Veteran new police officer

Chapter 272 Logistics Support

At 8:24 in the morning, the Anti-Narcotics Brigade of Linghai Branch exploded because of a phone call.

Lao Li, who had been cheated by the brigade many times, actually wanted to serve as the brigade instructor. Lan Doudou didn't even bother to make a case file, so she quickly went to the door and called Zhang Yuhang.

"Lao Li is also our instructor, what should I do with my second uncle?"

"Why are you in such a hurry? Besides, it's useless to tell me this if you're not in charge."

"If I can serve as an instructor today, I may be a captain tomorrow. Not only will it be difficult for my second uncle to come back, I'm afraid even Liu Da will have to step aside!"

Lan Doudou has long been accustomed to "living behind closed doors", and she never expected that Cheng Yaojin would appear on the way.

Although Zhang Yuhang was a little surprised, it was not surprising.

Thinking that not telling her clearly would be detrimental to the future work of my old unit, I simply put down my work, held up my mobile phone and explained patiently: "Doudou, a brigade cannot always be without a brigade leader and instructor. I know what you want. If Lao Liu can become a regular employee, I hope Yu Jiao can come back.

But Lao Liu's qualifications are there. He has a long service life, but his police service experience is about the same as yours, and he has no grassroots work experience. It is very, very difficult for a military cadre to become deputy captain in such a short period of time. At least in our branch, it is difficult to be promoted to team leader or instructor within three to five years. "

"If you want qualifications, my second uncle has the qualifications!"

"Jiao Yu's punishment for Chen Guoping's back has not been withdrawn. Even if the punishment is withdrawn, it will not be easy to rearrange his duties. The bureau must consider the impact of all aspects.

Lan Doudou muttered: "No one can arrange for Lao Li to come. He has a grudge against us."

Zhang Yuhang smiled and said: "What kind of hatred is there? It's not as exaggerated as you think. In fact, Lao Li is very easy to get along with. Besides, he has just made a great contribution and helped Xiao Han solve his worries. We should thank him, congratulate him and welcome him." "

"Will he hold a grudge and give me little shoes to wear?"

"How is it possible that if he is so petty, he can be the instructor of Shangchengdong Police Station? Stop thinking nonsense, listen to me, correct your mentality, and support Lao Li in his work after he takes office."

"Does Liu Da Da have any ideas?"

Zhang Yuhang realized that this was what she really wanted to ask, and couldn't help but smile: "Don't worry about him, he won't have any ideas."

"Really not?" Lan Doudou was doubtful.

"What are you lying to?"

Zhang Yuhang knew his old partner very well. After thinking about it, he said: "He will definitely not have any ideas. After all, everyone knows how the bureau selects and appoints the captain of the science institute. When I left, the bureau asked him to take charge of the work of the brigade. Originally, he was A stopgap measure.”

The "anti-drug department" has risen rapidly this year, but it has certain special characteristics.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to be promoted to brigade captain, you have to work as deputy director of the police station for five or six years at least.

The rejuvenation of cadres in the branch is mainly reflected at the level of squadron leader and squadron instructor. The average age of the director, group captain, and instructor is over 45 years old. If you want to serve as deputy group captain, deputy instructor, or deputy director, you must at least wait a long time. to the age of forty.

The main reason why Yu Wenqiang can become the deputy director of the detention center is that the supervision system needs a model.

And because Yu Wenqiang had no friends, was not afraid of offending others, and had a reputation as a "public enemy of the bureau", he was inexplicably made into a "star" in the detention center...

In short, there are many police officers in the branch and few leadership positions, so they can only be ranked based on seniority.

Lan Doudou knew this, and she never thought of asking Zhang Yuhang to help Liu Haipeng and Yu Jinze run for official positions. She just wanted to talk to someone when such a big thing happened.

Unexpectedly, just after hanging up the phone, the "evil disciple" whom he hadn't seen for nearly a week came back.

"Master, where are Liu Da and Yu Jiao?"

"You went to the detention center to interrogate a suspect. What are you doing when you come back?"

Han Xin took out two tissues from her desk, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said with a smile: "He helped my comrades move. I am now responsible for logistics support."

Lan Doudou was kept in the dark until this morning. She didn't know until this morning that a wanted criminal wanted to take revenge on Han Xin, but he couldn't find Han Xin, so he planned to find Liu Haipeng.

I was frightened at first, but before I could calm down, I received the news that Lao Li was going to serve as the brigade instructor concurrently.

She subconsciously asked: "Where are your comrades moving to? The wanted criminal has been arrested. Don't they need to escort the wanted criminal back?"

"Don't escort him back to Nanyun for the time being, because there is a case within the case, and the branch will next conduct a joint investigation with our old army."

"Who is responsible for investigating?"

"Lao Li, he is your instructor now, don't you know?"

"I know, I just heard about it."

Han Xin was really happy that the old comrade would not go back for the time being. He pulled out a chair and sat across from her, grinning and saying: "I don't know how long this case will take. My comrades can't always stay in hotels. I originally wanted them to go to my house. It’s not like we don’t have a place to live, but they don’t want to go.”

Lan Doudou was very curious about the villain's comrades, and subconsciously asked: "Where do you live?"

"I live downstairs. Director Chen called the special patrol team and cleared out two dormitories on the third floor. I just helped them check out and moved their luggage here."

Han Xin smiled and continued: "The joint task force headquarters will also be located here. It is also required by Bureau Chen. You and Jiao Yu will most likely join the task force next."

