Veteran new police officer

Chapter 318 State Affairs Family Affairs

Ten days have passed in the blink of an eye, and Hanwu has achieved "all receivables". There are fewer and fewer confirmed cases and suspected cases, and the epidemic prevention and control has finally reached a turning point.

Fifty-six confirmed cases treated in seven districts and counties in Binjiang have achieved zero deaths due to the efforts of medical staff, and more than 20 of them have recovered.

The party school isolation point was also closed, and suspects who had expired their isolation period were sent directly to the detention center. Suspects who still had withdrawal symptoms were sent to the new prison area vacated by the drug rehabilitation center under the unified arrangement of the municipal bureau's supervision detachment.

Several retired seniors did not go home, but returned to their old units to continue to use their remaining talents.

The "Public Enemy of the Branch" could have had two days off, but considering the heavy workload in the station, he went directly to the Chengnan Police Station as soon as the isolation point was closed to take up his post, just like Yang Biaohan before he was transferred to the criminal police brigade instructor, responsible for public security prevention and control.

Although we have reached an inflection point, epidemic prevention and control remains the top priority.

The Police Officer Training Center strictly abides by the requirements of its superiors on "no gatherings unless necessary" and allows new police officers such as Jiang Yue to continue to help at various police stations. It will not consider resuming normal training in the short term.

The detachment still needs police personnel to be deployed. Han Xin, like Political Commissar Yun, Sister Jiang, Xu Haoran and Hou Wen, who are stationed at the two police stations in the urban area, will be stationed in the anti-narcotics brigade of the Linghai branch.

It’s just that the division of labor is different. Leaders and colleagues mainly assist the police at the police station to receive police officers and do some work in the community.

The Anti-Narcotics Brigade of the Linghai Branch has to arrange a policeman and an auxiliary policeman to go to the highway exit every day to work with the policemen from the Chengdong Police Station and the Fourth Traffic Police Squadron.

The control of drug addicts and anti-drug propaganda all fall on Lan Doudou alone. She is really busy these days.

After making a call to a drug addict, she turned around and said, "Xiao Han, you have been staring at the isolation point for so many days. Go back and rest today and come back tomorrow."

"Li Da is busy outside. You are the only one in the team. What will you do if I leave?"

"What happens to a person? It's not the first day."

Lan Doudou packed up the reporting materials on the table and said like a machine gun: "Go back quickly and get a haircut by the way."

Han Xin smiled and asked: "Master, is the barber shop open?"

"The barber shop seems to be closed now, but volunteers from the Volunteer Federation have been out since the third grade of junior high school to help with haircuts. I'll help you call President Wang and ask them where their service point is today."

"Okay, help me ask, this hair is a bit long."

Lan Doudou looked for President Wang's phone number and said with a smile: "I almost forgot, today the bureau held a party joining ceremony. Li Yijun was lucky, he was able to join the party just a few months after becoming a full member."

"During the epidemic, he performed off-site escort missions. After escorting the suspect back from the new island, he stayed in an isolation point for a few days and was busy participating in investigating fraud cases. He performed really well."

"That's true. He's becoming more and more like a detective now."

I drove to the volunteer service point of the Volunteer Federation at the entrance of the Ninghai Farmers' Market and asked volunteers from the Volunteer Federation to help me get a haircut. It was already dinner time when I got home.

Jiang Ma had long known that her son-in-law was coming back, so she prepared a large table of dishes.

Da Hanlu and Xiao Hanlu also came over early, sitting on the sofa and watching TV while waiting for him to come back for a "reunion dinner".

Han Xin said hello to them, took a change of clothes and went to take a shower first.

Xiao Hanlu ran to the door and asked happily: "Brother, do you want to go to work this afternoon?"

"I have a rest in the afternoon and will go to work tomorrow. Why do you want to ask this? Is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'm just asking."

"Did your teacher say when school will start?"

"No, the teacher doesn't know when school will start, so let us take online classes first. Sister Lulu also doesn't know when school will start, so we still have to take online classes."

Han Xin raised her head and rinsed the foam out of her hair, wiped her face, and asked, "How have you been studying these days? Can you be admitted to medical school?"

Little Han Lu thought that you just looked down on people, and just when she didn't know what to say to him, Da Han Lu smiled outside and said: "Brother, you have to have confidence in Lulu. Lulu is actually very smart and studies seriously. If not If you are smart but don’t study hard, you will never get into high school.”

When the half-sister said this, Han Xin suddenly remembered that the half-sister was actually very good.

Because Jiangnan Province is the province that responds most to the country’s call, the high school entrance examination diversion is implemented most strictly. Half of junior high school students cannot go to high school, but are diverted to vocational middle schools or technical schools.

Da Hanlu thought he didn't understand this, and laughed again: "Lulu didn't do well in the exam before. The main reason is that the high school education in Jiangcheng is different from that in Linghai. The emphasis here in Linghai is too tight and the teaching content is too difficult. , she is not used to the sudden turn, and it is normal for her to be a little unable to keep up."

Han Xin was doubtful: "Is it that difficult?"

Binjiang’s basic education is the most perverted in the province, and Linghai’s basic education is the most perverted in Binjiang!

Da Hanlu only heard about it before, but now she has really learned it. She smiled bitterly and said: "It's really difficult. If nothing else, just speak English. I feel that the top students in Linghai can directly take the CET-6 exam. Lulu is going now I can probably pass CET-4 in one go.”

