Veteran new police officer

Chapter 292 Main Detective and Assistant Detective

The son-in-law is back, and Jiang Ma hurries to cook.

Xu Linlin saw her cousin and quickly went to the kitchen to help.

What was she hiding from? She was actually coy and embarrassed...

This was not her style. Han Xin found it strange. After washing her hands, she walked into the kitchen: "Linlin, is there something wrong with you?"

"No, brother, you go and have a rest. The meal will be ready soon."

"Something must be wrong, Mom, what happened to her?"

Jiang Ma brought the casserole to the stove, lit the gas stove, turned around and said with a smile: "Didn't our house just start to be renovated? Even if it is renovated, we can't live in it for a while. We need to open the windows for ventilation and relax." Smells like paint."

"Then what?" Han Xin opened the refrigerator and took out a tomato.

"The teacher has already recruited three people. The people your mother hired from Uncle Lulu's company will arrive at noon tomorrow. We can't have no place to stay when they come."

Mother Jiang smiled, picked up the kitchen knife and cut the meat, and explained: "I originally wanted you to move here and lend the back apartment to others for two months.

Linlin said that it was your and Xiaoyue's new house. It was not good to lend it to others, so she vacated her own house. "

She has some conscience and knows that it is a new house.

Han Xin nodded, turned around and looked at her with a smile and asked: "Linlin, where do you live? Has Li Yijun's suit been repaired?"

Xu Linlin was really embarrassed to trouble her cousin again and again, and said with a bit of embarrassment and uneasiness: "He didn't have any clothes in his suit. All his money was invested in the dance school. How can he have money to wear clothes now?"

Han Xin asked: "If you plan to move back, where will you move me?"

Before Xu Linlin could speak, Mother Jiang raised her head: "I asked Linlin to move. Linlin is your sister, not an outsider. Besides, Linlin helped you look at the house for so long. If you move back and live in it for a few months, you can It’s like going back to your parents’ house!”

Xu Linlin didn't want to disturb her cousin and Jiang Yue's life, so she hurriedly said: "Brother, I will move out when Xiaoyue comes back from training."

This is a cousin who is almost like a biological sister, not to mention that she is at her most nervous and difficult time now.

What's more, she had already moved back, so Han Xin naturally couldn't drive her away. She pointed at her and said half-jokingly: "It's good to move back, but there is something I want to say in front of you. You are not allowed to bring outsiders here without my consent. "

Jiang's mother felt that her son-in-law was a bit unkind and muttered: "Xinxin, what are you doing? Xiao Li is not an outsider!"

"If you're not married, you're an outsider. Even if you're married, he can't come to my house if he wants."

"Brother, where are you thinking?"

In front of her elders, Xu Linlin really didn't want to quarrel with him, so she immediately changed the subject: "Brother, Da Hanlu called me and said that she was on vacation soon and wanted to come and play with us."

"Come here if you want. It's not like we don't have a place to live."

"She didn't just play for a few days and then leave. Our training school is about to be renovated. We will enroll students when the renovation is almost done. She said she wanted to come to learn dancing, but actually she wanted to come to help. She knew I was short of people."

The dance training school is in urgent need of handsome boys and beauties, and Da Hanlu has perfectly inherited the good-looking genes of the old Xu family. She also learned dancing when she was a child, so she can really help.

Han Xin took a bite of the tomato and said with a smile: "As long as she wants to come, and as long as her parents agree, she can live there until school starts."

"What about her father and her mother? Isn't her mother your mother?"

"But her dad is not my dad. When you said that, I suddenly remembered something. Please help me call her and ask her when she has her holiday."

"No need to ask, she said there is a holiday on the 11th, and their school has an early holiday this year."

"Tell her not to rush to book a ticket. I'll see if I can take two days off and go to Jiangcheng."

"Xinxin, what are you doing in Jiangcheng?" Mother Jiang asked curiously.

