Veteran new police officer

Chapter 363 Don’t be fooled

Director Ma said he arranged for two people to go together, but actually arranged for three people.

In addition to the discipline inspection cadre Xu Chengbin and the former prosecutor Liu Hao, there is also Xiao Qi, an escort recruited in the name of the branch but actually under the supervision of the supervisory committee.

The young man is a scout who retired from the field army. He has excellent military and political qualities and looks very capable. However, no one involved in the case needs his escort for the time being, and his main job is to drive.

Considering that official cars are too conspicuous, only private cars can be used for public use.

Xu Chengbin drove his own car, Xiao Qi drove Liu Hao's car, and Han Xin took her luggage and got into Xu Chengbin's car with Liu Hao, and took the time to learn about the case on the way to Changzhou.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got in the car, Liu Hao joked: "Captain Han, I heard that you are very cheating. It's okay to cheat Yang Qianli and Li Duwang, but you can't cheat us."

It’s true that good things don’t go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

Han Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Director Liu, do you know Mr. Yang?"

"Linghai is such a big place. Besides, I came from the political and legal system. I don't know any of the chief officers of the branch's science and research team."

"I almost forgot, you used to be a prosecutor and you were responsible for supervising us."

Just as Liu Hao was about to speak, Xu Chengbin smiled and said: "Captain Han, it seems you really don't know. In fact, Director Liu is a family member of your old unit."

Han Xin was doubly surprised: "Director Liu, is your lover also in the branch?"

"She is in the legal brigade. You may not know her, but she knows you. She often tells me about you. I heard that Li Duwang was tricked by your kid, hahaha."

"I have no education. I have never handled a case seriously. I have never even done much writing. I have little contact with the legal system."

"Don't be modest. If you don't have two brushes, can you be transferred to the city bureau? Can you be called into the task force by Secretary Guan?"

He had been transferred to the detachment a long time ago, and his legend is still circulating in his hometown.

Although Han Xin was a little distracted, she didn't want to talk about the glorious past anymore, so she immediately changed the topic: "Director Liu, Brother Xu, what happened to the guy from the Changzhou branch?"

Liu Hao stopped joking, fastened his seat belt, and introduced: "Clues mainly come from two aspects. One is reports from the masses, and the other is your city bureau's investigation after more than seven months in the special fight against gangs and evil. , successfully cracked an overseas gambling case of a large organization supervised by the Ministry of Public Security, and arrested 17 members of the evil gang.

Judging from the case files, the gang’s gambling capital involved amounted to more than 1.2 billion yuan, and nearly 100 people participated in the gambling. It is the largest gambling case involving the largest amount of money that our Binjiang has cracked so far. It has been highly recognized by the central anti-gang and evil supervision team. At the same time, During the investigation, it was discovered that someone was acting as a protective umbrella for the gang. "

Han Xin put it nicely, "I love what I do," and I focus on drug control. To put it bluntly, it means that you only sweep the snow in front of your own door and don't care about the frost on other people's tiles.

Whether he was in the branch before or after he was transferred to the city bureau, he only cared about drug cases and never paid attention to what his fellow units were busy with.

Han Xin was shocked when he heard that the amount involved was as high as 1.2 billion: "Which unit investigated such a big case?"

"Chonggang Branch."

"The protective umbrella is the one from Changzhou?"

"This gang mainly engages in criminal activities in Changzhou. Since 2007, it has organized domestic entrepreneurs to go to Macau to gamble. It first recruited Ma Zai to act as a 'local companion', mainly through methods such as 'code laundering' and 'profit sharing'. To make profits, it has developed to the point of 'moving' casinos into the country and arranging for gamblers to gamble overseas through online and telephone betting."

Liu Hao paused and added: "If the man from Changzhou hadn't acted as a protective umbrella for them, this gang wouldn't be at large to this day!"

Han Xin thought about it and asked, "Has the main culprit been arrested?"

"The main culprit has been arrested."

"Wouldn't this case be easier to handle if the main culprit is arrested? Could it be that he refuses to speak and confess the fact of bribery?"

"The main criminal is related to that person, and he has escaped so many blows before. He is still lucky and is waiting for that person to fish him out."

Han Xin still felt that this case was not that simple. She touched her chin and said, "I am just a deputy director of the branch. In my opinion, he is a leader, but what does it mean to you? Just keep it as long as it is necessary. There is no need to make it so complicated. "

Xu Chengbin raised his head and glanced at the rearview mirror: "Captain Han, do you think the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision is making a fuss out of a molehill by assigning us jurisdiction?"

"Isn't it? If I take him directly to the detention center, I will keep him for two months if he doesn't explain for one month. I won't be able to find out what happened in two months!"

"This person's situation is quite special. If we ask the Changzhou Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to open a case for investigation, we may encounter resistance. Precisely because his situation is quite special, although we have cross-regional jurisdiction, we cannot rashly take detention measures against him. "

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "What's so special?"

Liu Hao took out his mobile phone, searched for a leader's resume, and held it up in front of Han Xin: "His father worked in Changzhou for many years. He also served as mayor before the city was withdrawn to build a district. He just retired from a high-ranking official position. . It can be said that this is the reason why he has been reported by the masses many times before but has never been investigated."

