Veteran new police officer

Chapter 407 What is our relationship!

Lao Wei arrived very quickly, but Mr. Wang from the Chengguan Police Station was more attentive in his "service".

When Wei Jinsheng arrived at the institute, Han Xin and Xiao Chen were sitting in the interrogation room, asking Bai Chengyong, whom Wang Suo asked the community police to invite for help.

Wei Jinsheng went to the detention room and took a look at the suspect who was being held in a cage and being interrogated by the criminal police brigade and Chengguan police station police. Then, accompanied by Dong Da who followed closely, he knocked on the door of the interrogation room.

"Brother Wei, why are you here?"

Han Xin and Xiao Chen subconsciously stood up, each looking more surprised than the other.

Wei Jinsheng stared at Han Xin for a while, finding nothing wrong with his expression, and then looked at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's mental quality was not as good as Han Xin's. Even though he had done some mental training earlier, he still felt a little guilty. He quickly stood at attention and saluted: "Hello, Team Wei, Team Wei, when did you come here?"

Wei Jinsheng's focus was not on him, but on Han Xin. He turned around and glanced at the uneasy Bai Chengyong, pretending to be curious and asked: "Xiao Han, are you also handling the case?"

Han Xin said with a somewhat embarrassed smile: "Brother Wei, it's not convenient to talk here. Let's go out and talk."

"It won't affect your work, right?"


"Okay, come out and talk."

Han Xin followed him into the small conference room in the institute, closed the door and said with an embarrassed look: "Brother Wei, I made you laugh. How can I handle the case? My bad handwriting can't even write a transcript. I I came here with Xiao Chen!"

Wei Jinsheng took out his cigarette, stared at him and asked with a smile: "I heard that you and Chengguan Police Station arrested a suspect and made a great contribution?"

"It's a coincidence. When I checked the surveillance in the morning, I found that the boy was acting suspiciously. Xiao Chen is an intelligence worker like you. He is good at image detection and facial recognition, so he took a screenshot and sent it back for comparison. Nothing happened. To think that the fugitive really caught a big fish!”

Han Xin grinned, and then asked curiously: "Brother Wei, why did you come so quickly? I was planning to wait until I finished questioning the person who called you just now, but I didn't expect you to arrive so soon!"

Wei Jinsheng lit a cigarette and asked, "What should you call me?"

Han Xin took out her mobile phone and took out the screenshot of the suspect information that Xiao Chen had checked on the intranet in the morning. She said excitedly: "That Wang Haixin is not simple. He is wanted by the public security bureaus in several places, including your Donghai Municipal Bureau Chang Ning. Branch. Since he is the fugitive you want to arrest, if I don’t call you, why don’t I call my colleagues in Dongguang?”

"It's rare that you can think of me, thank you."

"Thank you for what, what is our relationship?"

Han Xin chuckled and asked again: "Brother Wei, you haven't said how you knew it yet, and how did you get here so quickly?"

Wei Jinsheng couldn't tell whether he was telling the truth or a lie. He took a few puffs of cigarette and said bluntly: "I have been here a long time ago, and it was for this Wang Haixin. We investigated for two years and finally We figured out that he might be hiding here, so we organized forces to come and guard and control him for several days."

"I asked you why you are so busy these days. It turns out you are busy with this!"

"It's a pity that all the hard work was in vain."

Han Xin reacted suddenly and slapped his forehead: "Brother Wei, so we crashed? Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier that you were arresting Wang Haixin. If you had told me earlier, I would have called you in the morning Called."

Wei Jinsheng asked with a half-smile, "Why are you calling?"

Han Xin opened the door, took a peek, and then turned back and said: "If I had known that he was the suspect you wanted to arrest, if I had known that you were here, I would have called you and stayed with you to arrest him. ! If the wealth does not go to outsiders, joining forces with anyone is not a union, don’t you think so?"

"You really don't know that I'm in Zehui?"

"Brother Wei, what do you mean? What exactly do you want to ask?"

It didn't look like he was lying, and this kid was not a person capable of doing this kind of work.

Wei Jinsheng felt that he was probably suspecting his neighbor of stealing an axe, so he immediately changed the subject: "Anyway, the suspect was finally caught. Where is the one you want to catch? Is there any progress?"

Han Xin hesitated to speak, looking embarrassed.

Wei Jinsheng asked with a smile: "It's a secret. Is it inconvenient to tell?"

"'s not really inconvenient."

Han Xin scratched his head and said with embarrassment: "At first, I thought the pursuit was just to see if I could hunt rabbits and catch online fugitives during the investigation. Until Jiang Zhi asked me to assist Xiao Chen in investigating a man named Only when the suspect Bai Chengyong was found did he realize that chasing and escaping is not that simple."

"Why isn't it simple?"

"Don't mention it, I'm almost exhausted these two days. Yesterday early in the morning, I drove Xiao Chen to Hezhang County to ask for help. I accompanied Xiao Chen here early this morning. I ran hundreds of miles in two days. kilometers, maybe we will go to Spring City next.”

