Veteran new police officer

Chapter 373 Leaders’ comrade-in-arms gathering

The leader asked us to go together, and it was impossible not to go.

Han Xin had no choice but to call Jiang Yue and follow Ren Zhi to the hotel to pick up his old comrade. Unexpectedly, the person I picked up was not just one person, but a couple.

The middle-aged leader's surname is Shan, who is really the captain of the anti-narcotics detachment of the Anle City Public Security Bureau.

His lover's surname is Gao, and he is also a policeman from the Anle City Public Security Bureau.

The couple, like Ren Zhi, are both from Liangzhuang, and have both worked at Liangzhuang Police Station. This time they came to Binjiang not on a business trip, but to visit an elder who was sick and hospitalized at Binjiang University Affiliated Hospital.

They planned to leave after the visit, but Ren Zhi found out and insisted on keeping them for dinner, and even called the hotel to book a room for them.

Although Liangzhuang is a town in Sigang, its accent is different from that in Sigang city.

They were very happy to have their old comrades gather together. They all talked about Liangzhuang and the people and things in Liangzhuang. They asked "Crazy Cheng" what he was busy with and why Li Zheng was seconded to the detachment again.

Han Xin could understand, but she couldn't speak, and she wasn't stupid enough to interrupt and disturb the leaders' reminiscing about old times. She first worked as a driver for them, and then turned into a waiter at the hotel.

Just as I was helping to make tea, I saw that three of them were beating eggs but one was missing, so I was helping them make a game of cards.

The single figure is better maintained. Although he is older than "Ren Dasha", he looks younger than "Ren Dasha".

Maybe he had been the leader of the economic investigation detachment before that. His career was smoother than that of "Ren Dasha" and his aura was stronger than that of "Ren Dasha".

"Xiao Han, not only did I hear Cheng Zhi mention you, I also heard Wang Ju and Li Zheng mention you more than once. They were full of praise for you and said that you also taught Ren Zhi!"

"Single Zhi, you are really good at joking, how dare I teach Ren Zhi a lesson."

"Old Dan, are you kidding me about which pot you are not talking about?" Ren Zhongnian was humiliated and threw down a three and two: "Have a good game of cards, do you want it?"

Shanzhi raised his head and said with a smile: "I don't have this kind."

Han Xin and her immediate boss were rivals, so of course she would not be stupid enough to pick up the fight. She turned around and said with a smile, "Sister Gao, is it your turn?"

Gao Yali didn't like playing cards very much. She had already played two rounds and had not sorted out the cards yet. She was inserting the cards back and forth to see if she could get a straight flush. She smiled and said: "I don't have this kind of game either. I've done it too."

Ren Zhongnian was happy and took out five more cards and threw them on the table: "If you want to die quickly, bring two of three. Old Dan, if you have a bomb, use it as soon as possible. If you don't use it, I will run away!"

"After that, I'll see where you can run."

He knocked on the table with a single stick and said with a smile: "Xiao Han, they say that the public security forces in the world are one family, and we should be one family when it comes to anti-drugs. You are the leader of the intelligence squadron. Please add a WeChat account later and leave a phone number. If there is any in the future, We must communicate more about drug clues and drug information that affect our well-being."

His immediate boss was sitting here, and Han Xin didn't dare to speak out loud, so she quickly said: "Singzhi, this communication matter is not just a word with Ren Zhi, do you need to tell me?"

"Aren't you going to help?"

"Old Dan, please don't embarrass Xiao Han. Our detachment has a set of procedures for the collection, analysis, judgment, use and feedback of intelligence. Besides, I will be the one to take care of you two tonight. If you really want intelligence clues , you have to show some sincerity."

"What's the meaning?"

"You have to treat us to a meal anyway. You don't even understand this. I really don't know how you, the detachment leader, do it."

Shanzhi was about to speak when a short-haired lady opened the door and walked in with a smile.

As soon as she came in, she teased: "Zhongnian, if you had gone to Xin'an back then, you would still be able to become a detachment leader now. It's a pity that you were born at the wrong time and didn't catch up, so you can only stay in Binjiang."

Before Ren Zhongnian could speak, Shanzhi and Gao Yali put down their cards and stood up to greet them.

"Wang Ju, please stop laughing at me. If we could go back in time and do everything over again, Yali and I wouldn't have been fooled by Lao Ning and tricked us into going to Xin'an."

"Sister Wang, I really don't know how to play this. Come on and do it."

"Why are you fighting? Hurry up and eat. After dinner, I have to go back to Sigang."

Wang Yan put down her bag and looked at Han Xin with a smile: "Xiao Han, we meet again. Last time you went to Sigang to handle a case, I was so busy with that chat grass that I didn't bother to entertain you. I'm sorry. ah."

The man in front of him was an old subordinate and comrade of the old detachment leader, with the same aloof status as "Crazy Cheng".

Han Xin did not dare to neglect, and quickly stood at attention and saluted: "Hello, Director Wang, Director Wang, I caused you trouble last time, I should be the one to say sorry."

"You didn't cause me any trouble, but you helped us a lot. If you hadn't discovered it in time, the consequences would have been disastrous."

Wang Yan smiled slightly, then turned around and said: "Single branch, Yali, Xiao Han was the one who cracked the Chat draft in our Si Gang. The current Bureau Zhang in charge of anti-drugs is Xiao Han's old leader."

"I know. I am telling Xiao Han that we need to strengthen communication in the future. If Xiao Zhi agrees, I would also like to ask Xiao Han to come to our detachment to provide guidance."

"Single branch, you have promoted me, how can I be qualified to go to your place for guidance?"

"Our city bureau is going to hold an anti-drug business training. Please help us and give us a lesson when the time comes."

