Veteran new police officer

Chapter 337 Confirming the Target

For office workers, being able to sleep and wake up naturally is a luxury.

But for Wang Guozheng, the most indispensable thing is sleep.

Maybe I usually eat the last meal but not the next one. Only when I fall asleep can I forget about hunger. Or maybe there are too many dissatisfactions in reality, so it’s better to live in a dream.

In short, apart from eating, smoking and chatting for a while, he slept, and he definitely slept for more than sixteen hours a day.

While chatting, I fell asleep again, and slept until about eight o'clock in the morning.

Han Xin couldn't bear it anymore, so she took a nap for a few hours. When the set alarm rang, she sat up and woke him up to start taking action.

Wang Guozheng yawned, rubbed his groggy eyes, ate a few mouthfuls of dry food bought on the road, drank some water, said "Don't worry about me doing the work", and opened the car door and went down the mountain.

The morning in early March was already cold.

It's a mountainous area here, so it's extremely cold.

His disheveled hair, wearing a tattered cotton-padded jacket, his hands folded in his sleeves, and the way he stumbled along the mountain road fit perfectly in this remote ravine.

Han Xin waited for him to go away, then immediately took out the charged camera and tied it to a relatively hidden tree.

After adjusting the direction of the camera, he quickly got in the car and started the engine. He drove nearly two kilometers along the winding mountain road and went around to the back of the abandoned school building.

It wasn't until there was no road ahead that I thought of a way to hide the car, and then ran into the forest. Following the route I had studied for nearly two hours at night, I cautiously headed down the mountain.

It's good to have a 4G signal. When he ran to a creek behind the school building, he stopped, hid behind a pile of bushes, took out his mobile phone, and clicked on the camera app. He could clearly see that Wang Guozheng had reached the door of the school building. .

Although there is only a picture but no sound, there is only a clear stream across from the school building, and you can faintly hear the barking of a big wolf dog.

Then, two people appeared on the screen.

Because the camera is too far away from the school building, only two figures can be seen, and their facial features cannot be clearly seen.

They obviously didn't expect to see such an uninvited guest from the Kingdom, one who seemed to be scolding and trying to drive away the homeless man. One glanced at it and then turned around and returned to the yard.

And the big wolfdog they raised truly illustrates what it means to be a dog with power.

At first, he was just barking at the door. When he saw his master coming out, he rushed up and circled the kingdom, barking and making aggressive gestures frequently.

Just because Wang Guozheng is not afraid of people does not mean he is not afraid of animals.

He was so frightened that he ran behind the man. The big wolf dog chased after him without mercy.

Guo Guozheng was running towards the yard while calling for help.

The man didn't expect that Wang Guozheng would go into the yard, and chased Wang Guozheng while scolding the dog... Due to the angle of the camera, he could only vaguely hear the noise in the yard and couldn't see the picture.

But it doesn't matter, those two boys shouldn't embarrass a homeless man.

Han Xin was even sure that Wang Guozheng would definitely use the topic to his advantage.

If the big wolf dog really bites him, not only will they have food to eat, but the two boys will also have to pay for it. Even if the big wolf dog didn't bite him, he would be frightened and sick and would not leave.

Han Xin didn't want to waste the precious opportunity won by her "teammates", so she didn't even bother to take off her shoes, so she waded across the creek and quietly reached behind the stone wall of the abandoned school building.

After walking quietly along the courtyard wall for more than 20 meters, I suddenly found a very hidden but very conspicuous sewage outlet.

The reason why it is said to be hidden is that the sewage pipe is buried relatively deep and there is a pile of rubble on it.

The reason why it is conspicuous is that there is no grass growing more than ten meters below, and it even emits a pungent smell of chemicals.

Han Xin took out the empty mineral water bottle she had prepared earlier from her backpack, reached into the cold stream, carefully took a water sample, then tightened the bottle cap and stuffed it into her backpack.

There are several rows of abandoned school buildings. The courtyard, plastic product workshop, garage and accommodation are all in front. The row next to the creek should be where the teachers lived before they were abandoned.

