Veteran new police officer

Chapter 326 Key Figure!

At the door of the office area of ​​the Drug Case Investigation Brigade, a sign for the Intelligence Brigade was hung.

As the focus of work shifted to intelligence, various rules, regulations and slogans were also put on the wall.

As soon as you enter the door, you can see the twelve words "service decision-making", "service practice" and "service to the grassroots".

The team has more responsibilities.

For example, he is responsible for the research and judgment of drug-related clues, case support, and coordination of cross-regional drug-related cases; for example, he is responsible for the city's comprehensive anti-drug business, standardization of anti-drug law enforcement, and drug situation analysis and prediction.

Another example is to follow up on the drug situation and promote the special anti-drug campaign of "cleaning up the border". We provide business assistance and work with border areas to jointly manage drug problems.

Ren Zhongnian was used to being the "top leader". He thought he would step aside when he was transferred to the detachment, but he found that it was completely different from what he thought before. He had to do more work than when he served as the anti-drug brigade captain in Chonggang Branch.

The top priority is to sort out the intelligence clues discovered during the "Storm One" operation and analyze and judge them.

If the original case handling unit has the conditions, it is recommended that they conduct a thorough investigation.

If the original unit handling the case does not have the conditions for in-depth investigation, the detachment will take over.

If the detachment is still unable to solve the problem, it will report it to the Intelligence Center of the Provincial Anti-Narcotics Corps.

During the epidemic, it is necessary to reduce the flow of people as much as possible, so most of the intelligence clues sorted out must be reported.

In view of the fact that the suspects arrested in the "Storm No. 1" special operation are likely to have other illegal and criminal activities, he, the deputy detachment leader, needs to communicate and coordinate with the brother detachments, and even need to request cooperation from the brothers' anti-drug counterparts in provinces and cities.

Information exchange, shared resource library, and joint evidence chain!

At the same time, it is necessary to cooperate with economic investigation and cyber security to help case-handling units find out the total wealth and capital flow of suspects, recover drug-related assets, and fundamentally destroy their economic foundation.

I've been on the phone all morning and my mouth is dry.

After looking at the computer for several hours, I feel dizzy.

Just as he was about to go downstairs to get some air, Hou Wen forwarded the drug information he had just sorted out.

This work was very important and had to be reported to the provincial department and the Municipal Anti-Narcotics Committee. As soon as he clicked on the file, his subordinate and apprentice called again.

"Haoran, what's going on? Have you found the hidden drug addict?"

"Master, we have found the person, but he is not a drug addict."

"What's the meaning?"

Xu Haoran, who had also been busy all morning, got into the car and took off his mask, rubbed the sore ears, and explained: "Gong Wang's test results are fine. Someone in this community did inject morphine, but the injection was A patient with advanced breast cancer.”

Ren Zhongnian reacted: "Cancer patient!"

In the past, because many drugs were actually drugs, the focus of sewage drug testing was on drugs in the traditional sense such as heroin, methamphetamine and ketamine.

Now that the drugs that people are familiar with have been swept away, it is natural to investigate whether anyone in the jurisdiction is abusing narcotics.

With the help of colleagues from the police station in the jurisdiction, Xu Haoran could not help but be a little disappointed when he found out such a result after checking all morning:

"I asked the doctor, and the doctor said that the vast majority of patients with mid- and late-stage cancer need to use painkillers. When conventional painkillers are ineffective, opioid painkillers need to be used."

"You need to tell me this."

"Master, I am saying that we will encounter many situations like this in the future."

Ren Zhongnian knew that he envied Han Keng and wanted to go out to handle major cases. He said coldly: "We can't stop investigating just because of this. What if someone does abuse narcotics? That's not abuse, in fact, it's drug abuse." , it’s not like you’ve never seen drug addicts who are addicted to morphine and pethidine!”

Xu Haoran said angrily: "I know, I was wrong. I will go to Changzhou right now and find out the situation in Changzhou as soon as possible."


"Master, do you have any other instructions?"

"Ask the relatives of cancer patients where the morphine they injected came from."

"After asking, he bought it from the hospital, the doctor prescribed it to him, and he asked the doctor from the community health center to help inject it."

"Which hospital is it? How do they manage their anesthetic drugs? What kind of drug is morphine? How can they prescribe it as soon as you say it and let the patient take it home?"

"I have asked and investigated. Originally, the hospital only prescribed a day's dosage to the patient, and the injection had to be done at the hospital. But I live in the suburbs, and the patient and the patient's family have to go back and forth every day. Because of this, the family members are very emotional and talk to the doctor. We even had a quarrel.”

Xu Haoran put on a mask, rolled down the window, and said goodbye to his colleagues at the police station, while continuing to report: "People say this is neither considerate of patients nor in line with epidemic prevention and control policies.

After all, what kind of place is the hospital now? It can be said that I don’t go there if I can’t. The hospital had no choice but to give him a three-day supply. "

Ren Zhongnian asked in a low voice: "So this is a special situation?"

Xu Haoran confirmed: "Well, I contacted the hospital, and the hospital has a registration, and they even took a photo of the record and sent it to me."

