Veteran new police officer

Chapter 264 No matter where you go

At ten o'clock in the evening, the small conference room of the Border Management Brigade of the Zhengkang County Public Security Bureau was brightly lit.

Lu Xiangyang didn't know how many times he had been here, but his mood this time was completely different from before. Facing the surveillance video extracted from the People's Hospital by his colleagues in the brigade's investigation team, as well as the suspect's slice pathology test sheet and medical records, it was really stressful. , walking on thin ice.

"Counsel Lu, this old guy is very cunning and familiar with the city. Not only did he walk around the surveillance cameras, he also wore a hat to cover his face. I guess he might have put clothes in his bag, and he changed his clothes after he went out... "

"Thank you, you have helped us a lot."

"It's too unreasonable for me to say this."

The brigade policeman knew that he was required to report to his superiors, so he helped him pour a glass of water and took the initiative to avoid it.

Lu Xiangyang calmed down, picked up his cell phone and dialed Boss Chen's number.

After listening to the report, Boss Chen furrowed his brows and asked, "Are you saying that he might have feinted a shot with us again and smuggled out of the country again?"

"The possibility cannot be ruled out. He could sneak across the border from Zhengkang without looking for a smuggler."

"Maybe what can he do when he goes back? Since he has been diagnosed with cancer, is he sneaking over there and waiting to die?"

"Chen Zhi, are you saying that we didn't misjudge before? He came to Zhengkang on purpose to check, in order to mislead us in the direction of our pursuit?"

Thinking that the old bastard had asked overseas vegetable farmers to call two border police stations today, Boss Chen said coldly:

"I think he did feint a shot. He probably wanted to make us think he was still in Xinkang or smuggled out of the country!"

Concern leads to chaos.

As the specific person in charge of the pursuit, Lu Xiangyang was afraid of making any mistakes, so he said solemnly: "It has been three days, and there is still no news from so many checkpoints. The same is true for bus stations, train stations and airports. How could he leave Xinjiang?" Kang, how can you leave Nanyun?"

"Of course he can't get out of Nanyun on his own. He must have accomplices."

"Even if he has an accomplice, how can he be sent to Jiangnan?"

"It's difficult for others, but for a cunning drug lord like him, as long as he has money, it shouldn't be difficult to get out of Nayun. There must be someone helping to cover him up, and he won't need to show his face for food, clothing, housing and transportation."

Boss Chen thought for a while and then said: "It could be the person who bought more than ten kilograms of methamphetamine, or it could be Ma Zai who he found after selling the drugs.

No matter who is covering for him, it is definitely not that easy to find him now. The only thing that can be done now is to strengthen precautions and wait for news from Xu Jun. "

"Understood. I will ask the Zhengkang County Bureau and Zhengkang Brigade to mobilize the border residents and informants to inquire about the situation there."

"Didn't Han Xin help us develop an informant before going back? Let the informant help keep an eye on it."

"I have already contacted him. Today he went to ask the militiamen responsible for registering immigration personnel. He also visited the hospital and several clinics opposite, but could not find out the whereabouts of Wu."

"Xiao Lu, I know you are under a lot of pressure. Don't think too much. That old guy doesn't have much time. He won't hide all the time. I guess he will take action soon."

Lu Xiangyang was not worried about Wu Shouyi's claim to attack east and west to Jiangnan, because according to Xu Jun, a dragnet had been set up over Linghai.

What is worrying now is that Wu Shouyi realizes that time is running out, and for a while there is nothing he can do against Han Xin, so he jumps over the wall to retaliate against society.

He has a gun and grenades. If he goes to a densely populated area and shoots or throws grenades indiscriminately, how many casualties will it cause!

Wu Shouyi didn't know that he had made people in the Xinkang Border Management Detachment panic. He only knew that the "wife" Xiaojun helped find was a bit talkative and even really interested in him, a dying old man.

