Veteran new police officer

Chapter 390 Extremely insulting!

Be familiar with the situation around the battlefield and observe traffic conditions on the spot.

Get close to the host hosting the competition and inquire about the investigation status of local colleagues in the past two years, so that several leaders who are organizing training in their hometown can adjust their deployment in time and optimize the allocation of police forces.

Receive equipment and materials sent from my hometown through logistics, and purchase mineral water, instant noodles, ham sausages needed by large troops on duty...

Purchase books and school supplies to be given to poor children, purchase various wrenches, screwdrivers, wallpaper cutters and other vehicle inspection tools, as well as cable strips and other things that were not thought of before but are definitely needed on site.

As soon as I receive the notice, I have to go to the headquarters for a meeting. When I return to the hotel, I have to discuss the recipes for the next period of time with the chef, and taste them one by one...

Time flew by when I was busy, and four days passed in the blink of an eye.

Jiangcheng was very lively today. The two dozen police officers who participated in the war had just finished their emergency response training. They put on their duty uniforms with small national flags on their shoulders and the words "Jiangnan Anti-Drug" on the back to participate in the oath-taking organized by the Provincial Anti-Drug Office. and flag presentation ceremony.

Then they put on the uniformly distributed backpacks, boarded the bus and rushed to the airport as a team. They also opened the red flag with the "Jiangnan Anti-Drug" logo and words awarded by the department leaders and took a group photo together.

As the team leader, Jiang Zhi will definitely come.

Mr. Wang was going to participate in the kick-off ceremony of the competition the day after tomorrow, and he also came with the large troops. The provincial news center also sent a publicity policeman.

However, they will only stay for two days after coming here, and will go back as soon as the launching ceremony is over.

Perhaps considering that Comrade was wearing a police uniform and would be watched by passengers in the terminal, after passing the security check, under the arrangement of the police from the terminal police station, he came to a VIP room that looked a bit like a VIP room, but it was not. Waiting in the VIP lounge.

It was inconvenient to go anywhere in a police uniform. Seeing that there was a restroom in the lounge, Mr. Wang asked everyone to take turns changing into civilian clothes.

As for the large luggage, it has already been sent along with the search equipment.

For airlines, government departments do the best business. When booking air tickets, they never look at the discount or whether it is a special price.

Considering the high-priced tickets they all bought, if they booked a few days in advance, they could all fly in business class for the same money. The airline specially arranged the service of a young lady.

Seeing that most of them had changed into casual clothes and not knowing who was the leader, the young lady could only tiptoe to Lan Doudou and said with an apologetic look: "Hello, I just received a notice that due to traffic control, your ride The flight is delayed and may not take off until 10:45.”

The "Jiangnan Anti-Drug" team established a temporary party branch at its first meeting. Lan Doudou was entrusted with the important task because of its "most popularity". While participating in training and subsequent investigations, he was responsible for the assessment, party building and management of the entire team. advertising.

The team members all jokingly call her the "team leader's assistant". If the girl from the airline is looking for her, she is the right person.

Thinking that we were not traveling and there was nothing urgent, as long as we could arrive before the launch ceremony, she raised her head and smiled: "It doesn't matter. Since we chose to fly, we are prepared for possible delays."

"Excuse me."

"It's not up to you to decide when you can fly, so don't be embarrassed."

"Then I'll go out first. I'll come over and let you know when we're about to board the plane."


There are all police here. The deputy director of the terminal police station is talking with one of them. It can be seen that there are big leaders among them.

The girl from the airline company knew that it was not appropriate to stay here, so she smiled and nodded with everyone, and then walked out of the lounge.

A graceful lady, a gentleman is fond of quarrels.

Seeing Gu Xiaoyu, a single from the Anti-Narcotics Detachment of the Guzhou Municipal Bureau, staring at others stupidly, Lan Doudou chuckled and said, "Look at whatever you want. If you like it, just ask them for WeChat."

Gu Xiaoyu scratched his head and grinned: "I didn't watch it, whether I like it or not."

