Veteran new police officer

Chapter 511 Han Keng’s debut

What does it mean to go on stage and give a lecture and praise yourself?

Han Xin believes that anyone who is a hero or model would not like to do this!

To untie the bell, the person who tied the bell had to be tied. He rushed to the office building and found "Crazy Cheng" who was busy packing his things and getting ready to go back to his room.

"Cheng Zhi, I don't like to appear in public, and I don't know how to speak. You know best when others don't know. You can't force others to make things difficult..."

"This is a request from my superiors. What's the use of telling me."

The particularity of his previous job allowed him to develop the habit of keeping a low profile. Coupled with his low level of education, it was really difficult for him to go on stage to give a lecture. Cheng Wenming looked sympathetic, but was helpless.

Han Xin was anxious and locked the office door: "Cheng Zhi, no, I call you Brother Cheng, you are my biological brother! For the sake of me and you going through life and death, help me talk to the leader. It’s best to adjust tomorrow’s class schedule and let them study by themselves.”

The training center needs a model who comes out of the army to teach the more than 100 military cadres participating in the training. The municipal bureau needs a young hero and model, and even the provincial department plans to recruit heroes and models from various municipal public security bureaus to form a traveling report team on the deeds of heroes and models.

In short, since you have become a model hero, you must play a role model!

As a "experienced person", Cheng Wenming also felt that doing so was tormenting heroes, but he had to admit that this was indeed a work requirement, so he could only advise: "There is always a first time for everything, so you can get used to it."

"I don't know how to talk about it, and I'm embarrassed to talk about it. There are some things that I can't even talk about!"

“If you don’t know how to speak, learn to speak. If you can’t speak, don’t speak.”

Han Xin realized that she couldn't hide, so she stared at him and said, "Okay, I'll learn, but you should teach me!"

Cheng Wenming was defeated. He scratched his neck and thought for a while. He simply took out the key and opened the filing cabinet. After rummaging for a long time, he finally found the "thousand-year-old manuscript" that he had not used for a long time.

Han Xin took it, looked at it, and asked subconsciously: "Just one portion?"

Cheng Wenming was happy. He sat down and took out a cigarette and said with a smile: "I only smoke this brand when I smoke. I only use this speech script for any lectures I attend."

"You have done so many reports on the deeds of heroes and models before, and you only read this one?" Han Xin was doubtful.

"Well, if you don't believe me, you can call your Wang Zhi. She was the one who helped revise and polish this speech. As for your sister-in-law, the last thing she wants to hear is my report on my deeds. Because every time I go out to speak, she follows me. No. I don’t know how many times I’ve listened to it, my ears have become calloused, hahaha.”

“That’s okay too!!”

"So it's not that difficult to be a hero and model. Just prepare a speech and read it no matter where you go."

Cheng Wenming opened the door, looked outside, then closed the door and said with a smile: "Actually, the same goes for the experts invited to give lectures. They keep doing the same thing over and over again. Making a PPT can last for several years. Just follow the script. The only difference is What’s more, we teach it for free, while they teach it for a fee.”

If you put it that way, it's really not that difficult.

Han Xin once again looked through the thousand-year-old manuscript of "Crazy Cheng": "I will take it back and study it carefully, and let Xiaoyue help me revise it..."

"You want to change the name, adjust the content a little, and then read it accordingly?"


"It's not impossible to do this, but I can't keep up with the times. The police now are different from the police in the past and are not so easy to fool, so I haven't talked about it for many years."

For fear that Han Xin would plagiarize his "thousand-year-old manuscript", Cheng Wenming reminded with a half-smile: "Actually, I don't care, I can transfer the copyright to you for free, as long as you read it yourself and don't feel embarrassed."

This speech is indeed not very good. It is a bunch of official clichés, and they are all outdated official clichés. It does not even have the "four consciousnesses", "four self-confidences" and "two safeguards".

Han Xin couldn't help laughing and asked: "Cheng Zhi, were you embarrassed when you read it?"

"The leader insists on me to talk about it, but it's not what I want to talk about. I treat it as a task and come back after reading it. Why should I be embarrassed." Thinking that he had really "handled" these political tasks back then, Cheng Wenming said again Couldn't help but laugh.

Han Xin was silent for a moment and said with a wry smile: "It's already embarrassing to be on stage, but it's even more embarrassing for me to read these words. I'm a shameless person."

"What do you mean, are you calling me shameless?"

"No, no, how dare I."

"Stop talking nonsense, go back to your dormitory early and write your speech. After you finish it, send it to me."

"How can I write this? I don't think even Xiaoyue can."

"If you don't want to look for Lan Doudou, look for Zhang Yuhang. One is your master and the other is your old leader. They can't ignore death."

"I'd better find Zhang Ju, he is more reliable than my master."

"That's it, hurry up."

Han Xin really wanted to deal with it like "Crazy Cheng" did back then, but she didn't want to be embarrassed or embarrassed.

To be precise, his level is not as high as that of "Crazy Cheng". Unlike "Crazy Cheng", he is not afraid of what others say. Instead, he often speaks confidently to the leader, embarrassing the leader.

The only way to do this is Zhang Yuhang. If even Zhang Yuhang can't handle it, then no one can.

As expected, I returned to the dormitory, called Zhang Yuhang's mobile phone, briefly explained the whole story, and answered a few questions. Zhang Yuhang smiled and said: "You are not Cheng Zhi, you can't do that."