"They all say that raising children will prevent them from getting old, but what's the use of having unfilial children. When the old man was around, they ignored him. After the old man died, they didn't even ask. Otherwise, I wouldn't know how to do it at such an old age. Come out and work as a caregiver..."

Although they only got along for two days, Feng Lanmei really liked the sick old man in front of her.

First of all, he was rich and generous. If he was told six thousand yuan a month, he would give him six thousand yuan without any bargaining.

Secondly, he doesn't talk much and is very polite and polite.

Besides, he loves to be clean, unlike other old men who are sloppy.

More importantly, he had cancer and could only live for a year and a half at most!

Feng Lanmei had worked as a nurse in the hospital for so many years, and her eyes were poisoned. She had already realized that the reason why Yao Xiaojun was so filial was because of the old man's money.

What an old man like him needs most now is care. As long as he is made happy, not to mention 6,000 yuan, even 60,000 yuan is not difficult!

She was over fifty years old and a widow, and she didn't care whether the boy named Yao would laugh at her.

He simply made a fake show, sitting by the bed, stroking Wu Shouyi's hand, speaking in broken Mandarin about family affairs, and wiping away tears when he talked about sad things.

Yao Xiaojun realized that he had made a mistake and lured the wolf into the house, and he was anxious in his heart.

In fact, his worries were unnecessary. Not only was Wu Shouyi not impressed by her, but he also found her annoying and annoying!

I thought to myself, you don’t even think about how old you are this year, and you don’t even look in the mirror to see what you look like.

When it comes to women, I don’t know how many I have slept with in northern Myanmar. Each one is younger than the last one, and each one is more lively than the last one.

I won't take someone like you even if you give me money!

But thinking that with such an old woman who has an eye for money, this journey will be much safer, and I can only let her "show love".

At this time, the sound of electricity came from the walkie-talkie that Yao Xiaojun bought at the RV campground yesterday.

"Car No. 2, Car No. 3, please answer when you receive it."

"Car No. 2 received, Car No. 1 please speak."

Yao Xiaojun quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and pressed the call button: "Car No. 3 received it, Car No. 3 received it, Car No. 1 please speak!"

"Drive slowly, there's a traffic jam ahead, there seems to be a checkpoint."

"Received, received, we saw it too."

"Roger, slowing down."

This was the third checkpoint he encountered after setting off. Yao Xiaojun was no longer as nervous as before. He lightly stepped on the brakes and looked up at the rearview mirror to remind: "Uncle, aunt, it's time to check. Take out your ID card."

This journey was like going through five levels and killing six generals, but after successfully passing two levels, Wu Shouyi was not as worried as before.

With the help of his "wife", he sat up, took off his hat, revealing the bald head he had shaved when he started, and then took out a mask from the side of the bed and put it on.

Feng Lanmei took out her ID card from her wallet, hugged his arm and muttered: "Check again, where are there so many checkpoints?"

This old woman is not useless, at least she is a good hand in helping with inspections.

Wu Shouyi patted her arm and pretended to be relaxed: "Just check, we haven't broken any laws, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"I'm not afraid, I'm just annoyed. I have to rummage through the boxes and cabinets as soon as I get there. I just put them away and they have to be rummaged through again."

"Let Xiaojun help clean up later."

"Xiaojun wants to drive."

"There must be a service area in front. He doesn't need to open it when he reaches the service area."

Just as he was talking, two policemen with loaded guns walked to the car, knocked on the car window, and signaled to open the door.

Yao Xiaojun quickly opened the car door, picked up his ID card, driver's license and driving license and jumped out of the car.

"Where did it come from?"

"Come from Mangjing."

The police officer at the border checkpoint glanced at the ID card, then walked to the front of the car, leaned over and glanced at the license plate: "You are from Mangjing, why is the license plate from Xijiang?"

Yao Xiaojun explained: "Comrade policeman, I bought the car at a second-hand car market. A few days after I bought it, the car dealer said that I just need to transfer the car to someone else, and there is no need to change the license plate."

The tall policeman looked back at the two RVs in front of him and asked, "Where are you going?"

