Veteran new police officer

Chapter 286 Don’t look back!

After seeing off Director Liu and Bao Da, I thanked Yifan Kangsuo, picked up my luggage and went to the hotel with the "most handsome policeman".

The hotel is really close, and the "most handsome policeman" is really famous!

After coming out of the police station, we turned a corner and walked for about four minutes. However, in this short four minutes, more than a dozen old men and women who came out to walk or walk their dogs at night greeted the "most handsome policeman".

Some asked how old their child was, whether he could talk or walk.

Some asked his father if he came over on New Year's Day.

Some asked him if he would go back to his hometown during the Spring Festival.

She looked very familiar with him, and the conversation was all about family affairs.

As for the "Chaoyang International Youth Hostel" in front of him, which looks like a boutique hotel and a bit like a B\u0026B, he is even more familiar with it.

The little girl at the front desk called him brother-in-law, and a young man who was lying on the front desk to please the girl called him Han Da with a big grin on his face and an embarrassed look on his face.

Lan Doudou and Li Yamei had a lot to say and ask, but because he was so famous and knew so many people, they never had the chance to speak.

It wasn't until she checked in and walked into a very stylishly decorated deluxe standard room with a small garden outside the sliding door that Lan Doudou turned around and asked with a smile: "Han Suo, did you invest in this hotel? "

"Luzhi, you really know how to joke. I don't have the money to open a hotel, and I can't open any hotel."

"But this hotel is in your name!"

"If the word "Chaoyang" is mine, then the entire community is mine!"

"You really didn't invest in it?" Li Yamei was doubtful.

"It's really not true."

Han Chaoyang didn't want to enter the lesbian's room, so he stood by the door and explained: "This place used to belong to the old Chaoyang Village, but now it belongs to the Chaoyang Community, so this hotel is named Chaoyang International Youth Hostel."

Lan Doudou chuckled and said, "I thought you invested in it!"

"It's just a coincidence that there are Chaoyang Community, Chaoyang Station, Chaoyang Noodle House, Chaoyang Malatang, Chaoyang Unlocking, and Chaoyang Convenience Stores. There are many Chaoyangs in this area."

"Han Suo, it's inconvenient to talk outside. You can't disturb the rest next door. Why don't you come to my room and sit for a while."

Like a hard-working porter, Han Xin sent the master and sister's luggage into their rooms, then took out the card and swiped the door to her own room.

Lan Doudou thought this proposal was a good one, and before the "most handsome policeman" could say anything, she pulled Li Yamei and said, "Okay, let's go to your room!"

Today is New Year's Day, and my mother came here from her hometown to see her children.

Han Chaoyang wanted to go back and spend time with his family, but he couldn't leave without helping these three Jiangnan colleagues catch the suspect. He could only smile and said: "Then just sit down for a while. There will probably be news soon."

Lan Doudou walked into the evildoer's room and took a look around as usual. He found that there was also a small independent garden outside. He sat down and asked curiously: "Han Suo, this hotel has such a good environment and the room is so big. Why is it only two hundred?" One more night?”

Han Chaoyang would not be stupid enough to tell them that this place used to be a mourning hall and the outside used to be a cemetery where dead people from a whole village had been buried. He could only say perfunctorily:

"This is invested by the community. The community has a good relationship with our institute and gave us a negotiated price."

“Your community here is so rich, our community there has nothing!”

"Only Chaoyang Community and Yangguan Community have money, while other communities also have no money."

“Why do these two communities have money?”

“Because these two communities used to be urban villages with fixed assets such as facade houses, the former village cadres did business.

Nowadays, community cadres are more powerful. When the villagers who had been expropriated and demolished had money in their hands, they raised funds to set up several companies, and this hotel is one of them. "

Han Xin didn't expect them to even ask this question. It was clear that they were not interested in these things and just wanted to chat with the "most handsome policeman".

People forget their loyalty when they see profit, but they "forget their friends when they see sex".

Just as he was secretly cursing, the pretty boy's cell phone rang.

"It's easy to talk. I'm listening. She went to Tiangui Mountain. When did she go? Have you checked which hotel she stayed in... Okay, thank you for your hard work. You continue to pay attention. I'll take a look first."

"Han Institute, the suspect is not at home?"

Lan Doudou ignored the small talk and stared at the "most handsome policeman" and asked eagerly.

Han Chaoyang clicked on WeChat and looked at some screenshots just sent by his subordinates: "Her boyfriend took her to Tiangui Mountain this morning for a self-driving trip.

Police officer Lao Yang from our community team checked online, but could not find any accommodation records for their family of three.

Tiangui Mountain is not far from the city. Her boyfriend's hometown seems to be there. I guess they may live with relatives and friends.

