Veteran new police officer

Chapter 412 Muddle through

The rain gradually stopped, and a man got out of the off-road vehicle. He took out a cigarette as if to borrow fire, and went straight to the bus.

There were more than twenty police officers in the car, including those from the Jiang branch and the Miao Bureau.

Not only were they all wearing combat uniforms, but they were also covered with bulletproof vests or reflective vests with the words "Public Security Inspection" on them. There were two very bright sun lamps placed outside the toll station.

Jiang Zhi sat in the first row, watching the visitor secretly anxiously.

Han Xin was also worried about them while sitting in the car. She was wondering if she didn't have to pretend anymore. She immediately got out of the car and entangled the man. Two more cars got off the highway.

The man subconsciously looked ahead and saw the two cars coming towards him. They were not going very fast and even turned on their headlights to shine on him.

The man raised his arms to block the glare.

Master Yu also noticed that what was coming was a vehicle prepared by the headquarters for mobile searches, and he knew very well that if he let that person come over, it would expose the Jiangnan Anti-drug Team.

Simply take advantage of the man's hesitation, unbuckle his seat belt, pick up the cigarette and lighter, open the door and get out of the car.

Cao Zhi, who had just arrived, confirmed that his colleagues from Jiangnan had arrived. He glanced at the strange man who had just been stopped by Master Yu, and signaled his men to continue driving forward and set up defenses in front according to the position marked by Wei Jinsheng on the electronic map.

Two cars passed each other.

Master Yu lit up his cigarette, looked at the strange man with a smile and asked, "Brother, are you picking someone up?"

Normally, he would not dare to strike up a conversation with a stranger in the middle of the night.

But these are not normal times. There are dozens of policemen around, so there is really nothing to be afraid of.

The strange man felt a little guilty. Because he didn't speak the local dialect, he didn't dare to say too much. He hummed, took out his cigarette and said with a smile, "Master, lend me a light."

Master Yu secretly thought that his excuse was too lame. Even if there was no lighter, there should be a cigarette lighter in the car, but he still handed over the lighter with a smile.

"thank you."

The strange man took the lighter and just lit a cigarette when Master Yu's cell phone rang.

Han Xin rolled down the window and vaguely heard Master Yu saying: "I'm here, when will you get off the highway? Okay, okay, let's have barbecue!"

Although Jiang Zhi didn't know what Master Yu was talking about, he probably guessed who made the call. He immediately turned around and made a gesture, indicating that Gu Xiaoyu and others were ready to get out of the car and search.

At this time, two lampposts shone over.

The strange man looked up and saw another bus slowly driving out of the ETC channel.

Master Yu ignored him and turned back to his car, raising his arm to knock on the car door.


Jiang Zhi was waiting for this code. While signaling Gu Xiaoyu and others to take action, he raised his mobile phone: "Cao Zhi, Cao Zhi, the guests have arrived, please seal off the perimeter. Money, money, I am organizing an investigation here, please check." Good pocket.”

"Donghai team received it!"

"Railway police received it!"

At the same time, Gu Xiaoyu and Zeng Hui, wearing reflective vests and holding automatic rifles, rushed in front of the bus that was driving slowly on purpose.

Lan Doudou held up a hand-held loudspeaker and shouted in standard Mandarin: "Cars in front of you, listen up, we are public security police, and we are being ordered to check passing vehicles. Please pull over and be inspected!"

Miao Chengyu led a dozen investigation team members and ran to the back of the bus.

One team member even carried a "Public Security Inspection" sign and placed it in front of the manual toll lane, blocking several cars that were following the highway.

Twenty or so colleagues rushed out from the bus, including two heavily armed third-level police officers. The strange man who had just borrowed fire from Master Yu was stunned.

The three people sitting in the off-road vehicle were also dumbfounded. They looked outside and didn't know what to do next.

The toll-paying girl had seen the police checking drugs more than once, and she subconsciously turned around and asked, "Liu Da, are you your colleague?"

The middle-aged man who had been squatting in the toll booth all afternoon was a little confused by this sudden turn of events. He stood up and was about to go out to ask what was going on. When another bus and two cars got off the highway, they stopped at the toll lane. Outside, the four cars that had just gotten off the expressway were blocked in the toll lane.