Han Xin finished the tomatoes and explained with a smile: "My father and my little mother want to buy her a house. I plan to take this opportunity to help with the transfer of ownership and bring her back when it is completed."

Mother Jiang suddenly remembered such a thing, and couldn't help but smile and said: "Transfer the ownership as soon as possible, so you don't have to worry about it all the time."

Xu Linlin sighed: "Han Lu is so happy. She didn't have to do anything to get a multi-million house for free. She spent many years less hard work than others!"

"You can't say that. That house was originally the joint property of my father and my mother."

"That's true. My aunt paid so much back then and even helped your father give birth to you. It's nothing to give her one house. She should be given three or four houses."

The family relationship was too complicated, and Han Xin really didn't want to talk about adults. Just when she was about to ask her mother-in-law, Han Lu, what time her evening self-study would be, there was a sudden knock on the door from outside.

I walked over and opened the door and saw that it was Li Yijun.

"Brother, you are back. Where is Linlin?"

"How did you get up here?"

"I have a card. Even if I don't have a card, I can ask the security guard to help me swipe it."

"I almost forgot, you worked at the Chengnan Police Station and are very familiar with the community property management."

"Xinxin, stop making trouble, you are bullying Xiao Li again."

Jiang Ma wiped her hands and ran out to complain, then greeted her warmly: "Xiao Li, the meal will be ready soon. You can watch TV for a while first."

"Thank you, aunt."

Xu Linlin was just embarrassed to bother her cousin all the time. Li Yijun was really a little afraid of his cousin. He walked to the coffee table and asked cautiously: "Brother, weren't you on a business trip? When did you come back?"

"Come back in the morning."

"So I went there for three days without any hesitation."

"The total back and forth was more than thirty hours, less than two days."

"You are so efficient..."

Li Yijun felt guilty as if he had been caught doing something bad, and wanted to find some more topics to talk about, but for a while he didn't know what to talk about, so he could only look at Xu Linlin pitifully.

Xu Linlin felt that there were some things that she couldn't just avoid, so she simply closed the kitchen door and continued to help Jiang Ma as if she hadn't seen her.

In fact, Han Xin still thinks highly of him, especially his family.

At least he and his parents showed their due responsibility in supporting Xu Linlin's entrepreneurship, and everything they did was like selling iron.

Although he was still a little unhappy with him for abducting his cousin without saying a word, he would not embarrass him as before. He asked him to sit down, picked up the remote control and smiled: "I got off work very early today. It seems that your team is not very busy. .”

Li Yijun said like a report: "I'm not busy today. A few days ago I was doing security for New Year's Day, and in a few days it's Spring Festival security..."

Although he became the squadron leader, in a unit like the anti-drug detachment, let alone the squadron leader, even the deputy captain would not feel like a leader.

Seeing Li Yijun's cautious and uneasy look, Han Xin suddenly felt like a leader and really felt condescending.

"What kind of security are you responsible for? Aren't the criminal police brigade supposed to solve the case?"

"Solving crimes is our main job, but we must first have a case."

"Your team doesn't have any cases to handle?"

"There are quite a few cases, but there are no major ones. Anyway, our urban squadron has not investigated major cases for a long time. They are all minor cases and public security cases, but they are still quite busy."

Li Yijun suddenly thought of a topic that his cousin must be interested in, and smiled: "Because this Mr. Yang often complains. I heard that he went to the branch for a meeting this morning, and he slapped the table again and talked about the chief investigator and the assistant investigator."

When talking about Yang Biaohan, Han Xin couldn't help laughing: "He hopes that all the brothers' research teams will cooperate with your criminal police team, and that no matter what case they encounter, your team will play the leading role?"

"He wouldn't have complained like this originally. It seems that Director Chen personally led a team to handle some case. Several people were transferred from the Anti-Electric Fraud Center, Internet Security and Economic Investigation, but they didn't have anything to do with our Criminal Police Brigade."

