Veteran new police officer

Chapter 395 Search!

It's not even summer yet, but the heat is already scorching hot at the checkpoint surrounded by mountains.

The combat uniforms, combat boots, body armor, reflective vests and individual police equipment worn by the participating team members weighed at least twenty kilograms in total. They were sweating profusely in a short while, but the hot weather could not stop their enthusiasm for participating in the competition. .

The two-way four-lane was blocked into two lanes, and a team member gestured like a traffic policeman to guide the cars to designated locations.

A team member held an automatic rifle and stood motionless by the "Stop for Inspection" warning sign, his eyes constantly looking around at the vehicles to be inspected and every move of all personnel.

"Hello, please stop for inspection."

"Hello, please pull the handbrake, show your ID card and driver's license, and cooperate with our inspection!"

The investigation team members, wearing light green police reflective vests, worked in groups of three and began to inspect the vehicles they were responsible for.

A row of awnings was set up on the roadside, and a long row of tables were placed under the awnings.

The table is filled with laptops that can log into the intranet and various combat platforms, as well as advanced investigation equipment such as Raman spectrometers and hair detectors.

Although they will not be exposed to the scorching sun in the awning, the investigation team members sitting in the awning are the same as the team members outside. Their backs are wet, and sweat is flowing down their faces, leaving a trail of sweat. White sweat stains.

"Where did you come from and where are you going?"

"We came from Spring City and are going back to Mountain City."

"Please open the suitcase."


As soon as the team member checking at the driver's cab finished speaking, the team member standing next to the co-pilot took the passenger's ID card. The policewoman behind the car checked the items in the suitcase.

At the same time, a large box of goods was guided to the waiting area of ​​the truck, and the inspection team members of the "freight team" swarmed up.

A team member signaled the driver to stop the engine and apply the handbrake, and asked the driver to get out of the car with his ID card, driver's license, driving license and freight bill.

A team member climbed into the cab and inspected it carefully.

The third team member quickly climbed up to the roof of the car and looked down at the entire car. The fourth team member lay on the skateboard that had been prepared, kicked off, and slid under the car to check the bottom of the car.

After confirming that there was no problem with the roof and bottom of the car, he asked the driver to open the door.

It was hotter inside the car than outside, and I was soaked with sweat within a minute of entering!

There were boxes of goods in the car, and it was impossible to tell with the naked eye whether there were any hidden drugs inside. The first-class police superintendent who had just checked the roof of the car pressed the intercom on his shoulder: "Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, bring the forklift over."

"Received, received, arriving soon!"

"Xiao Xu, let's get started."

The first-class superintendent took out work gloves from his trouser pocket, and together with the team members who just checked the bottom of the car, moved the boxes of goods from the carriage to the entrance of the carriage.

The driver, who should have run this line often, seemed accustomed to it, glanced back, and continued to be questioned.

At this time, a team member arrived driving a forklift.

Skillfully, he raised the fork and shovel to the position of the carriage board and unloaded the goods one box after another.

Lan Doudou and Gu Xiaoyu, who were "stealing from their masters", were dumbfounded. They secretly wanted to unload all the goods in the truck, check them one by one, and then help them load them into the truck. How long would it take?

However, an even more incredible scene soon appeared in front of them.

A courier truck full of packages drove over under the guidance of the team members in front. The "cargo team" was overwhelmed, and the team members checking small vehicles on the opposite side immediately came over to support.

Like the "cargo team", they first checked the cab, roof and bottom of the car, and then got into the hot and narrow compartment to look through the mountains of express packages.

First check the express delivery orders on the packages, put them down if you don't think they are too suspicious, put them into the large plastic basket that comes with the car if you feel more suspicious, have a forklift come over to support, unload them to a pre-planned area and check them one by one.

The portable X-ray machine came in handy. First, X-rays were used to see if the package was still suspicious. The police dog handler took the drug-sniffing dog to the carriage to check the unloaded express.

After sniffing with the drug-detection dog, he quickly went to sniff the cars in front that were being inspected.

Not to mention how tacitly they cooperated with each other, it was a bit like a streamlined operation.

Although Lan Doudou was just "watching the fun", she was soaked all over. She ran to the bus and opened the insulator filled with ice cubes. She took out a bottle of mineral water prepared by the "evil gangster" in the morning, opened it and took a gulp. After drinking more than half the bottle, I felt better.

"Miao Bureau, when will that express truck be inspected?" Gu Xiaoyu couldn't stand it anymore, so he ran back and wiped his sweat and asked.

"Three to four hours."

Miao Chengyu was prepared for it. He came with casual clothes and changed into them as soon as he finished eating. He didn't go out to watch the show in the sun because it wasn't as hot as them.

He held the teacup, thought about it, looked at everyone with a smile, and said meaningfully: "There are fewer large trucks, especially express logistics trucks, during the day, and there are many large trucks and express logistics trucks at night. We take over at twelve o'clock at night, and you have to do Be mentally prepared.”

Zeng Hui asked with a grimace: "Like them, take it all off for inspection?"

"It depends on the situation. If the traffic flow is very heavy at night, then there will be targeted inspections. If the traffic flow is not very heavy, we should check it carefully like Team Nagumo."

"We are here to search for drugs, why do we have to unload and load the goods!"

"When you encounter a cargo compartment like that, how can you check it without unloading the cargo? How can you know what is inside?"

"But I can't drive a forklift..."

"You can't and I can. In fact, driving a forklift is easy to learn."

