Veteran new police officer

Chapter 270 To untie the bell, one must tie it

Wu Shouyi finally got his wish and entered the city, but he came in a police car.

After being taken into the case handling center, he once again enjoyed super high-standard treatment!

Normally, only two police officers interrogate.

But now there are actually four police officers interrogating him, including Cui Tao, deputy captain of the Criminal Police Detachment of the Binjiang City Public Security Bureau.

And he was remotely connected to the Xinkang Border Management Detachment. If you include "Boss Chen" and Lu Xiangyang who were far away in Nanyun, there were a total of six people interrogating him.

District Chief Zhang and Bureau Chen, who arrived after hearing the news, were sitting with Cheng Wenming in the investigation room, watching the surveillance and frequently communicating with Yang Qianli, who was investigating, through the intercom.

Han Xin could not see Wu Shouyi, nor was he qualified to enter the interrogation room.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank Lao Li, but Lao Li actually went back with Lao Qian and two auxiliary policemen on the grounds that there was still a wanted criminal who had not been arrested.

Han Xin can understand that he is so dedicated.

After all, the branch office has activated an emergency plan, and even the police have patrolled the streets. Naturally, as the instructor of the Chengdong Police Station, he cannot stay here for long.

Han Xin wanted to help, but since he was not a police officer in the branch, no one assigned him tasks, so he could only sit in the car with Zhu Jinming and wait.

"This is a six-day tour of Linghai. You don't need to ask. You know that the next task for us is to escort Wu Shouyi back safely, and then there will be nothing to worry about."

"Zhu Zhi, I'm sorry for making you struggle for so many days."

"What's there to be embarrassed about? We are not outsiders. Besides, this is our job."

Thinking of the things that happened when the young man was in the army, Zhu Jinming smiled again: "Actually, I should be the one who is embarrassed. At that time, I thought you were just a driver and didn't know the special nature of your job, so we were assigned to go on duty every time. , just want to cause trouble for you."

Before the transformation, the detachment had no inspectors, only pickets.

Most of the personnel who perform picket duties are drawn from the mobile brigade with the strictest management, the hardest training, and the best military quality.

Han Xin was caught in the act by his gang of "stupid young men" more than once, and once he was even locked up in a "little dark room" by them.

At that time, I really hated them so much that I even thought about taking care of those "stupid young men" under him.

But the superiors have obviously taken this into consideration. Every time a veteran retires from the army, he or she will arrange for those who have been on picket duty to leave early.

Looking back, it's really interesting.

A good man does not mention his bravery.

What's more, being caught by a picket is not an honorable thing.

Han Xin quickly changed the topic and asked with a wicked smile: "Zhu Zhi, have you ever seen Xiaoxue's boyfriend? What does he look like?"

"That girl from the canteen?"


Zhu Jinming didn't expect that almost a year after he was transferred back, he would still miss the girl from the old army station. He couldn't help laughing and scolding: "You have a girlfriend, why do you think of asking this?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious."

"I've met him a few times. To be honest, he looks very average and his work may not be better than ours. I really don't know what Xiaoxue is thinking. There are so many handsome boys in our detachment but we chose to choose that one. It's really a flower. Flowers on cow dung!”

"I guess it's because there was no restructuring at that time. You officers thought that he didn't have a formal job, and we soldiers were not qualified to pursue him. Even if we dared to pursue him, we could only do it secretly. He didn't feel safe."

"It's possible."

Just as the two were chatting happily, the investigation room on the second floor of the case handling center was on-site with the Xinkang Border Management Detachment.

District Chief Zhang finally met the legendary "Boss Chen" and said in a high and steady tone: "Chen Zhi, the situation is basically clear. Wu Shouyi came to Linghai alone. Our police just saw him getting off the highway. Surveillance video.”

"District Chief Zhang, so even if you don't trace the place where the call was made, you can still capture him?"

"In fact, our police discovered his whereabouts through surveillance as early as an hour and a half before receiving the notification, and organized police forces to launch a search."

District Chief Zhang lowered his head and looked at the "timeline" that Bureau Chen had just compiled, and said with a smile: "We just reviewed the police's law enforcement video and found that our police targeted Wu Shouyi five minutes before you reported it to Cheng Zhi. location and launched an arrest."

The old bastard named Wu had just entered Linghai and was arrested within two hours.

It can be seen how well the Linghai Public Security Bureau has done in public security prevention and control. The Linghai Public Security Bureau is indeed worthy of being proud!

Boss Chen admired the efficiency of Linghai Public Security Bureau and also admired the combat effectiveness of Linghai Public Security Bureau. He said enthusiastically: "District Chief Zhang, I have caused trouble to you and helped us so much. I don't know how to thank you. If you have If you have an opportunity to handle a case here, be sure to give me a call.”

"Not to mention trouble, when it comes to handling cases with you, I might actually have a chance in the future. Telecom fraud and online gambling are so rampant now. Our sub-bureau's Anti-Electronic Fraud Center has found clues to several cases, which ultimately point to northern Myanmar. I will always trouble you."

"Then we will stop being polite to each other and welcome you to come and handle the case."

Although the case belongs to someone else, this time he really showed his face!

District Chief Zhang was very happy. As soon as the video ended, he turned back and said with a smile: "Cheng Zhi, to be honest, I really didn't expect that Li Duwang could launch such a big satellite."

Yang Qianli just traced it very clearly and reported it very clearly.

Cheng Wenming yawned and hummed: "Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. This Li Duwang is not lucky. He has been keeping an eye on him for more than a week. Whenever he finds any clues, he will organize the police to investigate."

