Veteran new police officer

Chapter 409 Want to unite again

To secretly investigate colleagues is to break the law knowingly.

However, as an intelligence police officer suspected that he was being followed, monitored or even located, it was reasonable and legal to apply to his superiors for investigation.

The team leader is only a temporary superior, and the leader of the team intelligence center is the real superior.

Wei Jinsheng returned to the room, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized that there was no such coincidence. He first called Lao Liu, who had returned to Chuncheng, and then called Director Li of the intelligence center in the East China Sea to report.

Director Li already knew about his careless loss in Jingzhou. Seeing that he took the initiative to ask for a "self-examination", he felt that he would not be convinced if he did not investigate, and it might even affect his future work, so he arranged for a police investigation with the consent of his superiors.

The police force has an internal control mechanism, especially when logging into the intranet for inquiries. Not only does it have authority, but traces will be left as long as the inquiry is made.

It turned out that no one logged into the intranet to inquire about his situation, no one with higher authority located his mobile phone, and no one used big data analysis to determine his activity trajectory.

After receiving a call from his immediate boss, Wei Jinsheng couldn't calm down for a long time, thinking to himself, did he really suspect his neighbor of stealing an axe?

Just when he thought about it more and more, he felt that the little flatterer named Han was not just a logistics policeman, Lan Doudou, who was busy investigating, received a call.

"Xiao Yu, you take over from me to organize the investigation, and I will report the situation to Jiang Zhi."

"Okay, go quickly."

The villain quietly launched a satellite. Lan Doudou felt that as the investigation team leader and stealth intelligence team leader of the passenger transport team, he could not be compared with the villain.

After explaining to the team members, he quickly crossed the two closed lanes in the middle and ran to Jiang Zhi, who was helping the freight team inspect.

"Doudou, what's the matter?" Jiang Zhi wiped his sweat and turned around to ask.

"I have something important to report to you."

"Okay, go and talk over there."

Jiang Zhi took her to a tree, and she took out her phone, opened WeChat and held it up to Jiang Zhi: "Master Yu just sent this to me. His colleagues thought these two passengers were suspicious."

The emotional card played before was not in vain, and I finally got a clue.

Jiang Zhi took the phone, and Lan Doudou came over again and smiled: "Here are the bus number and the contact information of the conductor. Master Yu said that drug dealers are very alert and it is best not to call the conductor. He suggested that we add WeChat and use WeChat Communicate with the conductor.”

Jiang Zhi looked through the photos and asked in a low voice: "Did Master Yu tell you what time this bus will arrive at the checkpoint?"

"I asked, and he said that not only was the time unlucky, but the route was also unlucky. The car would get off the expressway at the front exit at around 12:30 and would not pass through the checkpoint."

Seeing the leader thoughtfully, Lan Doudou added: "This bus is private. It runs to Spring City twice a day. It departs from Ludian Long-distance Bus Station at 5:30 in the morning and returns around 12 noon. It also leaves from Long-distance Bus Station in the afternoon. Depart from the bus station, but don’t go back to the bus station at night and go directly back to Yunshan Town.

Early tomorrow morning, we will pick up passengers from the town heading to Spring City, then go to the long-distance bus station and depart from the long-distance bus station. "

"What about the passengers who take the evening bus back to Ludian County?"

"There are cars soliciting passengers at the highway exit in front at night. The driver will contact the cars there in advance and ask them to help take away the passengers going to the county."

The team's search will be on time until twelve o'clock at night, and it is not the team's turn to conduct a mobile search today.

Jiang Zhi didn't want to miss this opportunity, nor did he want to take advantage of his brother team who would take over later. He raised his head and looked around, and asked in a low voice: "Which team's turn is it today to conduct a mobile search?"

"East China Sea."

"We can't leave now. Call Xiao Han and ask him to find the leaders of the East China Sea Team and ask them if they are willing to join us."

"Let Xiao Han talk about it?" Lan Doudou asked subconsciously.

Jiang Zhi smiled and said: "I can't talk to the Miao Bureau about finding cooperation with others."

Lan Doudou didn't know that the leader wanted to compensate his colleagues in the East China Sea. She directly thought that it was not appropriate for the leader to talk about this kind of matter, and said quickly: "Yes, I will call Xiao Han right now."

Han Xin didn't sleep well last night. She took her dinner to the checkpoint and then came back to take a shower and sleep.

As soon as he received the call from Lan Doudou, he immediately got up, put on his clothes, washed his face, and quickly called Lao Wei.

After confirming that Old Wei did not go out with the large troops to conduct a mobile search, he went upstairs and knocked on the door of Old Wei's room.

The last thing Wei Jinsheng wanted to see was him, but everyone was coming, so he had no choice but to let him in.

"You didn't go to the checkpoint tonight?"

"Brother Wei, I am in charge of logistics, not in charge of investigation. My name is not even on the team list. I am going to join in the fun in the middle of the night."

"Xiao Han, what is your work attitude? Are you not afraid that Jiang Zhi and Miao Bureau will hear it?"

"Brother Wei, didn't you also not participate in the mobile search?" Han Xin asked back, sat down and smiled bitterly: "Brother Wei, I'm sorry, I didn't expect what happened in the morning to end up like this."

