Veteran new police officer

Chapter 334 It’s probably just the beginning

Just as Tang Zhi hurried to Yuezhou, Han Xinzheng got into Xu Haoran and Li Zheng's SUV on the pretext of looking for the toilet while Wang Guozheng was not paying attention.

Xu Haoran really couldn't figure out why he brought a dirty homeless man with him. Considering that the homeless man was waiting, he could only keep the story short.

"I asked someone to help me check the surveillance for a long time, and finally caught three faces."

He held his usual mobile phone in his left hand and the police pass in his right hand. He introduced succinctly: "As soon as we got the screenshots, we sent them to Cheng Zhi. Cheng Zhi and Xiao Zhi asked the brothers from the picture detective to help compare them. , this young man’s surname is Liang, and his name is Liang Xiaodong.

He is from Xijiang, 22 years old, has a junior high school education, and has no criminal record. His colleagues in Yuezhou have not found any records of his stay in local hotels. He didn't even have any foreign personnel registration. "

Han Xin took the phone, zoomed in on the picture, stared at the suspect in the photo and asked, "I wonder where he lives?"

Just as Xu Haoran was about to speak, Li Zheng smiled and said: "It's not easy to check in normal times, but now is the period of epidemic prevention and control. All places are checking outsiders. If the basic information collection work is not done well, if someone is really infected, How to conduct epidemiological investigations in the future."

"So you've found it?"

"There is a prevention and control point more than 80 kilometers away from here. There is a record of him driving on the highway. After learning about this situation, we asked our colleagues at the police station to help us contact our friends there. They helped us find out the prevention and control information in a local town. Command has his record.”

Li Zheng forwarded the information collected by grassroots epidemic prevention personnel to Han Xin's mobile phone. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Judging from the address, he works in a remote mountain village."

Han Xin clicked on the electronic map and entered the address.

You don’t know if you don’t check it. After checking it, you will know how remote that small mountain village is.

Xu Haoran pulled out a few photos and added: "This is a screenshot of him driving on the highway. This is a screenshot of him getting off the highway. This is a screenshot of him wandering around Zhang Ze's house. This is a screenshot of him getting on the highway when he went back. screenshot."

Han Xinzai read the picture carefully and said with a smile: "If I am not wrong, he is staring at Zhang Ze. Think about it and see if Zhang Ze has been arrested or is under surveillance."

Half an hour ago, Cheng Zhigang reported the case.

Xu Haoran smiled bitterly and said: "Captain Han, you got up early and rushed to the late market. Zhang Ze has already received the goods. He went to pick them up at the place designated by his boss. He bought a kilogram.

Judging from the time and the trajectory of Liang Xiaodong's activities in Yuezhou, he secretly stared at Zhang Ze after he picked up the goods. "

Just one kilogram of meth...

Han Xin didn't take it to heart at all, but asked with a smile: "So they have completed the deal?"

Xu Haoran nodded: "It's done, otherwise Zhang Da would never have the chance to get both the stolen goods and the stolen goods. The superiors asked our Municipal Bureau and the Yuezhou Municipal Bureau to set up a joint task force, and Tang Zhi came to take charge personally.

He doesn't know that we are here, but he knows that you are here. He may be too busy to take care of you now, and seems to have forgotten you. "

Han Xin was also not interested in these. She looked at the surveillance screenshots on Xu Haoran's phone and asked, "That Zhang Ze, why did you buy so much at once?"

"He not only smokes, but also sells it. He has more than a dozen subordinates under his control. If the subordinates continue to sell, there will be several levels."

"So Tang Zhi and Zhang Da are busy."

"That's for sure, it won't be as free as us anyway."

"You don't want to have any leisure time."

Han Xin enlarged one of the screenshots, held up her phone and smiled: "I'll go find Liang Xiaodong first. You guys quickly check this car and the person driving the car."

Xu Haoran came up to take a look and asked in surprise: "Team Han, are you saying there is something wrong with this car?"

Han Xin put down her phone and took out another screenshot: "Look, he's here too. This shouldn't be a coincidence."

"Two people, driving two cars to deliver goods!"

"One car was exploring the road ahead. When it found a checkpoint ahead, it notified the people behind it to turn around quickly. The other car was actually delivering goods. This is normal operation."

"Okay, let's go check it out right now."

"If you have any news, report it to Zhi Cheng. Zhi Cheng will inform me and don't call me again."

"But we don't worry about you going there alone."

"What are you worried about?"

Li Zheng said worriedly: "Captain Han, if your new discovery can be verified, it means there are two drug dealers! The place you are going to is probably a drug manufacturing factory. Can we rest assured if you go alone?"

Han Xin frowned and said, "Pharmaceutical factory... you think things are too simple."

Xu Haoran asked in confusion: "Captain Han, what do you mean by this?"

"There are many processes involved in making drugs. If Boss Wu just buys raw materials, finds a place, and hires people to carry out the last process, then this drug-making factory will not be worthy of its name.

Let's put it this way, our target now is not only Boss Wu, but also the people behind Boss Wu. "

"Team Han, what is the last process?"

"Deoxygenation is very simple and can be done in the kitchen."

