Veteran new police officer

Chapter 540 On the right track

In November, every time it rains, the temperature will drop.

It was drizzling outside, adding a bit of chill to the already cold weather.

Cheng Wenming helped the bureau leaders come to the city hall for a meeting. He really didn't want to go back to the police training center, so he asked the driver to stop in Zhongnan City. He took the elevator alone to Kerui Consulting on the 21st floor under the pretext of shopping.

Han Xin didn't expect that he would come here in the rain. Just as she was about to invite him to come in and sit down, she saw him holding up his mobile phone and saying impatiently: "You go back first, I will take a taxi home later. If anything happens, that's it." ”

"Is the car down there?" Han Xin asked subconsciously.

Cheng Wenming put down his cell phone, limped in and said, "Send it away."

Han Xin quickly helped him sit on the boss's chair, walked back and closed the door. She turned around and asked with a smile: "Cheng Zhi, why are you free today?"

"I helped the bureau leaders go to the meeting opposite." Cheng Wenming rubbed his legs and said painfully: "Whenever it's windy or rainy, my legs hurt terribly. After a long meeting, I didn't know what the city leaders said. , I’ll call Lao Yu from the Justice Bureau later to see if he has taken any notes.”

"My leg hurts. If you don't take a good rest at home, why are you helping the bureau leader to hold a meeting?"

"I promised Zhang Yuhang the day before yesterday. Who knew it would be windy and rainy today? It's my fault. You should have checked the weather forecast first."

The pain in your legs must be from the cold!

Han Xin quickly walked to the door and turned on the air conditioner.

Cheng Wenming didn't want Han Xin to feel like a cripple, so he stopped rubbing his legs, touched the mouse, looked at several computer monitors and asked: "It's raining outside today, how did you arrange it?"

Han Xin took a pot of water, pressed the on/off button to put it on, raised her head and said with a smile: "Liu Beibei and Zhao Hailin are helping Tang Zhi. I don't know what they are busy with. Geng Wanyu, Xie Meng and Huang Dong are here Looking for a job, Gong Zhiyong met an acquaintance last night and kept an eye on him until two o'clock in the morning before going home.

Cao Xinghe got up early today and went to the vegetable wholesale market at three o'clock in the morning. He stayed there until five o'clock to have breakfast. After eating for more than forty minutes, he went to attend a class with a few old men and ladies who got up earlier. I heard that I didn’t come back until nine o’clock, so I was catching up on my sleep next door. "

Cheng Wenming knew about the opening of the Special Situation Squadron.

However, in his opinion, this is similar to "fried rice" and cannot be regarded as a real opening.

Compared with Liu Beibei and Zhao Hailin who were assisting the joint task force in handling the case, he cared more about other team members. He took out his cigarette and asked curiously: "What kind of jobs are Xiao Geng and Xiao Xie looking for?"

Han Xin took out tea leaves from under the coffee table, raised her head and asked, "Cheng Zhi, do you know how many leather goods companies there are in these tall office buildings?"

"I know, you, Corey Consulting, are one of them."

"Although we do not engage in consulting business, we will not lie to people."

Han Xin picked up the clip, put some tea leaves into the cup, and said bitterly: "The so-called technology companies commit fraud in the name of helping with loans or handling high-value credit cards; the so-called asset management companies illegally build investments privately. The platform deals in futures such as crude oil, copper cables, and silver panda coins, and it also claims to make money quickly, have high returns, and have low risks!”

Cheng Wenming nodded slightly, held up a cigarette and asked, "Are there any in this building?"

"I don't know if you are right now, but I had a chat with the cleaning lady at noon yesterday. She said that there used to be several online lenders in this building. Several floors were often changed, and they were moved from one floor to another. Among them There was a company where the police didn’t come several times a year, and she found it strange.”

Han Xin took a deep breath and continued: "There is no office building they can't afford to rent, no employees they can't recruit, and no customers they can't deceive!

It used to be in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and second-tier provincial capital cities, but now it has even sunk to third- and fourth-tier cities like Binjiang. It is no exaggeration to say that there are several such scam companies in every office building in China. "

As a veteran criminal police officer, Cheng Wenming not only did not think that he was alarmist, he even felt that the existence of such a phenomenon was simply a shame for the public security organs.

For example, those online loan companies that Han Xin mentioned just now actually opened their company in the center of the most prosperous new city, right opposite the municipal party committee and government!

But such a scam company has actually allowed them to exist for such a long time. It seems that the public security organs will not intervene until the capital chain is broken. Although there are objective reasons such as lagging laws and regulations, it is still very depressing to think about it.

He was silent for a moment and said meaningfully: "Xiao Han, since you are working in this building, you must sweep away the snow in front of the door and find out the details of the companies in this building first."

"We are touching. Not only do we have to sweep the snow in front of our own door, but we also have to sweep the frost off other people's tiles."

"Does the Anti-Electronic Fraud Center know?"

"You know, they're very supportive."

"That's good."

Cheng Wenming nodded with satisfaction, then thought about it and asked, "Who did Gong Zhiyong meet last night?"

Han Xin made tea, walked to him and gently put down the teacup, took the mouse and clicked, calling up a few photos: "Meeted two young ladies he met when he was working as a security guard at a bathing center, and there were various signs that they Still prostitution.”

