Veteran new police officer

Chapter 554 Let’s talk!

In Yao Yanjun's case, the most lacking thing is time.

If time permits, even if our colleagues from the East China Sea don't come to arrest him, we can still get to the bottom of Yao Yanjun's problem.

In order to seize the initiative, Xu Zhi decided to seize time!

After discussing with Chen Changjun, they decided to arrange for two experienced police officers to immediately rush to the Chonggang Branch Case Handling Center to interrogate Yao Yanjun. The colleagues in Donghai have already come to the door, so there is no need to worry about alerting the enemy or Yao Yanjun's failure to explain.

Political Commissar Chen of the Internet Security Detachment called two Internet police officers to take charge of intelligence support together with Xu Haibin.

At the same time, two groups of police officers were dispatched from the Economic Investigation Detachment and the Command Center. One group went to the Internet cafe with an urgently issued search warrant and wanted to bring back the computer in the Internet cafe's warehouse;

A group is on standby at the city bureau, ready to go to banks or telecom operators to inquire about the suspect's bank transaction records and mobile phone call records.

As the person in charge of the surveillance operation, Han Xin has to stay in the command center to remotely command the third team to assist the police who go to the Internet cafe to search;

If Yao Yanjun opens his mouth and confirms that his wife Tan Liping is also involved in the case, he will direct the first team to assist the police in taking coercive measures against Tan Liping.

In short, you still have to investigate what needs to be investigated. Only when you have enough trump cards can you be confident when talking to others!

The urban subway is being built, excavations are being made everywhere, and the roads are already quite congested.

In addition, due to the impact of the epidemic in the first half of the year, it was difficult to catch up with the holidays. Many citizens really spent money in a retaliatory manner, leading to even more congestion on the urban roads.

Tang Da and policeman Xiaokang from the Second Brigade of the Economic Investigation Detachment have already rushed to the case handling center of Chonggang Branch, but their colleagues from Donghai have not yet arrived at the municipal bureau.

This is a good thing!

Xu Zhi, Chen Changjun and Han Xin sat together in the interrogation room, holding their chins and staring at the big screen, watching the interrogation of Tang Da and Xiaokang.

The leader made it very clear that we must race against time.

Tang Da really wanted to get straight to the point and get to the point.

But here is the case handling center. The moment he and Xiaokang entered the hall, they were under surveillance. He could only show his police ID to identify himself according to the procedures, and then asked about his name, gender, age, date of birth, home address...

Yao Yanjun always thought that he was caught here by the traffic police. The person who interrogated him should be the traffic police, and the person who would be held responsible for drunk driving should also be held accountable. However, it turned out that it was two economic investigators who came to interrogate him. He was so nervous that he couldn't even speak. They all said it was unfavorable.

Tang Da saw that his legs were shaking slightly. He didn't want to and had no time to follow him in circles. He stared at him and asked: "Yao Yanjun, do you know why it is not the traffic police who are here to interrogate you, but us?"

"have no idea."

"That's a very straightforward answer. Do you want me to remind you?"

"Reminder of what?"

"Xiao Kang, let him see." Tang Da turned around.

Xiaokang immediately picked up his mobile phone, pulled out a screenshot of the background operation of the exchange platform, analyzed the screenshot of the search page of the overseas exchange platform, stood up and raised it in front of him.

Seeing the familiar interface, Yao Yanjun's heart skipped a beat, but he quickly calmed down and pretended to be confused and said, "Officer Tang, what is this?"

"Still pretending to be confused." Tang Daleng snorted, opened the folder, and took out a photo: "Do you recognize this person?"

Yao Yanjun looked up and said anxiously: "We know him."

"What's his name, and what's his relationship to you?"

"Yao Yanbin is my cousin."

"What about this guy?"

Isn't this my cousin's lover Li Li? How come the police know everything...

Yao Yanjun felt more and more unsure. He hesitated and said nervously: "I don't know him. I haven't seen him before."

"You haven't seen it, have you? It seems like you won't give up until you reach the Yellow River. Xiaokang, let him watch a few more videos!"


Xiaokang responded, tapped his phone, and played a short piece of surveillance video that Xu Haibin went to Jinshi to retrieve last night.

Immediately afterwards, another video of Geng Wanyu being monitored at an Internet cafe a few days ago was played.