"Haven't the wanted criminal been caught? What kind of joint task force should be set up?"

"The person has been arrested, but the circumstances of his drug trafficking have not yet been fully explained. What is certain now is that he just sold more than ten kilograms of methamphetamine."

"More than ten kilograms!"

Lan Doudou was shocked and stood up suddenly.

Han Xin knew she would be interested and said proudly: "The reason why our old army leaders proposed to jointly investigate with the branch is that they want to express their gratitude to the branch for helping capture that old bastard Wu Shouyi. The second is that they are now hunting down a murderer. , a bit too much to take care of.

Furthermore, there are a lot of drug cases there. As long as they are drug cases, they have to be investigated in depth. The money is really like water. There are many things that have not been straightened out after the restructuring. It is troublesome to apply for funds. It is better to cooperate with our branch. "

Lan Doudou felt that things were not that simple, and thought that this was probably a big gift package given by your old army leader when he saw that the branch treated you well.

After all, it is very rare for Linghai Branch to be able to investigate drug cases weighing more than ten kilograms.

A few days ago, I was happy to have seized more than 50 grams of methamphetamine. Now that I think about it, it’s really funny...

Just when she didn't know what to say, the villain's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Master, the master's wife is calling. What does he want from me?"

"How did I know? Take it."


Han Xin found it very strange, so she answered the phone and joked: "Master, are you following me? I just returned to the brigade to find the master, and you called me to check on me. Are you worried about me or my master?"

Yu Wenqiang was running up and down with a stack of orders, feeling depressed.

When I heard that he was actually with Lan Doudou, I became angry: "It has nothing to do with your master, I'm here to find you."

"What do you want from me?"

"I provoked you, and you still want me to wipe your ass for what you did. Be honest and tell me, you asked me to work with your comrades to guard and care for the suspect. Did you find it for me?"

"Master's wife, are you with Zhu Zhi now?"

"I was waiting in line and he was downstairs watching the suspect."

"Let me go, the branch actually arranged for you to help serve the suspect, hahahaha."

"You can actually laugh."

"I'm sorry, I stopped laughing. Sister, my conscience, this really has nothing to do with me. This case was jointly investigated by our old army and the branch. If Xiao Zhi hadn't insisted, our anti-drug detachment would have had nothing to do with it."

Yu Wenqiang was hesitant: "You really didn't know beforehand that this job of mine was not recommended by you?"

Han Xin suppressed a smile, looked at Lan Doudou who looked incredulous, and said, "I swear to my master, this is really none of my business."

"Let your master answer the phone."

"Oh, master, my wife is looking for you."

Lan Doudou glared at him, took the phone and asked, "Husband, what's wrong?"

Yu Wenqiang said with a wry smile: "I was dragged out of my job by Bureau Chen. What do I do as a custody and nursing team leader? I have to assist your apprentice's comrades in bringing the suspect to the hospital for examination, and I have to keep an eye on the suspect 24 hours a day to prevent the suspect from hurting himself." He committed suicide by injuring himself, and even had to work as a carer for the suspect."

This is not only a business matter, but also a private matter, which directly affects whether a family can function normally.

Lan Doudou asked with a grimace: "Why are we looking for you? You are not the only one in the detention center!"

"The leader said that this suspect is a serious criminal and must be taken seriously."

"I know the suspect, but..."

"It's nothing. I can't go back these days. Even if I can go back, I don't dare to go back. If the suspect dies, I, as the deputy director, will probably be done with it. I won't be able to attend the parent-teacher meeting tomorrow. Just look at tomorrow. Can you take two hours off in the afternoon and go?"

Every time there is a parent-teacher meeting, the grandparents go there.

My daughter was unhappy and said that it was only her parents who went there.

Yu Wenqiang could have taken a rotation tomorrow, but he had already promised his daughter, but in the end, the plan changed.

Thinking that Lao Li was coming soon and was "taking the case into the team", the brigade was probably going to be very busy. Lan Doudou frowned and said, "I probably won't be able to participate either. I'll go back to coax her at night."

"It's up to you. I have to wait in line and hang up first."

A two-cop family, that’s what it is.

Han Xin knew that she was in a bad mood and said cautiously: "Master, I'm not busy. I can help you attend the parent-teacher meeting tomorrow."

"Go aside!"

Lan Doudou gave him a roll of her eyes and muttered: "We are all so busy, but you, the client, seem to be fine."

Han Xin thought to herself, who said I was fine?

After Xiao Zhi learned that the old bastard named Wu was arrested, he felt that the anti-drug detachment could not be absent from this drug case jointly investigated by the old army and the branch.

Let him participate in the investigation of this case while continuing to be responsible for the "sewage poison testing" pilot work in Linghai and Xingdong.

It's just that for various reasons, I can't see that old bastard for the time being.

There were many things that couldn't be explained for a while, so Han Xin simply stopped explaining. She stood up and said with a smile, "Master, please do your work first. I'll go downstairs to find Fang Da."

"What are you doing with him?"

"My comrade came with a gun. Now that the suspect has been arrested, it is always troublesome to have a gun with him. I will ask if I can store it in their gun warehouse. If they don't agree, I can only ask Lao Li for help. Deposit it to the Chengdong Police Station."

"I won't go downstairs with you. If I go, it will cause bad things."

"Master, how are you doing with your neighbors..."

"It's a long story. Besides, we have a good relationship with the Food and Drug Environmental Protection Team!"

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