Veteran new police officer

Chapter 562 “Golden Combination”

We have already entered 2021. Because I was too busy some time ago, the anti-drug assessment work in the fourth quarter of 2020 was postponed until today.

Li Duwang arranged the first stop of the supervision and inspection work at the Chengnan Police Station. Unexpectedly, he met Yang Qianli, the criminal police captain, just after he came out of the police station.

They are both old enemies and old friends, so of course we have to chat for a while when we meet.

It was not only windy but also cold outside. As soon as he opened the door, Yang Qianli got into the passenger seat.

"Lao Li, do you have a cigarette? I forgot to bring it when I went out."

"Here it is, get it yourself. Do you have a lighter?"

"There is a lighter."

Yang Qianli took out a cigarette, took out a lighter from his trouser pocket and lit it, took a nice puff, looked at him with a smile and asked: "You are a busy man, how come you have time to come here today."

"Anti-drug assessment, what about you? What are you doing here?" It was freezing cold, there were not many people on the road, and he was sitting in a car. Li Duwang didn't have to worry about being seen by the crowd, so he took the lighter and lit it. branch.

Yang Qianli looked back and said bitterly: "He was looking for the 'public enemy of the branch'. He caught a few gamblers at night, ruined my business, and also arrested our informant."

"Crashed again?"

"I asked the Fourth Squadron to follow us for several days, thinking of using a long line to catch big fish, but he came out halfway and cut off our line!"

The current Fourth Squadron is the former urban squadron, and the area of ​​responsibility of the Fourth Squadron is also the jurisdiction of the Chengnan Police Station, so the Fourth Squadron often collides with the Chengnan Police Station Security Squadron.

Li Duwang was not surprised. Thinking that when he was the deputy director of the Chengnan Police Station and in charge of the security team of the Chengnan Police Station, he had always been against the criminal police brigade and even the security brigade. He couldn't help but joked: "Brother Biaohan, you are the captain of the criminal police brigade, and you are the captain of the criminal police brigade." It’s not the captain of the security brigade who spends all day focusing on security cases. It’s true that he has the time and energy to handle more criminal cases.”

"Do you think we have nothing to do all day long? How many months do the policemen of several squadrons not go on business? As for the case just mentioned, the main reason is that we grasped the clues very early."

"Then why didn't you start earlier?"

"Didn't I tell you that we want to take a long-term approach to catch big fish?"

It is not clear to explain this kind of thing: strike first to gain advantage, strike later to suffer disaster.

Li Duwang was too lazy to care about their affairs and simply changed the subject: "How is Lao Huang now? Did you say when he can go to work?"

Mentioning the former criminal police captain Huang Xiao, Yang Qianli said helplessly: "A section of his intestines was cut off, and even his bowel movements were diverted. He could only rest at home and could not go to work."

"He is only fifty years old, how could he get this disease?"

Li Duwang sighed lightly, puffed away the ashes of his cigarette and said, "Fortunately, Han Keng has recovered well. Not only has he gone to work early, but he has also set up a squadron dedicated to collecting intelligence clues. Yesterday, I heard District Chief Zhang say that although his squadron was established only a few years ago, It hasn’t been long, but it has already achieved a lot.”

Yang Qianli also heard about this and asked subconsciously: "Lao Li, do you think he will return to his hometown and come to our jurisdiction to collect intelligence clues?"

"I don't know. You can call and ask."

"It's better not to ask. Asking is a reminder. I don't want him to sneak back and cause trouble."

"Afraid of being cheated?"

"What are you talking about? What is my relationship with him? How could he cheat me? Even if he cheats, he will only cheat you. He has already cheated you with experience, hahaha."

Things in the urban area were not fully understood, and Han Xin really never considered returning to Linghai or going to Xingdong and other districts and counties to collect intelligence clues.

But the squadron not only has to collect clues about various crimes, but also serves the Discipline Inspection Commission.

Maybe Secretary Guan wanted to give the Special Service Squadron some points to impress the leaders, so he actually recommended the Special Service Squadron to the Municipal Party Committee Inspection Office.

This morning, the Eighth Inspection Team of the Municipal Party Committee stationed in Linghai. The inspection mobilization meeting held in the morning announced the location and contact information of the inspection team, especially the location of the email address for reporting problems.

Through Wang Xiaohui, the leader of the inspection team asked Han Xin to arrange for two team members to come over for an unannounced visit to see if anyone was preventing people from going to the station to report problems, and whether anyone was preventing people from submitting materials to the mailbox to report problems.

