Veteran new police officer

Chapter 443 “Real or False”

At 8 a.m. on Wednesday, the work of detecting electronic fraud tools officially began.

It was said that it was a police dog search, but it didn't seem to have much to do with the police dogs.

Zhang Mengcheng sat in front of the computer like a security inspector, looking at X-ray photos of express packages passing on the conveyor belt. Han Xin and Wu Xinyu stood on both sides of the conveyor belt, holding the express company's mobile terminal to check the express delivery on the express package. one.

Finding a package that didn't even have the name of the recipient, Han Xin immediately took the package to the X-ray machine and put it on the conveyor belt: "Zhang Da, please check it again."

Zhang Mengcheng raised his head: "Okay."

Wu Xinyu held up a small package and shook it by his ear. After hearing the noise inside, he felt suspicious. He turned around and said, "Xiao Jiang, let Tiger Head smell it and see if he can smell anything."


Jiang Bing, who was training on the spot, quickly brought "Tiger Head" over.

"Hutou" is very smart and has a good skill in searching for explosives, but he is not very good at searching for electronic fraud tools. He sniffed around the package for a long time and had no other reaction. He was obviously not sensitive to the smell in the package and was not interested in the package.

Wu Xinyu had no choice but to lean over and pick up the package, glanced at the sender's address again, and asked with a wry smile: "Zhang Da, this package is sent from Fujian Province, what should I do?"

"Bring it over and let me take a look."


The receipt showed that the package was tea, and no problem was found through X-ray inspection.

Zhang Mengcheng looked at it carefully for a while. After thinking about it, he still felt uneasy. He raised his head and said, "Take it apart and take a look."

This was what Wu Xinyu was waiting for. He immediately took the package under the surveillance camera and opened it for inspection.

Facts have proved that what Han Xin said before is absolutely correct. There are rules for detecting electronic fraud tools. As long as the sender comes from a key telecommunications network fraud area and the names and contact information of the sender and recipient are not detailed, There must be something wrong.

When I opened it, I saw that there were indeed tea leaves inside.

But under the tea packaging box, there were four rows of bank cards neatly coded, a total of thirty-six!

Zhang Mengcheng came over, took a look, and said with a smile: "Xiao Han, contact Team Wang quickly. Old Wu, Xiao Jiang, let 'Tiger Head' practice in actual combat before Team Wang rushes over."

"Okay, Xiao Jiang, let 'Tiger Head' take a good smell."

Letting bomb detection dogs search bank cards is unprofessional.

Han Xin thought it was funny. She looked back at the pitiful look of "Tiger Head" and took out her mobile phone to call her colleagues from the criminal police detachment of the Mangjing City Bureau. She handed over the clues to them and asked them to catch the consignee.

Check the package, study and analyze the express delivery manifest, use the police to check the information of the sender and recipient online, and let the "tiger head" smell it if it is indeed suspicious. No matter whether it can be smelled or not, the package must be opened and inspected...

The work is simple and boring.

In the sweltering sorting workshop of the courier company, I was sweating after checking for a while. I couldn't bear to go to the electric fan to cool down and drink some mineral water.

Order takeout for lunch and settle it in the courier company's lounge.

After eating and drinking, I continued to check. I spent a whole day checking. I don’t know how much I sweated, but the harvest was not very big. Thirty-six bank cards were seized in the morning, and six POS machines were seized in the afternoon. But anyway, I finally opened the business. .

"Tiger Head" did not work, Wu Xinyu and Xiao Jiang were very depressed.

As soon as we returned to the hotel, we started intensive training, taking "Tiger Head" with him to repeatedly sniff several packages specially prepared for him in the parking lot.

If you can find hidden bank cards, mobile phone cards or USB-Shields in several packages, you will be rewarded. If you can't smell them, there will be nothing!

Han Xin stood in the air-conditioned room and watched the two of them training with the "Tiger Head". She couldn't help laughing and said: "I know that letting police dogs detect electronic fraud tools is unreliable. Wu Da really takes it seriously. This Isn’t it embarrassing for ‘Tiger Head’?”

