Veteran new police officer

Chapter 235 Report from the masses

Feng Zhi'an had just received a report from his subordinates about the city bureau's anti-drug detachment offering a reward for clues. He Ju, who was in charge of the anti-drug brigade, actually called and said that Xiao Zhi had arrived in Xingdong and asked him to go to the small conference room on the sixth floor for a meeting.

Each unit has its own tradition, and each leader has different personalities and preferences. Therefore, several district and county public security bureaus each have their own characteristics.

Xingdong Public Security Bureau attaches great importance to publicity. The news center does a good job and has more than a dozen police officers on staff.

The Anti-Narcotics Brigade cannot be compared with the Linghai Branch. Including him, the captain, there are only three police officers, two auxiliary police officers and three offices, not even a conference room or a file room.

He called the instructor and Wang Yan to take the elevator to the sixth floor. When he walked into the small conference room, he was shocked to find Hou Wen, the former police officer of the Second Criminal Police Squadron, sitting next to Xiao Zhi.

He Ju was very busy. After introducing each other, he exchanged a few words with Xiao Zhi, made an appointment to have lunch together, then picked up his notebook and went to the eighth floor to attend another meeting.

There were only a few "anti-drug people" left in the conference room. Xiao Zhi had no need to be polite to them, let alone beat around the bush, and said bluntly:

"Public security, we will go to the Three Treasures Hall today for no reason. We received reports from the masses in the morning that someone was taking drugs in Changlong Community. If there are no clues, there is nothing we can do. If there are clues, we must investigate them."

The announcement of the reward collection for clues has not yet been released, so why did people report it so quickly?

Feng Zhian felt very strange and quickly put down his pen: "Xiao Zhi, there is no need for you to do this in person, just give us a call."

"Originally, I didn't plan to come over. The main reason was that the people who reported this situation might have concerns, so I hung up mid-sentence. The information was rather vague. I only knew that someone was smoking methamphetamine in Changlong Community. I didn't know who it was or where they lived. What’s the building number?”

"What about age and gender?"

Xiao Yunbo shook his head slightly.

Feng Zhi'an had never encountered such a thing before and said thoughtfully: "Xiao Zhi, if the information is true, then this drug addict should have just moved here. Because none of the registered control personnel live in Changlong Community."

"It doesn't matter whether it's a hidden drug addict that we didn't know before. What's important is to quickly launch an investigation to verify the authenticity of this information and find out whether anyone is taking drugs in Changlong Community."

"Yes, I will contact the police station in the jurisdiction and ask them to help us investigate."

"I asked Xiao Hou to participate in the investigation. Furthermore, we must not make too much noise. We must not only investigate and deal with drug addicts, but also investigate the sources of drugs, open networks and channels, and we must not alert others!"

Now there is only one very vague clue, and we don't even know whether it is true or not. It is too early to talk about whether to jointly investigate.

Feng Zhi'an felt that the detachment leader was making a fuss, and looked at Hou Wen who was sitting next to Xiao Zhi with a smile: "Xiao Hou is very capable, very good, and he is a policeman from Xingdong, so he is familiar with the situation in Xingdong. Xiao Zhi, You really arranged the right person for Xiaohou Lai."

"Xiao Hou is indeed very capable, but the rest depends mainly on you."

Xiao Yunbo was also very busy. How could he stay in Xingdong for dinner? He picked up his mobile phone and checked the time: "I also have a meeting today and I have to go back quickly. You can make arrangements first and report back in time if there is any progress."

"It's so urgent. If you leave like this, how can I explain to the bureau leader?"

"It's okay, I'll call Lao He later."

Xiao Zhi came as soon as he said he was coming, and picked up his bag and went downstairs when he said he was leaving. He came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Feng Zhi'an sent Xiao Zhi downstairs and watched Xiao Zhi's car disappear from sight. The more he thought about it, the more something was wrong.

How could a dignified deputy-level detachment leader personally take action for a piece of vague information and even send a person specially?

Thinking again of the legendary Han Keng who had a nose that was sharper than a drug-detection dog, and who made "Ren Dasha" disgraced time and time again. Feng Zhi'an asked calmly: "Xiao Hou, how many policemen do you have in your intelligence squadron?"