Seeing the two people looking at each other, Han Xin said solemnly: "Do you know what is the most troublesome thing about investigating methamphetamine cases? It is that it is difficult to destroy a drug manufacturing factory, but this drug manufacturing factory is only responsible for the last process."

Li Zheng seemed to understand and asked: "Captain Han, are you saying that those who provide the raw materials for making poisons are more hateful?"

"To be precise, it is the drug dealers who provide semi-finished products that are more hateful. In fact, the so-called raw materials such as bromiopropyl acetone and ephedrine are only one step away from methamphetamine. One kilogram of ephedrine, once deoxygenated, is 0.7 kilograms of methamphetamine! "

Han Xin paused and added: "I have destroyed no less than ten drug manufacturing factories before, most of which purchased semi-finished products for processing. Those bastards sold ephedrine to the suspects and included a textbook on how to deoxidize it. This suspect The person is caught and he sells it to another suspect.

Ordinary drug dealers develop drug addicts and even directly develop drug dealers. It would be better for them to directly develop drug manufacturing factories. If you shoot and change places, even if you are caught, you will only have to spend a few years in jail because of the lagging legislation. "

"Just how many years in jail?"

Xu Haoran couldn't believe it.

Li Zheng looked incredulous.

Han Xin couldn't help but think of the scene when he was first transferred to the reconnaissance team, and sighed: "Do you know what the first task I received in this line of work was to keep an eye on the whereabouts of the 'Owl Master'."

Xu Haoran was shocked: "Our Chinese version of Breaking Bad Xiao Heji?"

"Well, he was arrested a long time ago, but at that time he fled and smuggled to northern Myanmar out of fear of crime. No one knows where he is hiding. We all had a photo at the time, but we couldn't find him."

Han Xin took a sip of mineral water and continued: "Although he did not pioneer the synthetic ephedrine, it can be said that he popularized it. It is said that when they were arrested for the first time, their hometown held a huge public trial and sentencing meeting. There was an uproar after the verdict came out.

Because the legislation was lagging behind, he was only sentenced to one year and six months in prison. Some people on the spot said that he was unlucky and was sentenced to one and a half years. If he was lucky enough to earn millions, why not do it? From then on, it was out of control. "

Li Zheng had only heard of this originator of drug making before. He didn't know the specific situation, so he couldn't help but ask: "What happened next?"

"Their hometown has a tradition of going out to work as traveling doctors. There are many fellow traveling doctors in Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan, especially those in Nanyun. First, they purchase raw materials to synthesize ephedrine and sell it to drug dealers in northern Myanmar. Precursor chemicals are controlled. After being strict, ephedrine was extracted from cold medicine.

At that time, if you spent 10,000 yuan to buy cold medicine, you could get 70,000 yuan in revenue by extracting ephedrine.

If a person has 100,000 yuan on hand, he can buy medicine, refine it, sell it, and sell it twice within a month, and he can sell it for 5 million yuan.

And the method is extremely simple. Just pour the anesthetic cold medicine into water and stir until it is fully dissolved. Because the density of ephedrine is greater than that of water and other ingredients, it will gradually precipitate. After several evaporations, you can obtain ephedrine with higher purity. "

Han Xin put down the water and continued: "Later, cold medicines were strictly controlled, and they focused on ephedra, which is easy to extract.

When ephedra was not easily available, they began to synthesize it artificially. Anyway, they brought out a large number of disciples and disciples.

And this place is not far from the hometown of ‘Master Xiao’, so it’s hard to say whether Boss Wu’s raw materials come from the disciples and grandsons of ‘Master Xiao’.

If so, then finding the drug manufacturing factory is just the beginning. If you really want to attack the source, you have to kill the person who provided the raw materials! "

I originally thought that all I needed to do was find the drug manufacturing factory, but I didn't expect that this was just the beginning.

Xu Haoran was silent for a moment and whispered: "People leave their photos when they pass by, and geese leave their voices when they pass by. We have already mastered Liang Xiaodong, and it shouldn't be difficult to find the source."

"Brother Xu, it's not as easy as you think. I think we should be prepared for a protracted war."


"Those bastards are very careful. If you don't believe us, you can bet that all we can find now are small fish and shrimps. People named Wu will not show up easily, and those who provide raw materials to people named Wu will not show up easily.

Especially those who provide raw materials, they will not make calls easily, and they can only use Internet calls if they want to make calls. They do not accept bank transfers and transactions will only be in cash. "

Han Xin thought for a while, raised her head and said, "They will even hide in the dark and stare at Wu. If they find any trouble, they will immediately cut off contact with 'Boss Wu'."

Li Zheng realized how difficult the next task was, and frowned and asked: "Team Han, what if the joint task force finds the drug manufacturing factory?"

"I'll go over and take a look first. If I can really confirm the location of the drug manufacturing factory and confirm that this factory is only responsible for the last process, I will report it to the Tang branch in time and ask them not to act rashly."

Han Xin weighed it up and then warned: "After you find out about the road-exploring car, come over but don't join me. Please ask local colleagues for assistance as soon as possible to find out who asked Liang Xiaodong to work there.

It is best to check if the people related to this have been to Fujian Province, or if anyone knows anyone with Tingchang citizenship. "

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