Zhang Mengcheng walked to the window, took a look, and said with a smile: "That's what he does. If he doesn't take it seriously, no one will take it seriously."

"I don't know what the leader was thinking, but he actually came up with the idea of ​​using a police dog to detect electronic fraud."

"If the guess is correct, the leader understands it."

"Now that you know it, why are you still engaging in such an unreliable competition?"

"How can the role of a police dog be demonstrated if nothing is done?"

Zhang Mengcheng asked back and turned around: "So many people rely on police dogs for a living. If the role of police dogs cannot be reflected and the irreplaceability of police dogs cannot be reflected, wouldn't those police dog bases have to close down? How can police dog technical colleges recruit students? Those police dog bases Who will sell the bred and trained police dogs to?”

Han Xin reacted: "It turns out there are interests involved!"

"This is what we are talking about here, we can't talk nonsense when we go out."

"I understand, I understand, hahaha."

"Don't laugh. In fact, it's okay to let police dogs search and rescue. At least taking them out for a while can have a certain deterrent effect."

No matter how powerful a police dog is, can it still be as powerful as a Raman spectrometer?

Han Xin, like most grassroots police officers, is not interested in police dogs and feels that police dogs can also play a deterrent role.

But as Zhang Mengcheng said, this kind of thing can only be joked about in private, and cannot be complained about outside, and there is no time to watch Wu Xinyu and Xiao Jiang's jokes now.

He quickly changed into casual clothes, took his room key, and hurried downstairs.

After waiting at the door of the hotel for about three minutes, Xu Jun drove over in the old car he had bought yesterday. He raised his hand to say hello, walked over, opened the door and got into the passenger seat.

Putting on his seat belt, he motioned to his old comrade to drive and said with a smile: "Send me a seat and I'll just take a taxi there myself. I'll even come over to pick you up. Isn't it troublesome to run around?"

"I'm just on my way, not here specifically." Xu Jun looked back at him.

"By the way, where are you going?"

"There are several isolation points in the urban area that are similar to the deportation stations. The people quarantined are all old Burmese who sneaked over. Aren't you looking for that programmer? Professor He asked me to come over and ask my colleagues at the isolation point to help ask. "

"Any news?"

"What a coincidence. No one has seen the programmer you are looking for, but instead helped colleagues in Xichuan find out the whereabouts of a suspect."

"That said, there is still something to gain."

"It's useless to gain anything. I only know the approximate location of that bastard, but I don't know where he is hiding. We can't go there and touch him now. We can only wait until the epidemic is over."

It was a rare time for old comrades to get together. Xu Jun didn't want to talk about work, so the conversation suddenly changed: "Han Xin, let's have barbecue today. I'll take you to a newly opened restaurant."

Han Xin smiled and said, "Okay, it's not far from here."

"It's quite far from here and quite close to the detachment. You'll know when you get there."

"Where's Lao Lu?"

"I called him. He should go over and take a seat by now."

"Just the three of us?"

"There's something going on at Sister Yang's house. Professor He has to be on duty. The two newcomers are not familiar with you. It would be nice for the three of us to hang out and drink some beer."

"Brother Xu, you are itchy and you dare to drink in front of the detachment!"

"It doesn't matter if you drink some beer. Besides, I won't be returning to the team tonight."

"Where are you going if you don't go back to the team? Why don't you call your name tonight?"

"I took a day off."

Xu Jun grinned and said with a bit of pride: "I forgot to tell you last night that my mother came to help me buy a suite some time ago. Although it was second-hand, the previous owner didn't live in it much after renovating it. It’s almost a well-decorated new house. I’ll take you to see it after dinner.”

Han Xin was delighted: "I bought a house. It's great. How much did it cost?"

"House prices here are cheap. Not only are they not as expensive as your hometown, they are not even as high as ours." Xu Jun smiled and said, "Lao Lu was anxious when he saw that I had bought a house, so he quickly bought one and left the detachment. It’s not far.”

"We've already bought a house, so everything is ready, but we just need a mistress!"

"There will be bread, and the mistress will have it soon."

Xu Jun picked up his phone and pulled out a photo: "Look, how is this girl?"

