Veteran new police officer

Chapter 237 Lao Li is embarrassed

There have been no drug cases in Linghai for several months, and there is only one new drug addict who returned from other places.

The dynamic control and assistance of registered drug addicts are becoming more and more complete as the anti-drug office becomes more physical.

In the past, it was mainly managed by the community police, but now it is the full-time anti-drug social worker of the Anti-Drug Office.

At the same time, a support group is established for each person who quits smoking.

Street or township cadres also serve as team leaders, community police officers also serve as deputy team leaders, and anti-drug social workers are responsible for specific work, helping drug addicts apply for various supports, improve family relationships, coordinate and solve family economic difficulties and employment, etc.

There are not many abstinence practitioners in the jurisdiction, but with all-round help, they have basically built up their confidence in recovering from abstinence.

One drug addict was so moved that she even became an anti-drug volunteer. Every time an anti-drug publicity event was held, she would show up and speak out, using her own unbearable experience to publicize the dangers of drugs and persuade participants to stay away from drugs.

In short, the anti-drug situation in Linghai is excellent.

Now there is actually information showing that someone is taking methamphetamine in the Science and Technology Park area. As deputy director of the Anti-Drug Office and captain of the Anti-Narcotics Brigade, Zhang Yuhang dare not take it seriously.

Chengdong Police Station Instructor Li Duwang and Chengdong Police Station Security Captain Nie Guangjun were once bitten by a snake and were afraid of well ropes for ten years.

Hearing that the intelligence was provided by Han Keng, and that the use of the intelligence would be reported back to the anti-drug detachment afterwards, the two quickly called the community policeman Lao Qian and hurried to the Science and Technology Park with Zhang Yuhang.

The Science and Technology Innovation Park is invested by the government and is operated by a third-party team.

The infrastructure is very complete and built with a sense of technology. There are makerspaces and incubators, but there are not many entrepreneurial teams settled there.

Because there are so many science and technology parks like this, almost everywhere.

Compared with first-tier cities, Linghai’s advantages are not obvious. Others can provide you with all kinds of preferential policies.

So just like the cultural and technological building that the government built before, which had neither culture nor technology, the several entrepreneurial teams that settled in were either engaged in online live broadcasting, decoration design, or POS machine promotion. Anyway, it was nothing. Technical content.

In contrast, the three surrounding high-tech companies are definitely worthy of their name. Although they all provide supporting products for others and mainly produce spare parts, they all have patents and advanced processing techniques. It is said that they are all "singles champions" in their industries. !

The four of them sat around in the small conference room of the Science and Technology Innovation Park, studying the personnel lists of the three companies and the Science and Technology Innovation Park one by one.

Since the information was too vague, the elimination method could only be used.

The people in Linghai are simple and simple. The local employees working in the three companies know that they can earn money to buy a house and raise their children. The possibility of them taking drugs is extremely slim.

As for those who come to work from other places, they can only ask Lao Qian to go to their supervisor with the list, and at the same time arrange for the auxiliary police to go to the landlord and neighbors to learn about their situation from the side based on the rental address collected previously.

The most troublesome ones are the bosses and relatives of the three companies, as well as the entrepreneurial team downstairs.

They either have a strong influence in Linghai, or they are talents that the district has tried every means to introduce. It is not appropriate to go to them to understand the situation, and it is even more unrealistic to directly conduct urine tests or hair drug tests on them regardless of whether they are there or not.

Thinking that the drug case was now under the first-level jurisdiction, Li Duwang simply started to practice Tai Chi: "Zhang Da, there are only these fifty-six people left, how do you think we will investigate next?"

Zhang Yuhang was also too exhausted. He looked at the list and said, "Several of them are on business trips."

Nie Guangjun smiled bitterly and said: "The information provided by Xiao Han was too vague, so he defined a range for us. We can't organize all personnel in these four units to undergo hair testing."

Zhang Yuhang reminded: "This information was transferred from the detachment, not provided by Xiao Han personally!"

Li Duwang asked: "Then how to check now?"

Zhang Yuhang had no choice but to scratch his head and said, "Why don't you go back first and come here first?"

"Okay, let's go back first."

Li Duwang packed up his pen and paper and said hello to the director of the operations team. As he walked downstairs with Zhang Yuhang, he suddenly saw a familiar woman who was busy cleaning the square.

The office building of the Development Zone Management Committee is right next door. It is an important attraction for attracting investment in Linghai. Businessmen come to visit every three days, and superior leaders come to inspect and investigate every now and then. It is normal to clean up in advance.