This is the Moments they posted today. They seemed to be having a lot of fun. They posted four times a day, all with nine-square grid. "

Lan Doudou took the phone, looked at it, and asked in a low voice: "Since I can see their circle of friends, can I ask them where they live now?"

“A sister from the community property management company is WeChat friends with them, and there are three other owners who are familiar with them.

Lao Yang has asked the property management lady to ask for help, but the other party has not responded yet. Maybe I was too tired from playing and had already taken a rest. "

"Han Suo, will you alert the enemy?" Han Xin reminded.

This is nothing, Han Chaoyang explained with a smile: "Don't worry, Lao Yang asked friends from the property management to ask in the name of the community needing to fill out a form."

Han Xin didn't want to make the trip in vain, so she thought about it and asked, "What if the suspect calls the community to confirm?"

"It's okay to fight. The property company that provides services to the community is owned by the community. The president of the property company and the security company is the community secretary, and the vice president is the community director."

Seeing that his colleague from Jiangnan, who had been in the same family five hundred years ago, was not at ease, Han Chaoyang smiled again and said: "Team Han, there is a situation that I forgot to introduce in the office just now. The security guards from the Chaoyang Community Security Company are all from the voluntary security patrol brigade of our branch. team members.

I am also the captain of this brigade, and Secretary Xu of the community is not only the shareholder and general manager of the security company, but also the deputy captain of the voluntary security patrol brigade, the first secretary of the community and the instructor of the brigade, so Director Liu just joked that Dongming Community is My base. "

It sounds a bit confusing, but one thing can be confirmed, the people under him are very capable, and his mass base in this area is very good.

Han Xin had nothing to worry about. She had just picked up the bottle of complimentary mineral water and was about to hand it to him when his cell phone rang again.

"Yeah, okay, thank you for your hard work..."

"Han Suo, what's going on?" Lan Doudou couldn't help but ask.

Han Chaoyang put down his cell phone and said with a smile: "The suspect replied and said he would be back tomorrow afternoon, and her background and social connections are basically clear."

"So fast!"

"She doesn't live in a vacuum. In fact, she is very playful and active."

Han Chaoyang looked at the situation just sent by his colleague and continued: "After graduating from PolyU, she went to an Internet company. The registered address and office of that company were in an office building in the city center.

She worked for that company for three years and resigned for unknown reasons.

Her boyfriend's surname is Lin Xiaowei. He is also a graduate of Polytechnic University and works in a pharmaceutical company not far from here.

She may have feelings for her alma mater. In May three years ago, she bought the current second-hand house in Dongyang Community through an intermediary. "

The "most handsome policeman" is indeed very efficient!

Lan Doudou has never admired police officers engaged in community work so much.

Li Yamei's eyes were also full of admiration.

Han Xin was feeling embarrassed when the pretty girl said with a bit of embarrassment: "Actually, I've met her before and I'm relatively familiar with her. I just couldn't remember her name. I didn't know it was her until I saw the photo."

Li Yamei asked in a low voice: "Relatively familiar, how familiar are you?"

"She and her boyfriend often go to PolyU's cafeteria to eat. My wife and I live in PolyU. We don't usually get together, so we meet often and say hello every time we meet."

Thinking that that quiet-looking woman was actually engaging in illegal and criminal activities under his nose, Han Chaoyang was really embarrassed and said with a wry smile:

"I often go to their community, and once I met her, I found out that she had bought a house in the community, and I chatted with her for a while. She said that she resigned and was engaged in self-media at home. I always believed it."

Lan Doudou thought that you used to be a community policeman and often went around the community. It is normal to know the suspect, and it is normal not to know what the suspect is doing.

Han Chaoyang didn't know what Jiangnan's colleague was thinking, and continued: "I also know her boyfriend. He seems to be quite honest. He rides an electric bike to get off work every day.

The pharmaceutical factory where she worked was very profitable and the salary was quite high. It seemed unlikely that he was her accomplice. "

Han Xin pondered: "Both two people are living together. Even if Lin Xiaowei is not involved, he should know about it."

"Maybe it's a good disguise. We'll find out when we catch them tomorrow."

"Han Suo, the suspect is not at home. We can't do anything tonight. We can't delay your rest. Why don't you go back early."

"It's still early. Are you hungry? The plane meal is just a little bit, so you won't be full. It's rare for you to come to Yanyang, so you have to let me do my part as a landlord. Let's go and have a barbecue."

"Han Suo, we're here to trouble you, how can you treat us? I just want to have barbecue, I'll treat you!"

"No, no, you are guests."

Just follow the beautiful master out to handle cases, and you will be treated to treats wherever you go.

Han Xin and her master and sister followed the "most handsome policeman" to a large barbecue restaurant. They were too embarrassed to order food and excused themselves to go to the bathroom.

Lan Doudou and Li Yamei would not be polite to the "most handsome policeman", holding the menu in hand while studying it.

