will be publicly commended."

"That's the bad thing about anti-narcotics. Although you have achieved results, you can't get the same honors as others."

"The superiors will definitely give you the honor that should be given, but they won't give it to you publicly."

When talking about his cousin, Li Yijun couldn't help but say: "He doesn't care about this either."

Thinking about it carefully, Yang Qianli suddenly discovered that Han Keng was really Buddhist. He didn't like to appear in public or participate in various meetings and activities. He couldn't help but sigh: "He has seen the big world and experienced big storms. He really doesn't care about this."

At the same time, Chengdong Police Station instructor Li Duwang also received the notice and also chatted with Nie Guangjun about Han Keng in the cafeteria.

"This kind of selection is based on seniority. He has only been transferred from Nanyun for a short time, and he has been transferred to the anti-drug detachment for an even shorter time. I don't think he will be there."

"He will definitely participate. After all, he is now a police officer in the anti-drug detachment."

"I guess we have arrived at the anti-drug brigade. I heard that the first stop is to visit Zhang Yuhang's place."

We hold activities again and again, and receive provincial and departmental leaders from time to time. Looking at the whole branch, apart from the Chengnan Police Station, there is also the anti-drug brigade.

Thinking of Zhang Yuhang's popularity during this period, Li Duwang said sourly: "Han Keng may not be able to be selected, but Zhang Yuhang will definitely be selected as either the most beautiful anti-drug person or an advanced individual in anti-drug."

Nie Guangjun smiled and said: "Liu Haipeng and Lan Doudou may also be selected. After all, this time they are said to be selected by the Municipal Anti-Drug Office, but in fact they are selected by the Anti-Drug Detachment. They have such a good relationship with the detachment that they even entrust such a big event to them. Honor will definitely follow them."

"Don't be envious. We can't envy this kind of thing."

In fact, Han Xin was neither selected nor returned to Linghai with the large army.

At this moment, he was sitting in Cheng Wenming's office, chatting with Cheng Wenming.

"Cheng Zhi, why didn't you come this morning? I heard from Sister Jiang that the department leader also asked you and wanted to express condolences to you."

"I have nothing to express my condolences to. I just didn't come because I was afraid of trouble."

"Say hello to the department leader, what's the trouble?"

Cheng Wenming picked up his mobile phone, looked at where the takeaway he just ordered was delivered, and raised his head and said: "It's rare for leaders to come to the training center. It would be wrong not to visit me, an old comrade. If I were here, I wouldn't go to the leaders." It's not polite to say hello to you. It's better not to come, it will save everyone trouble."

Han Xin immediately complimented: "You are so noble and honorable. Others can't even meet the department leaders if they want to."

"Stop flattering me, you kid doesn't like this kind of social interaction."

"I'm not qualified to participate in this kind of entertainment."

"Then why don't you go back to Linghai with the group to attend the commendation ceremony?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time and wanted to chat with you."

Cheng Wenming was so shrewd, how could he believe his lies? He couldn't help laughing and said: "It's not a bad thing if you don't like to join in the fun. Tell me, how does it feel to be officially transferred to the detachment?"


"What do you mean it's okay?"

"Something to do."

Han Xin thought about it and smiled: "But there are not many things that we can do. For example, the two drug cases jointly investigated by our detachment and the Chonggang Branch. With me and without me, there is not much difference."

It was difficult for others to understand, but Cheng Wenming could understand his feelings. He lit up a cigarette and said with a smile, "Do you know why I asked to take a back seat? In fact, my feelings at that time were similar to yours now. I felt that I was really useless."

"How dare I compare with you."

"Don't be modest. I know it's hard for you to get used to your current work life, but try to get used to it. Besides, you are an intelligence police officer now, and your main job is to collect, analyze and judge intelligence clues."

"I know, I actually quite like my current job."

"Stop talking around in circles. I know what you want to know. Don't ask. It's useless. I don't know anything just like you."

Han Xin really wanted to ask about Bai Xinrui's current situation, but was blocked before she could open her mouth. She could only smile and said: "Cheng Zhi, you misunderstood. Don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask. I understand this."

Cheng Wenming nodded slightly, then changed the topic: "Has there been any progress in the two drug cases in Chonggang Branch?"

"There has been progress in the case involving Nanhu. Guizhi personally led a team to arrest three suspects, but they were all small fish raised and sucked by traffickers."

"Do you have the conditions to move up?"

"The family of those three little fishes is in Dongguang. Judging from the purity and price of the drugs, the supplier is probably also a small fish. Guizhi is following the clues to investigate."

Cheng Wenming knocked the cigarette ashes and asked: "Where is the line that Ren Zhongnian checked?"

Han Xin said helplessly: "There is not much progress. That Jiang Zhengfei has disappeared from the world, and his whereabouts have not been known until now. Judging from his activities during his stay in Binjiang, although he rented in the city, he was not in Xing There are more frequent activities in Xingdong, and I plan to go to Xingdong with Hou Wen to visit after the training."

