The moon is bright and the stars are sparse in Spring City, but it's still raining here on the border.

The road was slippery and one couldn't drive too fast, and visibility was not good at night. Cheng Wenming and Director He arrived at the hospital at 4:27 in the morning.

Just after the operation, Han Xin was sent to the ICU.

You can't go in for a visit, but you can see through the video that the young man's body is covered with tubes, and the bedside is filled with instruments. A doctor and two nurses wearing protective suits are busy nervously in front of a dazzling pile of instruments.

He looked scared of people, but Cheng Wenming was relieved.

The young man did not step into the gate of hell once, but twice, and was pulled back with the full rescue efforts of medical staff.

As for whether he can regain his consciousness and recover, Cheng Wenming is full of confidence in Han Xin. After all, he is a "experienced person". He was bombed like that, so he didn't persevere through it.

In short, you don’t have to worry about asking the young man’s parents to send their white-haired parents to their black-haired parents.

Thinking that so many leaders and colleagues were waiting for news, he took out his mobile phone and was about to call Xu Jun first, when a middle-aged doctor wearing blue surgical clothes opened the door and walked in.

Political Commissar Yu said quickly: "Cheng Zhi, this is Director Huang, the surgeon! Director Huang, this is Cheng Zhi, the patient's leader."

Cheng Wenming realized that the doctor who had just come in was completely soaked and had obvious mask marks on his face. He was the famous local "Huang Yida" who had just saved the young man's life!

He quickly stretched out his right hand and said seriously and sincerely: "Hello, Director Huang, I am Cheng Wenming from the Binjiang Public Security Bureau. Thank you for your hard work. On behalf of the Party Committee of our bureau, I would like to thank you!"

I had an operation during the day, and at night I was called in to rescue a police officer who was shot.

In total, "Huang Yidao" stood in front of the operating table for sixteen hours. Especially for the operation that had just ended, not only was he not prepared at all before, but the injury also meant that he had to race against time, so he was very nervous.

I didn't know how much I was sweating, and now I was almost exhausted. I couldn't even shake hands with the police from Jiangnan.

He held up the mineral water and drank more than half of the bottle in one go. He didn't even bother to wipe his mouth. He turned around and took a small plastic bag from the nurse's hand and held it up to Cheng Wenming: "This was taken out of the patient's body."


Cheng Wenming took the warhead and looked at it, and said with lingering fear: "I know all about the rescue process. Director Huang, if it weren't for you, Xiao Han would have had a hard time getting through this."

Director Huang sat slumped in the swivel chair, looked at him with a smile and said feebly: "I am a doctor. It is my job to save lives and heal the wounded. There is nothing to thank you. If you really want to thank, just thank those who sent the patients to our hospital in time. Man. If you think about it carefully, the patient's luck is really good. If he had been delayed by three to five minutes, we would not be able to save him no matter how powerful he was."

"I want to thank them, but I want to thank you even more. Director Huang, it's too late today. You are so tired and need to rest. If you have time tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, can you give us a chance to thank you and have a meal."

"Forget it about eating. I know you police officers are busy, but we are not idle either. There will be several surgeries tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I appreciate your kindness."

"No matter how busy you are, you still need to eat."

"Cheng Zhi, there's really no need to be so polite."

Director Huang stood up, put down the mineral water, stretched out his hand to shake it, and said meaningfully after thinking about it: "Although I don't know how your subordinate was shot, I can imagine that he is a hero! He can save a hero, And he was rescued. As a doctor, I am honored."

For the public security, medical staff are also the masses. It can be said that this is a kind of affirmation of the public security officers by the masses!

Cheng Wenming felt sour and said with tears: "Thank you, thank you Director Huang, you are also a hero in our hearts, you are a hero who saves lives and heals the wounded!"

"Okay, okay, let's just talk about business. I'm a little tired. I have an operation after dawn. I have to go and take a nap quickly, so I won't be with you all."

"Okay, I'll see you off."

"Stay here, no need to send you away. Please rest assured, I will pay attention to the follow-up treatment."

The young man is in the ICU. If he stays here, let alone help, he can't even get in.

Political Commissar Yu has already helped arrange a hotel, which is diagonally opposite the People's Hospital.

Considering that in a few hours, colleagues from various provinces and cities in the country and the police on standby at the port would launch a large-scale operation, and the northern Myanmar investigation team also had a heavy task, Cheng Wenming followed the good example and asked Director He and Zhang Mengcheng to stay in the hospital to wait for news. , he went to the hotel to remotely control the overseas investigators.

Xu Jun's mission is no longer to track and monitor the suspect, but to find the person who has devastated the entire criminal gang and the headquarters, and even indirectly caused Han Xin to be shot. He suspects that he is infected with the virus and takes advantage of the rain. A guy who wants to return home and surrender.

The headquarters has contacted the police responsible for persuading him to return from his hometown's Public Security Bureau. The police have contacted the boy through QQ and forwarded him the location he sent half an hour ago.

I didn't expect that kid to be a good runner. Judging from his position, he actually ran into the deep mountains and old forests about nine kilometers away from Guatian's den. From the map, there was an inaccessible mountain village not far away.