Han Xin took the phone and looked at it, then smiled and said, "Yes, she's pretty. She's also a nurse. Who introduced her to you?"

"Does a spirited young man like me need introduction from others? I'll do it myself!"

"Did you catch up on your own?"

Han Xin was doubtful.

Xu Jun chuckled and said, "Why are you lying to me, Han Xin? I finally know why I couldn't find a girlfriend before."

"Because of what?"

Xu Jun was really happy to find a young and beautiful girlfriend. He grinned and said, "Because I didn't have time before! Didn't I have to quarantine some time ago? She and I met at the quarantine point.

We have been together day and night for half a month. We didn’t see her very much before. Even when I saw her, she was wrapped up tightly. I also had to wear a mask. I didn’t know what she looked like, so I could only chat on WeChat. "

"What happened next?" Han Xin asked gossiping.

"Her friend circle was visible for three days, and her photos were not visible. I asked her if she had a boyfriend, and she said no. I said why not, and she said she was ugly. Anyway, we just chatted. Yes, I feel like she has a kind heart and should be a good girl."

"Then you confessed your love to others?"

"Absolutely. What else can someone like me ask for? When the quarantine period expired, she took off her mask and pulled it down when I went out, and I realized that not only was she not ugly, she was quite good-looking!"

"I'll go. If I had known this, you should have gone to quarantine!"

"Yeah, it feels like a dream just thinking about it."

"So where are you now?"

"She is in the isolation point and can't come out. I can only call her, watch videos, and send some things. But we have a good conversation, and she also likes the police. I think this time there should be no big problem."

The boss finally found a partner. Han Xin was happy for him from the bottom of her heart and asked the girl her name, where she lived, how many brothers and sisters she had...

We were chatting and laughing, and before we knew it, we arrived at a barbecue restaurant very close to the detachment.

Unexpectedly, I parked the car and walked in. I was shocked to find that the proprietress who was busy serving cold dishes was actually Xiaoxue, the daughter of the canteen owner who I had admired for several years.

"Lady boss, look who this is, do you recognize him?" Xu Jun asked with a smile as soon as he entered the door.

Xiaoxue put down the cold dish, looked at Han Xin closely, and said with a smile: "Han Xin, weren't you transferred away? Why are you back again?"

Before Han Xin could speak, Xu Jun joked: "He came back specifically to find you!"

Xiaoxue blushed and said hurriedly: "Brother Xu, you know how to joke with me. Han Xin, sit down quickly. I haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been?"

Looking at her slightly swollen belly, Han Xin realized that the lover of her dreams was not only married, but also had a child soon. She said with a bit of embarrassment: "I have been transferred back to my hometown... Xiaoxue, this store belongs to you." It's open?"

"Well, it's just been open for more than a month."

Thinking of how she had deceived these naughty soldiers before, Xiaoxue was also very embarrassed. When she saw Lu Xiangyang walking over with a smile, she quickly changed the topic: "Staff Lu, why is your unit becoming more and more strict and not letting people come out to eat? , it’s better not to convert.”

How could Lu Xiangyang miss this opportunity to tease Han Xin? He sat down and said with a smile: "Isn't Han Xin here? He came all the way from Jiangnan to find you. Please tell me how to do this."

"What's wrong with this? Just order it first and I'll give you a discount later!"

"Don't change the subject, Han Xin is really here for you."

Xu Jun said suddenly: "Xiaoxue, he even prepared the engagement ring."

"Really or not, you know how to joke!"

Thinking of her green years when she thought about her every day, and the allowances and wages she spent running to her shop every day, Han Xin stretched out her hand and pretended to touch her. pocket, while staring closely at her familiar and delicate face, he said seriously and sincerely: "Really."

For Xiaoxue, Han Xin was not the first person to express her feelings. To be precise, she should be the last one.

She didn't have to have much experience in dealing with such emergencies. She shook her hair and smiled sweetly: "What's true or false? I'm about to give birth to a baby, and I'm almost going to be an aunt. Don't make trouble, hurry up, wait a little longer. Now that the master is here, the kitchen will be too busy."

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