Because Linghai had such a "record" before, one year when an inspection team from the State Council came over, the first and second leaders at the time actually arranged for staff to "dissuade" people who reported problems in the periphery. The result was discovered and reported by reporters, which affected Extremely bad.

When it comes to Linghai, no one in the company knows him better than his boss.

But he knew too many people in Linghai, so he couldn't come forward easily. He could only ask Gong Zhiyong and Cao Xinghe, who had just lit a fire at the Vehicle Administration Office a few days ago, to come.

Seeing that both of them had arrived at the designated location, he looked back at the old army leader who had just "reported" today, held on to the microphone and said, "Just stare over there. If you are hungry, order takeout. It's a bit cold at night, so remember Wear thicker clothes, I really can't spare anyone to replace you, but fortunately this mission doesn't last long, I only need to keep an eye on you for two days."

Gong Zhiyong was sitting in his Mercedes-Benz car, lying on the steering wheel, looking at the Linghai Hotel diagonally opposite and asked: "Boss, where are Huo Jianwei and Huang Dong?"

"They are going on a long trip with little Geng Xiemeng to assist the anti-drug detachment in escorting several suspects."

"Assist in the escort, is there anything wrong?"

Han Xin explained: "Actually, there is no shortage of auxiliary police officers to help escort suspects. I tried my best to get this task. Mainly because I wanted to take this opportunity to let them see drugs and meet drug dealers and drug addicts. "

There was really no point in helping the inspection team quietly observe outside. Gong Zhiyong said eagerly: "Boss, like Xinghe, I have never seen drugs, and I have never seen drug dealers or drug users!"

"There are many opportunities to open your eyes. Sooner or later it will be your turn. Just work first and report any situation in a timely manner."


At the same time, the "Spiritual Growth" gathering was being broadcast live on the second LCD screen on the left.

Han Xin was very interested in this new type of pyramid scheme scam. She clicked the mouse and amplified the sound.

I saw a middle-aged woman with extraordinary temperament, standing in the center of the stage with a microphone, looking at the big screen behind her and talking: "For example, one of our rights partners, during the epidemic, she fucked her husband's family alone. The company's output value! Because 'rights' are little treasures that are pampered by this universe, really let yourself be pampered, really let yourself be well pampered, a 'rights' can start a gorgeous life..."

What I talked about before was "Cosmic Frequency", "Spiritual Growth", "Energy Field" and "Opening the Eyes of the Sky".

The "instructor" also led hundreds of students to collectively slap their thighs, talking about "building a new neural chain" and "obtaining high-frequency energy." Loudly reciting slogans such as "Dreams don't need to be reasonable, they just need to be energetic", "The situation is what it is, so it has to be good, whatever makes it good, let's deal with it" and other slogans, making it look like a cult.

Now it has turned into some kind of "rights and equity project". This span is too big!

Han Xin was stunned to see the whole hodgepodge.

He Jun had never seen such a scam and couldn't help but ask: "Han Xin, what on earth are these people doing?"

Han Xin smiled and said: "pyramid scheme, fraud."

"This is too ridiculous. Will anyone be fooled?" He Jun asked.

"Has anyone been fooled? Brother He, look at how many people are in this hall? And as far as I know, almost all of the people who are willing to pay are rich people, and many of them are white-collar workers with higher education."

"This...this is too ridiculous!"

Everything in front of him really subverted He Jun's cognition.

Han Xin turned off the sound, clicked the mouse, and opened a word file that she had previously recorded. She smiled and said: "The threshold is very high. To listen to the most basic courses and participate in the most basic activities, you have to pay 16,000. Then there are various spiritual journey packages that open the eyes of the world. After completing the package, you have to pay 150,000 to join the 'Durian Rights' project of 'Spiritual Growth', which is the real entry point."

He Jun asked curiously: "Is there any reward?"

"Yes, first of all, it is the 'blessing'. As for the equity items, it is mainly used to sign a land purchase contract with the Malaysian government to obtain income from durian planting and land leasing. It is said that it can reach up to 300,000 yuan per year, and the income period is 90 years Year."

"real or fake!!"

"It must be false, but some people believe it."

Han Xin paused and continued: "And this is just an introduction. This so-called 'spiritual growth' system has a hierarchical structure. From low to high, the status is divided into 'international supervisor', 'director', 'mentor', 'International Mentor'.

The corresponding fees paid are 3 million, 30 million, 80 million and 140 million. As long as you pay enough money, you can obtain the corresponding identity, organize training and obtain benefits.