Immediately afterwards, several armed police officers jumped out of the car, rushed over and shouted: "The police are conducting an interrogation. Turn off the engine quickly, put on the handbrake, and sit in the car and don't move!"

The middle-aged man reacted and just opened the door of the toll booth. He suddenly found that more colleagues were coming than he expected. They jumped out of the car one after another and set up a defense line inside the toll booth.

They all had small police lights on their shoulders. Suddenly there were police everywhere, and everywhere you looked you could see police lights flashing!

"Hello, may I ask..."

"Who are you and who made you move?"

The middle-aged man was afraid of being misunderstood and did not dare to act rashly. He quickly put down his hand that was about to take out his ID and said with a wry smile: "Brother, we are our own people and we are also performing tasks."

"One of our own?" An investigation team member stared at him closely, doubtful.

"I'm really one of our own. My surname is Liu and my name is Liu Chenglong. I'm a police officer from the Public Security Bureau of Cangzhong County, Xichuan Province. If you don't believe me, I'll show you my ID."

"Come with us?"

"I'm not going to lie to you."

Qian Zhi heard it clearly and walked over and said expressionlessly: "Where are the documents?"

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged criminal policeman in a white shirt was leading the team. He quickly took out his ID and handed it over, and immediately saluted: "Reporting to the leader, I am Liu Chenglong, deputy captain of the Criminal Police Brigade of Cangzhong County Public Security Bureau, Xichuan Province. I am leading the team to execute Mission, please give instructions!”

All the cars that should be blocked are blocked, and several subordinates are cooperating with the police from the Jiangnan Anti-drug Team to inspect the four vehicles. It can be said that the mission of the Railway Police Team has basically been completed.

Qian Zhi really had nothing to worry about. He looked at his ID, raised his head and asked with a smile: "Comrade Liu Chenglong, how many of you are here?"

"Report to the leader, we have six police officers, one auxiliary police officer and a suspect who was just captured the day before yesterday."

"Seduction investigation, controlled delivery?"


Qian Zhi handed the certificate back to him and asked with a smile: "So you came all the way here to stay and plan to capture the superior?"


Liu Chenglong said yes, but in his heart he was thinking that your good action was ruined by you. You have launched such a big battle, and you don't dare to come and deliver even if you have the courage to do so.

Qian Zhi didn't care what he thought and asked: "You came all the way to handle the case. Did you say hello to the Ludian County Public Security Bureau?"

"Reporting to the leader, we only received a reply from our supervisor this morning, and we rushed here to stay on guard. There was no formality for requesting cooperation from the Ludian County Public Security Bureau. But we did say hello to Yu Station of the Yunshan Town Police Station, and here is the toll station It was Yu Suo who helped coordinate."

It turned out that the situation was urgent and we came here at short notice.

Moreover, they were only stationed in the area under the jurisdiction of the Ludian County Public Security Bureau, and they were not trying to arrest residents in the area under the jurisdiction of the Ludian County Public Security Bureau. A temporary greeting did not violate the case handling procedures.

Qian Zhi had nothing to ask. He was about to ask the police to take him to the front to meet Jiang Zhi. Suddenly, he found that several policemen from the Jiangnan team took several young men who looked very capable and got off the car in front and took them aside for questioning.

The driver of the car closest to the bus was actually taken aside by three police officers who were searching the boy's body and checking his personal belongings.

The two plainclothes detectives from the East China Sea team who followed closely were busy searching the kid's car.

With so many police forces deployed in the middle of the night, all passengers must be checked when they arrive!

Jiang Zhi personally got on the bus, and with the hints of the driver and conductor, he asked his teammates to take the two suspicious young men off the bus first, and then organized the remaining team members to check the ID cards and luggage of the passengers one by one.

Han Xin wanted to know how many drugs those two guys had brought, but there were several unidentified people around, so she could only show their IDs with Wei Jinsheng to interrogate the strange man who had just borrowed money from Master Yu.

"It turns out we are colleagues. The flood has really washed away the Dragon King Temple. One family doesn't know the other..."

"Wei Da, Team Han, our Liu Da is in front, how about I tell Liu Da first?"

"Don't worry about you Liu Da, there are our people ahead." Wei Jinsheng didn't want to waste time and asked directly: "Xiao Xiao, the car under the fork in front of the road belongs to you, right?"

