Veteran new police officer

Chapter 435 Treat one thing as two things

The city police dog training base is very remote and is located on an island in the Yangtze River.

This small island belongs to Wuji Town, Changzhou District. It is not far from the city in a straight line, but it takes nearly an hour to drive there, which is farther than going to the First and Second Detention Center of the Municipal Bureau.

As a city police officer, Han Xin had not only never been here before, but had never even heard of it. This shows the status of the police dog technical brigade in the criminal police detachment and even in the municipal bureau.

But then again, police dogs are really "useless" at the grassroots level.

It is so expensive to import one from several major police dog bases. After the introduction, special personnel must be arranged to "serve" it. When encountering some police dogs, their performance is not very reliable. It is difficult to demonstrate the irreplaceability of police dogs.

Moreover, the police force at the grassroots level is so tight that it is impossible to arrange regular police officers to serve as police dog handlers. We can only recruit auxiliary police officers to handle dogs.

However, the salary of auxiliary police officers is not high, and there is little room for improvement.

As a result, many conscientious leaders always emphasize that auxiliary police officers are important and their work is honorable on formal occasions, but in private they often advise young auxiliary police officers to change careers as soon as possible.

In short, the Binjiang City Bureau, like other sister city bureaus, has set up a police dog technical brigade and retained a certain number of police dogs, just to meet certain set and formal requirements, without expecting them to really play a big role.

But following a big brother from the police dog brigade into the conference room, and seeing the bronze medals of "Advanced Group" hanging on the wall and the trophies on the cabinet, Han Xin suddenly discovered that although the superiors did not take the police dog technical brigade seriously , but the previous brigade leaders worked very hard.

Over the years, he has participated in many large-scale security operations and won many honors. Several police dogs were even named meritorious dogs by the Ministry of Public Security!

They have no law enforcement power and usually train while waiting for attendance calls from superiors and case handling units.

Now that there is a chance to play, everyone from the team leader and instructor to the auxiliary police officers with dogs outside are very excited, and everyone is beaming with joy.

"Captain Han, you sit down first. Cheng Zhi and Zhang Da will be here soon. I'll go out to pick them up."

"Wu Da, Cheng Zhi is coming too!"

"The bureau office called in the morning and said that Director Yang was temporarily unable to come because of something, so he entrusted Cheng Zhi to convey the spirit of the instructions of the bureau party committee."

The bureau leader is so busy, how could he come here!

Han Xin really realized how embarrassing the status of the police dog brigade was, and just when he was wondering how to take over, Wu Dajing smiled and said: "Cheng Zhi is our old leader, and he was in charge of our brigade before."

"Really?" Han Xin smiled, stood up and said, "Wu Da, let's pick him up together."


Although the location of the island is very remote, it is developing well and is not the kind of place where birds don't poop.

Especially the environment is very well done.

There are tourist resorts, many ecological farms and even a golf course around. I don’t know how the procedures were approved.

After standing at the gate chatting with Wu Da and Fang Jiao for a while, the commercial vehicle from the police officer training center arrived.

Zhang Mengcheng, deputy captain of the Serious Case Brigade of the Criminal Police Detachment, helped Cheng Wenming get out of the car. Wu Da and Fang Jiao quickly stepped forward to salute and say hello to the old leader.

"You don't need to be so polite when you're one of us."

Cheng Wenming returned the greeting, shook hands with them one by one, and limped toward the office building while smiling: "Xinyu, the environment here is nice. There are green trees along the way and the air is fresh. "

Wu Da looked back at Zhang Mengcheng, who was smiling but saying nothing, and said meaningfully: "The environment is not bad, but life is not convenient. If you want to buy a pack of cigarettes, you have to travel a long way."

How could Cheng Wenming not understand the implication of his old subordinate's words? He could only advise: "It's good to have your own place. It's better than being crowded in the training center like before."

Wu Da chuckled and said, "That's true."

Zhang Mengcheng was not only "trapped" by Han Xin, but it was not until the leaders of the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security came to commend the police officers who participated in the December 26 case a few days ago that he saw Han Xin's true face in Lushan.

He received a temporary order from his superiors to come with the old leader Cheng Wenming. He only knew that the police dog brigade was going to participate in the red and blue competition. He did not know the specific situation.

Han Xin, who had seen the dragon disappear without a trace, was actually there. He couldn't help but slow down and asked calmly: "Xiao Han, why are you here too?"

"Our Xiao Zhi asked me to come, Zhang Da, how about you?"

"I didn't know anything. I originally planned to go to the work unit to attend the morning meeting, but Tang Zhi called me and asked me to report to Cheng Zhi."

Cheng Wenming suddenly turned around: "You two, what are you talking about?"

Han Xin said quickly: "It's nothing, Cheng Zhi, there are steps in front of you, please watch where you step."

Wu Xinyu was also confused. He thought that participating in the competition between red and blue to detect electronic fraud tools was a matter for our police dog technical brigade. What does it have to do with your anti-drug detachment and serious crime brigade...

Cheng Wenming didn't want to show off to his old subordinates. As soon as he entered the conference room, he sat down and took out a stack of red-headed documents from his bag. On behalf of Director Yang, he conveyed the spirit of the instructions of the Ministry of Public Security, the Provincial Department and the Municipal Bureau on arranging police and police dogs to participate in the competition.

Seeing the police in the brigade's general room taking photos, I immediately put down the documents and said, "I know work requires leaving traces, but special circumstances require special treatment. There is no need to take photos today."

