Wang Yan and Liu Chunhui didn't know that a company was brewing in the North Annex just after they left for a while.

The Special Intelligence Squadron is only nominally under the leadership of the Intelligence Command Center, but in fact it is still a squadron of the retention detachment.

As leaders of the detachment, the two of them attached great importance to the squadron's subsequent training. As soon as they returned to the South Annex, they studied the training plan drafted by Han Xin.

I don’t know if I don’t see it, I’m dumbfounded when I see it.

The physical training and police skills training are nothing to fault, but the legal and regulatory and business knowledge training courses are really surprising.

According to the timetable on the training syllabus, at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, we will organize and study the "Measures for Rewards for Reporting Clues on Drug Violations and Crimes" formulated and implemented by the Anti-Narcotics Office, Public Security Bureau and Finance Bureau!

They also invited "Ren Dasha", deputy leader of the anti-drug detachment, to come over to interpret the document and conduct anti-drug business knowledge training.

In the afternoon there was physical training, and in the evening Han Xin personally went into battle to conduct anti-drug training.

The intense training officially begins the day after tomorrow. We get up at 6 o'clock to run and do exercises, have dinner at 7 o'clock, and organize a study at 8 o'clock on the "Measures for Rewarding the Masses for Reporting Clues on Gun- and Explosion-Related Crimes"!

Zhang Mengcheng, deputy captain of the Criminal Police Detachment's Serious Case Brigade, was invited to interpret the documents and conduct business training on how to collect clues about crimes involving guns and explosions.

Physical training in the afternoon, and organized study in the evening of the Chonggang Branch’s “Notice on Reward Measures for Clues for Reporting Crimes by Underworld Forces”. The captain of the Chonggang Branch’s anti-gang and evil professional team was invited to come over to interpret the document and conduct relevant business training.

The municipal bureau’s “Regulations on Regularizing Municipal Reporting Rewards for Combating Crime and Crime” also need to be studied, followed by the “Announcement on Rewards for Clues for Reporting Violations and Crimes of Cult Organizations”.

Binjiang City’s reward measures for reporting criminal clues;

Notice from the Provincial Department on Reward Measures for Reporting Wildlife-Involved Crimes (Trial);

The municipal bureau has issued a notice on the reward measures for reporting illegal hunting and selling of illegal wildlife crimes, and the provincial department has issued a notice on further promoting the special rectification campaign against illegal fishing in the Yangtze River Basin and encouraging the general public to actively report clues on illegal fishing crimes.

Measures for rewards for reporting clues on cross-border (online) gambling crimes;

Announcement from the Development Zone Public Security Bureau on the implementation of rewards for reporting clues about telecommunications network fraud;

Binjiang City Public Security Bureau, Binjiang Marine Police Bureau, and Binjiang City Ocean Development Bureau announced rewards for reporting clues on maritime-related crimes... This is awesome, with a maximum reward of 200,000 yuan!

Liu Chunhui couldn't believe that the training content was actually a bunch of regulations, methods, notices and announcements about offering rewards for collecting clues. He said with a smile: "It's very comprehensive. There is also an announcement about rewards for reporting crimes committed by cult organizations. I have never heard of it." .”

"Not only is it comprehensive, but it also keeps pace with the times." Wang Yan almost burst into tears laughing.

Liu Chunhui asked curiously: "What keeps pace with the times?"

"Look at this. On the morning of the 13th, we will organize and study the "Notice on Rewards for Reporting Clues on Epidemic-related Violations and Crimes". Hahaha, this is not keeping pace with the times!"

"It's really keeping pace with the times. Oh my god, we even need to learn the reward system for reporting serious road traffic safety violations!"

"What does this mean? There are still documents from the Discipline Inspection Commission."


"Here it is." Wang Yan turned to the last page, stepped aside and said with a smile: "This is the "Interim Measures for Protecting and Rewarding Personnel with Real-Name Reports" jointly issued by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, our Municipal Bureau and the Municipal Finance Bureau. .”

"It's just nonsense. This is training. It's too unserious to do this."

"As for whether it's just nonsense, what we need is to see the efficacy without watching advertisements. Using this method to organize special people to learn business knowledge can indeed mobilize their enthusiasm for learning."

"But what should I do if my superiors ask me?"

"Who would ask?" Wang Yan pulled up her chair and sat down, asking with a half-smile: "Political Commissar, do you know why Director Yang and Director Liu always excuse themselves from being busy with work and don't come to join the Special Situation Squadron?" The opening ceremony of the class?”

"I know, Director Zhang said on the phone yesterday that the bureau leaders mainly considered that they did not come when our detachment was established. If they attend the opening ceremony of the special training, it will appear that they do not pay attention to the detention care work, and they are worried about affecting the auxiliary police of the detachment. Our morale.”

