Han Xin didn't know that Li Duwang and Nie Guangjun were in trouble again because of him. He only knew that methamphetamine was detected in the sewage in his hometown. He, a police officer from Linghai branch, couldn't wait for feedback.

So I got up very early today, put on a mask and glasses, and drove to the gate of this company on the west side of the Science and Technology Innovation Park.

I thought it would be easier to find hidden drug addicts here than in residential areas.

Because whether it is the managers or the workers working in the factory, as far as we know, they all live outside. As long as there are no special circumstances, they will go to work at the same time in the morning and get off work at the same time in the afternoon.

As a result, I rushed over to take a look and found that it was unrealistic to stand at the gate and screen everyone one by one.

Nowadays, economic conditions are improving, especially among local young people. Almost all of them have a car, and most of them drive to work.

Some young workers even drive luxury cars such as BMWs and Mercedes-Benz, while only older workers ride electric vehicles to and from get off work.

I sat in the car and stared for a while, but found nothing.

Just as he was about to drive to the city, a police car slowly drove over.

It was Li Yijun who was driving, and Li Duwang, an instructor from the Chengdong Police Station, was sitting in the passenger seat!

Han Xin turned on the turn signal, hoping to avoid them, but was a step too late, and the car she was driving was recognized by Li Yijun.

"Brother, why are you here? Aren't you going to work today?"

Li Yijun drove next to the detachment's gray Hyundai and rolled down the window with a look of joy on his face.

Han Xin had no choice but to pull down her mask: "I'm passing by, I'll leave right away. Li Jiao, long time no see, why are you in the same car with Li Yijun?"

Li Duwang really didn't want to see him, or even talk to him, but it was not good not to say hello when he met him, so he could only squeeze out a smile: "I haven't seen him for half a year."

"Almost, it should be half a year."

"Team Han, what are you doing?"

"Didn't I just say that I was passing by, how about you?"

"I...I'll accompany Xiao Li to understand the situation. Captain Han, let's go in first, so we won't delay your work."

What's wrong with Li Duwang? He looks at me as if he's seeing a ghost. Li Yijun's expression is also very strange...

Han Xin was confused. Seeing that they really drove the police car into the factory area, she simply stopped thinking about it, looked at the rearview mirror, and drove the car onto the main road.

It takes forty minutes to drive from here to the city, so make use of this time.

He picked up his phone, turned on Bluetooth, confirmed that it was connected, leaned over and tapped on the large central control screen to make a call.

Hou Wen worked overtime until one o'clock in the morning last night. He just woke up. When he saw the caller ID, he quickly opened the call button.

"Team Han, morning."

"It's getting late, tell me, is there any progress?"

"Not much progress has been made. Guan Tairong has gone to the toilet twice since you left. He just went to the breakfast shop next door to eat a bowl of noodles and packed up a wonton to take back to his wife. Other than that, Didn’t go anywhere else.”

Hou Wen walked to the desk in the temporary dormitory, looked at his notebook, and continued: "After his wife Zhang Xiaoping went to the supermarket yesterday afternoon to buy some vegetables and fruits, she has only gone to the toilet once in the community, and has not gone to the toilet other than that. other places.

We found that Zhang Xiaoping also took drugs, and Feng Da had already arranged for someone to apply to check the couple's mobile phone call records, express logistics information and personal bank accounts. "

"Have you taken any photos of Zhang Xiaoping?"

"Yesterday afternoon at the supermarket, I took a few photos and retrieved a surveillance video of her checking out. I'm planning to send it to you later."

"So your old unit also agrees with our judgment?"

"It's a bit funny to say it. The community police knew Guan Tairong. At first, he thought Guan Tairong didn't look like a drug addict. Later, the more he looked at him, the more he looked like him. Half an hour ago, it was confirmed that at least one of them was a drug addict."

Community police rarely come into contact with drug addicts, and they didn't look normal at first.

Han Xin smiled and asked, "How did you confirm it?"

Hou Wen explained: “Although their store is not far from the public toilet in the community, it is inconvenient to go out to relieve themselves at night, so the couple, like several other merchants who live in the store, use the red high-heeled shoes at night. Plastic spittoon to relieve hands.

Feng Da took this into consideration yesterday afternoon. This morning, he specially arranged for someone to guard the public toilet. On the pretext that the toilet was clogged, he asked Zhang Xiaoping to pour the feces into a specially prepared plastic bucket, and then used a reagent board to test it. The result showed that A Tested positive for amphetamine. "

Here, we have delineated the scope of the poison source by digging out manure pits and using the black technology of "sewage poison testing".

