Veteran new police officer

Chapter 328 Check their mobile phones!

Xu Xiuyuan's girlfriend went shopping with Xu Xiuyuan's mother. When Han Xin was helping Wang Guozheng buy cigarettes, they happened to be checking out at the cashier.

You can clearly hear two people chatting in local dialects.

Han Xin can't speak, but can roughly understand.

It was shocking to discover that the girl was actually a college student. Xu Xiuyuan's mother was not only familiar with her, but also seemed to like her very much. She bought her a lot of snacks and said she would save them for her online classes.

The girl was busy taking the items from the shopping cart to the checkout counter. When she finished, she put the several large convenience bags she had just purchased into the shopping cart. She pushed the cart and came to the parking lot with Xu Xiuyuan's mother, talking and laughing.

Not only is she beautiful, well-behaved, and diligent, but she is even a bit flattering when getting along with Xu Xiuyuan's mother.

Who is she?

What is the relationship with the Xu family?

Han Xin felt strange and gave Wang Guozheng the cigarettes she had just bought. She followed him quietly in the car until they reached the village. After confirming that their Porsche had entered the big villa, they took a circle along the cement road in the village. , returned to a small factory outside the village.

In the village office, auxiliary police officer Lao Yang, who had just woken up, asked curiously: "Captain Li, what are you looking at?"

The telescope set up by the window was connected to a digital camera. Li Zhendong looked back at the video he had just captured and said without looking back: "A van just passed by his door."

Lao Yang quickly got up: "Did you stop?"


Li Zhendong put down his digital camera, turned around and said with a smile: "I may be a little suspicious. I seemed to have seen that car yesterday. It should be from the village."

I stared at it for two whole days, but found nothing. Anyone else would be suspicious.

Lao Yang asked in a low voice: "Have you photographed anyone driving?"

"I got it, but the angle is not very good. I can only see two people sitting in the front row, but I can't see their faces clearly. Even if the angle is good, I still can't see clearly because they are all wearing masks."

"That's true."

As soon as Lao Yang finished speaking, the cell phone on the table suddenly rang.

A call came from a colleague from the local police station. They confirmed that Xu Xiuyuan's mother and the girl had just gone to the supermarket in town to buy something and not elsewhere. Li Zhendong quickly expressed his thanks.

Han Xin didn't know or care whether she would be recognized by the big brother of the criminal police detachment. She leaned on the steering wheel and watched a white car go away along the mountain road.

Wang Guozheng thought he was looking for a job. He was smoking happily, looking at the factory with the locked door on the left, and puffed out:

"Xiao Jiang, I don't think you should bother with this. You are not allowed to do anything now. Many bosses can't work anymore. You still come to them to find a job. I don't think they will go out to find a job in a few days!"

"Uncle Wang, do you know the owner of this factory?"

"Zhang Er, who doesn't know him? But he is not the big boss. Xu San in front is the big boss."

"Xu San?"

"It's the one on the first three floors. It used to operate a small factory, and then opened a large factory in the county. Later, it sold the land to others for real estate development. After making tens of millions, it moved the factory to Jiangnan."

He should be talking about Xu Xiuyuan's father.

Han Xin didn't ask any more questions because he didn't know much. Instead, he thought his words about finding a job even if the boss lost money were a bit interesting.

Who is the boss and who is the worker?

Who is the superior family and who is the inferior family?

Han Xin was thinking about it and suddenly realized that she might have preconceived the idea before. She was about to calm down and go over the whole case when a text message alert suddenly came from her phone.

I picked it up and opened it, and it turned out to be a "scam" text message.

Han Xin pretended to be tired, put down her seat and lay down, holding her phone and reading the email from "White Shirt".

The identity of the girl just now was found out, her surname is Ding, her name is Ding Shiyun, she is 22 years old, from Lishui City, and majored in financial management at Donghai University.

At Li Zhendong's request, local colleagues asked village cadres to go to Xu's house to learn about the situation just in the morning on the pretext of checking for outsiders.

It turned out that she was related to Xu Xiuyuan's aunt's family. Xu Xiuyuan's aunt saw that she was beautiful and had a good personality, so she took the opportunity of the Xu family's return to their hometown for the New Year to introduce her to Xu Xiuyuan.

She came with Xu Xiuyuan's aunt on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, but she encountered the epidemic and couldn't go back even if she wanted to. She could only spend the New Year at Xu's house with Xu Xiuyuan's aunt.

When the lockdown was lifted some time ago, Xu Xiuyuan's aunt went back, but Xu Xiuyuan's mother persuaded her to stay. She was a little bit like cooked rice.

I can confirm that this little girl is fine.

If there is a problem, it is because I was blinded by glory and wealth, and wanted to marry into a rich family, but I didn't know that the boy named Xu was a drug addict.

Han Xin was silent for a moment, unzipped the photo package in the attachment, and looked through it one by one, calmly.

They were all taken during the surveillance process by the criminal police bosses. There are more than 280 photos in total. Each photo must be enlarged and looked at carefully.

Wang Guozheng was impatient with the waiting and couldn't help but said: "Xiao Jiang, go back. Zhang Er didn't come and the factory isn't open. What are you doing here?"

"Back to where?"

"It's better to go anywhere than to stay here. There is nothing here, and you can't even buy anything you want."

