Veteran new police officer

Chapter 369: Trapped!

Although the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee are all "scholars", they also pay attention to the same procedures as the police when handling cases.

When I came in just now, there was a cadre wearing a law enforcement recorder and filming the entire detention process. After Li Yongchun finished signing the two official documents, he began to search the office.

Han Xin never expected that Li Yongchun would be so courageous, and there would be 50,000 to 60,000 yuan worth of high-end tobacco and alcohol hidden in the cabinet in his office.

Just as he was wondering if it was a gift from someone else, he didn't have time or forgot to take it home. Director Ma raised his head and said, "Liu Hao, Xiao Han, you take him down first. I'll go see District Chief Chen and give him a lien." Notice.”


"Director Lei, the gun has been handed over to you. You can check to see if it is a police gun. If it is a police gun, check again that it does not comply with the regulations on the use of firearms."


Xiang Zhongfa originally thought that a drug case had occurred in his jurisdiction, so he rushed over excitedly, but he did not expect this to be the result.

He stood at the door and heard clearly. He saw the deputy directors next door all coming out. The policemen who came to handle the matter were all dumbfounded. He wanted to leave but did not dare to leave. He could only stay there as if assisting the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervisory Committee in handling the case. Outside.

Just as he was regretting that he should not accompany Han Keng up to say goodbye to Li Yongchun, Director Ma came out and asked: "Comrade Xiang Zhongfa, where is District Mayor Chen's office?"

"Report to Director Ma, District Chief Chen's office is right in front. District Chief Chen doesn't seem to be in the office."

"Director Lei, please contact District Chief Chen."

Lei Xinghua was about to make a call when a deputy director said cautiously: "Director Lei, District Chief Chen is having a meeting in the district. I just called him and he said he will be here soon."


Han Xin didn't have to wait here. Together with Xiao Qi, an escort from the Supervisory Committee, she grabbed Li Yongchun's arms from left to right, and took the ashen-faced Li Yongchun out of the office under the gaze of everyone.

Several deputy directors of the branch and the police officers who came to ask the bureau leaders for help gave way.

Liu Hao and Cai Haiyong were worried that Li Yongchun was dishonest, so one walked in front carrying a bag and the other was in charge of the rear.

Gu Xiaohui stayed up all night and was very sleepy.

I was dozing off in the car when I suddenly heard someone knocking on the window.

He looked up and saw a stranger he had never seen before.

Just as he was confused, he suddenly discovered that the "old comrade" was actually a young man who looked very capable, standing beside the car holding Bureau Li.

"Team Han, what are you doing?"

"Get out of the car, it's none of your business."

"Oh, I'll come down right away."

Thinking of the rumors in the WeChat group last night, Gu Xiaohui suddenly realized that the rumors had come true, and the "old comrades" were actually here to arrest Bureau Li.

He did not dare to hinder the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission from handling the case, so he quickly opened the door and got out of the car.

Han Xin opened the back door and got in first.

Xiao Qi pushed Li Yongchun in and squeezed into the back row.

Liu Hao drove and Cai Haiyong sat in the passenger seat. An official car turned on its double flashers to clear the way for them, and then slowly drove out of the branch compound.

The people from the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission came quietly, arrested Director Li and left.

Gu Xiaohui stood alone in the parking lot. It wasn't until Xiang Zhongfa ran downstairs with a grimace that he noticed that colleagues from the public security, national security, economic investigation, and network security brigades were all standing by the windows of their respective offices, far away. The crowd watched them.

"Xiang Da, why did the Korean team take Bureau Li away..."

"Director Li, this is the end of his position as deputy director."

"But what does this have to do with the Korean team?"

"Don't ask, District Chief Chen will be back soon, let's leave quickly. What a scammer, I was really tricked by him this time!"

Xiang Zhongfa regretted it, opened the door and got into his car, fastened his seat belt, started the engine, and drove out of the branch compound as if running away.

Gu Xiaohui also realized the seriousness of the problem and quickly drove back to the brigade.

Unexpectedly, as soon as we returned to the brigade and parked the car, several small groups became excited. Many brothers asked what was going on with Director Li.

"I'm not from the Discipline Inspection Commission, how could I know this!"

"I heard from the brothers in the security brigade that you were the one who arrested Director Li, and many people saw it!"

"Whatever I brought, I came across by chance."

"You can do it, kid, and you kept it a secret from us. I heard that he came to the branch last night, and you were the one to receive him."


Gu Xiaohui then thought that before Han Keng was seconded to the anti-drug detachment, he seemed to have helped the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision catch a black sheep in the Linghai branch.

Unexpectedly, it has been so long since the incident happened, and Han Keng would "return to his old business" and help the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee arrest Bureau Li!

All colleagues now think that they brought the people from the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee, and Han Keng’s identity is so special. If anyone reveals his details, he might really be invited to tea by the inspector or even the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office, so there is no way Can't explain.

As Lao Xiang said, I was really screwed this time.

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. He picked up his mobile phone and was about to call Han Keng and ask him why he cheated his brothers. However, he thought that Han Keng was with the people from the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission, so he could only give up the idea and call his former leader. Complain on the phone.

