Veteran new police officer

Chapter 250 Setting up a trap

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Qianli sent the two suspects to the case handling center and walked back to the criminal police brigade.

There was no need for him as an instructor to take action in person to arrest something like this, but the circumstances of this case were quite special and it would be inappropriate for him not to go there in person.

Walking into the yard, he was lamenting that as a criminal police officer, he had to make friends, otherwise there would be no source of clues. Huang Da held his bag and pushed open the security door, apparently going out to do something.

"Lao Yang, I heard that you went out to arrest someone, did you catch him?"

"Caught it. We caught two moles who were stealing from us. You Yaoxing is being interrogated at the case handling center."

Huang Da subconsciously asked: "The mole?"

Yang Qianli took out a cigarette and explained: "You should have heard of the Dexing Group. I met Mr. Wang of the Dexing Group when I was investigating the gang that dragged Chen Guoping into trouble in the first half of the year. He was the victim at the time. I asked him He has understood the situation and obtained evidence.

Unexpectedly, he kept my number. A few days ago, he discovered that some scraps from the factory, which were more than ten tons of scrap copper left over from processing, were missing, so he thought of me and called me. Yaoxing and I went over to check the surveillance and found that it was two workers in their factory who did it. "

"A dozen tons of scrap copper?"

"They didn't just pull them out and sell them all at once. Those two brats were like ants moving around. They stole some today and some tomorrow, just like that, little by little, they stole more than ten tons of scrap copper and sold it."

A theft was solved in half a day!

Yang Qianli was in a good mood and smiled again: "I checked online and found that the brass scraps are more than 30,000 yuan per ton. That means that although this case is not complicated, the amount involved is not small. It is initially estimated to be five to six million yuan."

In the past few years, most of the thieves arrested were petty thieves who stole electric cars and cell phones. Now the "competition" is too fierce, and most people will report theft to the police station. The criminal police brigade has little chance to catch the petty thieves who steal electric cars and cell phones. .

It is really not an easy task to solve a theft case involving five to six million yuan.

Huang Da couldn't help but laugh. He walked to the car and suddenly remembered something: "Old Yang, Zhang Yuhang has been transferred. The political commissar and Director Xu went to the Anti-Narcotics Brigade in the morning to announce the appointment and removal, and the bureau office sent a notice at noon."

"He is the captain of the anti-narcotics brigade, where can he be transferred?"

"Highly promoted, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Sigang Public Security Bureau! It wasn't mentioned in the document. I only found out after seeing the notification document and calling Lao Yu."

Zhang Yuhang was actually able to go to Sigang to be the deputy director...

Yang Qianli, who was originally very happy, suddenly felt a little sour in his heart. He flicked the ashes of his cigarette and said, "It has only been half a year since he took the deputy subject. He went from squad leader to deputy team leader, team leader, and then to deputy director. It took less than a year for him to take the full exam."

"He has accumulated a lot of experience. He has been promoted very quickly this year, but he has hardly moved in the past few years."

"Then who will succeed him as captain?"

"Liu Haipeng is the deputy captain and is in charge of the work of the brigade."

"No new captain has been appointed, and no instructor?"

"No, there are only three people left now: Liu Haipeng, Lao Yu and Lan Doudou."

Not only was Huang Da not jealous when his old subordinates were promoted, but he was also happy for Zhang Yuhang and Liu Haipeng from the bottom of his heart.

What's more, he already felt guilty about his old partner Yu Jinze. Thinking that the anti-drug brigade had neither a captain nor an instructor, it was really a good thing for his old partner.

If nothing goes wrong, the old partner will be able to make a comeback when the punishment expires.

The more he got around, the better he got, but the more he got around, the worse he got. The dignified instructor of the criminal police brigade actually felt happy for solving a small theft case. Yang Qianli felt really bad.

But thinking of Li Duwang and Nie Guangjun, who had been "rivals" for more than ten years, Yang Qianli suddenly felt more balanced. He couldn't help but take out his mobile phone and dial Li Duwang's number.

"Lao Li, I, Yang Qianli, heard that Zhang Yuhang has been promoted. When I see him from now on, I will address him as Director Zhang!"

"You should call to congratulate him on his promotion. What should you call me?"

"I thought you didn't know. I called you specifically to tell you. Don't take it for granted."

How could Li Duwang not know that he had bad intentions, and said impatiently: "I'm busy, I have nothing to do."

"Wait, I have something to do!"

Yang Qianli waved goodbye to Huang Da and said with a smile: "Zhang Yuhang has been promoted, but the hidden drug addict that the anti-drug brigade and our two families are looking for has not yet been found.

Didn't you say that the bureau leader issued a death order? It's been almost a week, what do you think we should do about this matter? "

“Screen out outsiders, collect urine tests, and conduct carpet searches in office areas, factories, and living areas on the pretext of inspecting fire protection.

