Veteran new police officer

Chapter 533 The first shot is fired

As night fell, a car slowly parked at an entrance next to the park.

A middle-aged man opened the door and got out of the car, looked around, and then took out his mobile phone.

At this time, a woman in her thirties with extraordinary temperament ran out from inside and welcomed the man in with great enthusiasm.

Zhao Hailin was wearing a takeout jacket and a yellow helmet. He could see clearly while riding an electric scooter. He took a few photos calmly and then sent them to "Boss Han."

Today is Friday. For the Discipline Inspection Commission, which is closely focused on issues such as eating and drinking with public funds and illegally accepting banquets from management service recipients, Friday night is a critical time because there are many kinds of dinners and gatherings.

Because there is a big operation at night and the squadron has relatively few personnel, Wang Xiaohui, who is also the squadron's first political instructor, is responsible for keeping an eye on one point. Naturally, Han Xin cannot sit in a tall office and command remotely, but also has to be responsible for two of them. checkpoint.

The subordinates only need to keep an eye on them and sneak into their respective responsible areas later to confirm whether there are any targets to be inspected by the Discipline Inspection Commission.

As the "boss", he not only wanted to keep an eye on the car, but also found an excuse to go in and walk around later. He even had to go online to check whether the cars in the parking lot at all checkpoints and the cars taking guests to dinner were official vehicles.

He was extremely busy when Wang Xiaohui's voice came from his earphones: "Xiao Han Xiao Han, I took photos of four cars here. The photos have just been sent to you. Please help me check the license plate number."

"Don't worry, we're checking."

"Hurry up, my superiors are waiting for my report."


At the same time, Liu Beibei was carrying a small bag, holding up her mobile phone and pretending to answer the call, while walking into a private restaurant with a small appearance but a unique courtyard.

There are small bridges and flowing water, decorated like a garden.

Antique and traditional Chinese style.

"Beauty, which box are you in?"

"I know. I'm inside. Answer the phone first."

"Oh, okay." The waiter smiled slightly, stepped aside politely, and went to the box he was responsible for to continue serving.

Liu Beibei looked back and continued to pretend to be on the phone by saying "Oh", "I know" and "Okay", but he did not stop walking, but walked very slowly, raised his ears and concentrated on listening to the box next to him. The movement inside.

China is a humane society, and gatherings and banquets are not just about eating, but mainly about communication.

There was lively chatting and laughter in almost every box, and there were a few boxes where the guests were not all present and they were playing cards. Whenever they spoke, they were addressed, and you could tell whether there were public officials among them.

She turned around and gained a lot.

But he didn't just go out. Instead, he asked a waiter where the restroom was, washed his hands, put on makeup, and listened to several ladies who also went to the restroom chat for a while. Then he excused himself and went out to "pick someone up." ", calmly walked out of this private restaurant and got into the sports car parked on the roadside.

"Boss, I have at least three private rooms that need to be inspected."

"Box number!"

"V666, V888 and V999, 888 has a guest who actually knows the guest of 999. They are visiting and said they would go over for a toast later."

"I know, just keep an eye on it."

The drama was about to begin. Liu Beibei was extremely excited and said with a smile: "Boss, this restaurant is good. I took a few glances just now. The food here is really unique and the environment is good. If we have time someday, we can Come and have a try?”

Han Xin couldn't help laughing and asked: "Are you treating me?"

"It's just my treat. It's just a meal. If it's such a big deal, I'm afraid you won't appreciate it."

"I'm your superior, and I can't accept treats from management clients."

"It's not even allowed for family gatherings? Call Jiang Yue then. Besides, my treat is not public money!"

"You don't even have a boyfriend, and you still have a family gathering! Stop talking nonsense, I have to quickly summarize the situation."

"Okay, let's get down to business first."

Judging from the current situation, the Discipline Inspection Commission will definitely not miss out tonight. Many people will be unlucky today.

Isn’t it just about eating? I don’t have anything to eat anywhere, so is it interesting to always attend these dinner parties?

Han Xin sighed secretly, put down her notebook, picked up her phone, and opened the group chat: "Xie Meng, Xie Meng, how are you doing there?"

"Boss, everything is going well here. I just confirmed that a box has an inspection target."

"Quickly move the battlefield and go to checkpoint B2."

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

"Xinghe, where are you now?"

"Boss, I just arrived at the A6 checkpoint!"

"Hurry up and touch it, move quickly."


Including Han Xin, there are nine people in the special service squadron, responsible for 22 checkpoints.