Tang Chuanbing is also single, but he doesn't care about looking at beautiful women now. He said uneasily: "If I had known there would be a delay, I wouldn't have rushed to check in Beibei. I don't know where it is at the moment, it's always like this You won’t be happy if you keep it closed.”

After getting along day and night for a few days, Lan Doudou had already seen that he had a deep relationship with his drug-detection dog "Beibei". He really regarded "Beibei" as a comrade-in-arms and even a brother. He could only stand up and persuaded: "Just delay it for two hours. Beibei should be fine."

In Gu Xiaoyu's view, he was a "monster", and he couldn't help but joke: "Old Tang, you can't live without your dog for a moment. I don't think you need to find a girlfriend. From now on, you will just be with the dog." Pass."

"What kind of dog? Beibei is a drug detection dog and our comrade in arms!"

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake. Beibei is your comrade. You will live with Beibei from now on."

"Beibei has been with me. Our leader said that when Beibei retires when he gets older, I can take it home."

This is a humane measure finally decided upon by the leaders of Jiangcheng City Bureau’s police dog technical detachment after many studies, taking into account the real relationship between handlers and police dogs.

Not only had Lan Doudou never brought a police dog, she had never even kept a pet. It was difficult for her to understand the relationship between Tang Chuanbing and "Beibei". She couldn't care about that now. She walked quickly behind several leaders and reported in a low voice that the flight was delayed. .

Mr. Wang said without thinking: "Inform Xiao Han and ask him to say hello to the driver."


Han Xin had already arrived at the airport and was sitting on the bus with her eyes closed to relax.

The car was rented from the Ludian County Bus Station with the help of deputy leader of the logistics team of Shaotong Battlefield Command and deputy director Wang of the Ludian County Public Security Bureau Office.

In the next ten days, this bus will be responsible for transporting the "Jiangnan Anti-drug" and "East China Sea Anti-drug" teams.

The driver knew that there were several high-ranking policemen among the police he was picking up tonight. He didn't want to make the car full of smoke, so he was smoking next to a trash can outside the car.

Han Xin heard the WeChat notification and quickly sat up.

After taking a look at the message sent by the master, he immediately sent a voice message: "It's okay to be delayed for two hours. The Donghai team will arrive in the afternoon. This car will have nothing else to do tonight."

"The Donghai team has gone!"

"We've arrived, we're getting familiar with the battlefield, and we're training on the ground."

Zeng Hui from the Anti-Drug Detachment of the Anle Municipal Bureau asked curiously: "The Korean team, how do they train?"

"The situation has changed a little. I can't explain it clearly. It's inconvenient for you. If it's convenient for us, we can set up a group video."

"It's convenient, there are no outsiders here."

Seeing the leaders of the four investigation teams holding videos on their mobile phones, Mr. Wang and Jiang Zhi turned to look at Lan Doudou.

Thinking that several leaders were not in the group, Lan Doudou quickly joined the group video and handed the phone to Jiang Zhi.

On the way from Shaotong to Chuncheng Airport, Han Xin had already reported to the leader. Unexpectedly, the leader also liked to join in the fun. He simply pretended that they did not exist and said lightly: "Wei Jinsheng, who is in charge of the front line of the East China Sea anti-drug team, has great supernatural powers. He actually invited Foreign aid."

"Who did you invite?" Gu Xiaoyu asked.

"The Shaotong battlefield is located in Ludian County. It can be said that the competition at the Shaotong battlefield was hosted by the Ludian County Public Security Bureau. Naturally, he could not hire people from the Ludian County Public Security Bureau, so he sent people from the Jinyan County Public Security Bureau checkpoint The instructor is here."

"That's okay too!"

"People say that when superiors hold competitions, they invite colleagues from various provinces and cities to come and learn. Why can't they invite them? When I set off from the hotel, their team leader was inviting others to give a lecture on the basic situation of checkpoints and drug detection techniques. It is said that they are waiting for the official investigation. Sometimes, we also need to ask for on-site guidance.”

"Go ahead, they're cheating!"

"The Korean team, are the foreign aid they hired strong?"

"He is a cadre transferred from the army. Before his transfer, he worked at Kangmu Checkpoint of the Hongde Border Defense Detachment for more than ten years. You can tell me whether he is powerful or not."