Bureau Chen smiled and added: "District Chief Zhang, I just met him downstairs. He had black eye circles and bloodshot eyes. I don't know how many nights he has stayed up."

District Chief Zhang smiled and said: "Li Duwang is still very capable and very responsible for his work. The reason why he carried it so hard before was mainly because he met Han Xin."

Thinking of what happened to the police station in his hometown some time ago, Cheng Wenming couldn't help but laugh: "That's true, whoever encounters him will be unlucky. This has a profound lesson, otherwise he wouldn't be called Han Keng."

District Chief Zhang smiled and continued: "They say you can stand up wherever you fall. Li Duwang did it. Not only did he stand up, he also gave us such a big surprise."

As for being capable, Yang Qianli is equally capable.

But Yang Qianli's character, especially his mouth, determined that he could only be an instructor.

In comparison, Li Duwang is much more stable!

Thinking that the anti-drug brigade cannot always be without its captain and instructor, and that Liu Haipeng would find it difficult to take on the important role for a while, Chen Ju suggested:

"Although Cheng Zhi, District Chief Zhang, and Wu Shouyi were arrested, it is still not clear who sold the dozen kilograms of methamphetamine he took away to.

Chen Zhi also said in the video just now that we should jointly investigate this case, or give Li Duwang a chance to make new contributions and let him participate in the investigation. "

Solving crimes sometimes depends on luck, so District Chief Zhang thought he could give it a try.

Thinking again that although Li Duwang had made great contributions, he still lacked qualifications, he couldn't help but smile: "I think it's okay. Once the drug case is solved in one go, he will be fully qualified to be the captain of the anti-drug brigade."

Cheng Wenming muttered: "This is your branch's business, so I won't comment. The top priority is how to get Wu Shouyi to talk. If he refuses to talk, who knows who he sold the drugs to."

"Interrogating slowly and repeatedly, I don't believe that we can't pry his mouth open!"

"District Chief Zhang, you just saw that he is different from other suspects, and he suffers from cancer. He will be escorted to the People's Hospital for examination and even treatment early tomorrow morning. I'm afraid it's not that easy to get him to talk. easy."

Xinkang was busy hunting down the little bastard named Yao, and could not pay attention to Wu Shouyi, who had just been arrested.

At the same time, considering that Wu Shouyi was suffering from cancer and worried that he would die of illness on the way to escort, he decided not to escort him back to Nanyun for the time being.

Although there are police officers in Linghai, tracing the flow of drugs currently relies mainly on the Linghai branch.

That’s more than ten kilograms of methamphetamine!

District Chief Zhang didn't want to let the cooked duck fly, so he asked in a low voice: "Cheng Zhi, you are an old criminal detective. How do you think we can get Wu Shouyi to speak."

Cheng Wenming pondered for a moment, held his chin and said, "He has contact with his second son's former girlfriend Jiang Xiaoyun, this should be a breakthrough.

However, we cannot place all our hopes on this line. After all, various signs indicate that Jiang Xiaoyun is only suspected of covering up and should not be involved in drug trafficking. "

Chen Ju subconsciously asked: "Cheng Zhi, are you saying that the person who untie the bell must also tie the bell? He came to see Han Xin, so we will use Han Xin as a breakthrough?"

Cheng Wenming nodded: "He definitely wants to see Han Xin and want to ask why Han Xin 'betrayed' his son. Because as far as I know, when Han Xin was performing a close mission, his two sons trusted Han Xin very much. I really regard Han Xin as a brother."

"Then let's interrogate him first, don't let him see him, don't let him know that Han Xin is in Linghai, and whet his appetite first."

"I think it works. If he really wants to see Xiao Han, he must first explain who the drugs were sold to."

"Not just the dozen kilograms of methamphetamine, but also other criminal facts."

Cheng Wenming's mission has been completed. Although he will not be involved in the subsequent investigation of the drug case, he still knocked on the table to remind:

"He is not an ordinary drug dealer, he is a real drug lord. He has been engaged in drug trafficking for more than ten years. He has sold heroin and methamphetamine that can be counted in tons!"

District Chief Zhang was convinced and said sideways: "Old Chen, it seems that we need to treat him well and not let him die so early."

"I have made arrangements to take him to the People's Hospital for examination tomorrow morning. After the examination, he will be escorted to the High-tech Zone Hospital for conservative treatment. There are not so many people in the High-tech Zone Hospital and there are single rooms, which is more suitable for custody."

Director Chen paused and then said: "After the test results come out, if surgery is needed, then arrange for him to go to the People's Hospital for surgery. After the surgery, he will be taken back to the High-tech Zone Hospital for treatment."

"The custody task is quite stressful. Not only must we prevent him from fleeing in fear of crime, but we must also prevent him from harming himself."

"Didn't Nanyun have four policemen here? Three of them are equivalent to special police officers. We will assign three more policemen to set up a joint custody team to be responsible for this task and keep an eye on him 24 hours a day!"

"Let's do it this way. Let the comrade from Nanyun be the team leader, and we will assign a comrade to be the deputy team leader."

Cheng Wenming believed that it would be better to let professional people do professional things, and suggested: "District Chief Zhang, I suggest that a police officer be transferred from the detention center to serve as the deputy team leader. If Wu Shouyi refuses to speak, we can even consider letting Han Xin participate in the detention."

"Let Han Xin participate in the custody?"

District Chief Zhang thought he heard wrongly.

Cheng Wenming smiled and said: "Didn't Lao Chen just say that the person who untied the bell must also tie the bell? Han Xin is the best candidate. Wu Shouyi and him must have a lot of 'common topics'. I bet that as long as he sees Han Xin, he will Open your mouth and you will have something to say.”

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