Veteran new police officer

Chapter 431 Life requires passion

Han Xin doesn't find it boring to stay in the unit on duty every day.

First of all, the work and rest schedule is normal.

Come to the detachment on time in the morning to go to work, and go home on time at six in the afternoon. Either watch a movie with your girlfriend, go shopping together, or pick up Xiao Hanlu from school together.

Secondly, you can use your working hours to sort out the drug cases investigated in the city in the first half of the year, and carefully analyze whether there are any clues that the case handling unit has missed or is temporarily unavailable to investigate.

From the types, quantities, and sources of the seized drugs, as well as the prices sold in the Binjiang market, the current anti-drug situation in Binjiang was studied and summarized, especially how to block and combat the drug in the future.

A new round of "Selection of the Most Beautiful Anti-Drug People" is underway, and voting is also very important.

According to the bizarre voting procedures formulated with the help of Binjiang Newspaper Group, ten candidates must be selected out of twenty, no one less, no more. When voting, one must count how many have already been selected, and afterward, there must be further voting. verify.

I don’t know if there is a problem with the network or with the voting applet. Either I can’t see the voting column when I click on it, or I have a hard time casting my vote but the verification fails for some unknown reason and I have to start all over again.

But no matter how troublesome it is, you still have to vote. Voting is naturally a matter of helping relatives but not helping others.

Immediate boss Ren Zhi, master Lan Doudou, Li Zheng from the Anti-Narcotics Brigade of Sigang Public Security Bureau, Wang Gong from the Environmental Monitoring Center... all voted for people they knew, and the remaining few spots would be chosen at random.

After voting for today, thinking that there was still more than an hour until get off work, I simply looked through the various documents and notices issued by the Provincial Anti-Narcotics Corps and the Municipal Bureau during this period.

When she saw a notice from the city bureau about the selection of police officers for temporary duty training, Han Xin finally realized that Zhang Yuhang had suggested a few days ago that Political Commissar Yun asked the leaders of the corps if Lan Doudou could be posted as a temporary officer, and at the same time proposed that Li Yamei be sent to the Linghai branch. Temporary training is not aimless.

Judging from the notification documents, this time the actions of the ups and downs are very large, and they are not limited to the system.

It is necessary to select two outstanding young cadres to serve as deputy party and government officials in districts, counties, towns and streets.

It is necessary to select four deputy section-level cadres from each unit directly under the bureau to serve as deputy directors in the district and county public security bureaus.

It is also necessary to select a dozen outstanding young police officers from various units directly under the bureau to serve as deputy directors of police stations in various district and county public security bureaus.

This is only for the lower tier, there are also many places for the upper tier.

They are mainly selected from grassroots police stations and come to various detachments of the municipal bureau to serve as captains or even deputy detachment captains!

Just as Han Xin was thinking that these things had nothing to do with the anti-drug detachment, Jiang Yue suddenly called.

"Honey, what's the matter?"

“Look at WeChat!”


As soon as Han Xin picked up the phone, Jiang Yue hid in the office and said happily: "The District Committee Organization Department has just released the pre-appointment notice for district management cadres, not only your master, but also Teacher Liu!"

Although Liu Haipeng is the deputy instructor of the Chengdong Police Station who is in charge of ideological and political work, he is still a regular officer.

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for a military cadre like him to be promoted to deputy department, but he didn't expect his superiors to promote him.

Han Xin couldn't believe this was true. She clicked on the link and ignored Lan Doudou. She read Liu Haipeng's announcement and asked with a smile: "After research, this comrade is proposed to be appointed as the deputy section leader of the Public Security Bureau. What exactly is it?" Position?"

"I heard from Professor Zhao that he might serve as the captain of the newly established detention care team."

Jiang Yuela opened the door and took a look outside, then continued: "Although Mr. Liu came from the anti-drug brigade like you and Sister Doudou, this promotion has nothing to do with anti-drugs. Although many people in the bureau are envious, It’s not like Sister Doudou who has many people who are jealous.”

Just know that promoting Lan Doudou is controversial.

Han Xin sighed secretly and asked curiously: "What do you mean?"

"You really don't know or you don't know. From the outbreak of the epidemic to last Tuesday, Professor Liu has been on the front line of epidemic prevention and control. He has been on duty at the isolation point in the east of the city for 192 days without taking a day off. , never returned home once.”

Jiang Yue smiled and added: "The cadres who have performed outstandingly during the epidemic prevention and control period must be promoted in an exceptional manner. This is required by the municipal party committee. Let Jiao Liu serve as the captain of the detention care brigade. If you think about it carefully, Jiao Liu will lose money."

"I remember, oh, it's not easy to think about Mr. Liu."

"But your old unit is really powerful. First it was Zhang Ju, then Teacher Yu came back, and now it's Sister Doudou and Teacher Liu's turn. Plus you, who were transferred to the detachment a long time ago, and several of the team members when the team was first established. All police officers have been promoted!"

"I didn't get promoted. I was originally the squadron leader."

"So you were the squadron leader. You were the deputy squadron leader when you were in the brigade, okay?"

"I almost forgot, I was the deputy at that time. If you think about it, I was promoted, hahaha."

Thinking that all the old team of the Anti-Narcotics Brigade were gone, even if they didn't leave soon, they would have to go to the Provincial Anti-Drug Brigade to hang up. Now there are only two "newcomers", Li Duwang and Li Yijun, Jiang Yue couldn't help but laugh:

"So your old company is great. Just now we were joking that your old company has good feng shui."