Thinking of the murder cases he had investigated back then, Cheng Wenming asked in a low voice: "Xiao Han, do you think Jiang Zhengfei might have been murdered like his mistress Yang Qin?"

"There is a possibility that in order to sell drugs, he wantonly persuaded others to take drugs. We cannot rule out the possibility of being ganged up on."

"If he is dead and you don't even know where the body is hidden, then this case will be difficult to investigate."

"But compared to being killed, I think it is more likely that he has found a stable home and established a stable sales channel."

Looking at Cheng Wenming's thoughtful look, Han Xin continued: "I have encountered similar drug dealers. In the beginning, in order to open up sales, they were active and dared to do anything. Once they found a stable partner, they would make a lot of money. Once we have the money, we start to consider safety and take various measures to prevent us from tracing and cracking down.”

"So Ren Zhongnian's direction is wrong again. He should not focus on the suspect's hometown. Instead, he should go to Xingdong to find out the suspect's drug trafficking network in our Binjiang, and follow the clues to track down the suspect's whereabouts."

"It cannot be said that the direction of the investigation is completely wrong. Without going to his hometown to investigate, we would not know his situation and social relations in his hometown, especially before he came to our Binjiang."

“That’s right, these basic tasks may seem useless, but they must be done.”

Cheng Wenming thought for a while and then asked: "Are you confident that you can find out the clues by going to Xingdong?"

Han Xin grinned: "I'm not good at anything else. It's not difficult for me to do this, not to mention that I can use the elimination method now."

"How to rule it out?"

"The drug addicts we have identified are all subjects of dynamic control. Basically, all those who should undergo urine tests have been tested. It seems that only two community drug addicts have lost contact and escaped control. In other words, if there is a drug trafficking network, then their target customers , not the drug addicts we already have.”

"Drugs are sold to outsiders in Xingdong?"

"The bosses of many companies in Xingdong are foreigners, and the properties developed by Xingdong on the seaside have been sold to Donghai people." Han Xin took a deep breath and added: "It is also possible that Xingdong is just a transit station for the entire drug trafficking channel, and the middlemen are not The drugs were not sold in Xingdong, but sold to Donghai."

Xingdong is close to Donghai, and the dialect of Xingdong is similar to the Donghai dialect, so many people in Xingdong are looking forward to being merged into Donghai and have no sense of belonging to Binjiang.

Thinking about the frequent exchanges between Xingdong and Donghai, the capable Xingdong people went to Donghai to buy houses, and those with low education went to Donghai to work, and the properties developed by Xingdong were mainly sold to Donghai people. Cheng Wenming suddenly discovered that Han Xin's The analysis makes sense.

"Since you have confidence, then check it out carefully."


"I'm not your superior, what am I?"

Cheng Wenming asked back, looked at the desk calendar and said, "If you have time next Saturday night, come with me to have a meal at the military subdivision guest house."

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "Cheng Zhi, what activities are you doing?"

"A few old friends are getting together. Just know about it and don't tell others."

"It's not appropriate for me to go to a gathering of your old friends."

"You can go if you are told, and I don't want you to pay for it!"

What Han Xin fears most now is socializing. She said with an embarrassed look: "Cheng Zhi, I appreciate your kindness. I'd better not go."

Cheng Wenming didn't want to force anyone to make things difficult for him, so he nodded slightly: "Forget it if you don't want to go. You young people should play with young people. When I went back to my hometown the day before yesterday, Li Zheng asked you to take your girlfriend to Sigang."

"He also came to participate in the training today. This time, he will be the first to go first."

"Who else?"

Cheng Wenming asked curiously.

Han Xin took out her cell phone, pulled out the commendation ceremony agenda forwarded to him by Lan Doudou, doubled the list of commended individuals and units, and held it up in front of him.

The ten most beautiful anti-drug people are mainly anti-drug volunteers and anti-drug social workers. There are only two policemen.

But there are only two in Linghai, one is Qian Shanghong, an anti-drug social worker whose short videos have attracted millions of attention, and the other is Lan Doudou, the instructor of Linghai’s anti-drug brigade.

There are ten advanced anti-drug groups in the city, and the anti-drug brigade of Linghai Branch was selected as no surprise.

There are many advanced individuals in anti-drug control in 2018-2019, forty-six in total. Zhang Yuhang, deputy director of the Linghai District Anti-Drug Office, and Liu Haipeng, captain of the anti-drug brigade of Linghai Branch, are on the list.

Cheng Wenming looked at it and couldn't help but smile and said: "Your old unit is fine. If you make collective progress and individual progress, each one will be considered for the overall selection."

Han Xin chuckled and said: "Actually, there is still a policeman in our old unit. If he had not been punished and dismissed in the first half of the year, he should have been rated as advanced this time."

"Yu Jinze?"

"Cheng Zhi, do you know our Yujiao?"

"The team is not well led. If he can be rated as advanced, everyone can be rated as advanced. Let's not talk about it. Let's go get the takeaway."

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