Veteran new police officer

Chapter 550 Don’t miss the opportunity

It was late at night. Under Jiang Limin's remote command, Geng Wanyu assisted the party style and political style room to patrol for several hours. Instead of rushing home, he rushed to the Internet cafe to continue playing games.

I used to find games fun when I was studying, but I would feel uncomfortable if I didn't play them for a day.

Now that you can play games with "public funds", it doesn't feel interesting anymore.

The main reason why they rushed back to continue playing was that the first group of Liu Beibei and Zhao Hailin had already started, while the second group of him and Xie Meng had not achieved any decent results so far.

After much deliberation, the Internet cafe’s boss Yao is really suspicious!

But it's useless to just know that something is suspicious. Even if you can't collect conclusive evidence, you still need to collect some clues that can open up a breakthrough.

He took out the membership card he had applied for a few days ago and swiped it, turned on a computer and played for a while when Xie Meng called to "check up" and asked if he was home.

There needs to be a tacit understanding between partners, and Boss Han requires that they always know each other's movements.

Geng Wanyu looked up at the young people who were surfing the Internet opposite, took off his headphones and whispered: "I'm not going back, I'm surfing the Internet in the Internet cafe."

Xie Meng subconsciously asked: "It's already off work, why are you still surfing the Internet?"

"Come here to play for a while, there's nothing to do when you go back."

"Does Boss Han know?"

"I come to the Internet cafe to play in my spare time, so there's no need to tell him."

Xie Meng knew that he didn't really like playing games, but was a little eager for success, so he whispered: "But he still has to go to work tomorrow."

Geng Wanyu looked around and said with a smile: "We worked overtime tonight, and Mr. Liu asked us to go to the company at 10:30 tomorrow."

Xie Meng knew that even though he was short and thin, he was actually a man of his own opinions. He weighed it up and said, "Then you go home early and rest. Remember to call me if you need anything."

"I know, I'll just play for a while."

Geng Wanyu felt very happy to be assigned to a group with Xie Meng, with men and women matching each other, so they were not tired from work. In fact, Gong Zhiyong, Cao Xinghe, and Huang Dong were much envied.

But now they are just partners. If he wants to take this relationship further, he must impress others. Just as he was thinking about how to open a breakthrough, Boss Yao walked in with his bag under his arm.

"Boss, why are you back?" The network manager hurriedly stood up.

Yao Yanjun walked straight to the warehouse where old hosts, old monitors and some computer accessories were piled up, and said without looking back: "You go about your business, I'll find something."

"Boss, let me find it for you."

"No, leave me alone."

What is the man named Yao doing here so late? He smells like he has been drunk.

Geng Wanyu calmly stood up and walked out of the Internet cafe, took out a cigarette and lit one, pretending to smoke and observe how Boss Yao came over.

Unexpectedly, I found out that the person named Yao actually drove here. Daben was parked at the door, and there should be no one else in the car.

Driving without drinking, drinking without driving.

Driving here late at night must be something important!

How could Geng Wanyu miss this opportunity? He immediately threw away the cigarette butts and returned to the Internet cafe. Seeing that the door of the warehouse seemed to be locked, he pretended to relieve himself and walked gently into the bathroom next to the warehouse.

To ensure that his identity would not be exposed, he also locked the bathroom door and placed it against the wall to listen.

I thought I would hear the sound of rummaging for something, but after listening for two or three minutes, I heard Yao Yanjun typing on the keyboard next door, which sounded like he was surfing the Internet.

Geng Wanyu was puzzled. It was unrealistic to want to visit next door, so he simply walked out of the bathroom quietly, changed his machine, and sat in front of the computer with a view of the warehouse to continue playing games.

I opened the phone that I bought specifically in response to Boss Han's call and had incredible camera performance. I pointed the camera in the direction of the warehouse and started shooting. Then I covered the screen of the phone with a scarf.

Unexpectedly, the man surnamed Yao stayed there for more than an hour. During this period, he only came out to use the bathroom once. Seeing that he had not finished his work, he did not know how long he would leave before leaving.

Geng Wanyu weighed it up, stopped taking secret photos, pretended to smoke again, walked out of the Internet cafe and called Han Xin's mobile phone: "Boss, do you have a rest? I have an emergency here."

Han Xin was woken up by a phone call shortly after falling asleep. She yawned and asked, "What's the emergency?"

Now or never!

Geng Wanyu said eagerly: "I was surfing the Internet at the Internet cafe, and the customer was also inside. He came over at about 10:30, and he was hiding in the warehouse alone. I don't know what he was doing. It's not that we don't have evidence and there's nothing we can do against him. I don't know. How can we open a breakthrough? Now is the opportunity, rush in and see what he is doing!"

Han Xin woke up and said with a wry smile: "Xiao Geng, it's not difficult to rush in and check. The key is to have a reason, otherwise it will be easy to alert the snake."

"He is suspected of drunk driving. He drove here after drinking!"

"you sure?"

"I'm sure, he smells like alcohol, he must have drank a lot!"

The Internet cafe matter must be settled as soon as possible.

Otherwise, Geng Wanyu would definitely have no intention of doing other work.