The leader of his old unit was about to be promoted. Han Xin was happy from the bottom of her heart and said with a smile: "I have to call Professor Liu to congratulate him."

"Okay, let's fight as soon as possible. It will look insincere if it's too late."

"Then I'll hang up first."

The detention care brigade under preparation, like the detention care detachment that Wang Yan, the former deputy director of the Sigang Public Security Bureau, is about to take office, is not really a unit with real power.

But for Liu Haipeng, it is really not easy to be the captain of the brigade, because it is too difficult to obtain deputy subjects at the grassroots level, not to mention that he is still a very "marginal" military cadre.

Recalling the epidemic prevention and control work in the past six months, he was filled with emotion: "Xiao Han, you may not believe me, but I really didn't think about that much at the time. I just thought that now that we have reached the isolation point, we must do a good job. I can't Let the epidemic spread.”

"You have been staying at the isolation point for more than six months. Teacher Liu, how did you persist?"

"Actually, it's not as exaggerated as you think. People who were quarantined came in batches, and I sent off one batch and welcomed another batch. At first, they were mainly people returning from key areas such as Hanwu and Wuhan, and later they were immigrants. , coupled with the unified arrangements of the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters, we got through it in this way."

"Jiao Liu, you have finally succeeded after all your hard work. Congratulations again."

"I also want to congratulate you. I heard from Doudou that you were not only rated as an advanced individual in the special operation of 'pulling out nails to chase escape', but you were also awarded first-class individual merit. Compared with you, my achievements really count. Nothing."

"The division of labor is different. If you ask me to do your job, I really can't do it. People only need to be quarantined there for fourteen days, but you have been quarantined for half a year. If you let me go, I will suffocate to death."

Liu Haipeng didn't want to make it sound like they were complimenting each other, so he said half-jokingly: "I heard that you got a lot of bonuses. I originally wanted to treat you to a treat, but I am in quarantine at home."

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "Still in isolation?"

"I came out of the isolation point, and while working at the isolation point, I came into contact with two confirmed cases imported from abroad. I am a close contact. According to the regulations, the number is 14 plus seven plus seven."

"I understand, just take a long vacation. If you feel bored, just call me and I will chat with you."

"You are so busy, I won't affect your work."

After chatting with Liu Haipeng for a while, he was about to make a phone call to congratulate the master. Da Hanlu, who was far away in Jiangcheng, actually called and said that his aunt was celebrating her 50th birthday on the 22nd of next month. She was going to take care of it, and my mother would definitely do it. Come back to celebrate your birthday.

My aunt's birthday is a big event.

Xu Linlin and Li Yijun may have forgotten and didn't mention it. Han Xin really didn't know before.

He was just thinking about what kind of birthday gift to prepare for his aunt, when Da Hanlu started to guide his half-brother's love life.

"Brother, you can't always focus on work. You should spend more time with your sister-in-law when you have time. Girls need to be coaxed and learn to create some romance. Even if you give her a small surprise, she will be very happy."

"Well, you're right, I need to think about it."

“Not only do you have to think about it, but you also have to take action!”


There is some truth to what my sister said.

Although Jiang Yue is very considerate, she is still a girl after all. As long as she is a girl, who doesn't like romance.

More importantly, she is not only considerate, but also not fussy and not too troublesome.

If you meet someone like Lan Doudou, your life will be really unbearable.

Han Xin felt very happy when she thought that "Public Enemy of the Bureau" would be separated from Lan Doudou for at least the next year.

If you want a wife, you must marry someone like Jiang Yue. If you finally find someone like this, you must cherish it.

Han Xin thought about it carefully and secretly decided to play less with Yang Biaohan and Li Duwang in the future, and try not to participate in the activities of "Crazy Cheng" and "Ren Dasha" as much as possible.

Because I play too much with those uncles, I get greasy easily!

Thinking that life needs to be full of passion and cannot live as dull as an old married couple, Han Xin immediately picked up the phone and dialed Jiang Yue's number.

"What's the matter? Why are you calling again?"

Jiang Yue, who had just returned to the counter, was startled and ran back to the office.

Han Xin looked at the calendar on Sister Jiang's desk and said with a smile: "Honey, tomorrow is the weekend. How does your team arrange it?"

"I just worked overtime last Saturday. I don't have to work overtime this weekend. I have tomorrow and the day after that off."

"I happen to have a day off tomorrow and the day after, why don't we go out and have some fun."

Jiang Yue was amused and asked with a snicker: "Come on a casual trip?"

"Well, what do you think?" She sounded really happy, and Han Xin couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, where are you going? Are you taking the high-speed rail or traveling by car?"

"It's only two days. I don't feel like traveling by car, so I'd better take the high-speed rail. As for where to go, I haven't decided yet. Where do you want to go?"

"We have already been to Donghai and Guzhou, and Jiangcheng is not interesting. How about we go further away, to a new island?"


This was a quick trip. The more Jiang Yue thought about it, the more excited she became. She asked playfully, "How about we set off tonight and try to make the most of our time."

As long as she is happy, Han Xin will be happy and grins: "You go to work first, I have nothing to do at the moment. Check online to see if there is a high-speed rail to Xindao. If there is no high-speed rail, check if there are any evening flights to Xindao. .”

Jiang Yue thought it was really romantic and warned: "There are also hotel and attraction tickets, especially attraction tickets. Many attractions have limited tickets now, so it's best to book online first."

"I understand. I'll study it carefully and make a strategy."

"If there are only planes and no high-speed rail at night, don't come back. I'll go home and pack my luggage after get off work, and then drive directly to the airport."

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