"That's one reason, but not the main reason."

"What's that for?" Liu Chunhui raised his head and asked.

Wang Yan smiled and said: "They don't dare to come. They are worried about what kind of requests Han Xin will make when they come, such as funding. Will they agree or not? Bureau leaders have difficulties as bureau leaders. After all, the stall is so big, they have to consider The overall situation, and there are some things they can’t decide.”

"It turns out it's because of this..."

Liu Chunhui thought for a while, then pointed to the training outline at hand and asked: "Is it appropriate to organize training according to this outline?

Wang Yan pondered for a moment, held her chin and said: "It is definitely inappropriate to put it on the table. But in practice, the training effect is definitely better than other methods. After all, the people receiving training are all auxiliary police officers, and I want to mobilize the enthusiasm of the auxiliary police officers. , If you want the auxiliary police officers to have a sense of accomplishment and gain, you can only provide them with tangible benefits.”

Just as he was talking, Han Xin knocked on the door and walked in.

Liu Chunhui asked him to sit down, picked up the training syllabus, looked at him with a smile and asked: "Xiao Han, although I have not been transferred to the public security for a long time, I still have a little understanding of the provisions of the syllabus for collecting rewards for clues. It seems that the above The incentives are all targeted at the masses for reporting.”

"Yeah, it's for the masses."

"But the auxiliary police officers in your squadron are not members of the public. Even if intelligence clues can be collected, it is difficult to obtain these reward documents according to regulations."

Han Xin nodded: "It's really not easy to trick. You won't be able to pass the review."

Liu Chunhui asked: "Then what are you doing by organizing the auxiliary police to learn these things and give people hope, but if they can't be fulfilled by then, how will you lead this team?"

Han Xin knew that he would ask this question, so she explained with a smile: "Political Commissar, we cannot rely solely on the special agents of our squadron to collect intelligence clues. And the special agents are not agents like those in movies and TV shows, who are omnipotent and capable of everything. The sky is flying, the walls are surrounded by beautiful women, but you have to make friends, and you learn and collect them from trivial and repetitive chats with friends or even eating.”

Liu Chunhui didn't understand the public security business, but Wang Yan did. She subconsciously asked, "Xiao Han, do you plan to build eyes and ears and develop informants?"

"Informants can't develop informants, and neither can special circumstances, but I can."

Han Xin paused, then continued: "But I'm just one person, I can't cover everything, let alone have three heads and six arms, so Teqing will help me investigate first, and then I will make targeted decisions based on the information they provide. Develop some informants, and these reward policies that will be organized to study are aimed at future informants.”

The informant broke the law and the police went to jail. This kind of thing has happened before!

Wang Yan was not at ease and stared at him closely and asked, "Does Lao Cheng know?"

"I know. In fact, the training syllabus was drawn up together with Cheng Zhi. The leaders and policemen who will come to interpret the policy and give lectures are all hired by Cheng Zhi. Otherwise, it's up to me who can hire them!"

"But there is a question, have you ever considered it? These reward policies are for informants, that is, for the masses. What can you get by special circumstances? Will they be jealous?"

"Wang Zhi, according to the regulations, special cases do not get bonuses, but the case-handling units are rewarded! Whichever case-handling unit we provide intelligence clues to, which case-handling unit will share half of the reward to us. Cheng Zhi helped me invite all the people who gave lectures They are the ones who can make the decision. When the time comes, go to them and ask them to be responsible to the end and help fulfill the promise."

"There are rewards for units, but compared to the masses, they are much less."

"Clues are hard to come by. Even if the masses keep their eyes open, how many clues can they find in a year? Our squadron is different. Our business scope is wide and our coverage is large. We rely on accumulating a little to make a big difference. . When we earn enough rewards, we can give bonuses to the special ones, so it is very necessary to learn these, and only in this way can we mobilize the enthusiasm of comrades."

Talking about the many incentive policies issued by the municipal bureau and branches, Han Xin changed the topic: "Actually, I think these incentive policies are very unreliable. In fact, their operability is extremely low."

"What do you mean?" Liu Chunhui asked puzzledly.

Han Xin glanced at the detachment leader and asked with a wry smile: "Political Commissar, do you know how difficult it is for the masses to actually get the bonus if they report a clue about a crime?"

"It's difficult?"

"I did research at the training center a few days ago and found that if you want to get the bonus, you need to fill in the crime reporting center reward approval form, provide a copy of the whistleblower's ID card, the whistleblower's non-special circumstances certificate, and the whistleblower's self-report material. And this material follows The transcript is the same and requires the signature and thumbprint of the informant.”