Ren Zhongnian pondered: "Although there are records, this is also a loophole. It is not unheard of to use cancer patients to prescribe controlled drugs from hospitals."

"I know that the hospital leaders also know it, but now is the period of the epidemic. It will be fine when the epidemic is under control."

Xu Haoran thought about it and smiled: "Master, in fact in Binjiang, there are not many people who use cancer patients to go to the hospital to buy controlled drugs, but there are quite a few who prescribe expensive anti-cancer drugs.

Before the outbreak, in many places you could see people putting up signs and squatting on the roadside to collect medicines. You knew without asking that they were defrauding medical insurance funds. "

Ren Zhongnian has seen many people who recycle medicines, tobacco and alcohol.

Thinking that this was also a loophole, he muttered: "You go ahead, I'll report back to Xiao Zhi, and when the epidemic is under control, we can see if we can conduct a joint operation with the Food, Drug and Environmental Investigation Detachment to crack down on those who collect drugs. By the way, let’s see if anyone is buying and selling controlled drugs under the guise of collecting drugs.”

Xu Haoran didn't want to hang up the phone just like that, so he couldn't help but ask: "Master, is there any news about Han Keng?"

"Not yet. He's busy with his business, and you're busy with yours. What do you care about?"

"Okay, I'll go to Changzhou first."

At the same time, Cheng Wenming has carefully studied all the files on the 2019.12.26 case.

He discovered that it was not so much one case as two.

The Criminal Police Detachment, jointly with the Anti-Narcotics Detachment and Xingdong Branch, had already won the first half. Through the few ice girls they had previously grasped, they captured five small drug dealers and investigated and dealt with a group of drug addicts.

Xiao Yunbo even personally led a team to the capital, destroyed a den where people gathered to take drugs and have sex, and brought back all the drug-related personnel, including those ice girls.

Due to the epidemic, many intelligence clues discovered in the "first half" were reported and handed over, and the task force only left the line of Guan Tairong and his wife.

As for why the Tai Rong couple were not detained for the time being, and the wealthy drug addicts were not investigated and punished for the time being, the task force's considerations also made sense.

Because to measure whether a drug case is a major or minor case, to measure how harmful a drug gang is to society, in addition to whether there are many people involved, whether the area involved is wide, and how many levels there are, the " "Market price" is also a very important indicator.

The terminal price is actually only 800 yuan per gram, and it is a high-end product with high purity and almost no adulteration!

Not to mention in Binjiang, even in big cities like Donghai and Jiangcheng, the price is not that high.

There are various indications that although this drug trafficking network does not have many levels, it should be very close to the drug manufacturing factory!

Thinking of this, he called Han Xin again.

I thought Han Xin would answer soon, but I called several times without getting through. I waited for more than ten minutes before Han Xin called back.

The other party will also need to know the password when calling.

Cheng Wenming said a lot of "nonsense" as agreed, confirmed that the call was safe, and then asked in a low voice: "What happened just now? Did you fall asleep?"

Han Xin was sitting in the van, looking at the homeless man squatting in front of a bank eating takeaway, and said with a smile: "No, I just made a friend and chatted with him for a while."

Cheng Wenming was confused: "Make friends?"

"A homeless man, whose accent sounds like a local, in his forties, full of lies, homeless, and unwilling to go to an aid station."


"It doesn't look like a fugitive, not suspicious."

"Then what are you doing with him?"

"He is a local. Although he has some mental problems, he is not particularly crazy. He speaks Mandarin very well. He talks about the epidemic and national affairs in a clear and logical manner."

Cheng Wenming was so dumbfounded that he couldn't help but ask: "So you have a common language?"

Han Xin smiled and said, "Yes, we had a good chat."

"Just chatting?"

"Of course it's more than that. I gave him a few masks, ordered takeout for him, and later found a place to take him to wash up, change into clean clothes, shave, and tidy up."

"Then what?"

"Then we'll play together. He's a local and knows me everywhere. Let him help me cover. Maybe he can be of great help."

Cheng Wenming knew what he wanted to do and couldn't help but smile: "Having friends is better than having no friends, but you can only make friends like this now."

Han Xin took a look and said, "I would rather make friends like this than friends who are too smart."

"As long as it's conducive to action, it's up to you whether you want to make friends or not, and what kind of friends you want to make. There's only one thing I'm calling you for."

"What's up?"

"The case files provided by Hou Wen show that the ice girls who were investigated and dealt with years ago were all met by Xu Xiuyuan and others when they were fooling around in the East China Sea. You said those ice girls, especially Ma Sang, who organized prostitution and allowed others to gather in groups to take drugs. If he is caught, will it alert Xu Xiuyuan and others?"

"Probably not. Those women are either in the detention center or in the detention center. It's useless even if Xu Xiuyuan calls them. Not going out during the epidemic is the best excuse."

Thinking that the task force could not be unprepared, Cheng Wenming asked again: "Then what do you think of Jiang Zhengfei who disappeared mysteriously?"

Han Xin thought for a moment, held the steering wheel and said, "Cheng Zhi, actually what I wanted to find the most when I came here was Jiang Zhengfei. Although there is no direct evidence that he is related to Guan Tairong, my intuition tells me that he is the key figure in this case. !”

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