"Aren't CET-4 and CET-6 taken only in universities?"

"Yeah, but you're just teaching at Linghai High School."

"This is too exaggerated."

Xiao Hanlu's parents are not here, so he must first seek his brother's opinion on some matters.

Da Hanlu paused and said expectantly: "Brother, I don't think Lulu needs to take online classes. The teacher's teaching is too difficult. She transferred from Jiangcheng. She is not used to it and can't keep up." , I can’t understand the online class, which not only wastes time, but also affects my mood.”

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "Online classes are just like classes, so what if I don't go to school?"

Little Han Lu said eagerly: "Who said I don't want to go to class? Sister Lulu will teach me. Sister Lulu teaches better than our teachers!"

"Your sister Lulu majored in liberal arts, and you studied science."

"Brother, you haven't even gone to high school. Do you know the difference between liberal arts and science?"

"have no idea……"

"I don't know what you are talking about. Besides, I have not only sister Lulu to teach me, but also my brother-in-law."

Han Xin put on her clothes, opened the door and asked, "Where did you get your brother-in-law?"

Xiao Hanlu said proudly: "Sister Lulu's boyfriend has better grades than Sister Lulu."

In this regard, Mother Jiang, who cooks for them both every day, has a say.

She served the freshly stewed pig's trotter soup, and while greeting the children to eat, she explained: "Xinxin, I asked Teacher Chen downstairs, and Teacher Chen said that what Hanlu said made sense.

There are only a few teachers in the school, who have to teach so many students, and their college entrance examination scores must be taken into consideration.

Of course they have to teach difficult questions and ask difficult questions. Only in this way can they get high scores. We, little Han Lu, don’t want to go to Tsinghua University or Peking University. We just want to go to medical school, which doesn’t have to be so difficult. Time is running out, so it’s better to learn the simple ones first. "

"Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude?"

"What about teaching students in accordance with their aptitude? Brother, if I were in primary school or junior high school in Linghai, I could still keep up." Xiao Hanlu muttered.

Epidemic prevention and control is a national matter, and Xiao Hanlu's upcoming college entrance examination is a major matter for the Han family.

At the isolation point, Han Xin consulted several top students who had entered the Provincial Police College with high scores. She knew very well that the admission score for medical school was not low, so she couldn't help but remind:

"Lulu, it is difficult to take the medical school exam, and this year is different from previous years. I heard that the teacher asked the students which school they wanted to go to. Many students were moved by the ongoing war against the virus and determined to study. Doctor, the competition is too fierce.”

"There are a lot of them in our class," Xiao Han Lu muttered.

Han Xin nodded slightly and said seductively: "Besides, studying medicine is difficult. It only takes four years to study for an undergraduate degree in other majors, and five years for an undergraduate degree in medicine! Even if you can pass the exam, even if you graduate successfully, there are many hospitals where you can enter The threshold is also very high.

I asked Director Guan of the Medical Dispute Mediation Center, and he said that many tertiary hospitals require "3985", which means that only those who have graduated from a 985 institution with a bachelor's degree, master's degree, or doctorate can enter. Not only is the minimum threshold a doctorate, but also all the way to 985. Just fine. "

Xiao Hanlu was determined to study medicine. She held up her chopsticks and said, "I can't be a doctor, but I can be a nurse. Besides, not all tertiary hospitals in this world are tertiary hospitals. There are also many ordinary hospitals, and ordinary hospitals also need people."

It was not easy for my sister who had always been playful to make this determination. Han Xin did not want to dampen her enthusiasm, so she could only smile and said: "I'm just reminding you that no matter what you do, you must proceed from your own reality, and you can't just rely on enthusiasm."

"Brother, you don't like me studying medicine?"

"If it were in the past, I might have objected. After all, 'persuading people to study medicine will only cause lightning strikes'. But not now. Doctors and nurses are really great."

"That's it, I will definitely pass the exam."

Da Hanlu asked cautiously: "Brother, what about online classes..."

"I don't have any objections. If you don't understand the online class, then don't take it."

"What about the teacher?"

Han Xin turned around and asked, "Lulu, have you told your mother?"

Xiao Han Lu shook her head pitifully.

Han Xin believed in Da Hanlu more than she believed in her. After weighing the situation, she smiled and said, "Okay, I'll call your mother later and I'll tell her for you."

"Not only do I have to tell my mother, but I also have to ask my mother to call our teacher!"


After dinner, I called my little mother and helped her with her ideological work.

Han Xin pulled Da Hanlu aside, looked at her with a smile and asked: "Lulu, do you know what this means?"

Da Hanlu looked back and nodded heavily: "Yes, brother, I know what I'm doing, and I promise I won't let you down."

"I'm not disappointed. I just don't think you need to take such a big responsibility."

"Brother, your sister is my sister."

"Okay, I'll do the hard work for you next."

Han Xin realized that she felt that the house was well deserved, so she decided to stop Xiao Han Lu from taking online classes and decided to tutor her patiently like a full-time tutor.

Then I thought that she was just a college student with no job and no source of income. Although she didn't have to worry about food and housing, a girl couldn't be without money, so I simply took out my mobile phone and transferred three thousand to her.

Da Hanlu was anxious: "Brother, what are you doing?"

"With pocket money, you can buy whatever you want."

"I have money."

"I know you have money, but this is what I gave you. Click it quickly, otherwise I won't be happy."

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