Han Xin took a deep breath and continued: "You also need to register the police situation, accept the criminal case registration form, the case filing decision, the case report form, the suspect's processing results, and the processing results include the arrest decision, detention warrant and judgment, and other No one knows what the ‘others’ are when reviewing the materials required for award applications.”

How long does it take to complete this process?

In particular, the outcome of the suspect's handling must be accompanied by a court judgment. This means that even if everything goes well, it will take at least seven or eight months to get the reporting reward, and it can take up to one or two years!

Liu Chunhui couldn't believe this was true and looked at Wang Yan subconsciously.

Wang Yan scratched her head and said helplessly: "According to the regulations, this is indeed the case, and these materials cannot be compiled and reported by the masses themselves. They need the police handling the case and the person in charge of the case handling unit... Anyway, it is quite troublesome."

Han Xin added: "Moreover, when money is involved, it is difficult for the police to handle the case. If you actively help to fight for it, you may not know what the leaders and colleagues will think. If you are not active and do not help to fight for it, your words will not count, and the people who report clues will There are also opinions, causing many people not to believe us."

Liu Chunhui didn't expect that there were so many links and the approval process was so troublesome. He frowned and asked, "What should I do?"

Han Xin was confident and raised her arm to point in the direction of the main building: "We are now not only a special agent squadron that collects intelligence clues, but also a special agent squadron that assists the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in handling cases. If anyone dares to blame us, or is dragging his feet, help us quickly. If you can, then don’t blame me for going to the Discipline Inspection Commission to complain about their laziness and indifference to the sufferings of the masses!”

It’s really a matter of relying on the mountain!

Wang Yan was completely convinced and believed that he could really do it. She couldn't help but smile and said: "Xiao Han, I think it's better for us to be polite first and then fight. Besides, there is a political commissar. The political commissar will take action. One can take the lead. I want to see who handles the case. The unit dares not to give face to the political commissar."

Although Liu Chunhui was transferred from the disciplinary inspection system and his current position was selected by the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee, he was a policeman when he put on the police uniform. He did not want to make the relationship with his brother unit too stiff, so he quickly said:

"Yes, yes, Wang Zhi is right. I can come forward to help you talk to others. There is no need to alert the Discipline Inspection Commission because of this matter."

"Political Commissar, I feel relieved with your words. Thank you so much. On behalf of all the members of the squadron, thank you."

"No need to thank you. Now there is another question. You just said that you will cooperate with the case-handling unit after collecting intelligence clues, but what will happen to the intelligence command center?"

"We just rely on them, and then we can collect the results and submit them. In fact, they only need the results."

"Now that you've thought about it, let's do it."

Seeing that the political commissar seemed to be playing drums, Han Xin grinned again and said: "Political commissar, are you familiar with the Party Style and Political Style Supervision Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission?"

Liu Chunhui said without hesitation: "Familiar, what's wrong?"

"Cheng Zhi is responsible for helping us find candidates for lectures in the bureau. On the Discipline Inspection Commission, can you please think of a way to help me invite the leader of the Party Style and Political Style Supervision Office to give lectures. It is best to interpret the documents."

"Do you really want to cooperate with the Discipline Inspection Commission?"

"There's nothing I can do. I have several people under me. I promised that if they get bonuses, they must expand their business scope."

Cooperating with the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision means that the blade may turn inward. What if a policeman assists the Commission for Discipline Inspection in investigating and punishing him? He will have no friends by then!

Liu Chunhui didn't expect him to be so "evil" and couldn't object clearly, so he asked in a dumbfounded voice: "Does this need me to invite someone else? Secretary Guan cares so much about you, and Director Ma has such a good relationship with you. Do you have any relationship with Secretary Guan or Ma?" The director just needs to say no."

"Secretary Guan cannot be alarmed by such a trivial matter. As for Director Ma, he is the director of the Investigation and Investigation Office. He is only responsible for handling cases and not for supervising party conduct and political conduct. Even if he wanted to help, he would not be able to talk to the leader of the Party Conduct and Political Conduct Supervision Office. Open this mouth, after all, they have division of labor."

"Political Commissar, Xiao Han's concerns are not unreasonable. Besides, we originally serve the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Since we can assist the Lien Management Center and the Investigation and Investigation Office, why can't we provide services to the Party Style and Political Style Supervision Office?"

"Wang Zhi, you..."

"That's it. You can go back and ask, maybe someone will be interested."

The retention detachment is ranked so low that it doesn't even have any presence in the game.

Wang Yan didn't want to be like this all the time, and thought it would be good to make some noise. As for what others would see and think, would people from Liangzhuang Police Station care about that?

The more she thought about it, the more interesting it became. She turned back to look at Han Xin: "Xiao Han, the political commissar and I will help you set the stage, but you must sing well for us in the next scene."

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