"Who else but you?"

"Team Han and Team Xu, Feng Da, you met them during the last training."

"I remembered, where are Xiao Han and Xiao Xu, what are they busy with?"

"Team Han is mainly responsible for connecting with the Customs Anti-Smuggling Bureau, Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station, Border Defense Detachment, Railway Police, Changhang Branch, Coast Guard and other units. Team Xu is mainly responsible for developing informants and expanding sources of intelligence clues. I am mainly responsible for communicating with Information exchange and several platforms among various detachments and branches.”

Hou Wen smiled and added: "Team Han is responsible for the perimeter, Team Xu is responsible for the urban area and offline, and I am responsible for internal intelligence exchange and online. Anyway, everyone is busy with their own tasks, and each is responsible for his own work."

Han Keng didn't come, which meant that even if someone in Xingdong took drugs, the problem wouldn't be big.

Feng Zhi'an breathed a sigh of relief, patted his arm and said, "Let's go to the police station first and ask your old friends to help check."


At the same time, Han Xin was wearing the jacket that his girlfriend bought for him at noon yesterday, holding a cup of milk tea and wandering around Changlong Community.

This morning, after several "sewage poison tests", the source of the poison was finally traced to this community!

Wang Gong is a top student who graduated from a prestigious university. His level is very high, almost like a scientist. It is said that several third-party testing agencies are offering high salaries to poach him, and his test results should not be wrong.

What needs to be done now is to find out who is taking drugs among the twenty-six buildings and nearly four thousand residents in the community.

The reason why he sneaked into the community quietly was not because he didn't trust Xingdong's colleagues, but because judging from the activities of Jiang Zhengfei, who mysteriously disappeared, he had appeared near the community three times.

There is probably a drug gang here, so don't do it in a big way, otherwise it will be easy to alert the snake.

Furthermore, as long as someone takes methamphetamine, the smell of the drug addict will be difficult to dissipate.

Drug addicts cannot smell it themselves, but for people who know about drugs, the smell is very pungent and can be easily smelled.

It's not very busy in the morning, so come here and try your luck, maybe you can happen upon someone while walking around.

He just wandered around, waiting for news from Hou Wen. It was not until 11 noon that Hou Wen sent a list of people with names, genders, ages, building numbers, room numbers and contact information.

At a glance, it was clear that the people on the list were selected by Hou Wen and his colleagues from the Xingdong Anti-Narcotics Brigade with the help of the police from the police station.

Some are foreigners who came here to buy houses and settle down, some are foreigners renting in the community, there are a few ex-convicts, and most of them are engaged in freelance work.

Han Xinzai looked at it carefully and decided to start with ex-convicts.

Back to the car, he opened the suitcase, took out a bag of supermarket promotion posters that Hou Wen had found yesterday afternoon, and started going from house to house to distribute advertisements.

This community seems to be very strictly managed, but in fact there are many loopholes.

The door of each unit is locked, and you have to swipe your card to enter the door and take the elevator, but in fact there are people in the community to help you make the card.

As long as you pay, we will help you do it. You don't need to bring the original card with you, and the card we made has very high permissions. All unit doors can be swiped open, and all elevators can be swiped.

The first one was in Building 2. Han Xin took the elevator to the door, took out a poster and knocked on the security door.

"Who are you looking for? What's the matter?"

"Hello, I am from Linhua Supermarket. Our supermarket is celebrating its fifth anniversary and is conducting promotions..."

"Who's going to the supermarket now? I'm busy."

The owner, obviously not wanting to be disturbed, slammed the door behind him.

As expected, Han Xin was rejected, but it was not without gain.

At least when the other party opened the door, I didn't smell that special smell on him, and the smell in the room was relatively normal.

After eliminating one, go to the second house and knock on the door one by one.

When we knocked on the eighth home, Mr. Wang suddenly called.

Han Xin quickly walked into the fire escape, answered her cell phone and asked, "Gong Wang, what's going on?"

