Veteran new police officer

Chapter 572 Gong Zhiyong’s discovery

When the police solve a case, as long as the case is not too sensitive, they will publish a news release to publicize it. It can not only give the police officers handling the case a sense of accomplishment, but also serve as a warning.

Compared with the public security, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission appears to be very low-key.

No matter how many violations of discipline and law are investigated and punished, more is done and less is publicized and reported.

It's the end of the year, and there are many people detained in the detention center. The case handlers of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission are extremely busy. The pressure on the detention detachment has increased sharply. More than half of the auxiliary police officers don't want to go home for the New Year.

The care work is so boring and hard, and the wages are not high. It is not even possible for the boys and girls in the detachment to go back to spend the New Year with their families.

If you want to stabilize the morale of the military and retain people, Wang Yan, the detachment leader, must set an example. Starting from the day before yesterday, he has been eating and living in the detachment, making the detachment his home. Political commissar Liu Chunhui arranged things at home and brought a change of clothes.

Despite this, there was still a young man who wanted to quit early this morning.

Liu Chunhui looked at the resignation report and frowned slightly: "If they leave now, where should we find someone?"

Wang Yan said helplessly: "I talked to Xiao Zhang, and he said that I can work for a few more days, but I can only work until the fifth day of the first lunar month at most."

"According to regulations, if you want to resign, you must report it one month in advance. Besides, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. He can't just leave. He has to persist until after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month."

"The talent market mainly recruits people from the fifth to the tenth day of the first lunar month. After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, it will be difficult for him to find a suitable job."

"Wang Zhi, I know you are thinking about him, but he should also think about us. Besides, he is too tired, too tired, and his salary is low. What has he been doing before? Why did he apply for the job? Why did he take one of our places!"

It's not easy for young people. A young man in his twenties can earn less than 4,000 yuan a month, and the management is so strict that he can't go home for several months when he's given caregiving duties, and it's hard to even find a girlfriend.

Wang Yan didn't want to block her future, so she smiled bitterly and said, "I have already agreed."

Liu Chunhui couldn't say anything else, so he could only sigh: "Including Xiao Zhang, I have already done three jobs this month."

"Let them go if they want to. I'll make a report later and ask the bureau to recruit a few more during the Spring Festival." Wang Yan paused and then said: "As for the lack of manpower, we can first transfer them from the detention brigades of the district and county public security bureaus. .”

It's really a solid camp and the soldiers can only recruit people on a long-term basis like insurance companies and security companies. The nursing force is really not enough, so we can only use the "dispatch power" granted by superiors to demolish the east wall to make up for the west wall.

Thinking that this might be normal for the detachment, Liu Chunhui simply changed the topic: "I just met Lao Sun. Didn't they bring back a policeman and several auxiliary policemen from the driving test center last week to assist in the investigation? The matter has basically been cleared up. ”

Wang Yan was particularly concerned about matters related to his unit and subconsciously asked: "Is there any problem?"

"There are no big problems, but there are small problems."

Liu Chunhui pushed open the window, leaned over to open the drawer of his desk, took out an ashtray made from a small iron box, took out a cigarette and lit it, puffing out smoke and saying: "I previously suspected that the staff of the driving test center took advantage of their positions. Accepting bribes, the investigation revealed that several driving school instructors who submitted the test had collected money from the students on the pretext of hurting the examiner.

500 per student, and it has been confirmed that 236 students have paid money, and the amount involved is more than 110,000. But those coaches didn’t really ‘manage’ it, and they kept it all to themselves. Suspected of fraud, the case was just handed over to the city bureau yesterday afternoon. "

In the eyes of some people who do not understand the situation of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission, this is a bit like thunder and rain, and even officials are protecting each other.

But as the captain of the detention detachment, Wang Yan knew very well that the case investigators of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission would never let go of any doubts.

After confirming that the police at the driving test center had not taken bribes, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, but after thinking about it she asked again: "What about the small problem?"

"During the investigation, it was found that some police officers had accepted banquets from several driving schools, which meant accepting meals from management service recipients. There were also many irregularities in the training of driving schools, such as not enough hours of study, and the use of fake fingerprints and code scanning devices to commit fraud. However, This has nothing to do with our police, it seems to be under the control of the Transportation Bureau."