Wang Xiaohui and her new colleague Jiang Limin only need to be responsible for two points and do not need to transfer within the specified time. They only need to confirm whether there are official vehicles at the checkpoints they are responsible for and find out whether there are public officials eating there.

This task is not difficult, just find an excuse to sneak in and take a look around.

Seeing that it was almost 7:20, Wang Xiaohui was a little anxious after waiting. She dialed Han Xin's mobile phone again and asked eagerly: "Xiao Han, the superior is waiting for news. When can we take action?"

Han Xin just came out of the checkpoint she was responsible for. She put down her phone and checked the time. She opened the car door and said, "You can take action now. I'll send you the situation I just summarized."

"Okay, hurry up!"

At 7:48, two private cars, a police car and an off-road vehicle slowly drove into the parking lot where Liu Beibei was.

Director Hu of the Party Style and Political Style Supervision Office was in charge of this group. He turned back as soon as he got off the car and said: "Comrades, act according to the plan."


I had seen the floor plan of the hotel before departure and knew where the main entrance was, the locations of the dozen private rooms, the location of the bathroom, where the kitchen was, and where the back door was.

Following Director Hu's order, more than a dozen members of the joint inspection team acted separately, and some were even responsible for taking photos and videos.

"Hello, who are you..."

"The Discipline Inspection Commission, the Public Security Bureau and the Market Supervision Bureau are jointly operating. Please give way." With nothing to say to a waiter, a cadre of the Discipline Inspection Commission took out his ID and went straight to the bar.

The wife of the boss had never been inspected by the Discipline Inspection Commission before. As soon as she stood up, the cadre of the Discipline Inspection Commission held up her ID and said, "You are the wife of the boss. We need to check the recent machine-printed invoice records and meal reservation records in your store."

"Discipline Inspection Commission...what are you inspecting? I am not a cadre, and we are not under the control of your Discipline Inspection Commission..."

"The Discipline Inspection Commission can't control you, does our Market Supervision Bureau have the right to control you?" A cadre walked into the bar and pointed to the accompanying police: "Look clearly, this is a joint inspection by the Discipline Inspection Commission, the Market Supervision Bureau and the public security, please cooperate! "

"Check carefully, especially the invoicing records and ordering records, and don't miss any clues!"

Director Hu said something, pushed open the door and walked into the box closest to the bar with two staff members.

At this time, a man in his fifties who had just finished using the restroom and was about to return to his private room found so many people in the hall. Hearing those people say that they were inspected by the Discipline Inspection Commission, he did not dare to return to his private room and wanted to take advantage of the chaos to go downstairs.

As a result, before he reached the stairs, a disciplinary inspection cadre stopped him: "Sir, please stay."

"What's up?"

"I am from the Second Supervision and Inspection Office of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Here is my ID. We need to ask you a few questions. Please answer them truthfully."

"What's the problem?" the man asked anxiously.

"What box number did you eat in?"

"Two...two hundred and eight."

"What's your last name, what's your name?"

The cadres of the Discipline Inspection Commission opened the folder and took notes while asking questions.

The man broke out in a sweat, hesitated for a moment, then said bravely: "Zhu Qianqian."

"Are you a public official?"


"Speak. If you don't say anything, I'll ask the police comrades to interrogate you."


"Which unit are you from?"

I couldn't get out of the front door, and the back door seemed to be blocked, and someone was even checking the account at the bar!

Zhu Xiangqian realized that he couldn't escape today, so he could only hang his head and said nervously: "Chonggang District Education, Culture and Sports Bureau."

The information is very accurate. There is indeed something wrong with Box 208!

The cadres of the Discipline Inspection Commission asked while the iron was hot: "What position?"

Zhu Xiangqian had no choice but to answer truthfully.

First, check why you ate, second, who you ate with, third, who organized the meal, and fourth, what you ate and drank!

Everything was taken care of, every detail was asked clearly, and the records were recorded in detail. I even took out the menu and took pictures.

However, this has nothing to do with the special service squadron. From the moment the joint inspection team entered the restaurant, the team members responsible for surveillance quietly closed the team as planned.

Although the inspection is still in progress, judging from the news received from the front, tonight's harvest is great!

The team members worked hard and achieved great results. Wang Xiaohui really showed her face this time and treated her generously.

Considering that it is inconvenient to eat and talk outside, I simply ordered takeout in the office of Kerui Consulting Company. As soon as the order was ordered here, Gong Zhiyong and Huang Dong, who were farthest from the company, also came back one after another.