Zhang Yuhang didn't pay attention at first, until he noticed that Li Duwang seemed a little embarrassed. He had clearly gone to the bathroom when he went downstairs, but it was obvious that the cleaner turned around and went to the toilet again. He suddenly remembered the person he saw on the staff list of the Science and Technology Park just now. name.

Ma Lulu class, Chinese name Chen Hong!

Although Lan Doudou didn't like Wang Xiaohui of the Entry and Exit Brigade, she still admired Wang Xiaohui for helping Ma Lulu class find a job.

Considering that the company where Ma Luluban's husband works, although it can provide Ma Luluban with a job, according to the current policy, it is difficult to help Ma Luluban with social security and medical insurance.

When she heard that the Science and Technology Innovation Park was looking for a cleaning staff, she went to the United Front Work Department of the district committee and the street committee and asked them to come together to find the manager of the operation team of the Science and Technology Innovation Park.

The Science and Technology Innovation Park is the place that the government supports and attaches most importance to. It has various preferential policies that other places would not even dare to think of, and this is how it got done.

Although the salary is not high, only 1,800 yuan a month, it helps pay for insurance.

It is said that after receiving the social security card, Feng Tailin and Ma Lulu Ban gave a banner to the immigration brigade!

If I remember correctly, it was Li Duwang who arrested Ma Lulu at that time.

Zhang Yuhang couldn't help laughing when he thought that Li Duwang had played the role of Fahai in a daze.

Nie Guangjun also participated at the time. He was equally embarrassed when he saw Ma Lulu's class. He was covering his face and preparing to get in the car. Ma Lulu's class who also saw them came over happily.

"Officer Nie, I didn't even notice when you came!"


"I am from Ma Lulu's class, and my current name is Chen Hong. Don't you remember me?"

"Remember, you work here, when did you come?"

"Well, I just came here a few days ago."

"Is the child okay?"

"It's good. I'm playing in the activity room upstairs."

Ma Lulu class believes from the bottom of her heart that China is the best country in the world, Linghai is the best place in China, and Linghai police are the best police in the world!

Not only did she not regret that the people from the Chengdong Police Station caught her at that time, she was even grateful.

She put down the broom, turned around and pointed to the residential area about one kilometer southeast, smiling brightly: "Officer Nie, we bought a house in Chengdong Garden. Officer Wang said that my Tailin and my children's household registrations can be moved. Come here, I was thinking of going to the police station to ask for your help."

Nie Guangjun looked back and saw that the instructor was hiding inside and hadn't come out yet. He could only smile and said: "It's no trouble. You can go anytime. The household registration window is on the first floor. There are people there from Monday to Saturday."

Ma Luluban said with an embarrassed look: "I originally wanted to move, but then I thought about it and decided not to move."

Zhang Yuhang asked curiously: "Why not move? Wouldn't it be more convenient to move the household registration here?"

"Tai Lin has land in his hometown. Even if he doesn't plant it himself and lets others plant it, he can still earn hundreds of yuan per acre per year. If he transfers his household registration, the land will be gone."

"It's true that rural household registration is now more valuable than urban household registration."

"That's what we think. Anyway, it's not difficult for our children to go to school here. Besides, we all have social security and medical insurance."

Li Duwang may have realized that hiding was impossible, so he bravely walked out.

Ma Lulu's class was so impressed by him, but at this moment, she was not afraid at all, and asked with a smile: "Officer Li, you are here too. When did you come?"

"I've been here for a while. work here?"

"I work as a cleaner here. Sister Zhao and Officer Wang from the Entry and Exit Brigade helped me find this job. They also helped me pay for insurance. I can be reimbursed for medical treatment in the hospital, and I will still have a pension when I retire."

"Very good, not bad."

"It's pretty good. I still feel like I'm dreaming."

It stands to reason that she can't come back, at least not in a short time.

But she came back within just six months, and entered the country through legal channels with a visa from the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar.

Bureau Sun knows that the Entry and Exit Brigade is also very concerned about her.

Li Duwang really couldn't figure it out, but he could only face the reality, put on a smile, and took out a police-civilian contact card from his bag: "This has my contact information. If you need anything, call me."

"Thank you, Officer Li."

Ma Lulu's squad hurriedly took the police-citizen contact card, took out her wallet and stuffed it in carefully.

Zhang Yuhang didn't know it before, but now it's clear that Lan Doudou also cares about her, and even knows that Lan Doudou has a good relationship with her.

Thinking that no one had found anything during the whole afternoon's investigation, his eyes suddenly lit up. He walked quietly to the car, took out his cell phone and dialed Lan Doudou's number.

