Veteran new police officer

Chapter 268 It’s hard to move even an inch

In the past twenty-nine hours, Wu Shouyi was "sold" four times by bus drivers who acted like human traffickers.

Although he was sold back and forth, he finally arrived at his destination, even faster than expected.

It's just that the last driver was too responsible and enthusiastic, and he was unwilling to stop on the highway to drop off passengers. He actually drove the car off the highway for him alone, sent him outside the toll station and then turned around and got on the highway.

There was no police checking at the toll booth, but there was a police car parked at the intersection in front!

If you walk by alone with a bag on your back late at night, you will definitely be stopped and questioned.

Wu Shouyi did not dare to take the risk, so he pretended to go to the roadside to relieve himself. After making sure that no one was paying attention, he rushed downhill and got into the woods on the roadside.

Then, using the Linghai landmark "Tuhao Jin" that can be vaguely seen from such a distance as a reference, we walked along the path towards the city in the night.

The expressway entrance and exit is equivalent to the transportation hub in the east of Linghai City. There are several viaducts and it is mainly surrounded by greenery.

There are no private houses or factories, so there is no need to worry about being seen.

But as we walked, the situation changed.

There are either big roads illuminated by street lights like daylight, or small cement roads with street lights every few dozen meters.

The south is entirely an industrial area, with rows of steel structure factory buildings clearly visible under the lights.

To the east is a large river, estimated to be forty or fifty meters wide.

To the north is a large furniture market. Although it is closed at night, it is brightly lit outside...

The most annoying thing is that there are cameras everywhere!

Wu Shouyi wandered around like a headless fly for more than an hour, unable to escape no matter how hard he tried, so he could only run into the wheat field to the east of the furniture market to see if he could get around it.

It turns out that this is the only farmland nearby. No matter which direction you go, you can't avoid the main road full of cars or the factories and residential areas full of cameras.

He suddenly regretted leaving Yao Xiaojun and that old woman who always wanted money. I thought that if there were two people helping to cover, I wouldn't have to be as difficult as I am now.

Then I thought that the little bastard named Yao would definitely not send him here honestly, and would even try to get him to pay him first, and I felt that there was nothing to regret.

If you can't escape, then don't leave!

If you go into the city at night, you will easily be spotted by the police, not to mention your legs and stomach hurt and you need to take a rest.

He simply stopped and sat down in the cement irrigation canal. He took out the water cup from his bag, opened the lid, and took a few sips of the boiled water he received at the service area.

I planned to make do with it here all night, and then enter the city when it gets light and there are more people on the road.

However, as soon as I rested for a while, I couldn't bear it anymore.

He had known that Linghai was colder than Nanyun, but he didn't expect it to be so cold. It started drizzling again outside. He was livid with the cold and shivering. He quickly opened the lid of the cup and drank a few more sips of hot water.

What should I do? It’s not okay to go on like this.

He didn't want to freeze to death without repaying his revenge, so he simply got up and walked to the furniture store.

As I walked, I secretly told myself that this was Linghai, thousands of kilometers away from Nanyun, and the police here might not know what was going on over there in Nanyun.

At the same time, Li Duwang had led two auxiliary police officers around the area three times.

The police lights were off and the car was driving slowly.

He looked at both sides of the road, held up the walkie-talkie and asked: "Old Qian, Lao Qian, have you been to the Furniture City?"

"Li Jiao, Li Jiao, I have arrived and am checking the surveillance."

"Hurry up, watch carefully, and report any situation in a timely manner."


"Zhang Cheng, Zhang Cheng, I, Li Duwang, are the prevention and control teams in place?"

"Report to Li Jiao that the prevention and control team is in place. Car No. 3 is at the south intersection, Car No. 4 is at the T-junction in the north, and Xiao Xu and Lao Wang are patrolling by the river!"

"Pay attention to blind spots, especially monitoring blind spots."


Li Duwang put down the walkie-talkie and stared at the farmland on the left, thinking whether it was the old bastard Yang Biaohan wanted to arrest or not, anyone who behaved suspiciously must be investigated. After all, this is the jurisdiction of the Chengdong Police Station.