"Why don't you arrange for someone else to run away?"

"Others have to go on duty to investigate, but two official police officers are needed to handle the case. I am the only one who is idle. If not me, who can I call?"

Han Xin thought about it and smiled: "Brother Wei, I am telling you this because I treat you as my elder brother. Please don't tell us about Jiang Zhi, otherwise I will be in trouble."

Wei Jinsheng thought about it secretly and found no flaw in his words. Just when he didn't know how to proceed, Xiao Chen knocked on the door and walked in.

"The Korean group..."

"What's wrong? If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly. Brother Wei is not an outsider."

"Team Wei, I'm sorry. Team Han, you'd better come out."

Wei Jinsheng realized that Xiao Chen should have asked for valuable clues, and realized that he was going to "whisper", so he simply smiled and said: "You go about your business, I will go and observe the interrogation."

"Okay..." Han Xin walked out of the small conference room with an apologetic look. After thinking about it, she turned around and said, "Brother Wei, let's have dinner together later."

"Don't be in a hurry to eat. You guys have to work first."

All this should not be a coincidence, but looking at the boy's response, Wei Jinsheng was not sure for a while, so he could only go with Dong Da to observe the interrogation.

Han Xin followed Xiao Chen back to the inquiry room. As soon as he closed the door, Xiao Chen sat down and said, "Boss Bai, tell me again what you just said."


The first time Bai Chengyong was invited to the police station, he was really nervous. He said uneasily: "During the Chinese New Year, when the epidemic was at its worst, Zhu Yanjun called me and said that his child was sick and that he had to go to the hospital. Money was tight. , want to borrow money from me."

"Did you lend it to him?"

"No, comrade police, I really didn't know he was a fugitive. I..."

"Don't be nervous, we have never thought of holding you responsible."

"Thank you, Officer Chen."

Bai Chengyong calmed down and continued: "I didn't borrow the money because I was worried that he wouldn't pay it back. I got a batch of marbles before the year, and I couldn't do business during the epidemic. My children have to go to school, and the mortgage has to be paid. The venue is rented, and the rent is every cent." It can’t be less, I was really nervous and had no money at that time.”

It seems that this trip is right!

Not only was it a "right opportunity" to help Big Brother Donghai, but he also actually asked for valuable clues.

Han Xin was always in high spirits during happy events, so she asked while the iron was hot: "How did he know your mobile phone number?"

"My mobile phone number has never been changed."

"Where is his mobile phone number? Do you have it saved?"

"Save it, this is it."

Bai Chengyong hurriedly picked up his phone and pulled out a phone number.

Han Xin took a look at the date and time of the call, handed it to Xiao Chen, and asked, "Did he say anything else at that time?"

"He said he was back, but he didn't say where. But since he said he was back, he should be back in Spring City."

"that's it?"

Bai Chengyong thought for a while and confirmed: "That's all. Anyway, we hung up after just a few words."

Han Xin glanced sideways at his phone and asked, "You didn't add WeChat?"

"No, I can't type and I don't use WeChat very much. When customers want to add WeChat and transfer money using WeChat, I ask them to add my wife's WeChat account and transfer the money to my wife."

"Think about it again, who are his friends besides you, and which friends might he ask to borrow money from?"

"He...he doesn't have many friends. Those who used to work together in Spring City are almost gone now."

"Is it possible that he borrowed money from his previous boss?"


"Why isn't it possible?"

"He left because he thought the salary was low. When he left, he even had a quarrel with the boss's wife because the salary was too low."

Seeing that Xiao Chen had taken a photo of his cell phone number, Han Xin took the phone, looked at the call records on the phone and asked, "Have you called him since?"

Bai Chengyong scratched his head and said, "I called him once, last month. The person who answered the phone was not him, and he didn't seem to know him. He hung up before he could speak clearly."

Matched the call history on the phone.

Han Xin asked in a low voice: "Why did you beat him?"

"I can't do any work during the Spring Festival. Business has been good in the past two months, but I am really busy. I thought of him and wanted to call him and ask him if he would like to work here."

"Is the person who answered the phone a man or a woman?"


"What's the accent?"

"It doesn't sound like a stranger."

This is a new situation. Even if the suspect made the call by borrowing someone else's mobile phone, he can still find out where he was hiding during that time period through his mobile phone number.

Han Xin didn't want to waste time, so she came over to see how the inquiry went. She planned to ask him and Xiao Chen to go to Wang Suo to eat in the cafeteria to help Bai Chengyong with his ideological work.

After all, the case is under investigation and Bai Chengyong needs to keep it secret. Bai Chengyong may also need to cooperate next.

He quickly called Director He who was far away in Chuncheng to report the new situation he had just inquired about, and asked Director He to ask his colleagues in Chuncheng to help investigate.

Just as he was standing by the window after making the phone call and was about to return to the interrogation room, he suddenly discovered that two of Comrade Wei's subordinates were rummaging for something in Comrade Wei's car, and they were rummaging very carefully.

He watched it for two or three minutes, looking at it and couldn't help laughing.

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