Students can become "literary elites" and "martial arts elites" through training, or they can join the franchise and open a "spiritual growth art museum" to host training and obtain the qualifications to develop downline students. "

He Jun couldn't believe this was true. He was stunned for a while before he asked doubtfully: "Is there anyone willing to spend money to be a 'director' or 'mentor'?"

Han Xin put down the mouse and sighed softly: "Yes, there is a 'mentor' who came to our Binjiang. And we have several of her students in Binjiang, one of whom even grew up to be a 'literary elite' in the bookstore he opened. Open a 'Spiritual Growth Art Museum' and recruit students for training."

"The special circumstances at the event were traced to the East China Sea through this line?"

"Well, I have paid 320,000 so far, otherwise I would not be qualified to be invited to participate in such a high-level seminar."

"Han Xin, you are too courageous to spend so much money. What if you can't get it back? How will you explain it to your superiors?"

Han Xin smiled and said lightly: "It's not public money spent, it's my own money, and I didn't know about it until after I spent it."

As he was talking, there was a commotion on the screen.

I saw many police officers and special police officers pouring into the venue. The senior executives in the front row wanted to run away, but they were restrained by plainclothes men with IDs on their chests. All participants in the seminar were ordered not to move in their respective positions, not to make phone calls, and to wear masks.

A real big scene.

Han Xin was watching intently when He Jun suddenly exclaimed: "Xiao Han, that one looks a bit like Cheng Zhi!"

"It's either like that or Cheng Zhi. He is also the deputy leader of the task force and is responsible for coordinating with his colleagues in the East China Sea. For such a big operation, he must be on-site to direct it."

"Catch the suspect and take him to Donghai, that's fine."

"We collected clues and sent them to the East China Sea. We can do the same, hahaha."

He Jun said he came to "check in," but he actually came to take a look. I haven't made up my mind whether I want to do it here or not.

Han Xin knew how Principal Ding and Bureau Miao were doing his ideological work, so he struck while the iron was hot and said, "Brother He, do you know why we are so dedicated to each other? The reason is very simple, because if you do it in our squadron, you can't do it in other places." A sense of accomplishment that I don’t have.”

How could He Jun fail to hear the implication of the "new recruit" beside him, and said with a wry smile: "I am different from Old Ding and Old Miao. I have been working in an agency before and have no work experience in this area."

"But you have experience that they don't have. For example, the criminal gang being arrested has existed for several years, developed so many downlines, and set up so many branches. Just because they targeted specific groups of people, it was not until some time ago that they Discovered by us."

Han Xin paused and then said: "If there was one person who could visit the major hotels in the city early and understand what meetings and activities are being held in the major hotels, this gang would have come into our sight long ago, and it would not be possible. As for getting away with it to this day.”

He Jun asked in a low voice: "Are you going to let me help you look for high-end hotels?"

"This is just basic work. If we encounter some special circumstances, we will have to play other roles. In short, we need people like you who can be seen as leaders at a glance."

"Let me think about it."

"What's there to think about? I've given you access to top secrets, and you still haven't given me the right words!"

"Top secret" is a bit of a stretch, but everything here really needs to be kept secret.

He Jun weighed it up, raised his head and said, "Okay, I'll do it first. But you have to teach me how to do it."

Han Xin knew he would be interested, looked at him with a smile and said: "Great, as for how to carry out the next work, it is actually very simple. I will arrange a partner for you, learn while doing, and learn while doing. You’ll get started quickly.”

"Who will you arrange to be my partner?"

"Liu Beibei, that's why I found out about this fraudulent MLM gang. The little girl is very smart and capable, and her family is rich. She usually has a lot of entertainment and often goes to big hotels. It's a perfect match for you two."

"Little girl!"

"Just treat her like a child."

When you first arrive, you can’t make requests easily.

He Jun hesitated for a moment and then asked: "What about her former partner?"

Han Xin explained: "Her former partner is called Zhao Hailin. He is in his thirties this year. His previous career was not very smooth. He was a bit introverted and had low self-esteem, so I paired him with Liu Beibei, and the results proved to be good. After a period of getting along and being nurtured, I am now much more confident than before.”

"Then why the adjustment?"

"From a work perspective, adjustments must be made."

Seeing the old army leader hesitate to speak, Han Xin explained patiently: "He is partnered with Liu Beibei, and he can only be Liu Beibei's driver when he goes out. But young people today are different from before. No matter how many people there are at home, Qian also doesn’t like having someone around him all the time.

Brother He, you are different. People can tell at a glance that you are a big leader even if you are not the big boss. In fact, you are the leader. As partners, you are simply a 'golden combination', our squadron's 'dream team', able to deal with all kinds of complex situations without making people suspicious. "

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