"His butt determines his head. That's not what he thought when he was the deputy chief of the Chengnan Police Station."

"It really is!"

Thinking of Yang Biaohan when he was at his most tough, Li Yijun said with a bit of schadenfreude: "I remember a dinner party where we talked about the chief detective and the assistant detective. He slapped the table and asked who is the senior in the criminal police brigade?

When encountering a case, first ask the technical squadron if they have fingerprints and DNA. Then I asked the picture detective if he had transferred to surveillance and if he could identify the suspect.

I even asked the police station if they could find any clues, and asked the intelligence center if they could use big data to analyze anything.

Others do all the work, and they enjoy the fruits of the investigation. They only need to catch the suspect for interrogation, make a record, collect and fix the evidence, and then all the credit will be theirs, and others will get nothing for their hard work. "

This is indeed what many investigators in the Criminal Police Brigade do!

Han Xin was amused and asked with a smile: "He used to look down on others, but now he is looked down upon by others. It's normal."

"Although he didn't say it clearly, you can feel that he regrets being this instructor, because no matter how much he emphasizes that he is the main detective and the deputy detective, it is useless. Now the superiors require the intelligence center, network security and other fraternal science and technology teams to complete the transition from the deputy detective to the main detective. Detective’s role reversal.”

Li Yijun sighed softly and said helplessly: "Besides, it's not just us who have performance appraisals, others also have them. As long as there are clues and conditions, they will definitely investigate themselves. They can no longer give clues to our criminal police brigade like before. Let’s play the lead role.”

Times have changed, and the security situation is different from before. It is normal for the criminal police brigade to become more and more miserable.

For example, when investigating cases of telecommunications and Internet fraud, how can the criminal police brigade have an anti-electronic fraud center and network security professionals?

Another example is the investigation of economic crime cases. The criminal police brigade also does not have economic investigation expertise.

The investigation of drug cases is not as good as the anti-drug brigade, and the investigation of cases of property theft such as bag theft is not as good as the police stations in various jurisdictions that face the masses directly.

What's more, whether it is the Anti-Electronic Fraud Center or the Internet Security, Economic Investigation, and Anti-Narcotics Brigades, many policemen came from the Criminal Police Brigade, and they were all professionals who could act independently at that time.

There is a loss of talent. No one is professional and cannot handle others. The more you mess around, the worse it gets. This is completely expected.

Just when Han Xin was filled with emotion for Yang Biaohan, who was no longer brave, Xiao Zhizheng, who was far away in the capital, called Political Commissar Yun excitedly.

"I really meet the old detachment leader!"

"Not only did we meet, but he also took the time to treat us to a meal. I originally wanted to take a photo with the old detachment leader, but I was embarrassed to speak during the meal, and it was not appropriate to take a photo in the box."

The partner finally met the old detachment leader. Political Commissar Yun was equally excited and happy, and asked eagerly: "Have you invited the old detachment leader to come back when he has time to guide our work?"

"Invited, the old detachment leader said that if he has time and opportunity, he will definitely go back and have a look."

Today, not only did I meet the old detachment leader, but I even added him on WeChat. Xiao Yunbo was really excited and said with unfinished meaning:

"I knew he was very busy, so I briefly reported on the work of the next detachment. The old detachment leader spoke highly of our efforts to carry out a major change of personnel and establish an intelligence squadron, saying that this is how the work should be done."

"Really, that's great!"

"He said that he invited us to dinner as a veteran policeman from Binjiang. At the dinner table, there were only fellow villagers and no leaders. He only had suggestions and no instructions for the work of our detachment."

Political Commissar Yun asked: "Xiao Zhi, what suggestions does the old detachment leader have?"

Xiao Yunbo took a sip of water and said with a smile: "He said that although he has not returned to the detachment in these years, he has been following us and knows that we investigated several major cases in 2019 and achieved a lot. He said that as the first detachment Long, his face also has light.