A few days ago, everyone actively responded to the country’s call and stayed at home to contribute to the country.

But the person next to me was different from others. He was homeless and made a living by digging through trash cans in restaurants and eating leftovers. Even if he wanted to contribute to the country during that extraordinary period, the hardware conditions did not allow it.

Han Xin asked curiously: "Uncle Wang, how did you get here this year?"

"How did you get here?"

"Where do you live these days and how do you manage your meals?"

"They want to send me to an rescue center. Rescue... It sounds better than what they say. It's actually the former shelter. Going there is almost like going to jail. I won't go."

Wang Guozheng lit another cigarette, took a few puffs, and said proudly: "They saw that I would not go even if they beat me to death, so they gave me some masks and asked me to go to the old water conservancy station."

"did you go?"

"I stayed there for a few days, and at first people brought food, but then no one did, so I came out."

"No one will care about you when you come out?"

"As long as you wear a mask, no one will care."

"Is the water conservancy station far from here?"

"Not far, just in town."

"Is there anyone else at the water conservancy station?"

"The water conservancy station has been deserted for a long time. There used to be an old man looking after the door, but now there is no one at the door. However, it is in tatters and there is nothing inside."

"Is there water?"

“There’s no running water, but there’s a well.”

Thinking that the young man had no place to live and he had no food to eat, Wang Guozheng suggested: "Xiao Jiang, why don't you come with me to the water conservancy station? The water conservancy station is clean and not far from the supermarket. It's better than sleeping in the car."

Han Xin was worried that he had no place to stay, so he agreed: "Okay."

At the same time, Li Duwang received an urgent task and rushed to the Public Security Brigade with Yang Qianli, the instructor of the Criminal Police Brigade, to question the policeman Zhang Ping who had just returned from a follow-up visit.

The Criminal Police Brigade and the Anti-Narcotics Brigade "jointly handled the case", and Zhang Ping was confused.

But thinking that Director Sun was talking to Fang Da and Teacher Chen upstairs, he had no choice but to accept the questioning.

No need to ask anyone to know which photo he leaked. Li Duwang was worried and a little gloating. Under his desk, he quietly deleted the photos he had treasured on his phone for so long. He coughed dryly and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhang , don’t be nervous, we are just understanding the situation.”

Yang Qianli was very depressed from the moment he received the task, and naturally he didn't have a good face. He said coldly: "Comrade Zhang Ping, your Fang Da and Chen Jiao have just explained to you, please correct your attitude and cooperate. investigation."


"Where's your phone? I need to check it."

"Jiao Yang, what are you checking?"

"What did you say just now? Come on, stop dawdling!"

Li Duwang smiled and said: "Xiao Zhang, it's okay, we just have a look."

One has a smile on his face, and the other has a dead face.

Seeing Yang Biaohan's unhappy look, Zhang Ping suddenly remembered something that happened in the morning. He clutched his phone tightly and did not dare to let go. He asked with a grimace, "Da Li, Jiao Yang, what do you two want to see?"

"What kind of attitude do you have? If you do this again, it won't be us who will question you next, but the disciplinary inspection inspector!"

"Jiao Yang, I'm sorry, I was wrong...

"Where did you go wrong?"


"What am I, do you know how serious the mistake you made!"

Yang Qianli slammed the table, then grabbed the phone, asked for the lock screen password, and checked his WeChat chat history.

As expected, this brat really saved his dark history, and it’s still a high-definition original picture!

Yang Qianli was so angry that he gritted his teeth. The "interrogation" of Li Duwang was conducted in the same businesslike manner as the last time. Zhang Ping was so frightened that he was cooperating with the investigation while hurriedly saying sorry.

Li Duwang felt that this trip was really worth it. After eating for a while, he calmly got up and walked out of the office, climbing up to the second floor in one breath.

Director Sun glanced back and asked with a gloomy face: "Has the situation been investigated clearly?"

Li Duwang looked at the two uneasy "plastic brothers" in the Public Security Brigade, suppressed a smile and said: "Report to Bureau Sun, the investigation is clear. At 8:26 this morning, policeman Li Zhendong from the First Team of the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Police Detachment , sent a WeChat message to ask Zhang Ping if he had any photos of Comrade Han Xin.

Perhaps considering that the other party was both a classmate of the police academy and a police officer of the city bureau, Zhang Ping sent the photo to Li Zhendong. He has now realized his mistake, is reviewing it, and is apologizing to Yang Jiao. "

Although "Crazy Cheng" is not the leader of the municipal bureau, he has a detached status and is unsophisticated. He wanted to hold on to one thing, even if the city bureau leaders came to say hello, it would be useless.

The more Director Sun thought about it, the angrier he became, and he asked coldly: "A review is necessary, but why should I apologize to Yang Qianli?"

Li Duwang suppressed his laughter and reported: "What he leaked was... the photo of 'A tough life needs no explanation'."

Director Sun has not only seen the photo, but also knows the story of the photo.

When he mentioned Yang Biaohan's dark history, he thought of Chen Guoping who had made the bureau miserable. He immediately became angry and immediately raised his arms and pointed at Fang Da and Chen Jiao: "Lao Li, check them both. Check their mobile phones to see if they have any memory!"

PS: I have something to do today. I don’t have time to type during the day. Chapter 2 will be updated at night.

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