It can be clearly seen that there is time in the upper right corner of the two videos, and it is accurate to minutes and seconds.

Yao Yanjun realized that he had been targeted by the police for a long time, and his heart suddenly felt cold. However, thinking of his cousin's previous confession and the hard-won happy life, he simply took a deep breath, lowered his head and remained silent.

"What kind of attitude do you have, raise your head!" Xiaokang shouted sharply, and Yao Yanjun was startled.

Tang Daze said unhurriedly: "Yao Yanjun, if you don't want others to know, you have to do it yourself. I can tell you clearly that we have conclusive evidence of your illegal crimes. The reason why we did not arrest you directly is to use your If there is a chance of drunk driving, please ask the traffic police to take coercive measures against you, mainly because you don’t want to alert the snake.

But now there is no need to worry about it, because the time has come, and those who should be caught have been caught, even if they have not been caught yet, they are all in our sights.

For example, your wife Tan Liping is currently waiting in Vientiane City to pick up your daughter, who is studying painting there. We can ask her to come over at any time to assist in the investigation, or even take coercive measures against her! "

All that should be caught have been caught...

It seems that my daughter is going to Vientiane City to learn painting this morning. How did they know?

Yao Yanjun realized that the policeman in front of him didn't seem to be bluffing, and he became confused for a moment.

"Our policy is to be lenient if you confess and be lenient if you resist! If you want leniency, you must take the initiative to confess. And I can also tell you clearly that even if you don't say anything, we can still bring you to justice."

Tang Da paused and saw that his legs were shaking even more violently, and even his hands were shaking involuntarily. He struck while the iron was hot and said: "So much illegal funds flow in and out through the illegal overseas exchange platform you maintain. Buying and selling Game point cards also have transaction records!

You have profited from it in the past two years. We know exactly how the money was transferred to your account and how you spent it, including where it was spent. Even if you don’t say anything, we can still handle the case without any confession..."

The police really know everything!

Yao Yanjun didn't dare to take any chances anymore, but when he thought that not only would his car be impounded, but his deposits would also be frozen, several houses would be sealed, and his wife and children would have to live a tight life again, he still bit his lips and refused to speak.

Tang Da had seen too many people like him who wanted money rather than their lives. He coughed dryly and continued: "Yao Yanjun, don't think that you can keep your ill-gotten gains. At the same time, I also want to remind you that you are obviously an accomplice. Don't let yourself go." Become the main culprit!”

Xiaokang lost no time in saying, "You are so young and your two children are so young. Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about your children."

Tang Da knocked on the table, picked up his phone and checked the time: "I'll give you one last chance. If you want to get leniency, take the initiative to confess the facts of the crime and actively return the stolen goods. If you don't say anything else, we won't ask. We will arrange for you to go there later." A physical examination will be conducted, and then I will send you to the detention center to wait until you go to court with your accomplices."

The two children were really Yao Yanjun's weakness. After hearing what Tang Zhi and Xiaokang said, his inner defenses completely collapsed. He quickly raised his head and cried loudly: "Officer Tang, let me explain, I am not the main culprit, I am just helping to protect him." Get off the platform and help sell point cards..."

From the beginning to the end, he did not mention the other matters that his colleagues in the East China Sea wanted to arrest, and the interrogation process was impeccable!

It was confirmed that the game point cards sold from him alone were worth more than 40 million, and his wife Tan Liping also participated and actually opened six online stores specializing in selling point cards. Xu Zhi immediately picked up the intercom and asked the waiter The police immediately rushed to Vientiane City to summon Tan Liping.

Han Xin was also busy and quickly called Liu Beibei.

"Keep an eye on it, the policemen carrying out the arrest mission will be here soon!"

"Boss, it's okay to arrest the adults, but what about the two children?" Liu Beibei asked eagerly.

Han Xin looked up at Xu Zhi and Director Chen, and whispered: "You and Lao Zhao will help take care of the two children first. The task force will contact their relatives later. After contacting them, you will hand over the two children to them." relatives."

Liu Beibei had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "Okay, I'll find a way to coax him."

At this time, Chen Changjun's cell phone rang.

The guard called and said that four people from the Donghai Public Security Bureau were here.

Chen Changjun smiled, held up his mobile phone and said, "I know, you can register them first, and I will arrange for someone to pick them up."