Han Xin weighed it up and agreed: "You keep an eye on it first. I'll call Xu Haibin and ask him to join the traffic police to check."

"Okay, but hurry up. If he leaves, you won't have a chance."

"I know, don't worry."

At the same time, Xu Haibin is still working overtime at the intelligence center.

In the evening, I went to Jinshi to check the monitoring and accommodation records and found a clue. The man Yao Yanjun received and arranged to stay in Jinshi a few days ago should be his cousin Yao Yanbin in Donghai.

On the surface, Yao Yanbin just has money and nothing else is suspicious, but the young woman Yao Yanbin brought is very suspicious!

Her name is Li Li, she is 25 years old, and she and Yao Yanbin are not a couple. When Yao Yanjun helped book the hotel, they also booked two deluxe king-sized bed rooms. However, after checking the surveillance system, they found that she slept in Yao Yanbin's room that night.

However, this can only mean that she has an improper relationship with Yao Yanbin. What really shocked Xu Haibin was that there was an abnormality in a bank account under her name. It was probably suspected of money laundering and was frozen by the Dongguang Public Security Bureau. It has not been unblocked until now. .

Click cards, launder money...

Xu Haibin felt that he was not far from the truth, and was at a loss as to how to open a breakthrough, when Han Xin suddenly called in the middle of the night.

"What, Xiao Geng is still in the Internet cafe, the focus is on the warehouse... Understand, I will make arrangements, I will go there now!"

"The main thing is to take a look, don't alert others."


Han Xin still felt uneasy after thinking about it, and mused: "Drunk driving is a criminal offense. As long as it is verified, we can ask the brothers from the traffic police team to take coercive measures against him first to alert his gang. If there is really a problem, it might be true. will be exposed."

Xu Haibin said quickly: "Okay, I will first find someone to conduct surveillance and confirm the evidence that he drove to an Internet cafe while drunk."

At 0:18, two police cars with their lights on slowly drove to the entrance of the Internet cafe.

A traffic policeman and two auxiliary policemen pushed the door open and got out of the car. They checked the law enforcement recorders on their shoulders and walked over to observe the Daben parked next to it.

After confirming that the license plate of the car was correct, Xu Haibin, who got off the police car behind, walked into the Internet cafe and asked: "Young man, whose Mercedes-Benz is at the door?"

The network manager stood up hurriedly: "It belongs to our boss."

"Where's your boss?"


The network manager raised his arm and pointed to the warehouse. After thinking about it, he walked out of the bar and planned to help shout.

Xu Haibin grabbed him, and then together with his brothers from the traffic police team, at the signal of Geng Wanyu who was sitting in front of the computer surfing the Internet, he walked straight into the warehouse, suddenly turned the handle, opened the door and asked: "You are Yao Yanjun, the one outside Did you drive that Mercedes-Benz here just now?"

The police broke in and Yao Yanjun was shocked.

After confirming that it was the traffic police who came to the door, he relaxed and hurriedly turned off the computer monitor. While trying to walk out, he pretended to be calm and said: "I drove here, comrade police, what's wrong?"

"At 10:27, did you pass by Renmin Middle Road?"


"The crowd reported that you may be suspected of drunk driving. You drove the car like a snake. You smell of alcohol. It seems that you have drank a lot. Come on, let's blow on it first."

Drunk driving is also very troublesome!

Yao Yanjun couldn't care less about evading important matters and said with a flattering smile: "Comrade police, I made a mistake just now. I came here by car, not by car."

The traffic policeman stared at him closely and asked, "Who was driving that car?"

"My wife, she drove me here."

"Where is she?"

"She saw me repairing my computer and didn't know what time it would be until. She took a taxi back first."

The traffic policeman's face straightened: "How long has it been, and you are still talking nonsense! What do you think we do? Do you think those cameras installed in the city are just decorations? Yao Yanjun, I can tell you clearly that after receiving reports from the masses, we will immediately monitor the surveillance. I’ve been looking for you all night!”

Who is so full that he can’t bear to report it...

Yao Yanjun didn't want to be detained, so he said with a grimace: "Comrade police, can you be accommodating and make friends?"

"If you can't be accommodating, blow it off quickly."

"I really didn't drive the car..."

"Still quibbling, open your eyes and see, this is not you, who is it?" The traffic policeman raised his police pass and showed him the surveillance screenshot he saw just a few minutes ago.

Yao Yanjun realized that he couldn't escape, so he had no choice but to blow the alcohol tester.

Sure enough, the alcohol content was seriously over the limit, and he could basically be considered suspected of drunk driving.

"Come with us and sober up first."

"Comrade policeman, I'm sober. I don't need to sober up. I know you have the task of fines. You can fine you if you want. I can issue as many fines as you want. It doesn't matter how much you fine..."

"You will definitely be fined, but the criminal liability for drunk driving will also be investigated. Please cooperate. If you don't cooperate, don't blame us for taking coercive measures against you!"

While Yao Yanjun was negotiating with the traffic police and two auxiliary police officers from the traffic police team, Xu Haibin and a colleague on duty tonight, one was covering in front, and the other was quietly opening the computer monitor in the warehouse from behind. He glanced at the screen and quickly used The phone took the photo.

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