"What should we do?"

"Be yourself and speak your mind without embarrassment. The audience this time is mainly composed of military cadres, right? I can give you an idea. If you think it is suitable, then draft an outline. There is no need to prepare any speech notes. Then I can freely use the outline according to the outline..."

After Zhang Yuhang pointed out the puzzle, he still felt uneasy after thinking about it. He called "Crazy Cheng" again and put forward some suggestions for Han Keng's debut report on the heroic model's achievements tomorrow.

Cheng Wenming thought it was feasible and immediately asked Xiao Wang to contact the Linghai Branch and ask Director Xu of the Political Department of the Linghai Branch for information.

At 8:10 in the morning, each squadron lined up according to the requirements of their superiors and entered the training center auditorium in an orderly manner.

The originally planned law class was adjusted to a report meeting on the deeds of heroes and models. The background of the large screen changed to Chinese red, with a large police badge on top, and in the middle were the twelve characters "Carry forward the spirit of heroes and models, gather strength for progress", and below it was the Binjiang City Public Security Bureau. Reporting session on the deeds of heroes and models.

The position was also adjusted accordingly, and the first two rows were completely empty.

According to the latest position arrangement of the brigade, Sun Dalei took his classmates from the 13th district team to find a seat and sit down. Seeing that Han Xin did not come, he immediately reached out and patted Jiang Fei, who was sitting in the front row, on the shoulder.

"Lao Jiang, did you bring your mobile phone?"

"Bring it."

"Hurry up and send Han Xin a WeChat message and ask him to come over quickly."


Chen Zehan looked at the training center teacher who was standing in front of him on the phone and said sideways: "Cheng Zhi is a first-class model. This is probably a report meeting on Cheng Zhi's achievements."

Cheng Wenming is not only a model hero, but also a leader of the training center, and even often represents the bureau leaders.

Sun Dalei thought of the lame man who sat on the rostrum during the opening ceremony and who was always wandering around the training ground. He took out his notebook and said, "There are not many first-class heroes and models alive. I'll have to listen carefully later."

"Don't say first-class models, just second-class models. I heard there are not many in Binjiang."

"Either death or disability, this is not the right model."

"Let's not talk about this anymore, Lao Jiang, has Xiao Han replied? I may ask him to name him later and ask him to hurry up."

"He came back...he said he might come over later."

"Have you told him that this morning is a report meeting on the deeds of heroes and models?"

"Said, he said he knew."

Just when a trainee from the district team was late, teachers from the training center and instructors drawn from various units entered the venue one after another, either carrying briefcases or holding pens and paper.

Immediately afterwards, the director of the training center and Cheng Zhi walked in accompanied by Director Liu of the Political Department of the Municipal Bureau and other leaders, and they humbly gave way to each other and took seats in the middle of the first row.

Sun Dalei and others did not know the leaders of the anti-drug detachment and the detention care detachment.

Jiang Yue knew everyone. Seeing that Xiao Zhi, Political Commissar Yun, Wang Zhi, and Political Commissar Liu were all here, even Sister Jiang stood in front to take photos of the leaders, which really worried the little bully of Linghai Village.

Today is Han Xin's "maiden show", and Director Liu doesn't know if he doesn't come over to listen in person. After all, it involves whether he can recommend the young man to join the tour report group on the heroic and model deeds that the provincial department is forming.

Xiao Yunbo and Yun Weiting didn't think much about it. They just took this opportunity to see their old subordinates.

Wang Yan and Liu Chunhui were a little nervous. After all, Han Keng was their subordinate, and they were afraid that Han Keng could only do things but not talk, and mess up today's report.

Sister Jiang was also uneasy. After taking the photo, she sat next to Xiao Yunbo, took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Lan Doudou, asking Han Xin if it was okay.

Lan Doudou was full of confidence in the "evil disciple", but she didn't know how to explain it, so she simply gave an example: "Sister Jiang, do you know what the leaders called him when he participated in the actual combat competition in Nanyun?"

"What did you call him?"

"In fact, not only the leaders, but also us all call him 'Director Han'. He is not a director's director, but a tour guide's director."

"Can he tell and deceive?"

"He may be a little nervous when talking about serious things in a serious situation, but in another situation, let's not mention how good he is at deceiving."

"But today is a serious occasion!" Sister Jiang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Lan Doudou had already talked to Zhang Yuhang on the phone and knew what the "evil disciple" was going to say next, so she said confidently: "Don't worry, he will be fine."

"Okay, we'll start right away. Let's talk later."

As soon as Sister Jiang put down her mobile phone, a teacher from the training center walked to the center of the stage, held up a microphone and said seriously and solemnly: "Dear students, according to the requirements of the Municipal Bureau, today's report meeting on the achievements of heroes and models is not allowed to take pictures or videos, and no records are allowed. Students who bring mobile phones are asked to turn off their mobile phones. If anyone violates the confidentiality discipline, the inspector will investigate and deal with it according to regulations!"

This year's new police officers found it very strange, and they all secretly wondered what should be kept secret in the reports on the deeds of heroes and models.

Last year's new police officers had been working for nearly a year, and some had even participated in professional training. They had seen that some courses really needed to be kept secret. Not only were there no training materials, they couldn't even take notes. They quickly turned off their mobile phones and put away their pens and papers.

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