"Yes, there were two of us. We were worried that driving all over would be too conspicuous, so we parked the other one below."

"Is there anyone in the car?"

"There were two people in the car."

"Call them and ask them to come here first."


The number of people doesn't match. Did I just make a mistake?

The more Han Xin thought about it, the more something was wrong. When she saw Cao Zhi leading two other investigation teams to surround him, she turned around and said, "Brother Wei, there seems to be someone in the woods behind the billboard opposite. I saw a shadow of someone moving just now."

Wei Jinsheng subconsciously looked towards the opposite side: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I just saw it."

"Cao Zhi Cao Zhi, I, Wei Jinsheng, Xiao Han said there might be someone in the woods behind the billboard opposite!"

"I know, I'll take someone over to take a look."

The scene was full of his own people. Cao Zhi didn't want to cause so much trouble, so he immediately ordered his subordinates to drive over with the front of the car facing the billboard and turning on the headlights.

Immediately afterwards, six or seven team members pushed out of the car and surrounded him with two police dogs.

The Miao Bureau discovered that something was going on here, and immediately ordered Xiao Gu and Zeng Hui, who had guns, to come over for support.

"People in the woods, listen, we have seen you, come out. If you don't come out, we will take measures!"

"Stop hiding, you can't hide or run away!"

It was pitch dark in the forest, and it was too dangerous to rush in and search, so Cao Zhi simply shouted.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard someone shouting in the forest: "Don't get me wrong, we are our own people, we will come out right away."

We had just checked out a few colleagues from Xichuan, but why did a group of our own people appear?

Cao Zhi had never encountered such a funny thing before. He couldn't help laughing and asked: "I am from which unit?"

At this time, a tall man in his thirties wearing a raincoat emerged from under the billboard with an infrared night vision device.

Immediately afterwards, three more young men in raincoats climbed up from the slope on the left side of the billboard.

"Reporting to the leader, I am Ni Zhiguo, deputy squadron leader of the Third Criminal Squadron of the Ludian County Public Security Bureau. We received a tip that drug traffickers were trying to bypass the checkpoint and transport drugs to Nanhu, so we rushed over to set up an ambush. Unexpectedly, we met you leading a team to conduct a mobile search. .”

"Do you know our team?"

"Reporting to the leader, the actual combat competition is hosted by our bureau. We have known about it for a long time."

"Then why are you hiding down there?"

"We didn't know that you would lead a team here to search. We found that the few people just looked suspicious, so we went around the road to set up an ambush."

The valley checkpoint originally belonged to their county bureau, but now so many colleagues from all over the country have come to check at the checkpoint, of course they want to make some achievements for the leaders of the headquarters and colleagues from all over the country to see.

Cao Zhi subconsciously looked back at his colleagues from Xichuan, and couldn't help but smile: "You didn't say hello to the Yunshan Police Station. Don't you know those people are also traveling with you?"

"I don't know." Ni Zhiguo looked embarrassed.

This young man is quite interesting. He lurked in the woods like a special forces soldier in order to stay there.

Cao Zhi liked the kind of policemen who dared to fight very much, and asked with a smile: "Then do you know that this is also a battlefield for great competitions. Do you know who has the highest command here?"


The actual combat competition was organized by the National Narcotics Control Commission. Each team is now under the leadership of the competition headquarters. It can be said that the police participating in the competition are now soldiers of the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security.

In other words, the on-site commander who organized the investigation has the highest command authority!

Ni Zhiguo did not dare to think of himself as a "local vigilante". After thinking about it, he stood at attention and saluted: "Report to the leader, should the Third Squadron of the Criminal Police of the Ludian County Public Security Bureau continue to stay on guard? Please give instructions?"

"Whatever you are squatting on guard, the card has been set up and checked. You will not gain anything by squatting until dawn. Go to the opposite side to rest first."


The previous situation was still unclear, but colleagues "captured" two groups first.

What is this?

Cao Zhi sighed and walked quickly to the bus.

You don’t know if you don’t see it, but you will be happy when you see it.

Jiang Zhi personally organized the police and found two packages of about one kilogram of suspected methamphetamine crystals from the two men who were acting suspiciously according to the intelligence.

The two suspects had been handcuffed and were trembling with fear.

