"Big Toy" is so fun!

Han Xin was a little impatient. She could have rested for three days, but she took the initiative to go to work after two days of rest.

First contact the sales engineer of the equipment manufacturer, then buy an oil barrel, go to the gas station to register first and then buy some gasoline.

When the engineer arrived, he asked the squadron leader to borrow a car and together they took the "big toy" to the north of the city.

The two-hour flight felt great, but a problem arose.

The engineer said that to operate such a drone, you theoretically need to take the "Civil Unmanned Aircraft System Pilot Certificate", which is the so-called drone license.

There is a training institution in Binjiang where you can get the certificate in a month at most, and you don’t have to go every day. But the tuition is not cheap, costing about 10,000.

The reason why it is said to be theoretically necessary is because many large farmers now buy such large drones to spray pesticides. Most of them have not done any research, and no one seems to care about them.

You don’t need to fly too high to spray pesticides, and you fly all over the farmland.

Aviation inspections are different. They not only have to fly in rural areas, but also over densely populated urban areas.

If such a big thing breaks down in the air, it will really kill someone if it falls!

Han Xin felt that it was necessary to study "systematically" and take the drone license test, so she quickly came back to report to the team leader and instructor.

Zhang Yuhang really didn't know that he needed a certificate before, so he quickly reported it to his superiors and applied for training funds.

As a result, the superiors spent a lot of money, but they were hesitant to spend a small amount of money. Not only did they not approve it quickly, they also asked the equipment manufacturer's engineer to go to the equipment finance department.

Zhang Yuhang was very depressed and said angrily: "If I had known better, I wouldn't have applied to buy this thing. It's like I received a kickback from others."

"Captain Zhang, where are you thinking?"

Lan Doudou picked up his cup, helped him refill the tea, and advised: "You just made an application. They are responsible for the procurement. They decide which company to choose and the price is negotiated by them. It's just that time is too tight. There was no bidding. Whether it was too expensive or the details were not clear, what does it have to do with you?"

"I applied for the purchase, and we used it after the purchase. How could it have nothing to do with me if I didn't ask for the details clearly."

"I've bought everything. How can I return it? Don't think too much."

"In those few days, I was busy preparing for the meeting, but I didn't think comprehensively. Not only did I not consider whether a license was needed, but I also didn't consider such a large volume, where to put it when not in use, and how to pull it out when needed."

Zhang Yuhang rubbed his temples and sighed.

This incident made him very anxious, and Han Xin once again lamented that it was not easy to be a leader.

Lan Doudou realized that it was useless to persuade him, so he simply reported to work.

"Team Zhang, I have made arrangements to go to Shuguang Community for surprise testing tomorrow. Two tests will be done in the morning and two in the afternoon. The times will be staggered so that they will not meet."

"Have you notified the drug addicts?"

"Notice has been given, and the time has been arranged. Xiao Liu from Linghai Street said that they were full of complaints, saying that they had just been tested years ago, so why did they need to be tested again? They also said that they had to work during the day and it was difficult to take leave."

"Then will they go to the community on time tomorrow to get tested?"

"They all agreed and would definitely go, they just complained a little bit."

Zhang Yuhang held up the tea cup and muttered: "They have a history of drug abuse. It is not easy for them to find a job. Should we be more humane? Working overtime at noon or working overtime at night will not affect their normal work."

Lan Doudou was stunned: "Okay, I... I'll ask Xiao Liu to call them again and make another appointment with them."

"The police station has many things to do and is under great pressure, so it can only cut through the mess quickly. We are different. We are professional anti-drug officers. We must not only do a good job, but also show care as much as possible."

"I know, I'll pay attention."

Anti-narcotics is not just about drug control.

Han Xin suddenly discovered that her immediate boss was not as unbearable as his colleagues in the fraternal unit thought. In fact, he was a very competent anti-drug policeman. However, the nature of his work meant that he usually had to attend various meetings and conduct endless inspections.

The same is true for the instructors. If the anti-drug publicity and education organization had not been carried out in depth enough, the anti-drug situation in Linghai would never be as good as it is now.

To use the simplest analogy, if a person is suspected of stealing or gambling, his family may only advise him, but will not persuade him to surrender, let alone report it.

But if a relative takes drugs, even their own son, they will report it without hesitation.

The two new drug addicts last year were discovered by their families to be addicted to drugs after returning from other places, and their families took the initiative to report to the police station.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the good social atmosphere in my hometown.

Just when he was lamenting that he, a professional in anti-narcotics, had no use in his hometown, it was really not a bad thing, when the cell phone of his immediate boss suddenly rang.

"I'm Zhang Yuhang, right? I really don't know much about this. How could I have any ideas... As long as it's good for work, fine, fine, let them come over. I'm at work right now. Okay, bye."

"Captain Zhang, who is it?" Lan Doudou asked in a low voice.

"Director, who else can there be?"

"What did the Board of Directors say?"

Zhang Yuhang was not in a hurry to answer her question, but looked at the "big toy" placed on the conference table and smiled: "It turns out that this thing is multi-purpose. With the anti-drug scanning, identification and early warning software, it is an anti-drug investigation unmanned aerial vehicle." machine.

Paired with software that can recognize vehicle license plates, it is a traffic control drone. With facial recognition software, aerial inspections can be carried out. "

Lan Doudou asked: "What does the Board of Directors mean?"

"Spend some more money and buy two more sets of software, one machine for three uses. It will be handed over to the special patrol brigade. We also plan to arrange two or three people to form a drone special service unit to operate this thing. Whichever unit needs to use it in the future, just Call the SWAT team.”

"It's better to give it to them, it will save trouble."