"It turned out to be the second generation official..."

"Skynet will not miss anything, no matter what the second generation of officials, as long as it violates party discipline and state law, it will still be investigated and punished!"

"Then when should we keep an eye on it?"

"The three people Director Cai and Director Ye went to look for overnight are key figures. There are also colleagues working on the gang leader's side, and there are also dedicated people investigating the bank accounts and assets of the people involved. There will be news tomorrow afternoon at the latest. .”

"We just have to watch until tomorrow afternoon?"

"Well, I'll keep an eye on it until tomorrow afternoon at most."

"So once we take action and send him to the detention center, nothing will happen to me?"

"What a beautiful thought!"

"Brother Xu, I don't know how to handle cases, let alone cases like yours. What's the use of keeping me in the task force?"

Xu Chengbin did not answer the question, while Liu Hao stared at him and smiled without saying a word.

Han Xin was stunned and suddenly reacted: "After arresting my son, we will keep an eye on me! My son is acting as a protective umbrella for gangs involved in gangs, and I may also have problems!"

"Don't say this nonsense. He is a leading cadre at the division level. Not to mention that he may not have a problem. Even if there is a problem, it is not our turn to open a case and investigate."

"I understand, don't talk nonsense."

Han Xin did not expect that this case would involve a senior cadre with a higher level. After thinking about it, she asked: "How can we keep an eye on him if we just go there like this? Do you know where he is right now?"

Liu Hao picked up his cell phone and checked the time: "He is having a meeting at the city bureau right now. Your city bureau leader is reporting on the gang-related and gambling case, so we have to go to your city bureau first."

"This is knocking on the mountain to shock the tiger and lure the snake out of its hole!"

"He's not a big tiger yet, but we have to keep a close eye on him to prevent him from absconding in fear of crime."

I have been staring at people for such a long time, but I didn’t expect that I would continue to stare at them when I returned to my hometown.

Han Xin was tired of staring and muttered: "I'd say wait for him at the door of the city bureau. As soon as he comes out, you will greet him, identify yourself, show him the detention procedures, and take him directly to the detention center!"

How could Liu Hao not know what he was thinking, so he couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Captain Han, don't you like assisting us in handling cases?"

"I have already helped you arrest Chen Guoping. If I help you arrest another deputy director, how can I mess around in the bureau in the future?"

"You are an old party member, can you have some political consciousness!"

"I am a veteran party member, but I am not a disciplinary inspection cadre. I am an anti-drug policeman. My job is to catch drug dealers, not a police woodpecker like Lao Lei."

"Then transfer to our Supervisory Committee. Secretary Guan cares so much about you that it's not a matter of him saying anything to transfer you."

There are many "talents" in the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission. Bachelor's degree may be the minimum education level, there are many graduate students, and there are also many who have passed the judicial examination and served as prosecutors. What is most lacking now is Han Xin who can do "rough work"!

Hearing what Liu Hao said, Xu Chengbin was convinced: "Captain Han, you can really consider it. Others will have to participate in the selection or take the selection test if they want to come. You don't have to go to such trouble. You can do it on secondment first." year, and then the formal transfer will be done as a matter of course."

Han Xin would not be fooled by this and couldn't help but laugh: "I'm not qualified enough to do your job."

"What's not good enough? You did a great job helping us handle the case last time, didn't you?"

"No, no, I'm really not up to it."

"I'm not talking about you, you are so blessed that you don't know how to be blessed!"

"Director Liu, please don't fool me. If I were transferred to your Supervisory Committee, I would probably be able to do only two things. Either help you arrest people, or stay in the detention center to watch people for you. A good anti-narcotics policeman If you don't do it, I'll be your escort, I won't be that stupid."

Seeing Liu Hao smile, Han Xin smiled again and said: "And if we are really transferred, all the current subsidies will be gone, and the money we will get is not as much as being a police officer."

"You rich second generation, are you short of money?"

"Who said I am from the second generation of rich people?"

"Landou Doudou told my wife that you are not only the second generation of rich people, but also the second generation of demolishers. You have two apartments in Ruyi Community alone!"

"My master is really good at telling people everything."

While we were chatting, the car arrived at the door of the Municipal Bureau.

Seeing the call from Xiao Qi, Han Xin took over the command without hesitation, took the mobile phone and said: "Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi, I'm Han Xin, don't hang around in front of the city bureau, keep driving forward, and find a parking space at the intersection ahead. .”


"Director Liu, get off the car and wait in Xiao Qi's car."

"what about you?"

Han Xin glanced at the Municipal Bureau building and said with a smile: "I'll go in and take a look. Brother Xu, find a parking space nearby and send me a WeChat message after parking."

Xu Chengbin asked subconsciously: "What then?"

"Wait for me in the car. When they come out, we will follow behind. Director Liu and Xiao Qi will clear the way for the one from Changzhou, and then follow them alternately."

"You're going in like this?"

"I'm a police officer from the city bureau. I can go in if I want. The guard won't stop me."

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