Xu Zhize turned around and said, "Old Chen, it will take time to check the computer, and it will also take time to deliver Yao Yanjun's transcript. Why don't you go deal with it first, or just say I'm in a meeting and let them wait."

According to what Yao Yanjun just explained, the funds involved are really tens of billions, and this time he really caught a big fish!

Chen Changjun was in high spirits on happy occasions. He stood up and said with a smile, "Okay, hurry up and I'll go talk to them first."

At the same time, Lu Ming, deputy captain of the Economic Investigation Detachment 1 of the Jiangdong Branch of the Donghai Municipal Public Security Bureau, was feeling extremely depressed.

I rushed over to arrest the suspect, but the suspect was actually arrested last night. It was too late!

Binjiang colleagues will not arrest Yao Yanjun for no reason. If it is because of the same case, it will be difficult to escort the suspect back. After all, as long as it is a case-handling unit, no one wants to give away the results they have obtained, and no one wants to let the previous hard work go to waste.

On the way here from Changzhou, I called the leader to report.

The leader ran out of ideas for a while and asked him to meet with the leaders of the Binjiang City Bureau first to find out what was going on.

I thought I would be rejected, but I didn't expect that the deputy director of the municipal bureau's office would receive him personally.

"Lu Da, you are looking for the Lei Bureau of the Changzhou Branch, right? The Lei Bureau just called me. If you ask about other matters, I, the deputy director in charge of the command center, may not know very well, but when it comes to Yao Yanjun, I still know something about the suspect."

"Director Chen, what's going on here?" Lu Ming handed over a cigarette and asked anxiously.

Chen Changjun took the cigarette and invited them to drink tea while explaining with a smile: "As early as a month ago, our Intelligence Command Center was assisting the Economic Investigation and Anti-Electricity Fraud Center in cracking down on the use of offshore companies and underground banks to transfer illegal funds abroad. In the special operation, relying on the results of smart public security construction, a large number of suspicious fund account groups were discovered.

Then starting from the suspicious account, we dug out a suspicious overseas website and discovered that a privately set up overseas exchange platform was illegally engaged in RMB exchange business. Our bureau leaders attach great importance to this and immediately requested the deployment of elite troops and the establishment of a task force..."

It's indeed the same case. I'm really afraid of what will happen!

Lu Ming didn't know how to speak to his colleague Binjiang for a while, but thinking of the leader's explanation, he could only bite the bullet and smile bitterly: "Director Chen, we have been tracking this gang for four months, and you only found an illegal online exchange platform. We Found six.”


“Not only did we discover six illegal currency exchange platforms, we also identified two actual operators of the websites. As of 9:30 this morning, eight gang members had been arrested, 221 bank accounts involved were frozen, and valuables were seized. Twenty-three million unpaid game points.”

"So many!"

Chen Changjun was stunned, lit a cigarette and said: "Our command center only assisted, and only assisted in the early stages. The case was specifically investigated by the Economic Investigation Detachment. I really don't know much about these situations."

"So I should visit the leader of the Economic Investigation Detachment?" Lu Ming asked eagerly.

"Bureau Yang of our municipal bureau, who is in charge of criminal police, anti-narcotics and economic investigation, is also the leader of the task force, and Xu Zhi of the economic investigation detachment is also the deputy team leader and is responsible for the specific investigation. I just met him in the morning and he seems to be in a meeting right now. How about I I’ll send you a message to ask him when the meeting will end.”

"Okay, please."

"No need to worry, the police all over the world are one family."

Chen Changjun sent a message in front of them, then put down his mobile phone and asked curiously: "Da Lu, you have been investigating this case longer than us and have made more progress than us. Can you tell us the approximate amount of money involved?"

In Lu Ming's view, this is not a secret, and telling the truth can help Binjiang colleagues understand who is more beneficial to the investigation of this case. He said without hesitation: "We have preliminary verification that this gang headed by Yao Yanbin and Zhang Xiang has since Since October 2015, it has set up overseas servers, privately set up illegal online currency exchange platforms, and used overseas game point cards to launder money, with the illegal currency exchange amount reaching 24 billion yuan."

Two hundred and four billion, what a concept!

Chen Changjun was so happy that he suppressed the excitement in his heart and said: "There are so many, but we have also mastered this Zhang Xiang. If I remember correctly, he... he seems to be Yao Yanjun's cousin. He once settled in your East China Sea, and later it seemed that I immigrated to Canada, and I don’t know if Xu Zhi caught this kid.”