Seven or eight meters away from them, next to Master Yu's car, squatted a man in his mid-thirties or sixties. He was also scared out of his wits and couldn't even squat down. If the team member holding his shoulders let go, he would definitely collapse. On the ground.

There was a large white plastic foam box placed in front of him, and the transparent tape on the left and right layers had been cut from the sides.

The Miao Bureau took matters into his own hands, first taking out a few ice packs and then about five or six kilograms of fresh wild mushrooms.

Next, take out a foam pad.

Under the illumination of several flashlights, I was surprised to find that there were pieces of yellow lumps sealed tightly with plastic films hidden under the foam cushion, which looked a bit like soap.

"What's this?"


The suspect was so frightened that his teeth chattered and he did not dare to speak when he saw the drugs found.

Miao Chengyu asked sharply: "Do you dare to do it? If you don't tell me, it will be fine? Tell me honestly, what are these?"

The suspect calmed down and said tremblingly: "Drugs."

"What drugs?"


"Where did it come from?"

"I don't know either, I...I'm just here to help."

It is visually estimated that it weighs more than ten kilograms, and it is very pure. If it falls into the hands of the next person, it can be adulterated and processed into hundreds of kilograms of white powder!

This was a real big fish, and even Han Xin, who had seen the world, was a little excited when he saw it.

Miao Chengyu was about to ask who brought it to him. Jiang Zhi came over with two strange young men and whispered a few words. Miao Chengyu was too lazy to ask anymore.

"Jiang Zhi, what's going on?" Cao Zhi asked curiously.

"It's not convenient to talk here, let's get in the car and talk."

"Okay, Lao Qian happened to be here too."

When the two unfamiliar young men saw the three leaders boarding the bus, they did not dare to follow them. They just stood next to the newly captured suspect and guarded the half-foam box of heroin in front of the suspect.

The more Han Xin looked at them, the more familiar they looked. She secretly took two photos and sent them to Lu Xiangyang, who was far away in the old army, asking Lu Xiangyang if he knew them.

At the same time, Jiang Zhi stood in the car and explained with a smile: "Two gangs of drug dealers got into the same car. We only had information that the two guys with methamphetamine on their bodies might be suspected of drug trafficking, but we didn't have this information." .”

"Which unit do the two young men below belong to?"

"At the Zhengkang Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station, they found clues while interrogating a smuggler. Through investigation, they discovered that overseas drug traffickers coerced a bankrupt person who had gone abroad to gamble and lose all his money to transport drugs, that is, the guy below was scared to the point of urinating. So along the way Followed here."

"Where are those in Xichuan? Who are they guarding?"

"The two people they want to arrest should be the methamphetamine dealers. The third squadron of the Criminal Police of Ludian County Public Security Bureau is waiting for the heroin transporter."

"Heroin is also delivered here?"

"Several immigration policemen came to the Zhengkang Border Inspection Station. They are interrogating the suspects behind. Judging from the current situation, they are probably just passing by and not delivering goods here."

Cao Zhi thought for a while and asked, "Where did the clues from the Third Squadron of the Ludian County Public Security Bureau's Criminal Police Department come from?"

Before Jiang Zhi could speak, Miao Chengyu smiled and said: "Their intelligence should come from abroad. It's different from our hometown. In anti-drug operations here, every unit has its own connections, and even every policeman has They have their own sources of intelligence."

He didn't care about the amount of money, but asked with a smile: "Then have we helped them, or have we ruined their affairs?"

"Of course we are helping. If we hadn't come here decisively to investigate, the three of them would not have known each other's identities. God knows whether they would have fought, or they might have accidentally injured friendly forces."

"It's true, it's the middle of the night, I can't see anything clearly, I don't know the situation clearly, and they all have guns. It's really dangerous when you think about it."

"Then what happens next?"

"Take them all back and give them to the command center, so that the command department will have a headache."

"The headquarters won't have a headache." Qian Zhi lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "The headquarters is only responsible for the investigation, not handling the case. It will definitely hand over the suspect to whom, and let them go back to their homes to find each other. Everyone."

"That's true. How about we close the team before all passengers are checked, Cao Zhi, what do you think?"

"Okay, I have no objection."


PS: When people reach middle age, they have many things to do.

I accompanied the old man for a physical examination today, so I apologize for the late update.

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