Except for not organizing all employees to undergo hair testing, we have done everything we should do and can't find any solution. "

"I heard that Liu Haipeng is now in charge of the work. What did he say?"

"He has no choice but to withdraw his troops first. Xiao Li from your brigade, I asked him to go back."

Yang Qianli didn't want to let Li Duwang go just like that, and said in a deep voice: "We will withdraw our troops now. We can't find anyone to explain to the bureau leader!"

Li Duwang had never had a good impression of Yang Biaohan, and after being questioned by Yang Biaohan as a suspect, he hated him even more.

Seeing his reluctance, he asked angrily: "Brother Biaohan, are you unhappy when you see Zhang Yuhang promoted and want to find some psychological balance with me?

I'm not telling you to be kind. If you were as kind as Zhang Yuhang, you would have been promoted long ago. "

"What are you talking about? Where did you go? You're so tough, brother."

"That's you, aren't you convinced?"

"I'm talking to you about work."

"Okay, you go ahead."

Yang Qianli opened the security door and said earnestly as he went upstairs: "Lao Li, Zhang Yuhang has been promoted. Although Liu Haipeng is now the specific person in charge, in the eyes of the bureau leaders, there are only three policemen in their brigade.

How many people do our two families have together? If the bureau is unhappy because they cannot find hidden drug addicts, the blame will only fall on our two families. "

Although Yang Biaohan had bad intentions, there was some truth in his words.

Li Duwang asked angrily: "Then how do you find it?"

What Yang Qianli was waiting for was your words. He suppressed a smile and said, "I think the person who untied the bell must also tie the bell. We will find whoever passes the information to the Anti-Narcotics Brigade."

"Han Keng!"

"His nose is sharper than a police dog. To find drug addicts, you have to look for him. I know you can't talk, leave this matter to me. Anyway, he has worked under me for a few days. He must give this face." .”

"Yang Biaohan, you are deliberately disgusting me!"

"Why am I disgusted with you? I'm talking to you about work..."

Before he finished speaking, the other party had already hung up.

Listening to the beeping busy tone on the phone, Yang Qianli felt much better.

At the same time, Han Xin was sitting in the office of the anti-drug detachment, studying the results of various districts and counties in the past few days.

Xu Haoran and his colleagues in their old unit not only successfully captured the "Binjiang Bao Brother" who was live broadcasting drug abuse, but also followed the clues and captured four small drug dealers.

The drugs of this gang come from Dongguang. Xu Haoran flew there last night with people from the Criminal Police Brigade of Chonggang Branch. Whether they can successfully arrest the gang depends on today and tomorrow.

Based on clues reported by the masses, the Changzhou Branch found a college student who abused drugs. The Anti-Narcotics Squadron of the Criminal Police Brigade of the branch has followed the lead to investigate and deal with pharmacies that illegally sell controlled drugs.

Hou Wen and his colleagues from their old workplace found the overseas shopping store reported by the masses and seized three boxes of chocolates containing marijuana...

In general, except for Linghai, there was no movement, and the other six districts and counties had more or less gains.

Sister Jiang walked over and took a look at the statistical materials, sat down and said with a smile: "Xiao Han, your old unit is fine. As of noon today, there is not a single report involving their jurisdiction."

It didn't happen before, and it's even less likely to happen next.

Liu Haipeng and Lan Doudou have already issued the same announcement. Not to mention that the masses have no clues in this regard, and even if they do, they will not call the detachment to report.

However, this kind of small gesture, this kind of cutting off the hair, had to be kept secret by the old unit, so Han Xin could only smile.

Sister Jiang didn't know why, and continued: "This morning, Bureau Yang heard the report on the 'Storm No. 1' special operation, and even praised Linghai. He said that there was not a single report, which proved that Linghai's anti-drug work was well carried out."


"Good is good. The achievements of your old unit are obvious to all, so there is no need to be modest."

Sister Jiang held the tea cup and said with a smile: "The report materials cannot be compiled until the end of the operation. I called Doudou in the morning and asked her to prepare a copy of the materials. She sent it over in a moment. I won't know until you read it. Only then did I know there was a reason for achieving such results.”

"What's the reason?" Han Xin asked curiously.

"Because they have already done all the work. For example, they conducted two major inspections of pharmacies in the first half of the year, during which even you made an unannounced visit.

Regarding the management of precursor chemicals, they have inspected it, and you have also inspected it door to door. Publicity and education are even more powerful, combining online and offline activities, one event after another! "

"Sister Jiang, you speak very highly of our old unit."

"It's not that they have high ratings, it's that they have done a really good job and are ahead of our detachment in many aspects."

That's because Zhang Yuhang will cause trouble.

Now that Zhang Yuhang is gone, Han Xin is really unsure whether Liu Haipeng can play well.