Miao Chengyu smiled and continued: "Inspecting logistics vehicles is very complicated. We will do the same as our colleagues in Nanyun and first screen out suspicious express delivery from the express delivery order.

Then use instruments and police dogs to conduct re-examination. Every step must be careful and time-consuming, but only in this way can the inspection effect be guaranteed. "

This was the first time Jiang Zhi saw this. He folded his arms and sighed: "Comrades, this is our first line of defense against drugs in inland China. If the inspection is not careful, drugs will flow into the inland provinces and even into the inland provinces." We are Jiangnan!"

Seeing how busy Nan Yun's colleagues were, and thinking about the work of the evil disciples in the past years, Lan Doudou was convinced:

"If it weren't for our colleagues in Nagyun who guarded one line of defense after another, sifting through it over and over like a sieve, our anti-drug work would definitely be more difficult than it is now, and the anti-drug situation would be many times more severe than it is now."

"What Doudou said is on point. Look, we only come to participate in the competition once a year, and we only search for fifteen days a year like others, and there are still very few people who can come."

Jiang Zhi paused and then continued: "But as for others, we have to check like this every day from the beginning to the end of the year, 365 days a year. Compared with others, we are simply too happy."

The superior organization of such a competition is actually to let them endure hardships. They know how difficult it is for Nanyun's peers!

As a former border policeman, Miao Chengyu didn't say too much like Jiang Zhi. After all, people would think he was bragging.

Thinking of the few "minor problems" that I just found after going around, I pondered: "The superiors require civilized law enforcement and emphasize that law enforcement must be standardized. It seems to be a bit overkill."

"Miao Bureau, what do you mean by this?" Jiang Zhi asked subconsciously.

Miao Chengyu touched the corner of his mouth and explained: "Drivers who have been traveling on this expressway for a long time are very familiar with our questioning procedures. I went around just now and found that several drivers were prepared and knew to prepare their documents in advance. .”

Jiang Zhi asked puzzledly: "Isn't this bad?"

"It's not conducive to the investigation. Let's go back and study it later and think about how to cross-examine after taking over. We should cross-examine from the side as much as possible to catch the other party off guard."

"No problem, you are an expert, we listen to you."

"And Xiao Han, his preparations are not good enough. He didn't even prepare his skateboard. Jiang Zhi, can you discuss with the leader of Nanyun and ask them to lend us the skateboard when the shift ends in the evening? .”

"Okay, I'll go discuss it with them later."

"Miao Bureau, find a piece of plastic sheet and put it on the ground, get under the car and have a look. Why do you have to borrow it?" Gu Xiaoyu muttered.

Miao Chengyu said with a smile: "The skateboard is a good helper for inspections. It can save physical energy and improve efficiency. However, the light under the car is dim and the structure of the car body is relatively complicated. Even with a skateboard as a support, a lot of energy is consumed during the inspection. .

It's better when the temperature is not high at night, but during the day I checked that it was really hot under the car. If I lay on my back and skated once or twice, my clothes would be completely soaked. "

Before coming here, everyone was as if they had been given a shot of blood. After watching people search for more than two hours, I realized that searching the car was not as simple as imagined.

The actual combat drills I participated in in Jiangcheng before coming here were really just a "warm-up" as the Miao Bureau said at the time.

What Jiang Zhi is thinking about now is not how many drugs can be seized, how many drug dealers can be captured, or what kind of ranking he can get in the competition, but whether this group of temporary subordinates can persevere.

Lan Doudou looked really scared, thinking that she would be on the "night shift" today and would be on the "day shift" in two days. She was afraid that she would faint when the time came.

Gu Xiaoyu and other young men are still somewhat confident in their physical fitness and feel that they should be able to persevere.

Tang Chuanbing was confident in his body, but he was really unsure whether "Beibei" could handle such a high-intensity inspection. After all, he had never been inspected like this before.

At this time, a WeChat notification came from Lan Doudou's mobile phone.

Today was the day when the Anti-drug Detachment of the Anle Municipal Bureau visited Linghai. She quickly took out her mobile phone and checked it. She confirmed that the morning visit went well and that the afternoon symposium was almost arranged. Then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Li Yijun send another WeChat message asking what his cousin was busy with, she subconsciously asked: "Jiang Zhi, Han Xin sent Mr. Wang to the airport, a round trip of six to seven hundred kilometers. He won't be able to come back until after dark."

Jiang Zhi didn't expect that she would ask about Han Xin, and said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter if you come back later. Anyway, he has arranged the logistics support here."

Miao Chengyu suddenly remembered something and said lightly: "Doudou, the matter of sponsoring poor children must be decided early. How about you ask Master Yu later if there are any poor children in his hometown who need support."

Lan Doudou said quickly: "But Xiao Han is responsible for this matter."

Jiang Zhi came to his senses, looked at her with a smile and said, "We are working the 'night shift' tonight. After the night shift, we can have a day off. We must make use of this time. We can't wait for Xiao Han."

"What if he has already contacted me?"

"No, no contact. He reported to me during breakfast."

"Okay, I'll go find Master Yu later."

"No need to look for him, he's here."

Jiang Zhi glanced at Master Yu who was coming towards him, turned around and said with a smile: "Miao Bureau, why don't we go back to the hotel first. We have to work the 'night shift' at night. We must take the time to rest, otherwise we will not be energetic by then."

"Okay, go back first."

"Xiao Gu, inform each group and tell them not to read."


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