Liu Chunhui knocked the ashes and added: "Universities are on winter vacation now, and many college students use the winter vacation to learn to drive. The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee believes that rectification is needed, and will interview the Transportation Bureau and our municipal bureau this afternoon."

The driving test is not standardized, and the public is very dissatisfied. It really needs to be rectified.

Wang Yan nodded and asked: "I heard that the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision also took several people from the Vehicle Management Office to assist in the investigation. Have you found any results?"

"Basically, we have found out that there is something wrong with the medical examiner and the two auxiliary police officers."

"Either we don't investigate, or if we investigate so many problems, the traffic police detachment will have a hard time this year."

"Who told them not to be strict in their management?"

What Liu Chunhui really wants to say is that the special service squadron played a huge role in investigating and dealing with this series of problems. Just considering that these things needed to be kept secret, I simply didn’t mention them.

Wang Yan didn't understand why and looked up at the computer screen: "Counting the time, Xiao Han should be here too."

"Aren't they coming back tomorrow? What is he doing back today?"

"The Chonggang Branch wants to poach us, and even promised to help coordinate a work and logistics post. He is worried that the Chonggang Branch will use this to take advantage of our account, and he will not be able to get it for a while if this establishment is not given to anyone. Yes, you want to come back and report to us in person."

"This wishful thinking of Chonggang Branch is really beautiful."

"They have tasted the sweetness. A few days ago, Xiao Han helped them catch someone who stole a mobile phone. Last night, based on the clues provided by the special squadron, they arrested several suspected prostitutes with the help of our special team."

Wang Yan flipped through the notebook and added with a smile: "This morning, with the assistance of our special situation, we arrested several people suspected of violent debt collection. The special situation squadron almost became a supernumerary squadron of their branch. Of course they You have to show something."

Liu Chunhui did not expect that his subordinates could be so powerful. Not only could they collect clues to major cases involving huge sums of money, but they also had a steady stream of clues to small cases like this.

He put out the cigarette butt and was about to speak when footsteps came from outside.

Immediately afterwards, Han Xin was heard shouting a report at the door.

"Come in, what are you reporting?" Wang Yan turned around and said with a smile.

Han Xin opened the door and walked into the office, said hello to her two immediate superiors, sat down and asked with a smile: "Wang Zhi, political commissar, why are so many cars coming today? I couldn't even drive around the yard several times." If you find a parking space, you can only park in the fire escape."

"There are many cases, several groups of people are working on them, and of course there are too many cars." Wang Yan didn't want to deal with the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee, so she asked straight to the point: "Chonggang Branch offered to solve a staffing problem, what did you think about it?"

"Of course, don't give up the good things that come to your door in vain."

"Then who are you going to solve first?"

"Don't worry about Liu Beibei and Xie Meng. The main ones are Gong Zhiyong, Huang Dong, Huo Jianwei and Cao Xinghe. I called and talked to them before coming. They are all very aware, they are humble to each other, and they all want to promote their style."

Han Xin smiled and continued: "Five minutes ago, Gong Zhiyong and Huo Jianwei sent me another WeChat message, saying that Cao Xinghe is a veteran and his family situation is not very good. They think that Cao Xinghe should be dealt with first."

Liu Chunhui thought for a while and couldn't help but smile: "They are not in a hurry, are not envious, and even strive to promote their style. In fact, it is understandable. There are a total of eight members in the squadron, and four of them have been eliminated. As long as they follow you as the captain, their The establishment will be solved sooner or later."

"If you think about it carefully, it's true. It seems that all you need to do is follow the right person." Wang Yan couldn't help but laugh.

"The main thing about following the right people is that they do a good job and they do all the specific work."

"Don't be modest." Wang Yan waved her hand, looked at him with a smile and asked: "Since the team members have no ideas, they can basically help Xiao Cao solve the establishment first. Then what kind of report can you make when you come back? Can't you just make a phone call?"

Han Xin said quickly: "Actually, I came back to report another matter."

"What's the matter?" Wang Yan stared closely and asked.