As if he was afraid of being heard by the people in the car, Yao Xiaojun gently closed the car door and said with a grimace: "Comrade police, we don't plan to go anywhere, we just go wherever we go."

"No matter where you go, what do you mean?"

"My godfather has cancer and can't survive for a few days. My aunt is worried about his random thoughts and insists on me taking him out to relax."

"What disease?"

"Leukemia has spread, and it can't be cured no matter how much money you spend."

The tall policeman handed his ID card, driver's license and driving license to the auxiliary police officer who followed him for registration. He looked at his colleague who came with the drug-detection dog, and then climbed into the car through the door on the right.

I saw an old man lying on the big bed inside. His hair was gone from chemotherapy. He was wearing a mask to prevent infection.

The old lady sat next to the old man, her eyes were red, and she could tell she had just cried.

The tall policeman walked to the bathroom next to the big bed and looked back at the space above the cab to make sure there was no one inside.

I opened the bathroom door again and found that it was very small and empty.

"Old comrade, for routine inspection, please show me your ID cards."

"Oh, here it is."

Feng Lanmei quickly moved to the bedside and handed over her ID card.

The tall policeman took the ID card, looked at Wu Shouyi and asked, "Old comrade, where is your ID card?"

Wu Shouyi was already terminally ill, so there was no need to pretend. As soon as he weakly raised his arms, Feng Lanmei put on his slippers, took off the plastic bag, and poured the contents of the bag onto the bed.

"I just checked it at noon. I remember putting it in here. Don't worry, young man. I'll come find it."

"Auntie, I'm not in a hurry. You can look for her slowly."

"What is this? Is this useful?"

"This is a test sheet. It should be useful. You can keep it."

"Oh, thank you."

Laboratory test orders, medical records, various examination orders, hospital bills, and a bunch of bottles and jars filled with medicine...

Feng Lanmei rummaged around for a long time, but she couldn't find her ID card.

"Old Wang, where did I put my ID card? Do you remember?"

Feng Lanmei turned around anxiously and asked Wu Shouyi if she had seen an ID card before.

Wu Shouyi pushed himself up and said tremblingly: "If you keep looking, why don't you ask Xiaojun."

"How did he know that I was the one who took care of it?"

Feng Lanmei kept doing nothing, squatting down to open the cabinet under the bed, then standing up to open the cabinet above, and rummaged around.

There were many cars waiting to be inspected behind. The police did not want to affect the traffic efficiency. He looked at the medical records and laboratory test sheets and asked: "Auntie, what is your lover's surname and name?"

"My surname is Wang, my name is Wang Xinqi."

"Where's the ID number?"

"The ID card is so long, I can't remember it."

Two old people, one of whom is suffering from cancer, don't look like bad people. Moreover, colleagues have checked down there with police dogs and found no problems.

The policeman held the terminal and checked the inspection records of the previous checkpoints. He found their records. While helping the old lady close the cabinet door, he smiled and said, "It's okay. You can go back and look for it slowly."

"Thank you. It's mainly because the car is too messy. I'll sort it out later."

“You don’t need to pack it up when driving.”

The policeman turned around and walked to the car door. After thinking about it, he turned back and reminded: "Auntie, when the car is running, you must wear your seat belt even when you are lying on the bed."

"Do you need a seat belt when sleeping?" the old lady asked innocently.

"If you need to tie it up, safety comes first."


Those medical records and laboratory test sheets were all stolen from the hospital before setting off, but I didn’t expect them to come in handy!

Seeing the police get out of the car, Yao Xiaojun finally breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand to say hello to the RV owner who was waiting in front, opened the door and climbed into the passenger seat.

Feng Lanmei didn't know why, so she simply cleaned up, walked to the front holding the small dining table and asked: "Xiaojun, have you seen your uncle's ID card? I remember putting it in the bag, but I can't find it."

Yao Xiaojun thought to himself that my uncle had several ID cards, but they had never been seen and had been thrown away when he went to the first service area.

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