"Political Commissar Yun, I can't clean myself up even if I jump into the Yellow River. How can you say that he would do this? How will I be able to see anyone in the future after doing this?"

Yun Weiting also did not expect that Han Keng went to Changzhou to assist the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in taking detention measures against Li Yongchun. Unexpectedly, the Municipal Bureau only reported the case of Li Yongcheng’s criminal gang last night, and today the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee will take action against Li Yongcheng’s cousin Li Yongchun.

The young man was indeed miserably cheated, but as a party member and the political commissar of the detachment, he could only speak the truth.

"Xiao Gu, things are not as terrible as you think. Besides, if Li Yongchun is really suspected of duty-related crimes, he should be arrested!"

"I'll catch you, but it's none of my business."

"Since it's none of your business, there's nothing to be afraid of."

"Political Commissar, I mean, how will I get along in the workplace in the future? What will my colleagues and leaders think of me?"

“If your colleagues in leadership ask, tell the truth.”

Gu Xiaohui asked with a grimace: "Why tell the truth?"

Political Commissar Yun glanced at the police phone that kept ringing, and said perfunctorily: "Just say you are being used. You and Han Xin just know each other, and you don't know what he does."

"Can I tell people who he is and what he does?"

"Don't go into too much detail. Anyway, many people know him, but not many people have met him."

"But even if I explain, people may not believe it!"

"Xiao Gu, I'm not criticizing you. Think about it carefully. As a party member and a people's policeman, which one is more important, party discipline and state law, or is human nature and sophistication more important? Besides, how can you do your job without offending others?"

"political commissar……"

"I have something else to do, so I'll hang up first."

Political Commissar Yun sympathized with the young man's plight, but he was really helpless.

He put down his cell phone, picked up the police call that had been ringing for a long time, and asked in a low voice: "Lao Xiang, what's the matter?"

"Political Commissar Yun, after all this, that boy Han Xin came to arrest our Bureau Li. I was tricked by him this time."

It's because of this again!

Political Commissar Yun was so dumbfounded that he asked calmly: "Why did he trick you?"

Xiang Zhong said angrily: "He first said that he was here to check for hidden drug addicts in our branch's jurisdiction, and then he lied that the water sample for the sewage drug test was wrong and that he wanted to go back. Before going back, he had to say goodbye to Director Li."

"Then what?"

"I thought he was a member of our anti-drug system. When he came, I wanted to receive him. When he came to handle the case, I wanted to assist him. When he left, I definitely wanted to see him off, so I went upstairs with him to see Bureau Li."

"What happens next?"

"Then he and the people from the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission arrested Director Li. Several deputy directors and our political commissar all saw it and thought that I had brought him and the people from the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission!"

Lao Xiang's business ability is average, but his conduct as a person is really bad. He can be described as an all-rounder.

Political Commissar Yun realized that he had jumped into this trap because he was so good at life. After all, Han Xin never thought of looking for him. On the contrary, he was looking for Han Xin all over the world after hearing the news.

Considering that he was already a deputy section chief, and that he would not be able to serve as a brigade leader for a few years, and was not a young man like Gu Xiaohui, political commissar Yun did not have any kind words to persuade him, but reminded him seriously and solemnly: "Lao Xiang, what's going on with Comrade Han Xin?" You should know something."

"What's going on?" Xiang Zhongfa asked in a low voice.

"He was transferred back from Nanyun Border Guard. He investigated many drug cases while in the army, and was even noticed by overseas drug lords. After he was transferred back, he also did a good job and destroyed several drug manufacturing and trafficking gangs."

Political Commissar Yun paused and emphasized: "You often come to the detachment for meetings. You should have noticed that there is no photo of him on the detachment's bulletin board. Bureau Yang has requested that he not be allowed to participate in some meetings of the detachment and even the city bureau. That is to say His identity needs to be kept secret."

How could Xiang Zhongfa not understand the meaning behind the detachment leader's words? He could only smile bitterly and said: "Understood, I won't explain or talk nonsense."

"It's good to know."

"But this makes me very embarrassed."

"Lao Xiang, I'm not talking about you, you are about to take a back seat, what's the point of being embarrassed about?"

"Forget it, I can't blame him for this, blame me for this. I was in a hurry to go with him."

"You just think too much."

"I don't want to, I listen to you."

"By the way, you have worked with Li Yongchun for so many years and know his situation better. Do you think he will get through this easily?"

Xiang Zhongfa didn't expect Political Commissar Yun to be such a gossip, and mused: "His cousin Li Yongcheng was arrested by the Chonggang Branch, which is equivalent to using police from another place; he was investigated by the Linghai District Discipline Inspection Commission, and he was also supervised by the Linghai District Discipline Inspection Commission. He was taken away by commission, which shows that the superiors not only had their eyes on him, but also made great determination to investigate and deal with him."

"It seems like he's not having a good time this time."

"Not only is he having a hard time, but his father is probably also involved."

"Did the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission investigate?"

"That's not true, but I heard from the people from the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission that they will send a lien notice to his father later."

"Shouldn't it be given to his wife?" Political Commissar Yun asked in confusion.

Xiang Zhongfa closed the office door and whispered: "It seems that his wife has also been detained and taken away by the Linghai Supervisory Committee."

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