Li Duwang was really embarrassed. After a few perfunctory words with Ma Lulu, he got into the car with his bag under his arm.

Ma Luluban thanked them from the bottom of her heart and drove the two cars to the gate.

Zhang Yuhang raised his head, glanced at the rearview mirror, and said into the car microphone: "Doudou, I haven't made any progress here for the time being. I can't find out the reason just by checking like this. Why don't you call Ma Lulu's class and ask her to help us?" Keep an eye out.”

"Oh, if you didn't tell me, I almost forgot, Ma Lu works there!"

"I only remembered it when I met her. She came back from Myanmar. Many people in her hometown take drugs. We may not be able to tell whether someone is taking drugs, but she should be able to tell. And she is in the Science and Technology Park every day. work."

Ma Lulu Ban has seen the "big world", so asking Ma Lulu Ban to help pay attention is indeed a way.

But thinking of her superior's previous explanation, Lan Doudou said helplessly: "Zhang Da, if I call her, she will definitely help keep an eye on it. But Cheng Zhi and Sun Bureau have both told me that I can't contact her again."

"What should we do?"

"She is now the client of Wang Xiaohui's management services. She can only go to Wang Xiaohui and ask Wang Xiaohui to come forward and tell her."

"I'll call Professor Zhao and ask him to talk to Wang Xiaohui."

"You can also ask Jiao Zhao."

While chatting, Zhang Yuhang suddenly noticed a familiar car behind him through the rearview mirror, and immediately ended the call and dialed another phone number.

"Xiao Han, I saw you, are you following me?"

"Zhang Da, what am I following you for? I saw you talking to the Ma Lulu class inside. It was not convenient to go in, so I waited on the roadside for a while."

Han Xin looked at Li Duwang and Nie Guangjun's car. After thinking about it, she held the steering wheel and smiled and asked: "Zhang Da, is Lao Li embarrassed to see Ma Lu?"

"As soon as he sees someone, he hides in the bathroom. Do you think he is embarrassed? Hahaha."

"It seems that Lao Li is also a face-saving person."

"People live in this world just to save face. For example, if I can't find the drug addict with the information you provided, I will lose face!"

How could Han Xin not understand the implication of the leader of the old unit and asked with a smile: "I can't find it?"

Zhang Yuhang said angrily: "Three companies plus a science and innovation park, more than 800 people, and we can't do urine tests for everyone one by one. How do you want us to find them?"

Han Xin just drove around the neighborhood and found that this place is different from Changlong Community in Xingdong. Although there are not many outsiders, the mobility of people is very high.

Some outsiders deliver goods to the company, some come to contact the business or promote sales, and some go to the development zone management committee to handle matters.

Judging from the electronic screens in the Science and Technology Innovation Park and the foyer of the Management Committee, even superior leaders often come to visit and conduct research.

And as Zhang Yuhang said, you can't just drag someone into a urine test. It is not easy to find out who is taking drugs among so many people.

"It's not easy to find. It would be nice if Ma Lulu didn't work here."

"What's the meaning?"

"If she doesn't work here, I can come and look around when I have time. Maybe I can meet her by chance."

As expected of someone who came out of Linghai, otherwise he would not have thought of the difficulties of his old unit.

Zhang Yuhang was very happy and gratified, and couldn't help but smile: "You are the leader of a higher-level unit, how can you do this yourself?"

Han Xin was amused: "What kind of leader am I, Zhang Da, please stop joking."

"No more joking, let's get down to business. I plan to ask Teacher Zhao from the Entry and Exit Brigade to come forward and ask Ma Lulu Class to help us keep an eye on it through Teacher Zhao.

Not only has she met drug addicts and knows their characteristics, but she also works there every day. She has an advantage over us in this regard. "

"This is a way, you can try it."

"One more thing, is your information reliable?"

"The information is definitely fine. Let's put it this way, we have verified it through other methods."

"Other ways?"

Zhang Yuhang was confused.

Han Xin didn't know how to explain it, so she could only smile and said: "Zhang Da, don't ask. I can't say it now, but you will know about it sooner or later."

"As long as the information is okay."

Intelligence work is not any other job. Zhang Yuhang didn't want to embarrass his old subordinates, so he immediately changed the subject: "Xiao Han, the Chengdong Police Station is just ahead. Do you want to say hello to Lao Li?"

For a while, she couldn't find who was taking drugs. Han Xin didn't want to be defeated by Li Duwang and Nie Guangjun. She looked at Li Duwang's car with a smile and said:

"Forget it for today. I have something to do at home. I'm waiting for me to go back for dinner. Don't tell him that I'm behind them."

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