In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed since the grand and enthusiastic commendation meeting.

Everything seemed to be back to normal, but Han Xin, who had just been discharged from the hospital, knew that her work and life had undergone tremendous changes.

For example, they will no longer have the opportunity to perform tasks overseas, and they will not even think of being transferred to a case-handling unit within three to five years.

For another example, when the sequelae of brain injury are better and you can go to work normally, as Wang Zhi said, you will have to participate in one report meeting after another on the achievements of heroic models, as well as various activities to learn from model skills.

I used to admire heroes and models, but now that I have become a hero and model, I feel that it would be better not to be a hero and model.

When I think about having to speak out from my own experience or go on stage to give lectures, it will make my head hurt even more.

She was thinking wildly and after chatting with her old neighbor, Mother Jiang came over and asked, "Xinxin, I'm going to buy groceries. Do you want to stay in the community for a while, or go to Linlin's place?"

Han Xin did not want to be regarded by her family as a disabled person who needed care, so she "rushed" Han Lu and Xiao Han Lu back as soon as she was discharged from the hospital. Jiang Yue also returned to the entry-exit brigade to work normally.

After breakfast every day, he sent Jiang Yue to the east gate of the community, then went back to the tree-lined community for a walk and breathed fresh air. When the dance school opened, he went over to chat with his cousin for a while, and then watched the art candidates practice. Wu, until he saw Jiang Yue coming to pick him up after get off work at noon and take him home for dinner.

Considering that there is a limit to her girlfriend's patience, she would explode sooner or later if she always went to watch the little girl dance. Han Xin turned around and said with a smile: "I won't go to Linlin's place today. I plan to go to my old workplace."

"Anti-drug brigade?" Jiang Ma asked subconsciously.

"Well, I haven't been there for a long time and I want to visit."

"It's too far. It takes half an hour to walk there. I'm worried about you going alone. I'll drive you there in an electric car. You can buy food anywhere."

"I can take a taxi. It's very convenient to call a taxi on your mobile phone!"

"No, no, if your parents leave you to me, I will be responsible for you."

Han Xin really didn't want to take a ride in her mother-in-law's electric donkey. Considering that she would be worried about going alone, she could only do the next best thing: "Instead of going to the anti-drug brigade, I'll go to the community police station to see if anyone is there today."

The Linghai Community Police Office is close to home, directly across the road from the north gate of the community.

Mother Jiang agreed: "Okay, I happen to be going to the vegetable market, let's go together."

Linghai Community Police Station is like most police stations. There are almost no police officers in sight. Even the auxiliary police officers only come here when there is something wrong.

The community hall next door was crowded with old men and women in red vests. Han Xin walked around in a circle and felt that it was not interesting, so she walked across Zhongba Road alone to see how the Central Square was doing and when it would be open. Open for business.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I reached Anda Pedestrian Street and was waiting for the traffic light to cross the street again, the "old white face" who had been my neighbor for a year actually carried a canvas bag filled with unknown materials and walked away with a smile. come over.

"Officer Han, where are you going?"

"It turns out to be Secretary-General Han. I'm not going anywhere, I'm just walking around."

"Why are you alone?"

"What's wrong with being alone? I'm not a three-year-old child. Am I still afraid of getting lost?"

"You have just been discharged from the hospital and your health is not good. You should pay attention to it."

The "old white face" was as polite as ever, and his expression of concern showed no pretense.

In the past, Han Xin would have said a few perfunctory words to get away from people.

But now is not the past. I am a family member of a student in the advanced zero-based class of my cousin's dance school. I have already paid more than 30,000 yuan in tuition this year, and I am still pointing out that I will continue to pay next year. Customers are God and must be treated with courtesy!

Han Xin asked him curiously while beckoning him to cross the street together, "Secretary-General Han, how did you know about my hospitalization?"