"The test results of Linghai's water samples are out. We detected methamphetamine in water sample No. 6. If I remember correctly, this is the third batch, and it has been traced back to the third layer."

"It's only found in water sample No. 6, but not in other water samples?"

Gong Wang looked at the test report sent by his assistant and confirmed: "Yes, it is found in water sample No. 6. Compared with the methamphetamine detected in the Xingdong water sample, the content in Linghai is much lower."

Sampling point No. 6 is in the center of Linghai Development Zone. There is a science and technology innovation center and three large-scale enterprises there. It seems that after finishing the work in Xingdong, it is time to go back to see Li Duwang and Nie Guangjun!

Han Xin thanked him and called Xiao Zhi to report.

I don’t know whether Xiao Zhi cares more about Zhang Yuhang, Liu Haipeng and Lan Doudou, or thinks that the drugs detected in Xingdong may be related to Jiang Zhengfei who mysteriously disappeared. He thinks Xingdong is more important and tells Zhang Yuhang as soon as possible.

There are only a few policemen in the detachment, and the detachment is a business guidance unit.

Han Xin also felt that she could not and did not have the ability to take over everything, so she immediately called Zhang Yuhang.

"What, the masses reported it?"

"Well, I just received a report from the masses."

Zhang Yuhang was confused. He raised his head and glanced at Liu Haipeng, who had just returned from a meeting. He held up his mobile phone and asked, "Do you know that someone is taking drugs in the Science and Technology Park? I don't know who it is, or even whether it's a boy or a girl?"

Han Xin smiled and said, "I don't know."

"There should be a phone number for the whistleblower, right?"

"There was no phone call, the whistleblower reported via email, and the only thing that can be determined now is the scope."

Zhang Yuhang had never seen such clues before, and asked with a smile: "Xiao Han, I don't know anything, I only have a rough range, how do you want me to check?"

Han Xin didn't have time to explain to him, and he couldn't explain this kind of thing clearly. He could only remind: "Zhang Da, no matter whether it is true or false, as long as there are intelligence clues, we must investigate! Anyway, I gave you the intelligence clues. According to the policy just formulated by the detachment, You need to study, judge, verify, and provide feedback on the intelligence usage process."

"Is there still this process?"

"Yes, if the information is given out without feedback, I will not share it with you again in the future."

"Okay, Lao Liu and I will go to the Chengdong Police Station now."

"I'm a bit busy today and may have to go back later. If it's not too late, I'll stop by the Chengdong Police Station."

"Just give us the information. Leave this matter to us and you won't have to run away."

"Okay, I'll wait for your feedback."

Han Xin was busy "visiting homes", and Hou Wen was not idle either.

Sitting in the small conference room of the police station, together with Wang Yan and Lao Zhao, the community police officer in charge of Changlong Community, they were researching and analyzing the relatively suspicious residents of the community one by one based on the basic information they could find.

Feng Da has already returned to the bureau, and it is said that he will have a meeting in the afternoon.

Wang Yan stared at the computer so dizzy that he turned sideways and said, "Xiao Hou, what can we find out through this investigation? How about we find an excuse and visit the house."

Chief Zhao was convinced: "I think it will work. We can distribute anti-email fraud propaganda materials."

Thinking that someone had already posted an advertisement in the community, Hou Wen couldn't help but laugh: "If you find something suspicious, do a urine test?"

Wang Yan asked: "How can we determine whether we have taken drugs without doing a urine test?"

"If we just check whether someone has taken drugs, then of course there is no problem in doing a urine test. But what we need to check now is not only whether someone takes drugs, but also the source of the drugs and the drug trafficking network behind the drug users."

“The problem now is that we don’t even know if anyone is taking drugs!”

"There shouldn't be any problem with the information, it's just vague."

"How can we check it just by looking at the materials?"

"Check slowly, don't rush."

Hou Wen smiled, clicked the mouse again, and continued to search for the owner's information.

He is now a detachment policeman, and Xiao Zhi personally sent him for investigation. His words represent the detachment's opinions in a sense.

Wang Yan had no choice but to smile bitterly and said: "Okay, I'll listen to you, let's check like this first."

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