Veteran new police officer

Chapter 458 It’s not easy to go back either

Keeping an eye on Special Pai Xu, Brother Li and Brother Ding may be the easiest task that Han Xin has ever performed in these years, bar none.

First of all, there is no need to go to great lengths to find out where they are hiding. Instead, they are chasing after the 50,000 yuan case fee. I called again this morning to urge him, and even asked him to go to the special commissioner's office at noon. Just like last time, he treated me with both kindness and coercion, including coaxing and intimidation.

Secondly, although they sometimes behave very carefully and cautiously, they are amateurish in terms of anti-tracking and anti-surveillance.

More importantly, they have worked hard to set up such a large bureau, and even set up the Ministry of Public Security's office in northern Myanmar. Of course, they must "carry out work" and "perform their duties", otherwise they will be sitting on nothing. So Li, Ding and Ding were active frequently, looking for fat sheep like Boss Wang and Boss Wu, as well as easy-to-deceive targets like Han Xin.

They are divided into two groups, and if someone else were to keep an eye on them, they would definitely be at a loss for what to do.

However, Han Xin is none other than Brother Yang's new younger brother, and Li and Ding seem to know a lot of people, but their real circle of friends is Yang Tao and a few other gangsters who hang out here.

As long as he calls Brother Yang and chats for a while, he will know where the two of them are. What he has to do now is to keep an eye on Xu Tepai.

As a division-level leader, Xu Tepai must have a leadership style. He cannot eat, drink, live or even gamble like Li and Ding. He may also consider that the cost of staying in a hotel is too high, so the real destination is actually In a private house not far from the "office".

What made Han Xin feel both unexpected and reasonable was that there was a woman in her early twenties with a good figure and good looks living with him.

Around six o'clock in the afternoon, he took the woman's hand and went out to have a meal and buy some fruit. The two seemed very close and had an unusual relationship.

I thought he had just slaughtered Boss Wang's fat sheep and defrauded him of a lot of money. He would go shopping with that woman again, or even go to a nightclub to have fun, but he didn't expect to buy some fruit and go back.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the woman dressed up carefully, put on a miniskirt that exposed half of her breasts and thighs, wore high heels, and came out carrying a small bag.

Immediately afterwards, Li Chen drove over in the second-hand Crown with left-hand drive, picked her up and left, apparently heading to the casino on the mountain.

It is conceivable that she did not just go to the casino to "work", but probably helped them find targets like Boss Wang in this way.

In fact, only people like her can come into contact with the gamblers that the casino has worked hard to attract from China.

And only people like her can secretly take photos of gamblers spending huge sums of money under the eyes of a group of casino security guards, casino managers, and casino agents.

If it were Li and Ding, there would be no way they could move forward unless they were really tired of living.

Even Brother Yang, who has a wide circle of friends, mainly targets individual gamblers for food, drink, accommodation, gambling and even borrowing money. Usually he can only get close to the casino manager, casino supervisor and casino security guards. If you want to make friends with other people's customers or poach other people's corners, there is no way.

In short, if you have any new findings, you should report them to your superiors immediately.

Because the next ones to be arrested are not three suspects, but four suspects.

Han Xin calmly picked up her phone, compressed the photos she had just secretly taken, and sent them to Cheng Wenming via email. Then I edited a text message, briefly reported my analysis, and sent it quickly.

After confirming that Cheng Wenming had received it, and just deleting the text message record, he heard the owner of a small restaurant chatting with another hotel owner who came over to visit, talking about planning to transfer the restaurant and returning to China with her husband.

"Must you go back? Although business is not as good as before, the epidemic will pass sooner or later. Besides, who will take over your store now? After investing hundreds of thousands, how much will it cost to go back like this!"

"There's no other way, I can't do it unless I go back."

"Did your hometown police station also call you?"

"We were beaten every two days for three days. I told them that we were doing serious business here and that we were neither gambling nor committing telecom fraud. I was afraid that they wouldn't believe me and I even videotaped them and let them see my store."

The proprietress sighed softly, holding the cup and said worriedly: "They didn't say anything at first, they just understood the situation. My husband and I thought everything was fine. But a few days ago, both of our bank cards were frozen. Even Alipay and WeChat have been blocked!”

The proprietress of the Hunan restaurant opposite asked eagerly: "Why is it frozen and why is it closed?"

"My husband called the police station and asked, but the people at the police station said they didn't know. Later, when he called the bank customer service, he found out that it was frozen by the police in Dongshan. The inquiry showed the Dongshan Criminal Investigation Hotline."

"What should we do?"

"The money was all in it and we were almost dying. My husband had no choice but to call the number left by the Dongshan police. As a result, the Dongshan police said that our bank account transaction records were suspicious and suspected that we were laundering money for telecom fraud."

"Tell the police carefully. If it is there, it is there. If it is not, it is not there. Why do they freeze it when they say it will be frozen?"

The landlady looked back at Han Xin, who was sitting by the bed, and said with a sullen face: "Didn't you envy my family's good business before? Sometimes we would have several tables when we came, and we would eat thousands at a time. I was quite happy at that time, but now Only then did I realize that those who came to eat were all engaged in telecommunications fraud."

The proprietress of the Hunan restaurant reacted: "They paid the bill through WeChat transfer. Their money was defrauded. The police will find you!"

"It should be like this. Now we don't know what to do. We only dare to accept cash from guests when they come to eat, and we don't dare to let guests transfer money through WeChat. Even if we dare to let others transfer money, Alipay and WeChat have been blocked, and they can't Can’t turn around.”

"My family is okay. My bank card has not been frozen, but my mobile phone number and WeChat account have been blocked."

