Veteran new police officer

Chapter 388 Well prepared

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Lan Doudou and others dragged their tired bodies back to the hotel by bus.

Before coming here, she had always felt that interrogation was a basic job, and it was a normal thing to go on the road and interrogate passing vehicles.

For example, the branch has set up several security checkpoints on national and provincial highways, and traffic police are on duty at the checkpoints every day.

Another example is when there is a new year or a major security operation. Not only the traffic police have to go on the road to check passing vehicles, but also the special police, criminal police and security police from the police station have to go to support.

The Anti-Narcotics Brigade also often cooperates with the traffic police to detect drug-impaired driving, and collaborates with the traffic police and public security police to check whether any vehicle is transporting precursor chemicals without a registered license.

In short, although the road inspection is tiring, it has no technical content.

But she was transferred to the "Jiangnan Anti-Drug Team". After a day of practical training, she finally realized that going on the road to conduct an interrogation was not as simple as she had previously thought.

During the interrogation, you must not only observe the words and expressions of the person being interrogated, but also observe the micro-expressions of the person being interrogated to ensure that they are not suspicious. And pay attention to various details and analyze whether what the person being questioned is telling the truth.

More importantly, we must pay attention to efficiency, which means that we must have a tacit understanding of cooperation with new colleagues.

Who stands where?

Who is responsible for asking?

Who is responsible for observing the details inside and outside the vehicle, who is responsible for checking the identity of the person being questioned online, the authenticity of the driver's license and driving license, and using several existing platforms to query the vehicle's movement trajectory through big data?

Who is responsible for holding the gun guard and ensuring the safety of everyone?

When someone goes to the bathroom or leaves temporarily for other reasons, who is responsible for "filling in"?

All of these must be taken into consideration, and we must be busy but not chaotic!

The leader made it very clear during the meeting last night. I thought it would be simple. More than 20 people were divided into two groups, and they could check at least a thousand vehicles in one day.

As a result, from 8:00 this morning to 5:10 this afternoon, only 326 vehicles were checked.

It was like a war, everyone was extremely busy.

Although we have achieved many results, we caught a criminal suspect who didn't know he was wanted online, and found two drunk drivers, one who used a fake driver's license on the road, one who illegally transported fireworks and firecrackers, and one who used a fake license plate. Jiang Zhi and Miao Bureau were not satisfied.

In the words of the Miao Bureau, the investigation was too slow and the scene was too chaotic!

Back at the hotel, everyone was listless.

I thought I could take the lunch box delivered to the hotel and go back to the room to eat and rest.

As a result, Director Xu notified them in the WeChat group that they should go back to the lobby to gather after dinner, and then take a bus to an auto repair shop that the team had contacted.

Lan Doudou returned to the room and was wondering what to do at the auto repair shop at night when another WeChat notification came from her hand.

Putting down the lunch box, he took out his mobile phone and saw that it was all the members of the evil disciple Zaiite who had just been set up as group administrators by Director Xu at noon.

"Everyone, this is the weather forecast for the next seven days. The temperature will be relatively high during the day and a bit cool at night. The temperature difference between day and night is relatively large. It is recommended that you prepare autumn clothes and autumn trousers, and it is best to prepare some cold medicine."

"Team Leader Han, isn't it hotter over there than here?"

"The altitude of the checkpoint is relatively high, and it's cooler at night on the mountain."

Han Xin sent a dozen photos taken during the day to the group, and continued: "This is the environment of a checkpoint, with four lanes in both directions, a bit like a toll station. There is an awning above, so you don't have to worry about being exposed to the sun during the day. Even if it rains, you don’t have to worry about getting wet.”

Gu Xiaoyu from the Anti-Narcotics Detachment of the Guzhou Municipal Bureau looked at the photo and asked curiously: "Team Leader Han, why is it so empty and no one can be seen?"

"This checkpoint is equivalent to our security checkpoint over there. It is affiliated to the local public security bureau. It is different from the border inspection station of the border management detachment and the entry-exit border inspection station of the Immigration Bureau. The police are not arranged to check every day."