"Have you contacted the Chonggang branch?"

"Not yet, because this kind of thing needs to be caught, and what we want to find is not the two of them, but the big client who organized their prostitution."

"What's going on over there with Cao Xinghe?"

"As long as there are people, there are rivers and lakes. As long as there is a vegetable wholesale market, there may be a 'vegetable tyrant'. His main task in the next period of time is to keep an eye on several wholesale markets and logistics parks. As for going to a breakfast shop for breakfast, that's it. very necessary."

"What's the meaning?"

"Cheng Zhi, you are asking knowingly."

People who wake up so early to have breakfast are either very hardworking and industrious, or they may have problems.

For example, people who gamble together like to stay up late. After playing all night, when they feel hungry, they go to eat something first and then go back to rest.

In short, you can hear and see many things in that environment that you cannot hear or see during the day.

Cheng Wenming smiled, holding the tea cup and asked: "Then what class is he going to attend with the old man and the old lady?"

"The health care class is organized by a few big scammers who sell health care products. They take advantage of the old people's desire to get a small advantage and hand out eggs as long as they attend the class. It's an old routine. I didn't expect it to still exist now."

"How to deal with it?"

"I took a few photos and sent them to the Chonggang branch. The branch arranged for the police station police to go to the scene. They were suspected of falsely promoting and selling three-no products. The police station had no authority to take charge. They could only take the certificate for violating epidemic prevention and control regulations. , bring those big scammers to the agency, and then they may be handed over to the Market Supervision Bureau.”

It is true that the early bird catches the worm.

How could we have discovered these situations if we didn't work early in the morning and work hard until late in the morning, and really go deep into the grassroots and even the lowest level of society?

But then again, as an auxiliary police officer, the salary of auxiliary police officers in other units is not high, so it is impossible to ask them to do more.

And when it comes to issues related to the nature of work and team management, the auxiliary police in other units have their own division of labor, and their management cannot be as relaxed as that of the Special Situation Squadron.

Because of this, even though the Special Situation Squadron has not really opened, Cheng Wenming still felt that the existence of this squadron was necessary. He took a sip of water and asked with a smile: "What is Huo Jianwei busy with?"

He really cares about the Special Situation Squadron, otherwise he wouldn't be able to clearly remember the names of every team member.

Han Xin admired her from the bottom of her heart and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Every line is like a mountain. This is not true at all. I thought about things too simply before, thinking that his family ran a boat and he was on the boat. Growing up, I thought he could use this advantage to collect clues about smuggling.

Later I learned that his ship was an inland river vessel that transported in the Yangtze River and inland rivers. It would not, could not, and was not allowed to go out to sea. Smuggling mainly occurred at the estuary and at sea, so it was a bit difficult for him to collect intelligence clues related to smuggling. . "

"Hahaha, that's interesting."

"Are you kidding me? I have stayed in Nanyun for so many years and I don't know much about the situation in my hometown. I have never been exposed to shipping before. I don't know that this is normal."

Han Xin paused and continued: "So we adjusted his division of labor and made him responsible for running the construction site, mainly paying attention to earthwork and slag transportation and other projects that may involve gangs."

Each team member has something to do and has a clear direction of investigation. They are not wandering around without purpose. It can be seen that the Special Situation Squadron is gradually getting on the right track.

Cheng Wenming was very satisfied with the work of the squadron. Thinking of a document he saw yesterday, he put down his tea cup and asked with a half-smile: "Where is the Discipline Inspection Commission? Have you assisted the Discipline Inspection Commission in its work?"

"Cheng Zhi, you want me to make a mistake!"

"You can't just pretend I didn't ask."

Han Xin smiled and asked: "Cheng Zhi, did you hear anything?"

"No, just...just saw a notice."

Cheng Wenming took out his mobile phone, rummaged for a while, clicked on the document he received yesterday, and read meaningfully: "Notice on Further Reaffirming Discipline Requirements and Resolutely Addressing Violating Eating and Drinking Issues"... Targetedly exceeding standards , Reception beyond the scope, using public funds to pay for private meals, passing on reception costs to subordinate units and other units, enterprises, and individuals, accepting meals from management and service objects, entering and exiting private clubs or organizations, and participating in "one-table meals". Such issues should be taken as the focus of rectification!”

"What does this have to do with us?" Han Xin continued to act stupid.

"You are still a public official, so it has nothing to do with you."

Cheng Wenming put down his mobile phone, looked at him with a smile and said: "I heard that the Discipline Inspection Commission conducted a surprise inspection some time ago. The Joint Market Supervision Bureau and our Public Security Bureau caught a lot of people eating and drinking in violation of regulations. They opened four cases and gave party disciplinary sanctions to seven people. , and three people were exposed.”

Han Xin smiled and said, "Really?"

Cheng Wenming was almost certain that the Special Situation Squadron was involved in the Discipline Inspection Commission's actions. He rubbed his legs and said with a smile: "Catch them when they need to be arrested, and deal with them when they need to be dealt with. Since it's a violation of discipline, there's nothing to say. What I'm surprised about is when did the Discipline Inspection Commission become so powerful? He was so accurate at catching one, it is said that none of the dozens of hotels, restaurants and clubs that were raided that night failed."

Han Xin laughed and said: "This is a good thing. Only in this way can we improve the party's work style and clean government."

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