Unexpectedly, the captain of the Anti-Narcotics Brigade of Xingdong Branch used the same method to confirm whether Mr. and Mrs. Guan Tairong were drug addicts!

Han Xin thought this was a good idea and confirmed that Hou Wen was in business and it might take some time to get results, so she called Zhang Yuhang.

The bureau leader issued a death order and the drug addict must be found within a week.

Zhang Yuhang was at a loss what to do. As soon as he received the call, he asked with a wry smile: "Xiao Han, is your information reliable?"

"Zhang Da, the information must be fine."

"I just discussed it with the Financial Institution. If I really have no other choice, I will go to the Development Zone Management Committee. Just like on the International Anti-Drug Day, we will jointly conduct a hair drug test for all employees with the Development Zone Management Committee!"

The situation in Linghai is different from Xingdong. It is not a residential area, but a science and technology innovation park and three enterprises.

Compared with dealing with residents, it is easier to deal with the operation team of the Science and Technology Park and the managers of the three companies.

What's more, Zhang Yuhang's connections in Linghai are so good. If he really can do what he says, he will even package the investigation into an anti-drug activity of the district's anti-drug office. However, it is easy to alert the enemy by doing this.

Han Xin simply came and learned and sold it: "Zhang Da, I don't think it's so troublesome."

"What can you do?"

"People have to pee. I remember many public toilets were filled with plastic buckets. I don't know if the pipes are blocked or if they are trying to extract urea."

Zhang Yuhang understood as if he was enlightened: "Collect urine and test it!"

Han Xin reminded: "But only the urine of people who go to public toilets can be collected, and only the urine of gay men can be collected. It is more difficult to collect the urine of lesbians. Those executives whose offices have separate bathrooms Urine is also difficult to collect.”

"At least we can detect more than half of the people, and even if we can't detect them, we can rule out more than half of them!"

"If you think it's feasible, you can try it."

"It's completely feasible. Prepare a few plastic buckets, find a few people to guard several public toilets, and keep an eye on who has emptied their hands and urinated in the plastic buckets. When the plastic buckets are full of urine, move them out. Go out and get tested. If you can test positive for methamphetamine, you can narrow it down further."

The more Zhang Yuhang thought about it, the more excited he became, and he smiled and said: "If it cannot be detected, the scope has actually been narrowed down!"

"I hope it's a man. If it's a woman taking drugs, even if we can narrow down the scope, it's still troublesome to further confirm who it is."

"It's better than not having any clue, Xiao Han, let's talk later, I'll make arrangements quickly."

"Okay, I'll contact you if you have any news."

This can be regarded as a basic version of "sewage poison testing". There is no need to use Wang Gong's "black technology" and it can be done with the existing testing conditions of each branch.

Han Xin thought for a while and suddenly discovered that the "sewage poison testing" work needed to be further improved, and dialed the number of the detachment leader.

Xiao Yunbo originally thought he wanted to report a case, but he didn't expect that he actually raised a question.

"Sewage is 'dead', but people are alive. Especially the sewage in some septic tanks may take a week or more to be cleaned, and the cleaning will not be very clean.

In other words, after we traced the source layer by layer, the methamphetamine finally detected in the circle was probably left by drug addicts a week or even weeks ago. "

Han Xin paused and then continued: "In other words, whether there are one or several hidden drug addicts within the defined range cannot be determined by the results of a single sampling test. It requires long-term monitoring to confirm."

"Xiao Han, are you saying that our intelligence was reported too early?"

"Xiao Zhi, we have reported the intelligence to the district and county public security bureaus and asked them to implement the feedback. They will definitely pay attention to it. But if it is just a drug addict who goes to their jurisdiction to relieve himself and then goes to other places, then they will dig the ground You can’t find this person within three feet!”

When the superior opens his mouth, the subordinates run away and break their legs.

Xiao Yunbo didn't want to make the grassroots policemen full of complaints because of this, and murmured: "It makes sense. It seems that sewage drug monitoring can only be used as a way to collect and grasp drug information, and cannot be used as a clue to the existence of drug cases."

Han Xin didn't expect that the leader would adopt her suggestion, so she couldn't help laughing and said, "That's what I thought. It was pure luck that I met that drug addict in Xingdong yesterday."