Just when he was wondering whether Liu Haipeng could successfully pass the "examination period" given by the branch party committee and whether he could smoothly be promoted from deputy captain to full-time officer, Hou Wen suddenly called.

"Team Han, there's something going on with Guan Tairong!"

"What's the noise?"

"Someone called him today. He may have seen our announcement of soliciting clues in drug cases and reminded him to pay attention during this period."

After several days of tracking and surveillance, it has been confirmed that Guan Tairong not only takes drugs, but also sells drugs!

He used the sale of tobacco and alcohol as a cover to sell drugs to fellow villagers from Zhejiang province who were doing business in Xingdong, including several rich second generations. He even attended one of those rich second generations' "skating parties."

It is worth mentioning that the "ice girls" who attended the party were all "flew" from the East China Sea or even the capital after receiving the call.

You can earn 20,000 to 30,000 yuan by spending one night with you!

The only thing I hadn't figured out before was where Guan Tairong's drugs came from.

Han Xin suddenly became energetic and asked in a low voice: "Who called him, have you found out?"

This was a breakthrough. Hou Wen asked excitedly: "I have the number, but it must be a mobile phone number registered under someone else's identity. The accent sounds a bit like a Donghai person, so I'm sure it's not Jiang Zhengfei."

"Can you lock the location?"

"We only found that the call was from Baoshan District, Donghai City. After the call, the phone was turned off. It is possible that even the mobile phone card has been taken out. It is difficult to locate its location now."

This is a professional drug dealer...

Han Xin thought for a while and asked in a low voice: "What does the leader of your old unit mean?"

Hou Wen looked back at the task force office and said with a wry smile: "Feng Da said he respects our opinions."

The investigators are very tired if they keep staring like this.

Han Xin could understand the eagerness of the leaders of the Xingdong Public Security Bureau to close the network, and said in a deep voice: "I will report to Xiao Zhi right away. I think it is better not to close the network for the time being. Not only can we not rush to close the network, but we must also organize forces to keep an eye on that person." A few 'ice girls'.

Because they just came to smoke with me and didn't bring any drugs. If they go to other places and "skate" with other people, this is an opportunity for us to expand our results. "

Hou Wen has not only considered it long ago, but has actually been under a lot of pressure in the past few days.

Especially that night, several wealthy second-generation couples and Guan Tairong gathered together to take drugs. The leaders and colleagues in his old unit wanted to catch them, so he could only grit his teeth and insist on staying put.

It’s really not an easy decision to make if you don’t catch the current situation.

Hou Wen was very happy to see that Han Xin agreed with the decision not to take action at that time.

But thinking about keeping an eye on those "ice girls", he smiled bitterly and said: "Team Han, those 'ice girls' live in no fixed places and fly all over the world. How can we keep an eye on them? How much money will it cost?"

"What's so difficult about keeping an eye on a few fallen women? As for funding, that's the leader's business."

"Can Xiao Zhi agree?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely agree. By the way, I found that the value of those 'ice girls' may be equal to Guan Tairong's.

They will not let us down. I believe they can lead us to find more drug users and even more drug dealers. "

"Understood, I'm waiting for your news."

"Okay, I'll report to Xiao Zhi first."

As Han Xin expected, Xiao Yunbo, who was in a meeting at the city bureau, not only agreed to the proposal to organize forces to target those "ice girls" after hearing the report, but also discussed a joint investigation with Tang Zhi, who was also attending the meeting.

The criminal police detachment has many experienced criminal police officers!

The anti-narcotics detachment can’t take it, but the criminal police detachment has no problem at all.

The two of them reported to the bureau leaders together, and the bureau leaders immediately requested that police forces be transferred from the two detachments and the Xingdong Public Security Bureau to establish an 10.28 task force.

Bureau Yang personally serves as the team leader, and Xiao Zhi and Tang Zhi serve as deputy team leaders.

Han Xin originally thought that by joining the task force, she could finally participate in investigating a somewhat challenging drug case, but Xiao Zhi asked her to bring her police uniform to the police officer training center to take pictures.

As for what photos were taken and why, Xiao Zhi did not say.

Han Xin was confused. When she rushed to the training center and saw Cheng Wenming, she asked eagerly: "Cheng Zhi, what are you doing?"

Cheng Wenming didn't answer his question. He took out a Nayun chest badge and Nayun's police number from his pocket and handed them to him.

"Hurry up and change your police uniform. You don't need to change your police rank, but you need to change your chest badge and police number."

Han Xin understood as if enlightened: "Cheng Zhi, has that old bastard entered the country? Our boss Chen wants to make some noise to see if he will surrender himself?"

"Why are there so many problems? If you are asked to change it, change it quickly. Follow the orders and follow the instructions."

"It's useless. That old bastard is very cunning. Even if he sees the news with my photo, he won't be fooled."

"How will you know if you don't try? Hurry up."

"Okay, I listen to you."

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