Han Xin took out her mobile phone again, clicked on the video recording function, quietly raised the phone to the wall, and held it like this for nearly two minutes, then she put away the phone and waded across the creek and returned the same way.

At the same time, Liang Xiaodong was dumbfounded by the homeless man who was more like staying in the workshop than hiding in it.

Li Zhicheng was also at a loss. He could only go to the dormitory to find a fifty-yuan note, and held it up in front of the homeless man: "Stop pretending, don't you just want money? On the morning of the first day of the new year, we only gave it to those who came to give the God of Wealth in the village." Twenty, fifty is a lot for you!"

"What can you do with fifty yuan? I'm scared of having a heart attack. No, no, no, let me take a breath first."

"Do you want to smoke? I'll give you another pack of cigarettes."

"Boss, this is not about money or cigarettes. Please let me take a break. I have heart disease and high blood pressure. My blood pressure has gone up and I'm a little dizzy."

"The dog didn't bite you, are you trying to blackmail someone?"

At first, Wang Guozheng thought that the people in the factory were not easy to deal with, but now it seemed that these two little bastards were easy to deal with. He immediately got excited, coughed, spit out thick phlegm, pointed at them with dirty fingers and asked: "I Why are you blackmailing you? Are you asking for money or cigarettes?"

Not only does he smell bad, he also has bad breath...

Liang Xiaodong subconsciously took two steps back, covered his nose and asked, "Then what do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything. I just want to take a breath and take a break. Pour me a cup of hot water. I'm about to die."

"Okay, I'll pour it for you."

Although Li Zhicheng didn't want to cause trouble, he didn't have as good a temper as Liang Xiaodong. He said with a straight face: "Drink the water, take the money and leave quickly. This is a factory area, not a place for you to beg for food."

Guo Guozheng was unhappy. He patted the bag of plastic particles next to him and roared: "Who is begging for food? Who do you look down on?"

"Aren't you a beggar?"

"Am I begging for food from you? Are you okay with letting a dog bite someone? No, I really can't. Call 120 quickly. I want to go to the hospital."

You can tell by the accent that he is a local.

You can tell he is a beggar.

This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with. He can neither hit nor scold, let alone any 120.

Thinking of Boss Wu's explanation, Li Zhicheng could only endure it, took out a cigarette, and asked calmly: "Have you eaten? There is still some porridge in the pot. Can I help you fill a bowl?"

"Don't eat!"

"Then you should take a rest first."

Li Zhicheng had no choice but to leave the place to Liang Xiaodong, who had just come in with boiling water. He walked out of the workshop and walked around to the last row of abandoned school buildings to continue doing his business.

Wang Guo was drinking water, observing quietly to see if the enemy Xiao Jiang was looking for was here, and chatting with Liang Xiaodong wordlessly.

Asked what this factory does and where Liang Xiaodong is from.

Just when Liang Xiaodong was trying to deal with it, Han Xin had already returned to the car, took off her wet shoes and socks, dried her hands and played the secretly filmed video.

I just finished watching and got a call from "White Shirt".

After checking the code as agreed, Cheng Wenming asked eagerly: "Xiao Han, how are you doing there? Xu Haoran and Li Zheng have already arrived at the village office, which is not far from your place. Do you need their support?"

"Cheng Zhi, how did they get there?"

"This excuse is enough for epidemic prevention and control."

Han Xin finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at the water sample taken from the bag: "This is indeed a drug manufacturing factory. I touched the back and observed it, and found that there was a pungent sour smell inside. The discharged sewage caused nearby Trees and weeds wither and die.

The school building in the second room on the left in the last row has been renovated. The windows are all new and the air conditioner is installed. The outdoor unit is whirring.

But the two delivery guys lived in the front. It was certain that the air-conditioned room in the back was used for crystallization, because crystallization has relatively high temperature requirements. "

Finally found the drug manufacturing factory!

Cheng Wenming was very happy and asked with a smile: "Can we act now?"