Han Xiaowu was worried that the newly released hero model would fall too fast and fall, so he supported his arm: "Linghai is so big, and I often deal with the anti-drug brigade, the immigration brigade and the Chengnan police station. I heard it from my friends in the Public Security Bureau. .”

"Linghai is a bit small and can't hide things at all."

"It doesn't matter whether you can hide the matter or not. What matters is that your job is too dangerous and you can't let anything happen again."


"You're welcome."

Thinking of someone who was so rich and capable and still working in the community, Han Xin asked curiously: "Secretary-General Han, what are you doing?"

Han Xiaowu raised his handbag, thought about it and took out a badge from his pocket and hung it around his neck. He explained with a smile: "We finally created a national civilized urban area. Before we could breathe a sigh of relief, we started the census again. Not only did I To participate, you still have to be an instructor.”

Han Xin reacted: "I asked why there are so many people in Linghai community today. It turns out to be a census!"

Han Xiaowu subconsciously turned around and looked at the Linghai Community area across the road, and sighed: "Linghai Community has a large permanent population and floating population. Your community alone has more than 2,000 households. There are not enough people to conduct a census. Our Yanggang Community should be demolished. It has almost been demolished, but what should be built has not yet been built. The population is relatively small, so the pressure of the census is not as great as theirs."

"It seems that the community work is quite heavy."

"Yeah, there are so many things."

She didn't know how to do her own job. Han Xin didn't want to ask about other people's jobs anymore. She turned around and asked with a smile: "Secretary-General Han, the Central Plaza is in your community. You know the situation best. When can it open? If it can open earlier, , we don’t have to go so far to Wanda.”

Han Xiaowu scratched his neck and said helplessly: "A good hand has been ruined. The developer is in lawsuits. The debt relationship is too complicated. Capital accounts and equity have been frozen by dozens of courts. Many fixed assets have been mortgaged for unknown amounts. times, don’t expect it to open in three to five years.”

"So it's a waste of time?"


“What about the owners who bought the shops?”

The central square was built on the land of Laolinghai Village, and the final Haitong Market was located here.

Many villagers in Laolinghai Village who used to live around Haitong Market had front houses in every household. Perhaps they enjoyed the benefits of rent collection in the past. During the demolition, many villagers used the demolition compensation money to buy shops here based on the developer's drawings.

It is close to the People's Hospital and Linghai Park. It is the most central location in Linghai. It was also the liveliest and most prosperous place in Linghai City back then.

Therefore, the sales of shops are not cheap. A shop can easily cost three to five million, and a larger one with a better location can cost tens of millions. In the blink of an eye, almost ten years have passed, and the shopping mall has been almost built, but it can't attract business. , unable to open businesses, you can imagine how anxious those owners who bought shops were.

Han Xiaowu thought Han Xin's family had also bought it, but he really didn't know how to explain it. He could only say meaningfully: "Buying a shop is also an investment. Since it is an investment, it has risks."

"Fortunately, my family didn't buy it because they didn't have money, otherwise they would have lost their lives."

"It's fine if you don't buy it. For demolition households like you, if you don't buy it, it means you make a profit."

"Secretary-General Han, I won't disturb you anymore. I'll go back from the front for a while."

"Okay, cross the road slowly."

"I'm fine, bye."

Watching the "old face" who was busy doing the census go away, the more Han Xin thought about it, the more strange it seemed to him. He obviously had money and so much ability, so why did he come to work in the community and still do it all? strength.

Just as I was puzzled, "Crazy Cheng" called again.

Although the infrastructure of the central square is almost complete, it is actually an unfinished project. The huge square is empty and no one can be seen, making it very convenient to talk.

Han Xin opened the call button, raised the phone to her ear and asked, "Cheng Zhi, why did you call me again? Do you have any instructions?"

"You kid, you are annoying me!"

"No, no, how could I find you annoying? I'm worried that it will affect your work."

As a "experienced person" Cheng Wenming knew very well that he didn't like this kind of "concern", but he still asked: "How have you been these past two days? Is your headache severe?"