Xiao Yunbo was talking about a more important matter with Cheng Wenming, who had just come to the door, and said with a bit of perfunctory: "Xiao Han, if you can think of this, it means that you have changed your role and entered the working state of the detachment!

After the pilot projects in Xingdong and Linghai are over, you and Hou Wen can summarize and try to come up with an application plan for sewage poison testing as soon as possible. "


Although Han Xin said "yes" on her lips, she was thinking about summaries and plans. I am not good at it. I will let Hou Wen think about it when the time comes.

Hou Wen is educated and can write articles and reports. It is best to leave this kind of thing to him.

Xiao Yunbo didn't know what Han Xin was thinking. As soon as he put down the phone, he smiled bitterly and asked: "Cheng Zhi, how could you hide such a big thing from me?"

"This is not a secret from you, this is a division of labor."

Cheng Wenming knocked the cigarette ashes and spoke in an understatement.

Xiao Yunbo knew very well that although he had left the criminal police detachment, he was still a criminal policeman at heart. I definitely think that the anti-drug detachment should be responsible for drug control, and it is the criminal police detachment’s job to protect the anti-drug police.

It feels so uncomfortable to be kept in the dark...

Xiao Yunbo took a deep breath and whispered: "Xiao Han is a person involved and needs to avoid suspicion. I can understand keeping secrets from him, but there is no need to keep secrets from me."

"I'm afraid it will affect your work. Besides, I'm not informing you."

"How do I need to cooperate?"

Cheng Wenming came here because of this incident. He put out his cigarette and said calmly: "What happened in Linghai last night reminded me. To ensure nothing goes wrong, I just informed the Political Department and removed him from the new police department." Removed from training list.

Your detachment must also take corresponding precautions in the next two years and try not to let him show up.

Do not allow him to participate in inspections, supervision, visits, surveys, or large-scale activities held by the police detachments and even the municipal bureaus in various districts and counties.

He can participate in the investigation of the case, but he only has so much ink in his stomach, and it is definitely unrealistic for him to participate in the whole process.

I suggest that he should not even be allowed to join the task force or work class. If there is a specialization in the technical field, it is best to let him do some work that he is good at. "

This is not possible, and that is not possible. This means turning Han Xin into an invisible person!

Xiao Yunbo asked with a bitter face: "Cheng Zhi, you just said that the old guy is probably suffering from cancer. Even if Nanyun fails to arrest the old guy for the time being, the old guy won't live long. As for making him invisible for two years, Year?"

Cheng Wenming touched the corner of his nose and said helplessly: "Nanyun reported a new situation. The old bastard may have been worried that he would never be found in this life, so he got angry and did something."

"What's up?"

"Han Xin's photos were spread everywhere, and rumors were spread about how many people Han Xin had ruined, including several overseas drug lords. In other words, it's not just the old bastard who is targeting Han Xin now!"

Xiao Yunbo was shocked: "Is it true?"

"Most of them have nothing to do with Han Xin, but now it doesn't matter whether we have anything to do with him. The important thing is that he has registered with several drug lords. Although the possibility of those drug lords retaliating against him is not high, we must guard against it. .”

"How could it be like this..."

"Their old army leaders didn't expect it to end up like this at first. If they had known that the old guy was still around, they definitely wouldn't have asked you and Secretary Guan to help with this."

"So we introduced a talent, but also a big trouble!"

Seeing Xiao Yunbo dumbfounded, Cheng Wenming smiled half-heartedly: "There is no good thing in the world that only takes advantage but does not suffer losses. The Linghai Branch took a big advantage before, so now it is in trouble. It will be your turn next."

Xiao Yunbo calmed down and clenched his fists: "I'm not afraid of trouble."

"It's okay if you're not afraid. I'm going back first. If anything happens, I will inform you in time."

"I'll give it to you."

"Don't give it away. I'm just lame, not paralyzed."

Cheng Wenming walked to the door with a cane, thought about it and then turned around and said, "If you find it troublesome, you can call me at any time."

Xiao Yunbo was stunned and asked knowingly: "Cheng Zhi, what do you mean by this?"

"Help you solve your trouble."

"How to deal with it?"

"Find a relationship, send him away, and let him go as far as he can."

"We are afraid of trouble, but others are not afraid of trouble? Cheng Zhi, stop joking, the matter has not reached that point yet.

At least there is no evidence that the old bastard or the drug lords abroad knew that he was in our detachment, and they probably didn't even know that he was in Binjiang. "

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