Han Xin sat in the hotel, clicked the mouse, and sent a few more photos to the group: "Because it is equivalent to an ordinary security checkpoint, the conditions here are relatively difficult. There is only a row of bungalows on the left side of the checkpoint, and there are six in total. .

One is an office, the other is a small conference room, and one can temporarily detain suspects. The second room on the right has two wire beds, which is a temporary resting place for the police and auxiliary police. There is also an empty room. "

From the photos, the surrounding scenery is beautiful, but the conditions inside the checkpoint are poor.

Lan Doudou subconsciously asked: "Team Leader Han, where will we stay after we go there?"

"I live in a town about 18 kilometers away from the checkpoint. There is a hotel here, which is where I live now."

Han Xin continued to post pictures, eight in a row.

Then he put down the mouse and introduced with a smile: "Although the conditions are a bit unsatisfactory, it is the best hotel that can be found nearby. Under the coordination of Shaotong Command and with the consent of the team leader, we worked with the Donghai Team to The hotel is booked.

The people from the Beihe team and the railway police team who were on the front line only arrived this afternoon. Because the hotel only had 60 rooms, they could only book the rooms in the county seat 32 kilometers away from the checkpoint with the coordination of the headquarters. "

Although Sister Xu is still a leader, she is not responsible for Nanyun's logistics. She doesn't know much about these situations. She asked curiously: "Xiao Han, aren't there five families stationed in Shaotong battlefield? Is there another one?"

"Report to Director Xu, the person who is stationed in front of the Dongshan team is on the way. I heard from the comrades of the logistics team of the headquarters that he will not arrive until tomorrow afternoon. There will definitely not be a place to live nearby. They can only live in the county town like the Beihe team. .”

"The headquarters also has a logistics team?"

"Yes, but they mainly coordinate, help us contact the place where we live, and help us rent a car."

Han Xin paused and then said: "In addition to the logistics team, there is also an epidemic prevention and control team. We will organize personnel to come to the hotel early tomorrow morning for comprehensive disinfection. We will disinfect it twice before you come."

Lan Doudou wanted to ask how the conditions were like where she lived, but she didn't want her boss and colleagues to think she was squeamish, so she had to put down her phone.

Police dog trainer Tang Chuanbing asked eagerly: "Team Leader Han, have you helped me find a kennel?"

"This is a hotel, how can there be a kennel? But don't worry, we have booked the hotel. This hotel has a total of sixty rooms. I and the people from the front station of the East China Sea Team have talked to the hotel manager, and they will make arrangements tomorrow morning. People make room for two.”

"Team Leader Han, so after we go there, one person will be able to live in a single room, and even Old Tang's drug-detecting dog will be able to live in a single room?" Gu Xiaoyu asked with a smile.

"Consumption in the town is not high, and there are usually not many guests. Moreover, we booked the entire hotel, and they gave us a preferential price. It costs more than 100 yuan a night. If we can have a room for one person, of course we can have a room for each person."

Han Xin thought about it and smiled: "If you live in a county town, considering the budget, two people may have to live in one room."

"Great, thank you, Team Leader Han."

"You're welcome, this is my job."

Thinking that he would have to go downstairs to gather later, Director Xu took over the conversation again: "Xiao Han, is there anything else you want to report?"

Han Xin hurriedly said: "One more thing, our colleagues in the East China Sea are well prepared. The large army will arrive in a few days, and all the inspection equipment has been flown over. Although I haven't unpacked it, I took a peek at the equipment list.

They prepared two portable X-ray machines, two portable hair detectors, and four portable Raman spectrometers. Various test kits, walkie-talkies, handcuffs, body armor, and disinfectants, hand sanitizers, masks, and one-piece protective clothing required for epidemic prevention and control are all available. "

Sister Xu was stunned and murmured: "They even brought an X-ray machine!"

"So they are very well prepared."

"Xiao Han, have you reported this situation to Mr. Wang and Jiang Zhi?"

"I reported it. Mr. Wang said that we should also have what they have. We will arrange it early tomorrow morning and we can send it over the afternoon of the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"That's good."

Thinking that Tang Chuanbing was worried that his "Beibei" would not be able to eat well here, Han Xin added: "Captain Tang, as for cooking for the drug-detecting dogs, my colleagues from Donghai and I have made an agreement with the hotel manager. They have it downstairs. The restaurant will pack out a refrigerator and a diesel stove for us to use."