When Han Xin came back after washing her hands, they had checked many items on the menu, but most of them were vegetarian.

The "most handsome policeman" was very hospitable and ordered ten more mutton skewers, ten beef skewers, and ten beef tendons before handing the menu to the waiter.

Northerners really like to eat barbecue, and the restaurant was still full of people even at this late hour.

Han Xin was just a "little follower", neither wanting to interrupt nor being able to interrupt. He simply drank the free barley tea and observed the Northeastern-style store environment with great interest, as well as the guests who came out for barbecue in the evening.

As he watched, his eyes rested on a young man who was drinking and blushing.

The boy was short and thin, and he didn't know whether he was drunk or the heater in the store was too hot, so he took off his shirt and became shirtless.

"Han Suo, if you have the opportunity to go on a business trip to our place, I will treat you to seafood."

"Okay, I will definitely go if I have the chance."

"Xiao Han, you and Han Suo are from the same family. What are you looking at? Let's chat for a while!"

"Oh, you guys chat, I have to go to the bathroom."

Han Xin said perfunctorily, put down the tea cup and stood up.

Han Chaoyang has long been used to male compatriots not liking him. Just when he felt embarrassed, Lan Doudou snickered and asked, "Han Suo, after tomorrow's work is done, can you help us and take a video for us."

"What kind of video are you shooting?"

"I'm going to shoot you at the door of your unit."

"Didn't I take a photo just now?"

"That's our group photo, I'm talking about the video. We have several video accounts, please help us, let's get popular."

"Don't be kidding me. I've been cold for a long time, but now I'm not hot!"

"Who said it wasn't possible? You're just as handsome now and you've maintained your figure well, unlike my husband, who had a beer belly as soon as he turned 30."

"Han Suo, how do you take care of yourself?" Li Yamei asked enviously and infatuatedly.

Unexpectedly, several years later, I still have fans and colleagues.

Han Chaoyang felt a little elated and couldn't help but smile: "We are in front of the station. There are so many duty stations in the East Square and West Square, plus several police offices. They are not far away, but they are not close by walking.

In some places you can drive an electric patrol car, but in some places it is difficult to drive and you can only rely on two legs. You may not believe it, but I walk tens of thousands of steps every day, and I don’t need to deliberately run to exercise. "

When I got off the elevated train station, I passed by the high-speed rail station. It was really big, several times bigger than Binjiang Railway Station.

The particularity of their work determines that they cannot always sit in the office.

Lan Doudou smiled and said: "I believe that I will break my leg when we hold big events, but we only hold big events a few times a year. It's different for you. You have big events here every day."

Not everyone has the opportunity to get up close and personal with the "most handsome police officer."

I thought that Wang Xiaohui, who sits in the administrative service center every day to apply for certificates for people, protected from the wind and rain, with heating in winter and air conditioning in summer, actually had the nerve to participate in the selection of "the most beautiful policeman"...

Lan Doudou couldn't help but pick up her phone and get close to take a selfie with the "most handsome policeman".

Han Chaoyang could only cooperate.

Unexpectedly, she not only took the photo, but also posted it on WeChat Moments in person, and even wrote: There is no quiet time, but someone carries the burden for you - this is the real most handsome and beautiful!

This is too ostentatious, and her husband will definitely not be happy when he sees it.

Just when Han Chaoyang was feeling ridiculous, he came back from running to the bathroom. He wiped his hands with a tissue, sat down and suddenly said, "Han Suo, the shirtless guy at table 22 is probably a drug addict."

Han Chaoyang subconsciously looked up: "Where is table 22?"

"Don't look back. I took the photo and sent it to my master, who will forward it to you."

"Okay, send it quickly."

"Master, send it."

Lan Doudou reacted, quickly picked up the phone, took a look at the photo just sent by the villain, and quickly forwarded it to the "most handsome policeman".

It's so weird that you can meet drug addicts every time you go to the bathroom.

Han Chaoyang was doubtful, so he clicked on the photo forwarded by Lan Doudou and looked at it carefully. He really couldn't tell that the man in the photo looked like a drug addict.

"Brother, are you mistaken?"

Before Han Xin could speak, Lan Doudou looked at him with a smile and said, "Han Suo, Xiao Han will definitely not miss it. He said it is for sure!"

Han Chaoyang didn't quite believe it, but he couldn't take it seriously. He hesitated for a moment, then sent a WeChat message and said calmly: "Okay, I'll ask the brother on duty to come and take a look."

Seeing that he couldn't help but want to look back, Han Xin coughed dryly and picked up the tea cup again: "I'm watching. He and his few friends can't escape."

Old Bao always pretended to be profound and mysterious, but he didn't expect that the person in front of him was the same.

Han Chaoyang secretly slandered that all those involved in anti-narcotics seemed to have this tone, raised his head and said with a smile: "Okay, this is troublesome for my brother."

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