"But this way, Xiao Han won't have to play anymore."

In fact, Han Xin felt that it was not so fun the moment she heard that a certificate was required. She couldn't help laughing and said: "It doesn't matter, can't we call it? I can play with them."

Zhang Yuhang nodded, but after thinking about it he smiled bitterly and said: "Leaving it to the special patrol brigade will save us trouble, but this set of equipment was purchased with anti-drug funds, and it was originally used for anti-drugs..."

After struggling for a long time, Han Xin understood his mood and quickly advised:

"Team Zhang, this set of equipment actually won't play a big role here. Besides, we can still conduct inspections when we need to, and it won't affect our work."

"That's all I can think of...wait, let me answer the phone first."

Zhang Yuhang raised his phone again and started chatting with the other party. He sounded like the leader of some police station.

People from the Special Patrol Group came immediately to pull the drone.

Han Xin didn't have time to play anymore, and actually didn't want to play anymore. Seeing that it was already time to get off work, she stood up and was about to go back when Zhang Yuhang suddenly said: "Xiao Han, don't leave in a hurry."

"Captain Zhang, what's going on?"

"There is a drug addict from Donghai who came to our Linghai and stayed at the Haotai Express Hotel on Zhongba South Road. The Chengnan Police Station has arranged for police to go there. Yang Qianli is worried that their people are not professional enough, so he would like to ask you to come and take a look. .”

Lan Doudou was afraid that he didn't recognize him, so she raised her head and said, "He is the deputy director of Chengnan Police Station."

Han Xin was worried that she had nothing to do, so she asked with a smile: "Then should I go to the police station or the hotel?"

This was the first time that the police station took the initiative to find the Fourth Squadron.

Not to mention how happy Zhang Yuhang was, he smiled and said: "Of course we go to the police station. You will know after dealing with Yang Qianli a few times. When encountering this kind of situation, he always takes the person back to the police station regardless of the circumstances. Let’s talk later.”

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

"Look carefully. If that kid has any questions, call me as soon as possible."


The public security system is a place that values ​​strength.

As long as you have real skills, you can win the respect of your colleagues regardless of whether you are a leader or not.

For example, Xu Guangrong, an old detective who retired early, was good at finding clues from clues and was particularly good at solving cases. Whenever major or difficult cases occurred in those years, he was the first person who came to mind from the director to the police handling the case.

However, with the rapid development of science and technology, especially information technology, and the continuous investment of funds by superiors, "super detectives" like Xu Guangrong have become a thing of the past.

Those difficult and difficult cases that made people crazy in the past can now be revealed by adjusting surveillance.

Coupled with the widespread application of new technologies such as big data, DNA, and facial recognition, it can be said that as long as the funds for case handling are guaranteed, there is no case that the Chengnan Police Station Security Squadron cannot handle.

In fact, this is the reason why Yang Qianli dares to challenge the criminal police brigade, and it is also the reason why the criminal police brigade is not doing well every year.

However, with the "sensation" caused by the 2.12 case within the branch, or specifically with the big joke made by Li Duwang, the instructor of the Chengdong Police Station, the "detective" who had disappeared for many years reappeared, but the rising " "The New Detective" specializes in anti-narcotics.

There is no need to look for him for other matters, but as long as drugs are involved, it will definitely not go wrong to look for him.

Yang Qianli looked at Han Xin who was going upstairs on the surveillance camera and whispered: "Lao Wang, tell Sister Jiang and ask her to prepare food for one more person. I don't know what time it will be served later."

Wang Zongyi took out his cell phone: "Okay, I'll call Sister Jiang right now."

Han Xin took the familiar route to the second floor and walked into the high-end police network integrated big data command center.

Just as he was about to salute and say hello, Yang Qianli greeted him warmly: "Xiao Han, you came very quickly. Come on, sit down and have a sip of tea first."

"Yang Suo, I won't drink tea anymore. Where is the drug addict?"

"Bring it to you immediately. It's rush hour right now and the road is a bit congested."

"Where are you going to test?"

"The inquiry room downstairs is all ready, using the new test kits you just issued."

Yang Qianli signaled the auxiliary police officer on duty to switch the monitoring signal downstairs to the large screen. He sat down and clicked the mouse, pointing at the computer screen:

"This is the basic situation of the boy. Fang Jun, 28 years old, was punished for smoking K powder. He has been detoxifying in the community for three years and is now a community rehabilitation worker. According to the information, he has not relapsed in five years. But is drug addiction so easy to break?”

Han Xin sat down and said: "If you persist for five years without relapsing, it can only be regarded as temporary withdrawal, not quitting. I have seen people who persisted for twelve years without relapsing, but in the end they couldn't help but started smoking again. of."

"So you must help me take a good look at it later."

Yang Qianli paused, then smiled and said: "Xiao Han, ours is the Chengnan Police Station, not the Chengdong Police Station, and I, Yang Qianli, am not Li Duwang. We asked you to help as soon as we found clues, unlike Li Duwang. Du Wang, why don’t you take the initiative to help him?”

"Yang Suo, you can't make this joke. If it reaches the ears of Li Jiao, I will never dare to go to the Chengdong Police Station again."

"Does this matter need to be spread? Who doesn't know about it now, hahahaha."

"Who said that?"

"The traffic police brigade seems to have spread from the traffic police brigade."

Yang Qianli really found it funny. After laughing, he patted Han Xin's arm and said, "He himself can't see Taishan, so I can't blame you. Besides, the Chengdong Police Station is so far away, why would you go to them if you have nothing to do?"

We are neighbors. We should move around more in the future. If there are any clues or cases, we will work on them together! "

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