Wu Xinyu really couldn't figure out what should be kept secret about today's meeting, but the old leader had already spoken, so he could only turn around and say: "Did you hear that? Stop filming."

"Yes!" The policeman was startled and quickly put down the camera.

Cheng Wenming still felt uneasy after thinking about it and reminded: "Delete everything I just took."

"Yes, I'll delete it right now."

Zhang Mengcheng realized that the old leader did not want Han Keng to appear in the camera, so he simply took the camera with a smile and helped to check it.

Wu Xinyu was made depressed and thought to himself that our police officers from the police dog technical brigade are also criminal police. Don't they even understand the basic confidentiality rules? They have already been deleted and they still need to be inspected by your serious crime brigade?

Time is tight and the task is heavy.

Cheng Wenming couldn't care less about what his old subordinates were thinking, and suddenly changed the topic: "Comrades, our municipal bureau must not only be the first to fight on behalf of the provincial department, but also sum up a set of effective investigation experience in actual combat. According to the requirements of the bureau’s party committee, we must first determine the personnel and police dogs that will go into battle.”

Wu Xinyu couldn't care less about secretly complaining, and raised his head hurriedly: "Cheng Zhi, others are not familiar with the situation of our team, but you are the most familiar, so you can announce it."

Although he has been in charge of the police dog technical brigade for several years, Cheng Wenming still feels that using police dogs as a tool to detect electronic fraud is unreliable. In fact, the bureau leaders including Director Yang also think so.

So I plan to treat one thing as two things, and use this opportunity as last year to clean up cross-border crime cases involving northern Myanmar in the city.

He took out the Hongtashan that had never been changed for thousands of years, lit one, and said slowly: "Xinyu, Director Yang asked you to lead the team in person. Mengcheng will serve as the deputy team leader. Xiao Han was transferred back from Nanyun Border Guard. What's the point of that team?" I am relatively familiar with it and will be responsible for the logistics. As for which handler and which police dog will be arranged to go into battle, your team will study and determine it as soon as possible."

Wu Xinyu thought he heard wrongly, and asked with a grimace: "Cheng Zhi, are you participating in a competition of police dogs to detect electronic fraud tools? Our brigade only has two people and a police dog?"

"Well, hurry up and confirm the candidate for the trainer and the police dog. I will report it to the provincial department this afternoon."


"How come there are so many? But, this is a tool to search for electricity and fraud, not to search for drugs and explosives, and it is not to send criminal detection dogs to track it. Is it effective to bring so many police dogs?"

This question made Wu Xinyu very embarrassed, because he was really unsure whether police dogs could detect electronic fraud tools.

In fact, the whole team has been in a dilemma these past few days. Although they are training every day, they still haven't decided which police dog will be assigned to go into battle.

Because once it is determined and intensive training begins, the previous training is equivalent to wasted training, not to mention no one knows whether the intensive training will have any effect.

Cheng Wenming didn't want to dampen his enthusiasm, and couldn't beat around the bush. He said bluntly: "Whether police dogs are used to search, or other high-tech equipment is used to search, the people who use police dogs and high-tech equipment are the decisive factors!

You are experts in police dog technology. But Mengcheng and Xiaohan are experts in how to detect suspicious express packages. There is something you may not know. Xiao Han has just returned from participating in the red-blue anti-drug competition organized by the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. He has rich experience in checking express packages. "

Wu Xinyu realized that the leader had no confidence in the police dogs, so he transferred Han Xin, the anti-drug policeman, and Zhang Mengcheng, the veteran criminal policeman.

He really wanted to argue, but he didn't have enough confidence, so he could only nod in agreement.

Cheng Wenming paused and continued: "Furthermore, we formed a task force to go to the Nanyun border last year. We asked our counterparts in Nanyun to help us arrest several criminal suspects and rescued several people who were deceived into gambling and telecommunications. Fraudulent personnel.

Taking into account that the anti-email fraud situation is becoming increasingly severe, and that the Criminal Police Detachment, the Anti-email Fraud Center and each branch have mastered many clues during this period, the Bureau Party Committee decided to use this precious opportunity to clean up the situation as it did last year. "

I knew that the bureau leader would not let him come over for no reason. It turned out that he had a second mission.

Han Xin raised her head and looked at Zhang Mengcheng, and couldn't help but smile.

Cheng Wenming put out his cigarette butts and continued: "In short, the police dog technical brigade is the main force in the investigation work, and Mengcheng and Xiao Han are the main ones in other tasks."

Wu Xinyu realized that the bureau only planned to let the police dog team help the provincial department collect points, and did not expect the police dog team to achieve much.

In contrast, "other work" is far more important than investigation work.

He was speechless and could only nod with a wry smile.

However, Zhang Mengcheng was very happy and couldn't help asking: "Cheng Zhi, how to carry out the work of cleaning up cross-border criminal cases? I have no preparation or clue..."

"Don't worry, Director He from the Anti-Electronic Fraud Center will explain to you what specific work needs to be done later. He is in Nanyun. As for how the work will be carried out, there is no need to worry. Mangjing is Xiao Han's home field. Their old army will definitely provide full assistance, and I already called the leader of their old army this morning."

Cheng Wenming smiled and added: "If you need assistance from other case-handling units, Director He will help you communicate and coordinate. In short, we must make use of this month and a half and strive to gain something!"

PS: I have been discharged from the hospital. Thank you brothers and sisters for your concern.

I’ll rest my pain and resume updating from today. Please subscribe and support!

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