"Limin, help clear the table!"

Wang Xiaohui asked the young men to sit down and said with a smile: "Beibei, Mengmeng, you two sit next to me, we will sit here."

"Thank you Wangzhi."

"Beibei is the instructor, and I am the instructor in name only."

Wang Xiaohui sat Xie Mengla next to her, unscrewed the cap of the large bottle of juice, and while pouring drinks for everyone, she said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work this time. If you hadn't kept an eye on us for a whole week, tonight's inspection would definitely be done." It won’t be that successful.”

Catching cadres is so exciting!

Geng Wanyu asked happily: "Wang Zhi, how many cadres were inspected tonight?"

Keep secrets from others, but don’t keep secrets from them.

Wang Xiaohui sat down and said: "As of five minutes ago, twenty-one have been inspected, among which... two of them are public officials with relatively high levels. Anyway, tonight, there will be no arrests in Chonggang District, Development Zone and Changzhou District. The young cadres can’t sleep.”

"Where's the bus?"

"Four vehicles were seized at the scene, and another seven were identified from the photos you took."

Liu Beibei snickered and asked, "Sister Wang, have you found anyone from the police?"

Wang Xiaohui didn't expect that she would ask this. She subconsciously glanced at Han Xin sitting opposite, and said with a half-smile: "It seems... I seem to have found two."

Liu Beibei asked: "Do you know which unit it is from?"

"I don't know. People are checking it, so I can't ask more questions."

Han Xin saw Wang Xiaohui's new colleague peeking at Liu Beibei, and was wondering if the top student named Jiang was really interested in Liu Beibei, when her cell phone suddenly rang.

"Excuse me, I'll go next door to take a call."

"Go ahead, the takeaway is almost here downstairs. Come over as soon as you finish picking it up."


Han Xin opened the door and walked into the boss's office. As soon as she turned on the call button, she heard Director Ma laughing on the other end of the phone: "Xiao Han, the first shot of your squadron has been fired. Secretary Yu didn't know that you were helping him at first. You guys, after listening to Secretary Guan’s introduction, I still praised you, even my face felt bright!”

"Director Ma, did you also participate in the night's operation?"

"I didn't participate, I was at work, but several comrades from our interrogation room participated."

Han Xin thought about it and asked, "Both Secretary Yu and Secretary Guan are here?"

Director Ma looked back at the conference room and whispered: "Joining the Market Supervision Bureau and your Public Security Bureau for a surprise inspection, we mobilized so many people and formed more than twenty inspection teams. The team was led by either members of the Supervision Committee or various departments. Office Director, for such a big operation, of course Secretary Yu and Secretary Guan must be in charge of the unit!"

This is not a big operation, it is far worse than the police's large-scale investigation.

Han Xin was feeling that Comrade Ma was a little strange, so Ma Mingyuan smiled and said, "Secretary Guan just called Director Hu from the Party Style and Political Style Office and asked him to come to express condolences to you after he is done."

"There's no need to go to such trouble. Besides, Wang Xiaohui is offering condolences. She treated us to a late-night snack and ordered a lot of takeaways."

"Don't be stupid. If Director Hu doesn't go, how can you ask for hard work fees from him?"

Ma Mingyuan asked a question, and then changed the subject: "Secretary Yu has just issued important instructions to their party style and political style office, requiring inspections like tonight to be normalized. In other words, in the future, as long as you find public officials accepting invitations to eat, You can call Wang Xiaohui, and then the Party Style and Government Style Office will organize people or join forces with the district discipline inspection commissions to conduct an inspection."

What I really want to cultivate is the special ability to perform close-in tasks at critical moments, not the special agents who help you listen to the wall.

If I go to help you listen to the wall every night, I don't have to do real work?

Han Xin found it a bit funny, but she still agreed: "Our squadron is here to serve you. As long as we can help us with overtime pay, these are not problems."

"Tell Director Hu later that this is nothing to him, not to mention that both Secretary Yu and Secretary Guan have spoken."

"Okay, if Director Hu doesn't help, I will come find you then."

"Why are you looking for me? You are assisting them in checking disciplinary violations, and you are not assisting us in investigating violations. Even if you look for me, it will be useless."

While joking with Comrade Lao Ma, Wang Xiaohui knocked on the door outside, saying that the takeout had been delivered, and called him over to eat.