"Thank you, Team Leader Han, for causing you trouble."

"No trouble."

Han Xin touched her nose and reminded: "Captain Tang, although I have never brought a drug-detecting dog, I have seen others do. Considering that the drug situation here is different from ours in Jiangnan, I suggest you make the best use of these dogs." In the next few days, train your Beibei more."

Tang Chuanbing is a professional in this regard. How could he not hear the implication of Han Xin's words and said confidently: "Don't worry, Team Leader Han, I know the drugs over there are different from the drugs here, but my Beibei is very smart." , has also received training in this area, and can find any drugs!"

"That's good. Let's get here first. If you need anything or want to know anything, you can like me in the group or call me."

Although Han Xin said so, she felt in her heart that relying on drug-detection dogs alone was unreliable.

After all, a dog is a dog, not a machine or an instrument.

When even a tiger takes a nap, it is not an easy task for a dog, no matter how well-trained, to suddenly come to a checkpoint that is not only completely unfamiliar but also has such a complicated smell environment, trying to find out the drugs that drug dealers have tried so hard to hide.

But Han Xin is still confident about the next investigation.

After all, those who can participate in the competition are elites, and the team is preparing various advanced technical equipment.

What's more important is that the old border guard Miao Chengyu is here.

He has worked at the checkpoint for so many years. He does nothing else every day but stares at passing vehicles and pedestrians. He has long developed a pair of sharp eyes. No matter how cunning a drug dealer is, he can't get away from him!

Just as I was thinking about how many drug dealers would fall into the hands of Miao Chengyu, the deputy leader who made a friendly guest appearance, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Han Xin, it's time to eat!"


Han Xin quickly turned off the computer, picked up her phone and opened the door: "Brother Wei, where are you going to eat?"

The colleague in front of him, who is in his thirties, is named Wei Jinsheng. He is a policeman from the Anti-Narcotics Corps of Donghai City Public Security Bureau.

But he didn't come from the East China Sea, but from Spring City, the capital of Nanyun Province.

Because the Donghai Municipal Public Security Bureau has an office in Nanyun, their anti-drug corps has an anti-drug station in Yunnan.

He is permanently stationed here to exchange and cooperate with drug control intelligence with the Yunnan Office of the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the Narcotics Control Bureau of Nanyun Provincial Department, the public security bureaus of various cities and prefectures in Nanyun, and the border management detachments. It can be said that he is a person who is familiar with the situation here. Old anti-drug.

Because of this, Han Xin felt that compared to the policemen from the East China Sea who would come in a few days to join the war, this one in front of them was the real opponent!

Maybe he was too young, or maybe he was better at logistics work. Wei Jinsheng thought that he might just be in charge of logistics. He turned around and pointed down the mountain and smiled: "When I came here just now, I saw a small restaurant at the foot of the mountain. How about we go there?" Want to try that restaurant?"

"Okay, I was thinking of going to a place where I must try the local food."

"Is this your first time coming to Shaotong?"

"Well, it's my first time."

"I've been to the city before, but never here." Wei Jinsheng took out his car keys, turned around and said with a smile, "Take my car, so you don't have to drive."

"Brother Wei, I'll treat you later. Don't rush to pay with me like you did at noon."

"Okay, I won't be polite to you."

Han Xin walked to the elevator, thought about it and smiled: "Brother Wei, I have nothing to do tomorrow. Why don't we have a bar tonight? Don't drive. Let's go down. It's not far anyway."

This kid actually wants to drink. He seems to be a real logistics guy.

Wei Jinsheng stopped probing, and pretended to be sorry as he walked: "You will be fine tomorrow, but I will be busy tomorrow. If you want to drink, you can drink. I will accompany you with tea instead of wine."

"Brother Wei, are you going back to Spring City tomorrow?"

"We will be there as soon as the headquarters calls. How can I dare to return to Spring City at this time? I have to go to the city tomorrow to see an old friend."

Han Xin smiled and said: "I almost forgot, you are based here permanently. You must have many friends here."

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