“Where is the Kangmu checkpoint?”

"It's not far from the border. The amount of drugs seized can be measured in tons. It has been commended by the State Council. It is a model unit that guarantees authenticity."

Han Xin smiled and then changed the subject: "But don't worry, no matter how powerful he is, he can't be better than Miao Bureau. When we meet tomorrow, he will have to salute Miao Bureau respectfully and say hello."

Lan Doudou was so happy that she couldn't help but smile and asked: "Miao Bureau, do you know the foreign aid invited by the East China Sea Team?"

Miao Chengyu put down his tea cup and said nonchalantly: "I've seen it a few times, and I have some impressions. After all, the border defense system before the restructuring was only that big. At that time, they were just detachment checkpoints like us, not entry and exit checkpoints. Some of them were transferred to our detachment, and some of our detachment were also transferred to theirs.”

The old leader is so humble!

Han Xin couldn't help but add: "In front of the Miao Bureau, he is just a new recruit."

"I understand, there is nothing to worry about. Team Han, your intelligence work has been done very well!"

"Not good enough."

"We think it's pretty good."

"If it was really that good, I wouldn't have decided to tell you a piece of bad news that is not very harmful but extremely insulting until now."

"What bad news?" Gu Xiaoyu asked eagerly.

Han Xin sighed softly and said with a wry smile: "What you are about to participate in is the 'Red and Blue Confrontation 2020 Anti-Drug Actual Competition'. Before, I always thought that the general headquarters would arrange people to play the role of blue and conduct overt and covert inspections of each team. As a result, it was just this afternoon. You know, Nanyun formed five teams and went to five battlefields to act as the blue team."

Lan Doudou subconsciously asked: "What do you mean?"

"Since it is an actual combat competition, it is natural to compare who can catch more drug dealers and who can detect more drugs. In other words, the command center asked one of them to challenge the four of us."

"Is there any mistake? No matter how experienced they are, they can't single out the four of us!"

"That's right, the leader of the headquarters said that as the host, Team Nanyun will not only compare their results with ours, but also pass on their anti-drug experience to us."

"How many shifts do they check?"

"Like us, lots will be drawn at that time, divided into three shifts: morning, noon and evening. The morning shift is from 0:00 to 8am, the middle shift is from 8am to 4pm, and the evening shift is from 4pm to midnight , take turns to work for inspection."

"In the same unit of time, they want to challenge the four of us!"

"So to them, we are just a bunch of rookies?"

"This is so disrespectful. I don't believe that the four of us can't defeat them!"

Lan Doudou also felt offended and couldn't help but ask: "Han Group, didn't you say at the beginning that Donghai, Dongshan, Beihe, Railway Police and five of us would be allowed to enter the Shaotong battlefield? Nanyun team suddenly ran over and asked What should I do if there is a family?”

Han Xin smiled bitterly and said: "It is said to be a temporary adjustment to let the Dongshan Anti-drug Team go to another battlefield. But the Dongshan Anti-drug Team did not arrange anyone to fight in the front line. It can be seen that this was arranged by the general headquarters long ago and planned to give us a surprise. .”

This time I was originally going to study.

Mr. Wang does not think there is anything wrong with the arrangements made by the general headquarters. Instead, he feels that the "temporary adjustments" made by the general headquarters can boost the morale of each team.

Seeing that the police officers participating in the war were filled with indignation and unconvinced, they immediately coughed and said very seriously: "Comrades, the general headquarters has given us a surprise, and we must also strive to give the commander-in-chief a surprise!

I hope that after everyone arrives on the battlefield, they will quickly enter the battle with a sense of responsibility that "the decisive battle begins at the beginning, and a sprint at the beginning" and a sense of urgency that "time does not wait for us". "


"Comrade Han Xin has helped you scout the battlefield in the past few days. The conditions are indeed difficult. I hope you can overcome difficulties such as changeable weather, large temperature differences between day and night, mosquito bites, acclimatization and limited infrastructure, and carry forward the fearlessness of fatigue and continuous fighting. spirit and go all out to carry out the investigation work!”

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