"Blocking it is so troublesome and inconvenient." The proprietress thought about it and pointed outside: "Besides, there are not many people on the street now. Even if the bank card is not frozen, WeChat and Alipay are not blocked, this business will not be able to continue. "

When I brought my apprentice here last year, it was very lively here.

Most of the permanent population are Chinese, and the streets are full of Shancheng delicacies, Xichuan delicacies, and southern Fujian delicacies, with all kinds of flavors including sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, and so on. Some delicacies and game that you can’t usually eat in China can be eaten here at any time, but the price is on the high side.

Due to the impact of the epidemic, people across the country have been advised not to travel unless necessary, and control in border areas has become even more stringent than ever before.

At the same time, the country has intensified its efforts to crack down on telecommunications network fraud and cross-border gambling. Public security agencies in various places are trying to find out who is abroad in their respective jurisdictions, especially those suspected of telecommunications network fraud, and are using various methods to persuade them to return and urge them to return as soon as possible. Return home and surrender.

In short, due to the impact of the epidemic and the severe crackdown on cross-border telecommunications network fraud, fewer and fewer people are coming from China, and those who can go back here have directly led to the loss of the previous abnormal prosperity.

The casinos are deserted, the streets are deserted, and many shops are closed. The only lively places may be queuing up to get a number to apply for quarantine and two hospitals that have the conditions to do nucleic acid tests.

Because if you want to return to the country, you can't just walk to the country gate. The country is preventing imports. People who want to return to the country are required to quarantine here first and take a nucleic acid test here before they can go to the country gate. They still have to quarantine after entering the country, and several Ports have quotas for the number of people entering the country.

The same is true for the isolation point here, with more than 100 calls being released a day.

Because there are so many people who want to go back to their country, they have to get up in the middle of the night to queue up. Even then, they may not be able to get in line. It often takes three or four days to get in line.

It was hard to get in line, and I still had to get a certificate.

There are no fines here, but you need to be prepared to pay 500 yuan in cash to issue a certificate. If you don't have a border pass, you have to pay 2,000 yuan in cash.

Finally getting the certificate does not mean that you can go to the hospital to do nucleic acid testing. Because the rooms at the isolation point are limited, you have to wait for notification first. It usually takes four or five days. When a room is notified over there, you can go to the hospital to do nucleic acid testing and wait until you get the report. Only a negative nucleic acid report can go to the isolation point.

There is a fee for quarantine. I heard from Brother Yang that it costs about 400 yuan a day.

After the quarantine period is over, you can take a nucleic acid test and take a taxi to the country with the nucleic acid report. This means that it is difficult to say whether you will be infected with the virus on the way to the country. But given this condition, it is possible to form a "closed loop" like in China. impossible.

Coupled with the various connections or people willing to pay bribes to jump in the queue, as well as the restrictions on immigration at various ports, it is not easy to return to the country. So much so that a person I met at dinner yesterday said that if he wanted to return to China now, he might have to wait until two months later.

But Han Xin does not sympathize with their experience. After all, the pressure of epidemic prevention and control in border areas is too great. So many immigrants are pouring in at once. What if the arrangements are not good and a large-scale outbreak occurs?

What's more, this place is not a good place in the first place. The state has repeatedly warned them not to come, but they insist on coming here to "dig for gold". Some even sneak across the border to engage in various illegal and criminal activities, and they also target their own compatriots. .

At that time, I didn’t regard myself as Chinese, but now I regard myself as Chinese. What does this mean?

Han Xin was thinking about being quarantined when she went back when Cheng Wenming suddenly called.

It was inconvenient to answer the call in the hotel, so he quickly got up and placed the order. He walked out of the hotel into a small alley, looked at the private house Xu Tepai rented in the distance, answered the phone and exchanged the code.

Cheng Wenming finished checking the code as agreed, confirmed that the young man could speak easily, and immediately got down to business: "Xiao Han, the superiors have coordinated with the Judicial Committee over there and decided to arrange for the police to participate in the arrest throughout the process."

At this time, the police were actually arranged to come over, which shows how much the superiors attach great importance to Xu Tepai.

Han Xin felt a little ridiculous and asked with a smile: "When do you plan to take action?"

"There are four suspects we want to arrest now. You are most familiar with their situation. It depends on your opinion."

"That woman probably won't be back until one or two in the morning. How about doing it at three or four in the morning?"

"What about the other two? Didn't you say they don't live together?"

This is indeed a problem. Since we take action, we must catch them all at once. We cannot catch two and run away with two.

Han Xin was thinking about how to ensure that the arrest operation was foolproof, when Cheng Wenming added: "I asked my colleagues in Banna, and they said that there is a very reliable and smart informant over there. Do you need the help of their informant? It's up to you. grasp."

The jurisdiction of the Banna Border Management Detachment is right across the street. How could they have only one informant here?

They said there was only one, obviously because they didn't want to reveal the identity of the informant, but Han Xin also didn't want to reveal his identity. After weighing it, he asked in a low voice: "We don't need their people to help. Didn't you say that you would arrange for the police to come and participate in the operation?" Well, arranging one is an arrangement, and arranging two is also an arrangement. When the time comes, the troops can be divided into two groups.

Let a policeman and the military police here come over first to keep an eye on Xu Tepai and the woman, while the other policeman is on standby. When I find Li and Ding, I will report to you immediately, and you can ask the second policeman and the military police here to arrest them, and we will act together. "

Cheng Wenming agreed: "No problem. After all, the police were not only required to participate in the arrest, but also to collect evidence and even interrogate them on the spot to find out how they laundered money."

Arresting the suspect is just the beginning. The public security organs are different from the Judicial Committee here. When handling cases, evidence is required. Otherwise, how will the case be submitted to the procuratorate for approval in the future, and how will the case be transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution.

Han Xin calmed down and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll keep an eye on it first and report to you in time if there is any situation."

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