It’s really hard to pick up any pot!

Wei Jinsheng handed over a bottle of mineral water and asked unhappily: "Did you hear something?"

"I haven't heard anything. I just thought that you had been pursuing it for so long, and even took several brothers to guard it for several days. However, at the critical moment, we confused you and messed it up. I feel really bad about it."

The headquarters has issued a war briefing. Does it make sense to say this now?

The more Wei Jinsheng thought about it, the more depressed he became, and he asked impatiently: "You fought continuously and traveled hundreds of kilometers back and forth. You didn't get a good rest in the middle of the night, and you came up here and wanted to tell me this?"

"Of course not, Brother Wei, what I just said was from my heart."

"What on earth do you want to say? You have made great achievements. I am very happy and excited. I understand that I can't sleep, but you don't need to rest and I still have to rest."

"Brother Wei, are you angry with me?"

"Whoever is angry with you, tell me if you have something to say."

"You must be angry. If it were me, I would be angry too."

Han Xin scratched his head and then changed the subject: "Although what happened this morning was a coincidence and we didn't mean it, I still feel very sorry."

Wei Jinsheng was so annoyed that he patted his thigh and said, "Xiao Han, what are you doing to your mother-in-law? Are you finished?"

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business. What happened in the morning is done. It's too late to say anything now. To express my apology, I can only provide you with one piece of information."

"What information?"

"On a bus coming from Spring City, there were two passengers acting suspiciously. They may be drug dealers."

Even though I felt that this little weasel had no good intentions in paying New Year greetings, I couldn’t ignore the clues that came to my door.

Wei Jinsheng subconsciously asked: "Isn't your team investigating? Just stop and investigate."

"That bus is a late bus. It can only enter Shaotong around 12:30, and it will not pass through the checkpoint."

"Your team will take over at twelve o'clock, and today is not your team's mobile search. I asked you why you are so kind. It turns out you are looking for me to join forces!"

"Isn't it good to join forces? Everyone who does business knows that everyone makes money. This is called a win-win situation."

"Well, you really know how to unite. You just united with Chengguan Police Station, and you want to unite with us again."

"Brother Wei, you don't want to join us?"

Han Xin took a sip of water and grinned again: "We are fellow villagers, we are really a family. You may not believe it, but we Linghai people have no sense of belonging to Binjiang, and Binjiang people don't like to go to Jiangcheng, no matter what. I like to go to the East China Sea for everything.

It can be said that our psychological provincial capital is not Jiangcheng, but the East China Sea. Now it's even more powerful. Even the city is promoting the "Yangtze River Delta Integration", and everyone is fully connecting with your East China Sea. I heard that even your new airport in the East China Sea will be built in our Linghai! "

When it comes to cutting off your beard, you are very agile.

Now they want to unite with us and become a family again. They talk plausibly about comprehensively connecting the East China Sea.

Wei Jinsheng was so dumbfounded that he picked up his cell phone and said, "Like you, I am only responsible for logistics. I don't have any say in whether we will join forces or not. I have to report to the leader."

"Report quickly. It's almost eleven o'clock. The guests will arrive around twelve thirty. We have to make some preparations."

"Is the information reliable?"

"Brother Wei, you are engaged in intelligence. You should know that intelligence is not a clue. Who can guarantee that it is 100% accurate?"

"Okay, I'll report first."

Wei Jinsheng called Cao Zhi in front of him.

As expected, Cao Zhi was really interested and asked Han Xin to answer the phone.

"Cao Zhi, the intelligence was obtained by Xiao Chen, the intelligence policeman of our team. He didn't tell me the source of the intelligence, so I can't ask. Anyway, the bus he mentioned will definitely enter Shaotong around 12:30, and I will get off the expressway at the exit in front of the checkpoint."

"Do you know the car model and license plate?"

"Got it. There are even photos of the two passengers."

"Will those two suspicious-looking passengers get off the bus halfway?"

"Probably not. Judging from the information provided by Xiao Chen, they bought tickets to Yunshan Town. They probably wanted to go to Yunshan Town first, and then transfer to a minibus or take a black car to bypass the checkpoint."

There are even photos of suspicious looking people. This information is very accurate.

Cao Zhi had a good impression of Han Xin, not to mention that this was a matter of "mutual benefit", so he agreed: "Since you are so sure, let's jointly investigate. I will arrange a group of team members to go over here and ask you Jiang Zhi, can arrange a few team members to participate in the operation."

"Report to the Cao branch, our Jiang branch said that we will send as many people as you need, but we can't go there until after the shift is handed over."

"The suspect vehicle will arrive around 12:30, and your team won't be on duty until 12 o'clock. It may be too late to rush over after the shift is over. Otherwise, you and the intelligence police officer Xiao Chen will join the operation."


"Give Old Wei your cell phone and let him answer the phone."

"Okay, Brother Wei, Cao Zhi asked you to answer the phone."

Wei Jinsheng quickly took the phone and was about to speak when he heard the leader say on the other end: "Police information is an order. You and Xiao Han first go to the highway entrance to look at the terrain and think about how to set up an ambush.

The large forces will pass immediately, and the action will be directed by you. It's not too late to fix the problem, don't screw it up again! "

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