Seeing that his subordinates were hesitant to speak, Ren Zhongnian reacted and asked everyone to sit down. He smiled and said: "Good steel must be used on the edge of the knife. Xiao Han is a professional anti-drug expert, not a lecturer. If you want to hire a teacher, I Can you recommend one?"


Before Ren Zhongnian could speak, Wang Yan sat down and said with a smile: "Zhongnian, do you want to recommend Lan Doudou from the Anti-Narcotics Brigade of Linghai Branch?"

Ren Zhongnian asked subconsciously: "How did you know!"

"In our Binjiang anti-drug system, Lan Doudou's class is the best. Who else can you recommend besides her?"

"Landou Doudou, this name sounds familiar..." Shanzhi's lover Gao Yali murmured.

Wang Yan picked up the towel, wiped her hands and said with a smile: "Our internet celebrity police officer from the Binjiang Public Security System was awarded the honorary title of Woman Struggler by the provincial department and the Provincial Women's Federation a few days ago. She is also Xiao Han's master."

Gao Yali reacted: "I remember it, why did I say it sounds familiar!"

Ren Zhongnian leaned over and picked up a bottle of wine, handed it to Han Xin, and turned around to explain: "Old Dan, Xiao Han is in a special situation. He can do anything, but he cannot give lectures on stage."

"I understand, then let me ask you to recommend Lan Doudou."

Seeing that Han Xin was about to open a drink, Shanzhi quickly stopped her and said, "Zhongnian, Sister Wang, although I won't go back tonight, I have to write a document, and today is Monday, so we won't drink."

We are all our own people, so there is no need to be so polite.

Wang Yan agreed: "Then don't drink. There are plenty of opportunities for you to drink if you want. Drink well next time you go back to your hometown."

Ren Zhongnian pointed at the wine in Han Xin's hand and asked, "You really don't want to drink it?"

"If you don't want to drink it, give me a bottle of mineral water."

"Okay, I'll get it."

Han Xin put down her drink, pulled out her chair and walked over to open the door to the private room.

Wang Yan smiled and said: "Xiao Han, help me see if there is pure milk."

Only then did Han Xin realize that there were two ladies, and asked awkwardly: "Sister Gao, what are you drinking?"

Gao Yali smiled and said: "See if there is yogurt. If not, get me a bottle of mineral water."

"Ren Zhi, where are you?"

"I'll just drink tea."


They are not only leaders, but also the famous "Liangzhuang Gang".

Even if the hotel doesn't have the drinks they want, they have to buy them outside. This is the minimum awareness of subordinates.

By the time Han Xin got the drinks and returned to the box, the cold dishes had already been served.

The epidemic has really had a great impact on people's lives. Even eating is different from before. Everyone has two pairs of chopsticks in front of them.

Ren Zhongnian asked him to sit down quickly, then looked at his old comrade with a smile and asked: "Old Dan, why do you always drink mineral water after so many years? Is the mineral water good to drink?"

"got used to."

He unscrewed the mineral water, poured a small cup, held it up and exclaimed: "It sounds very happy to say that. When I was in the security department of the Silk Textile Factory in 1990, I saw mineral water for the first time. I felt very happy. It’s high-end, I thought it must be delicious.”

Wang Yan smiled and said: "Then buy a bottle and try it."

"Although it only cost two yuan a bottle at that time, my salary was low at that time and I was reluctant to buy it. Later, the man from the capital was assigned to the factory and established an economic police unit. He led us to rectify the night market in front of the factory and protect the security department. I had a small treasury and gave us a salary increase, so I reluctantly bought a bottle. When I drank it, I was shocked and I was not in a good mood the whole day."

Han Xin thought that the "person in the capital" he was talking about should be the old detachment leader that Chief Xiao talked about.

Ren Zhongnian laughed and said, "Did you find it tasteless and feel you were cheated?"

"I really thought I had been fooled at the time. Later I asked the person in the capital and found out that the mineral water just had no taste. I didn't expect that now I am addicted to it."

When talking about this, Wang Yan couldn't help but smile and said: "I have experienced this kind of thing before."

Gao Yali picked up a piece of cold dish with chopsticks and asked with interest: "Sister Wang, have you ever been fooled like this?"

"I didn't fall for the mineral water scam. It's a bit embarrassing to say this. I haven't told Xiaolei to this day."

"What's up?"

"I wasn't born in Liangzhuang. You all gave me confinement gifts, and so did the guy in the capital. He went to the newly opened supermarket in Xin'an and bought me a box of yogurt. I've never had it before. , opened it, took a sip, and then I threw it away!"

"Why throw it?"

"I've never drunk it before, so I didn't know what it tasted like. I thought it was rancid."

"and after?"

"Later, I asked my mother to secretly throw away the rest. I didn't dare to let the people in the capital know. After all, he spent a lot of money to buy it and it was also his heart. Hahaha, do you think it's embarrassing to throw it away?"

Talking about what happened back then, Wang Yan almost burst into tears laughing.

Gao Yali also burst out laughing.

Ren Zhongnian also recalled the scene of working with the old leader, patted the table and said: "When it comes to milk, I also lost someone once."

"Really?" Wang Yan asked with a smile.

Ren Zhongnian grinned and said: "When I went to the institute for internship, didn't I go with him to Beihe to capture Gu Xingui? On the way back from escorting Gu Xingui, I was very thirsty when I passed through Changzhou.

The small shop on the roadside didn't sell any other water, only milk. The man in the capital went to buy two bags for me. When I drank it in the car, it had no taste. I thought I had been deceived. Later I found out that it was called pure milk. Hahahaha, don’t you think it’s funny? "

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