Lu Ming didn't expect that Binjiang's colleagues had made great progress, and even managed to master Zhang Xiang, who had been hiding outside the country before. Thinking about the greater progress on his side, he couldn't help but laugh: "Xu Zhi must not have caught him, because he was just arrested at the airport last night and is currently in the case handling center of our branch."

Chen Changjun asked in shock: "You also collected the net at night?"

Lu Ming said helplessly: "I originally wanted to wait, but he suddenly wanted to leave. If he flew back to Canada, how would we catch him? It was precisely because we had to take coercive measures against him that we took such a hasty action to close the net." .”

The situation is basically clear, and we have something to talk about next.

However, when Xu Zhi comes over later, he probably won’t be able to discuss the whole case with these people. This is a major case of illegal currency exchange worth more than 20 billion. Both sides have evidence and suspects. How should we investigate next? They can't make the decision, so they must have their bureau leaders communicate and coordinate with Mayor Xu and even provincial department leaders.

Chen Changjun stopped inquiring around and found an excuse to walk out of the reception room. He hurried to the bureau leader's office in the main building and reported to Director Yang and Director Liu who were waiting for news.

Director Yang thought he heard wrongly, stared at him closely and asked: "More than 24 billion?"

Chen Changjun said excitedly: "This is the amount of illegal currency exchange. It is not seized or frozen. But even if it is calculated as a 5% handling fee, the amount of illegal profits made by this gang is as much as one billion!"

The Political Department and the Intelligence Command Center that Director Liu is in charge of are both money-spending departments. They have always been unable to get in or out. When he heard that the amount involved in the case was so large, he was even more excited than Chen Changjun. He couldn't help but laugh and asked: "Did Yao Yanjun speak?"

"He opened his mouth and confessed everything, and his wife was also involved in the case."

"Did any measures be taken against his wife?"

"I didn't bother to ask, but counting the time, his wife should be under control by now."

The subordinates were very helpful. Director Yang was very happy. He picked up his mobile phone and prepared to call Mayor Xu to report. He smiled and said: "It seems that we can talk about it. If we can't reach an agreement, we will report it to the provincial department and ask the department to The leader came forward to help negotiate.”

Director Liu said worriedly: "Director Yang, he has a bigger background than us and has more chips than us. Do you think the department leaders will..."

This worry is not unreasonable. The bigger the leader, the more different things he considers from those at the grassroots level.

Director Yang weighed it up, raised his head and said with a smile: "I'll report to Mayor Xu. You should call Lao Cheng immediately. He helped Xiao Han organize the establishment of the Special Situation Squadron. Now he has finally achieved something, so we can't just leave it like this." Hand over suspects and even stolen money to others.”

Director Liu reacted: "Invite Madman Cheng to join the task force and ask him to help litigate the case with the East China Sea?"

"And Wang Yan, the Special Situation Squadron is not only a squadron directly under the command center, but also an internal squadron of the retention detachment. As the detachment leader, her subordinates have achieved results, so she should help them maintain their achievements."

Bureau Yang thought for a while and then smiled and said: "The retention detachment doesn't have its own account until now. Tell her clearly and we can open it for them right away. If there are rewards and bonuses in the future, we can transfer them to their detachment account." Get beaten up."

"This is a good idea, I think it will work!"

"Hurry up and do it. By the way, tell Lao Xu to stop hiding and go see them. Anyway, we can't talk about anything now."

"Yes!" Chen Changjun quickly stood up and walked out of Director Yang's office.

Xu Zhi really doesn’t have time to meet his counterparts in Donghai now, because as the interrogation progresses, Yao Yanjun confesses that he was entrusted by his cousin and cousin to mobilize his relatives and friends in his hometown to open many personal bank accounts under various excuses and small profits. money laundering.

This is just like fighting. You have to move quickly and "grab territory" quickly.

Seeing Chen Changjun coming, he could only hand over the next work to the political commissar of the detachment who hurriedly arrived, and asked the political commissar to organize the force to prepare the procedures for applying for inquiry and even freezing, and freeze the bank accounts that his colleagues in the East China Sea did not have for the time being. stand up.

Han Xin suddenly became a calm person, so she simply packed up her computer and returned to the company first.

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