Han Xin rubbed her cold feet and whispered: "I asked my new friend to go in and inquire. If he doesn't find the reactor, reaction tank, mixer, filter tank, dehydrator and heating device, it means that this factory is just We process supplied materials and only do the last step.”

Cheng Wenming subconsciously asked: "Xiao Han, are you saying that Wu Hengye is just a small fish and there is someone behind him?"

"He is a guaranteed big fish, but compared to him, the people who provide him with raw materials, that is, ephedrine or chloroephedrine, are more harmful to society."

"Tell me what you think, what do you think should be done next?"

"Wu Hengye is already cunning enough. If we hadn't accidentally discovered that there was something wrong with Liang Xiaodong, it would have been very difficult for us to find this place and figure out that Wu Hengye was the 'Boss Wu'. This shows how cunning the person who taught Wu Hengye to make and sell methamphetamine would be." .”

Han Xin thought for a while and then said: "And until now, we don't know where Wu Hengye is hiding. If we take action now, we will definitely alert the snake."

The young man's concerns have some validity.

At this point in the investigation of the case, Cheng Wenming also wanted to break the entire chain in one go, but thinking of the situation just reported by Tang Zhi, he had to remind: "But the problem now is that it is possible that the snake has been alerted.

In particular, the drug addicts Zhang Mengcheng caught were all second generation rich. Their parents had money and social status, and they were all looking for ways to find connections to lure people. I guess I can’t hide such a big news from Wu Hengye. "

Han Xin had already considered this and analyzed with confidence: "Cheng Zhi, if I were Wu Hengye, I wouldn't worry about Guan Tairong and Zhang Ze being caught, because anyone who takes drugs can be caught at any time. In other words, he was mentally prepared for this, so he took a series of preventive measures."

"He's not worried about Guan Tairong, Bao Aiyue, Zhang Ze and other next-gen clients, but he will definitely be worried about the factory?"

"Tang Zhi's actions over there are more of a shock to the tiger than to arouse the enemy. I think we can't rush. It's best to wait and see if he will make any changes next."

"What's going on?"

"If he really senses the danger, he will definitely move the factory and destroy the evidence. If everything is calm here, it means that he either does not know that Guan, Bao, Zhang and other subordinates have been arrested, or it means that he has other subordinates, Guan, Bao and others. The little loss caused by waiting for others to be arrested is nothing to him."

Han Xin thought about it and laughed: "Actually, he didn't lose anything at all. Every time, he paid first before delivering the goods. He had already made money before."

Industry specializing in surgery.

In terms of anti-drugs, Cheng Wenming didn't think he had more experience than the young man, and said thoughtfully: "You mean to keep an eye on him first. If he arranges for Liang and Li to deliver goods again, then we will follow the clues to find out how many other places he has. If he lets Liang and Li destroy evidence, then we will take decisive action."

Han Xin raised his head and said: "Compared with these two possibilities, I hope he allows Liang and Li to produce normally, because as long as he continues to work, he can't do without raw materials. As long as someone sends them raw materials, we have a chance to follow the clues and find a supplier." Raw material people.”

Cheng Wenming said by analogy: "We can also find deeper hidden drug factories. Compared with the one we have now, the factory that manufactures and sells ephedrine is the real drug factory!"

"That's how I think about it."

"Okay, I'll talk to your Xiao Zhi first. If he doesn't have any objections, we'll have a showdown with that joint task force."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news."

"By the way, when you ask your new friends to help you inquire, you must ensure their safety. The life of a homeless person is also a life, so you can't take it seriously."

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it."

Han Xin paused and then said worriedly: "Cheng Zhi, can you please let Xu Haoran and Li Zheng stay in the village? This village is too remote and it is really a society of acquaintances. If the Wu family sees them, it will be easy to alert them. "

Cheng Wenming asked: "If we don't let them stay in the village, where can we let them go?"

"The factory is in a ravine, which allows them to establish an observation point on the mountainside and help me keep an eye on every move below."

"It's okay to arrange it this way. After all, you're not made of iron. You're always looking at where you can stand it."

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