Veteran new police officer

Chapter 565 “Go home often”

The Chengnan Police Station has the largest jurisdiction and the largest population and is as busy as ever.

The Chinese New Year is just around the corner. In order to ensure that people can have a peaceful and peaceful Spring Festival, Yu Wenqiang, the deputy director in charge of the Public Security Squadron and Patrol Prevention and Control Squadron, is extremely busy and has not been home for five days.

After he mediated a dispute, as soon as he returned to the office, Wang Wei walked in with a file and reported on his work with a sad face.

Han Keng is really a scammer, actually causing so much trouble to the institute.

He weighed it up and picked up his cell phone to call Han Xin.

Han Xin was on her way back to the detachment for a meeting. As a captain, she had to attend a team meeting, and as a party member, she had to live an organizational life. When she saw the caller ID on the large central control screen, she leaned over and clicked the call button and asked: "Master, are you Why did you suddenly remember to call me?"

Yu Wenqiang smiled and said: "Your people acted bravely and helped us a lot. I want to thank you."

I didn't admit it that night, mainly because it was inconvenient to admit it to Comrade Lao Wang.

After all, the nature of the work is quite special and even sensitive. But we can’t do good deeds without leaving our names behind. Without feedback from the case-handling unit, how can we report our achievements to our superiors?

Han Xin stopped talking nonsense, held the steering wheel and smiled: "No need to thank you, your security prevention and control is so good, and your response speed is so fast, in fact, even if my people don't take action, the brat who broke into the house still can't escape. "

"I thought you didn't know."

"Master Wife, from your tone, do you think my people are meddling in other people's business?"

"That's not true, but you can't just slap your butt and walk away."

"What do you mean?" Han Xin asked with a smile.

Yu Wenqiang looked at the transcript of Wang Wei's interrogation of the suspects, held up his mobile phone and said with a smile: "The suspects who should have confessed have all confessed, and the attitude of confessing is relatively good, but the process of arrest, especially the details, needs to be clarified, who discovered it first, and who If the arrest is successful, even if there is no law enforcement video, there must be witness testimony.”

Han Xin said without hesitation: "It is neither convenient nor time for my people to return to Linghai to cooperate with your investigation."

"Then how do you want us to organize the case file materials, and how do you want me to explain it to others in the legal pretrial and procuratorate?"

"The suspects have all confessed. If there is anything difficult to explain, if it doesn't work, just say that the suspect was captured with the assistance of the Special Intelligence Squadron of the Municipal Bureau Command Center. I will ask the command center to provide you with an identity document... The identity document is similar to For the proof materials, you can provide us with another feedback material."

"Okay, if the legal pre-trial says no, I'll come back to you. If you have time, you should go home often."

"No problem." Han Xin smiled and asked curiously: "By the way, what happened to that brat who broke into the house? He looks young."

Yu Wenqiang returned the case file to Wang Wei, stood up and said: "He is not very old, he is only seventeen this year, but he has already committed several crimes. Speaking of which, he and you are schoolmates, and his family conditions are actually quite good. It's a pity that he didn't go to school well. He only knows how to eat, drink, have fun and talk about girlfriends, and the pocket money given by his parents is not enough, so he takes risks and tries his best."

"Are you my school friend?"

"He was expelled from the school in September of this year, no, he should have been in September last year, because of his puppy love, smoking, and long-term truancy. His parents were so angry that they left him alone. Unexpectedly, he turned to crime after ignoring him. the way."

Han Xin regretted asking these questions and muttered: "Master wife, although you are in Yang Biaohan's class, you can't learn from Yang Biaohan in some things. Why are we alumni? According to this, Chen Guoping is still yours. Where are the alumni, have I ever laughed at you?"

"Okay, okay, I was wrong. Can I not mention your alma mater again?"

"What can't be mentioned? There is no shame in getting a job, and the country is still promoting vocational education. I graduated from a vocational high school, and I am proud of my alma mater. As for a few bad apples, the family is responsible, the school is responsible, and you are the same responsible!"

Yu Wenqiang smiled and asked: "What responsibility do I have, and what does this have to do with me?"

Han Xin said confidently: "Our alma mater is under the jurisdiction of your police station. According to the requirements of your superiors, you should arrange for the police to enter the campus to carry out various publicity and education. Have you arranged for the police to go there? Have the publicity and education work been done well?"

"It's none of my business. I really don't know."