Han Xin hung up the phone and walked into the "temporary restaurant". Seeing Liu Beibei and others in high spirits, she did not rush to sit down to eat. Instead, she coughed dryly, looked around them and asked, "You are so happy, do you think so?" A unique sense of accomplishment?”


"Don't forget what we do. It's just a few nights of staring at restaurants. It's really nothing! If we are at this level, if we are complacent just because of this achievement, then our squadron is not far away from being disbanded."

The guy was just happy, but he actually threw cold water on me!

Wang Xiaohui raised her head and asked: "Han Xin, what's wrong with you? Why are you ruining everyone's fun?"

Han Xin took a deep breath and said very seriously: "I'm not trying to dampen everyone's interest, but I just want to remind everyone that everything I did in the past few nights, including tonight, has no technical content or any challenge.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as given the opportunity, any police auxiliary police officer in any police station, even the toll manager of the parking lot and the cleaning lady can complete such a task. If we are at this level, what else would we call a special service squadron? "

When you think about it, staring at restaurants isn't that challenging.

Liu Beibei muttered: "We know that we also want to do some challenging business, but you arranged it for us!"

"Yes, boss. Apart from helping Sister Wang look after restaurants at night these days, you just let us go shopping, and you didn't let us do anything else."

"It's not that I have nothing for you to do, it's that you don't have the ability yet!"

"Boss, what do you mean?"

If you don't beat them, their tails will be raised to the sky!

Han Xin weighed it up, sat down and said with a smile: "Starting from tomorrow, learn how to recognize people and how to listen to voices. Mr. Liu, contact Xu Haibin at the Intelligence Command Center early tomorrow morning and ask him to compile a list of fugitives who are wanted in the near future.

Then organize everyone to look at it carefully, not only to firmly remember the appearance of the wanted criminals, but also to construct their physical characteristics in their minds. In the words of our company, we must help him build a model! "

Catching wanted criminals is more challenging than targeting restaurants.

Liu Beibei asked subconsciously: "What about listening to the sound?"

Han Xin picked up the chopsticks and greeted them to eat, while saying slowly: "In our line of work, we must have eyes and ears to listen to all directions. And everyone's voice, like their appearance and even their fingerprints, has their own identity." Feature points and recognition.

For example, if we find someone suspicious, we must first see his physical features, remember his voice, and create a voice sample in our mind based on the characteristics of his voice. In this way, even if we turn our backs to the suspect, we can still hear what he is saying through our ears. "

Cao Xinghe raised his head and said, "Boss, isn't it difficult to remember the voice?"

Han Xin shook his head slightly: "Remembering sounds, especially recognizing sounds, is not as simple as you think, because sounds will be disturbed. Especially in crowded places such as stations, hospitals, mahjong parlors, etc., you want to remember a person Human voices, and in such a noisy environment, it is not easy to hear where the suspect is and what he is saying."

Liu Beibei and others felt a little mysterious.

Jiang Limin, who had not had much dealings with the police before, also felt it was a bit exaggerated.

Han Xin simply took out her mobile phone, found a video of an operator of a certain air force communications station participating in a voice recognition program, and clicked on it for them to watch.

You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

Everyone, including Wang Xiaohui, couldn't believe that the air force girl could actually hear the couplets read at the same time by more than twenty girls majoring in broadcasting from the School of Communication who had received professional training and whose voices all sounded the same. Who are the three people reading the poem?

Seeing them looking at each other, Han Xin put down her phone and said meaningfully: "See, listening to sounds is not as simple as you think. What's more, we not only have to learn and practice how to recognize sounds, but we also have to learn to look at photos. Take photos to identify people, and even learn how to use your nose to identify smells.”

Liu Beibei chuckled and said: "Boss, we are not police dogs!"

If the recognition of people and voices before was bragging, then the smell of Han Keng was really not bragging.

As a former public security police officer who worked in Linghai Branch, Wang Xiaohui had the right to speak. She turned around and said, "Beibei, your boss is not kidding. He can not only see if anyone has taken drugs, but he can actually smell it."

Beating things like this is done only once, as it will affect morale.

Han Xin raised her drink: "So you have no right to be arrogant and complacent. There are still many things to learn. But there is no rush to learn for a while. Let's raise the cup first and toast to Sister Wang and you Brother Jiang. If it weren't for Sister Wang and you Jiang Brother’s treat, we have to go home and cook for ourselves.”

"We should be the ones thanking you, come on, come on, touch us."

As soon as Wang Xiaohui finished speaking, Jiang Limin said quickly: "Yes, yes, I should thank you all. We need your support for our future work."

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