Wu Shouyi just wanted to spend the night somewhere sheltered from the wind and rain, and never thought about going into the city at night.

Along the field ridge blocked by the green belt, we walked straight to a row of mobile homes outside the east gate of the Eastern Furniture City.

The green belt here is not low shrubs, but a row of camphor trees five to six meters high.

His line of sight was blocked, so he didn't see the police car, and Li Duwang, who was patrolling in the police car, didn't see him either.

There was no one in the mobile home, but the door was locked and no one could get in.

He walked around the mobile house and continued to walk forward. Suddenly, he saw a brightly lit square in front of him. There was actually a large passenger plane parked in the square!

It's really big. I don't know if it's a real plane or a fake plane.

He thought it was strange, but he didn't want to or had the interest to see what happened.

I found that there were corridors between various areas of the furniture market, and even a canopy made of tempered glass. Regardless of whether there were surveillance cameras around, I quickly ran over to take shelter from the rain.

In Linghai, furniture manufacturing and sales are also an industry.

There are hundreds of furniture merchants in the Furniture City, and there are hundreds of furniture factories in the north of the Furniture City.

So there was a fake airplane parked at the door. It looked like a high-end furniture mall, and its monitoring hall was also very tall.

Lao Qian touched his chin and asked the security guard on duty at night to constantly switch the monitoring signal.

Just after watching the dozens of surveillance cameras outside the Furniture City, a security guard exclaimed: "Officer Qian, someone really sneaked in. Look, he entered Area B!"

"let me see."

"It's nesting here, next to the trash can."

Following the direction of the security guard's finger, Lao Qian suddenly found a person huddled in the corridor, wearing a hat and unable to see his face.

Lao Qian didn't care to observe carefully. He first took a picture of the monitor with his mobile phone and forwarded it to Li Duwang. He then raised the walkie-talkie: "Li Jiao, Li Jiao, found a man hiding in the furniture city. I gave the photo to You sent it."

"Got it, just stare at it while I look at the photo."

"Maybe he's a homeless person, he doesn't look like a thief."

Li Duwang opened his phone and clicked on the photo. He was immediately happy when he saw it: "What kind of tramp? Have you ever seen a tramp dressed so neatly and carrying a travel bag?"

Lao Qian subconsciously asked: "Li Jiao, are you saying that this is probably the old guy on the wanted order?"

"I can't see the face, so I can't confirm it yet."

"What should we do?"

The Eastern Furniture Mall is the largest commercial center within the jurisdiction of the Chengdong Police Station. It not only frequently holds various promotional activities, but also holds open-air concerts every few months.

We have not invited the most popular stars, but we have invited many small stars. In the past, the instructors of The Voice of China even brought students here.

Every time there is a big event, the Chengdong Police Station must arrange for auxiliary police officers to be present to assist the special patrol team and the security company in providing security.

Various inspections are also key here.

As the instructor of the Chengdong Police Station, Li Duwang was very familiar with the Furniture Mall. He stared at the photo and said excitedly: "Old Qian, please hold on tight first. Don't act rashly."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come over."

"Hear me out."

Li Duwang weighed it up and said with a smile: "I'll go around to the west gate. You ask the security guard to help me open the door. Lao Ding, Xiao Gu and I will go around behind him from the inside.

You will lead security guards to patrol from outside later to attract his attention.

When you patrol outside the corridor, I will open the rolling shutter from the inside, rush out, catch him off guard, and control him! "

Lao Qian stared at the surveillance screen and asked, "He is just one person. Is this such an exaggeration?"

"In case there are weapons, it's better to be careful."

"Then how can I cooperate later? Can I call you?"

"What are you calling? Make more noise and chat while patrolling. I should be able to hear you from inside."

"What if I can't hear you?"

"Then do as you say, patrol outside the corridor and call me."

"Okay, I'll ask the security guard to open the door for you."