Han Xin quickly said: "I've been fine these past two days. It's not as painful as the past few days."

"Besides headache, what other symptoms do you have?"

"I always have dreams at night, I get irritable when I hear noises, I feel tired and weak, sometimes I suddenly get tinnitus, and I feel a little dazzled when I see things."

I asked the doctor before and he said that these are symptoms of the sequelae of brain injury.

However, compared to hemiplegia or even deep coma, it is already very good to be able to recover to the current condition.

Cheng Wenming took a deep breath and pretended to smile casually: "If you don't get enough rest and the quality of sleep is not high, you will definitely be tired and weak, and you will definitely have tinnitus and dizziness. Don't always think about it, pay attention to rest, especially your work and rest time, you must be regular. "

Han Xin smiled bitterly and said: "I know, my work and rest time are very regular now."

"It's good to know. As I said before, don't think too much, don't run around, and be sure to rest."


Han Xin thought about it and couldn't help but ask: "Cheng Zhi, I was awarded the second-level hero model. What about Xu Jun? Did his superiors give him any merit awards?"

Cheng Wenming said without hesitation: "Isn't this nonsense? Even the few friends you made there have performed meritorious service and can win leniency. How could the superiors not give Xu Jun meritorious service and awards? It's just not as fast as you. "

Han Xin remembered clearly what happened before he was shot, and subconsciously asked: "Have Yang Tao and the others performed meritorious services?"

"They assisted you in controlling Lin Baoyuan and other suspects, and assisted Xu Jun and investigators from the Banna Border Management Detachment in escorting the suspects back safely. This is not a meritorious performance."

"Make no mistake, they just want to grab some money."

"Their starting point may just be to grab some money, but their actions have indeed achieved merit. As for the issue of organizing online obscene performances, considering that they have a good attitude of pleading guilty, and the negative impact caused is not great, there is very little illegal profit , of course we need to be given a lighter sentence and be treated leniently.”

Han Xin asked curiously: "Just let them go?"

Cheng Wenming smiled and said: "As for the pornography issue, their circumstances are obviously minor, and they are not enough to be held criminally responsible. For the matter of cheating with Xu Tepa, they were just eating and drinking without really participating, and they are not enough to be held criminally responsible." Liability can only be punished by public security in conjunction with illegal departure.

However, their life was not easy. They were sued by dozens of creditors because of non-payment of loans and overdrafts on credit cards, and they had long been listed as dishonest executors. Because they could not be found, a court even issued a reward. "

Knowing that this would be the result, Han Xin subconsciously asked: "So they just got out of the detention center and they will be sent to the detention center again by the court?"

Cheng Wenming knocked the cigarette ashes and sighed: "I heard that he has been released from the detention center. Now I don't know where he is hiding to hide his debts. The other courts can't find them. If he commits other crimes, he will be in jail for a few years." They must go to jail and undergo rehabilitation, and they can start over after they are released. But it is not that easy for them to start over and start over.”

Han Xin deeply agreed and said solemnly: "I used to think that drugs are harmful to people, but now I see that gambling is similar to drugs. Once you get into it, you will lose everything and your life will be ruined."

"So pornography, gambling and drugs must be cracked down hard and we must not let up, otherwise it will cause a series of social problems."

"Cheng Zhi, what you said makes so much sense. I guess you won't let me go to the anti-narcotics department anymore. Why don't you let me go to the security brigade or the police station. I can't arrest drugs, but I can go to the anti-pornography department and arrest people. Bet!"

"Even if you want to engage in gambling and prostitution, you must first take good care of your health."

"The wound on my chest is almost healed!"

"Can you run down a thousand meters? Can you finish it in ten minutes?"

Now I can only walk, but I can't run yet. The wound will hurt when I run.

Han Xin was stunned by the question and could only say angrily: "It should be fine in another two months."

Cheng Wenming put out the cigarette butt and said lightly: "That's it. Let's rest and recover first. We can talk about work after we recover."

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