It is suggested that since we have established an intelligence squadron based on actual conditions, mobilized elite troops, and have a clear idea of ​​the next anti-drug work, we should continue to carry out the work unremittingly, and we should not go wrong just for the sake of achieving some results. "

"It's wrong, old detachment leader, what do you mean?"

"Our detachment has a small number of people. If we always press forward as soon as there are intelligence clues like now, then the intelligence squadron will become a reconnaissance squadron. From an overall perspective, we will not only focus on one thing but lose the other, but also pick the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon."

Xiao Yunbo paused, then continued: "He suggested that we put more effort into intelligence work. We couldn't make a good start, but we failed half-way. He said that we only have so few resources in total, and we must work hard to get started. Make a choice between 'main investigation' and 'guiding investigation'."

Political Commissar Yun reacted: "The old detachment leader has given us a multiple-choice question!"

"Political Commissar, I just thought about it and think what the old detachment leader said makes sense. If we can endure loneliness and guide or even guide the criminal police detachment and branches to combat drug crimes, it will indeed be better than going into battle naked on our own.

What's more, we are originally a business guidance unit, and we often cooperate with the case-handling units, serving as both athletes and referees. Although the case-handling units won't say anything, they will definitely feel uncomfortable in their hearts.

It is better to do a good job in anti-drug intelligence work in a down-to-earth manner. If there are intelligence clues about drug cases, we will guide the case-handling units to crack down and convince the brother units. "

Everyone understands the principles, but whether they can do it, or specifically whether they can make up their mind, is another matter.

After all, the most intuitive way to measure whether your unit is good or not is how many drug cases have been solved, how many drug dealers have been arrested, how many levels have been promoted, how many sentences have been passed, how many have been detained, how many have been forced to abstain, and how many have been seized. Drugs and drug money...

And these will directly determine whether the leaders of the detachment and the police can receive awards for their meritorious service!

The so-called "guiding investigation" actually means cooperating with other units to fight drug crimes, which is equivalent to being a green leaf.

Political Commissar Yun really didn't know what to choose for a while. After all, even if he didn't want to make meritorious deeds, he still had to consider the detachment's policemen.

On the way back from the hotel, Xiao Yunbo thought about this issue seriously, and then said: "Political Commissar, to be very realistic, no matter how much work someone does or how many achievements they make, their superiors may not be able to see it.

We are different. The old detachment leader has been paying attention to us. As long as we work hard and make some achievements, the old detachment leader will see it in his eyes and remember it in his heart. "

"Then what are your plans next?"

"After I go back, I will let Xiao Han, Xiao Xu and Xiao Hou return to the team and let them concentrate on intelligence. As for the several drug cases that are being investigated, I will let Lao Gui be responsible for guidance. From now on, we must be more generous.

If there are any more intelligence clues, they will be handed over to whichever unit is more conducive to the investigation. We will only provide intelligence clues and guide the investigation, and we will no longer engage in any joint investigation! "

Afraid that his partner would not be able to figure it out, Xiao Yunbo emphasized: "In fact, we should think the other way around. As long as the anti-drug work is carried out well, no matter which branch's performance is achieved, it will ultimately be the performance of our detachment, even the Municipal Anti-Drug Office and the Anti-Drug Committee."

The detachment leaders have made up their minds, and political commissar Yun will naturally not object.

He suddenly thought of a person and couldn't help but smile: "Xiao Zhi, it seems that we should learn from Zhang Yuhang in terms of how to carry out anti-drug work. Do your job well in a down-to-earth manner, and you can't always think about solving big cases and making great contributions."

"Oh, now that you say it, I realize that we should really learn from the comrades at the grassroots level, especially Zhang Yuhang."

"The premise is that the work you do must be visible to your superiors."

"Lao Yun, you are the political commissar. Your consciousness should be higher than mine, hahaha..."

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