"Master, I'm not telling you, you are not as dedicated as my master. As an anti-drug police officer, she goes to campus to carry out anti-drug publicity and education whenever she has time and opportunity."

Mentioning Lan Doudou, Yu Wenqiang felt depressed and said angrily: "You masters and apprentices are very dedicated, so you masters and apprentices have made progress. One went to the provincial department and the other went to the municipal bureau. I am not as dedicated as you, and I am not as enlightened." You are tall, so you can only stay at the grassroots level."

"You are emotional, Master Wife, there is something wrong with your attitude."

"Xiao Yu is almost a child without a father and a mother. Not only do I have an attitude problem, but I'm also about to have problems with my family!"

He would not complain for no reason, so Han Xin subconsciously asked: "Master's wife, does my master not plan to come back?"

Yu Wenqiang sighed softly and said with a wry smile: "Maybe I won't come back. She just found out."

Han Xin asked: "Can the provincial department help her solve the problem of establishment and formal transfer?"


"What's the position? Or the deputy section chief of the Publicity Department?"

"It seems that she will be transferred to some anti-drug education center as the deputy director."

"The Anti-Drug Publicity Center... sounds like the same thing as the Anti-Drug Publicity Department. Anyway, it's a good thing to stay."

"What a good thing!"

"It's a good thing to be able to work in the provincial capital and allow Xiao Yu to live in a big city. As for you, think of a way and you can transfer there sooner or later."

"Transfer it, that's a great idea!"

"Even if you can't pass the transfer, you can still pass the exam and participate in various selections and transfers. You are not thirty-five years old yet, so there are plenty of opportunities."

It's easy to say, but hard to do.

Yu Wenqiang really didn't know what to say, so he muttered a few words and hung up the phone.

Unknowingly, she had arrived at the detention management center. Han Xin didn't bother to call to congratulate Lan Doudou. She rolled down the window and let the auxiliary police officer on duty take her temperature before driving into the compound.

Liu Chunhui walked over from the door of the main building, looked at him with a smile and asked, "Is the squadron meeting over?"

"The team members are very happy now that it is over and they will be more motivated for the next work."

"Xiao Huo, Xiao Gong and Xiao Cao, do they have any ideas?"

"I definitely have some ideas, but I'm just envious, not jealous. After all, Xiao Geng and Zhao Hailin do better than them. Liu Beibei and Xie Meng not only work well, but also have work experience that they don't have."

Liu Chunhui nodded with satisfaction: "I'm relieved."

This soldier is not easy to lead, and it is not easy to be a leader. Han Xin really felt it. He turned around and looked at the main building and asked: "Political Commissar, who was that just now?"

Liu Chunhui looked back, and while leading him to the office, he explained with a smile: "Lao Cao, the deputy team leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Finance Bureau, is too busy here, so his superiors transferred him as a security officer. The case has not been solved. Don't even think about going home, I'll probably spend the rest of the year here."

"What does a safety officer do? This is a detention and case handling place, not a construction site."

"Both detention and case handling require a security officer, who is responsible for the diet, daily life, and physical condition of the detained object. He must take turns sitting in the command hall with another security officer to watch the surveillance and see if our caretakers doze off. Did you violate the regulations by chatting with the person being detained?"

“Our people look after the detainees and he supervises our people?”

"It's almost the same, but at the same time, you have to be responsible for the physical and mental conditions of the detained object."

"This job is challenging." Han Xin said with a smile.

Liu Chunhui also sympathized with his old friend who was transferred to work as a safety officer, and sighed: "This job is quite tiring. The young man who passed the exam with Jiang Limin before ran away while doing it, and Lao Cao is Come to replace that young man."

"Run away and stop working?"

"It's too tiring, and the business is not allowed to be touched. You can't even ask questions. There is no sense of accomplishment. It's completely different from what I imagined before. It's not easy to get into the exam. We feel it's a pity to resign like this, but we can understand if we think about it from others' perspective. .”

All the civil servants have quit, which shows how hard and exhausting the care work is.

Looking at the two young men who had just changed their posts, Han Xin suddenly felt that compared to the members of the Special Situation Squadron, the superiors should organize the auxiliary police officers who performed care tasks.

Of course, this can only be imagined.

However, this is a good way to educate and learn. In the future, we should organize more squadrons to "go home and visit" to let them know how difficult it is for the brothers and sisters in the South Annex.

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