Wu Shouyi knew that such a large furniture market must have security guards, but he was not afraid. Even if he is discovered by the security guards and is driven away at worst, who would embarrass an old man?

What he is thinking about now is what to do after entering the city.

The man named Liu must be found, but before looking for the policeman named Liu, he must first find a place to stay.

You can’t stay in a hotel without an ID card, and even if you can, it’s not safe.

You also need an ID card when renting a house...

He suddenly realized that he had been in too much of a hurry before. He just wanted to come here as soon as time was running out, and he just wanted to leave Nanyun as soon as possible. As long as he could get here, there would always be a way.

But if you are unfamiliar with this place, what solution can you think of in a short while?

He couldn't help but think of that poor child. He took out his mobile phone in a strange way, took out the last high-priced card he bought in northern Myanmar, carefully installed it, turned on his mobile phone and made a call.

What he didn't know was that a lot had happened in the past two days!

The Xinkang Border Management Detachment's special pursuit team learned that his second son might have had a girlfriend before his death, and immediately launched a secret investigation through various channels.

The small town in northern Myanmar where their father and son hid before was not big, and there were not many restaurants in the town. In addition, not long ago, they soon found out that a woman from Nanhu named Jiang Xiaoyun had been in a Sichuan restaurant in the town. Worked!

As soon as Sister Zhang received the notice, she rushed to Nanhu without stopping.

With the assistance of the local public security bureau, Jiang Xiaoyun was taken to the criminal police brigade of the local public security bureau for questioning.

But no matter how much he was moved with emotion or reason, Jiang Xiaoyun just didn't speak.

She could only be detained for forty-eight hours at most. Sister Zhang was so anxious that she pointed to a call record that she had checked in the morning and asked: "Who called you?"

Jiang Xiaoyun took a look and remained silent.

"The policy has been explained to you countless times. If you do this again, you will be suspected of covering up and you will be held criminally responsible!

You now have a family, a husband, and children.

As far as I know, your husband loves you very much and your daughter is very cute. Even if you don’t think about yourself, you should think about your children! "


Jiang Xiaoyun not only remained unmoved, but even closed his eyes.

Sister Zhang didn't expect her to be so uncooperative. Just when she didn't know what to ask, Jiang Xiaoyun's cell phone suddenly rang.

The caller ID showed an unfamiliar number, but the address was also Nanyun.

Sister Zhang realized that it was probably the old bastard who called, and said eagerly: "Jiang Xiaoyun, the opportunity has come. Now it's up to you to cooperate."

Not only did Jiang Xiaoyun not want to answer the call, she even wanted to hang up quickly or take this opportunity to remind her father.

Naturally, Sister Zhang would not let her tip off the news. In fact, she had already made a plan. Seeing that she had no intention of cooperating, she immediately picked up her phone and walked out of the interrogation room.

The female detective guarding next door was well prepared. When she saw Sister Zhang coming in with her mobile phone, she quickly turned on the player on her computer and played the sound of the baby crying that she had recorded in the afternoon.

Then he calmed down, took the phone, opened the call button, and asked in local dialect: "Who are you looking for? Who are you? You are not here..."

Sister Zhang held up her mobile phone with the recording function turned on, recording and listening at the same time.

However, the other party hung up directly without saying a word.

"Zhang Da, I'm sorry, am I too nervous?" the policewoman asked with a grimace.

"No, that's very good. Anyway, it sounds similar to me."

Sister Zhang patted the policewoman on the shoulder, put down her phone and waited for about ten minutes. Sure enough, Lu Xiangyang called.

"Xiao Lu, have you tracked him?"

"It should be him. The number belongs to us, but the call just now was made from Linghai. The instructor is reporting to Cheng Zhi. I also need to inform Xu Jun quickly."

"Okay, call him quickly."

As soon as Sister Zhang hung up the phone, the local female detective couldn't help but ask: "Sister Zhang, what should I do with Jiang Xiaoyun? She is so uncooperative. Should she be released or not?"

"You definitely can't let her go. Don't worry, we won't make it difficult for you. I'll apply for the procedure and take her into criminal detention first."

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