Xu Jun rushed to the vicinity and saw that there was no road ahead, so he could only hide the motorcycle and walk up the mountain to search.

It was pitch dark in the forest, and there was no path as we walked.

He leaned under a tree and held up an infrared night vision device to observe his surroundings for a while. As he was thinking about going around to the left, Cheng Wenming's voice came from the Bluetooth headset.

"Xu Jun, here's the good news. Han Xin was rescued. The operation was successful and she has been sent to the ICU."

"Great, I knew he would be fine! Cheng Zhi, did the doctor say when he will wake up? Will there be any sequelae from this injury?"

"If it's quick, he'll wake up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. He's so young and has strong resistance and recovery. He shouldn't have any sequelae. The headquarters just made several calls. Let's get down to business first. Let's talk about your situation first. It depends on the situation on the side.”

My old comrade is fine, thank God!

The stone that had been hanging in Xu Jun's heart finally fell. He took out his mobile phone and took a look: "Judging from the previous positioning, it should be nearby. But I added his QQ, but he never passed the verification. Cheng Zhi, otherwise You ask the command center to think of a way to push my QQ address to him and ask him to add me."

Cheng Wenming clicked on his spare phone, looked at the QQ chat history forwarded by the headquarters, and said helplessly: "It has been pushed long ago. The problem is that his phone is out of battery. How can I add it?"

"He won't run around again, will he?"

"Judging from his QQ chat history with the police who advised him to return, he should not run around again."

"Okay, I'll look for it slowly."

"Be careful. Something happened to Han Xin. You can't let anything happen again."

"Thank you Cheng Zhi for your concern, I will pay attention to it."

After contacting Xu Jun, he then contacted Zhang Da and Team Qian to report that Han Xin was out of danger. He also learned about the situation in several dens before reporting to the headquarters.

After finishing his work with the investigation team, Cheng Wenming bothered to call Wang Yan.

"Okay, okay, great, as long as you can escape the danger of life, otherwise I really don't know how to talk to Jiang Yue."

"You should inform Jiang Yue quickly. I'm a little busy here and I really can't take care of it."

"Okay, okay, you go about your business. I'll determine when to go there, how many people will be there, and then I'll call you."

"Okay, that's it."

In the past few hours, Wang Yan didn't fall asleep at all. After confirming that Han Keng had been rescued, she immediately got up, went to the bathroom to wash her face, and sorted out her speech, then picked up her mobile phone and walked into the living room to call Jiang Yue. phone number.

Although the Entry and Exit Brigade is not a criminal police force, as a people's policeman, Jiang Yue, like the criminal police officers in the criminal police force, dare not turn off her phone at night.

She vaguely heard the ringing sound, reached for the phone from the bedside, opened her sleepy eyes, looked at the caller ID, then looked at the time, opened the call button and yawned, asking: "Wang Zhi, it's so late. What's going on?"

Wang Yan pretended to be relaxed and said: "It's already five o'clock in the morning, not so late, but so early."

Although the Linghai Village bully was transferred to the detention detachment, Jiang Yue always felt that he was not transferred. He felt that Wang Yan was like a big sister, not the leader of the Linghai Village bully, so naturally he would not think elsewhere.

If Xiao Zhi called now, she would definitely be shocked.

She couldn't help but yawned again, and said vaguely: "It's quite early. Why did you get up so early?"

Wang Yan calmed down and said in as gentle a tone as possible: "Xiaoyue, your scammer has made great achievements again, and the achievements are still great. But while performing the task, he was slightly injured..."

Jiang Yue felt no sleepiness at all and hurriedly got up and asked: "Wang Zhi, how did he get injured? Is it serious? Is he okay now?"

"Don't worry, listen to me. He was seriously injured, but he is out of danger now."

"How heavy is it? Where is the injury?"

"It was relatively serious. The injury was in the chest. He was shot while arresting the suspect. However, he was sent to the hospital for rescue in time. With the current medical technology so advanced, Cheng Zhi said that doctors had helped him repair the damaged ventricle, pulmonary veins and lung tissue. It was repaired and the bullet was taken out.”


These words were like a bolt from the blue!

Jiang Yue felt as if the sky was falling and she was completely confused.

Seeing that there was no sound on the other end of the phone, Wang Yan quickly said: "Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue, speak! He is really out of danger now. As the leader of the unit, I have to notify relatives in time. I don't know the contact of his parents. The only way is to call you."

Jiang Yue calmed down and was so frightened that she asked in an almost trembling voice: "Wang Zhi, are you sure he is really out of danger?"

"I'm not going to lie to you, I'm sure, I can promise you that."

"Where is he now?"

"He is currently receiving treatment at the Menghai County People's Hospital in Nanyun. Don't worry, Cheng Zhi, Director He from the Anti-Electric Fraud Center and Zhang Mengcheng from the Criminal Police Detachment are all there."

Jiang Yue burst into tears and said with sobs: "Menghai County, right? I'll book a flight online right now, and I'll call the leader of our unit to ask for leave..."

Wang Yan said quickly: "Xiaoyue, I will book the air ticket for you, and I will help you ask for leave at the branch, and I also want to go with you.

But before that, you have to help me inform his parents first, and you have to do the ideological work for his parents with me, so I ask his parents not to worry too much. "

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