"The dark web has now become a new battlefield. I want to broaden the sources of intelligence clues and let Xiao Geng and Xie Meng collect intelligence clues on the dark web."

"Do Xiao Geng and Xie Meng understand this?"

"Xiao Geng has been on the dark web before because of curiosity. Xie Meng is not only good at English, but also knows computers. Of course, being on the dark web is one thing, but wanting to collect intelligence clues on the dark web is another. If you two If you agree, I will ask a knowledgeable brother to teach them."

Getting over the wall is a very sensitive matter, let alone accessing the dark web.

Wang Yan finally knew why he rushed back to report in person. She looked at each other and asked Political Commissar Liu in a low voice, "Have you reported to Cheng Zhi?"

"Cheng Zhi is so busy, I don't want to disturb him all the time. Besides, you two are my immediate superiors. I must report to you two for such a big matter first."

"The political commissar and I are only responsible for team management and are not involved in the business of your squadron. I suggest you report to Cheng Zhi first."

"But he doesn't care about us!"

"Then ask Director Chen Changjun for instructions and report. If Director Chen doesn't have a clear attitude, just ask your old leader Zhang Yuhang for instructions and report. He is not only the chief steward of the municipal bureau, but also the director of the command center, and even the leader of the intelligence detachment. This Within his authority, he cannot practice Tai Chi like us."

"Wang Zhi, it turns out you and the political commissar are doing Tai Chi with me!"

"It's not that the political commissar and I are irresponsible. If we were really incapable of supporting you in setting up a special situation squadron, it's mainly because we can't handle business matters."

"Okay, I'll call Cheng Zhi first." Han Xin grinned and took out her cell phone.

Wang Yan couldn't help but laugh.

Liu Chunhui asked curiously: "Xiao Han, what are you busy with?"

Han Xin pulled out the mobile phone number of "Crazy Cheng" and looked up: "He and Liu Beibei are assisting Jiang Limin in his work. They seem to be helping to verify some clues. I don't know what they are verifying, but they seem to be quite busy. .”

As an old disciplinary inspector, Liu Chunhui knew that he was not talking nonsense.

Because big data from the Discipline Inspection Commission will really push a lot of clues to problems to the Party Style and Government Style Office, and the Party Style and Government Style Style Office only has a few people in total, and the work is so complicated, it is impossible to take care of it, so it can only be sorted and classified and handed over to the lower-level Discipline Inspection Commission. Now that someone has the conditions, of course, some important clues must be verified first.

Even Han Xin didn't ask what Comrade Lao He was busy with, and Liu Chunhui didn't know how to ask. Instead, he smiled and asked, "How does he feel? Can he continue?"

Referring to the old army leader who exerted his "remaining enthusiasm", Han Xin said with a smile: "He has basically entered the state. I heard that Director Hu from the Party Style Office respects him very much. Even if we drive him away, he probably won't leave."

Although you can make a lot of money every month by choosing your own career, as Han Xin said, it is difficult to win the respect of others. To be precise, it is difficult to have a sense of accomplishment.

Liu Chunhui pondered for a moment and nodded slightly: "After working in the army for so many years, it is difficult to adapt to being idle all of a sudden. If there is something to do, and it is very meaningful, he will definitely be willing to do it."

In any case, the temporary job of the old army leader was given by the two immediate superiors in front of him. Han Xin was about to thank him when his cell phone suddenly rang.

"Hurry up and pick it up." Wang Yan reminded with a smile.

"This is Gong Zhiyong," Han Xin smiled apologetically and opened the call button: "Zhiyong, what's the matter?"

"Boss, I saw a guy in Wenfeng and I thought he looked familiar. But after thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't remember where I had seen him before. It wasn't until I looked at my phone just now and flipped through the customer information sent by Manager Xu that I remembered that the guy looked a bit like the one in the information. A customer of!”

Manager Xu is Xu Haibin, and the customer information sent to them is actually a list of fugitives to pay attention to recently.

Han Xin reacted: "Did you take any photos?"

"No, I didn't expect it at that time so I didn't take any pictures. Now I'm not allowed to bring equipment..."

"Where was it found? Is there any surveillance nearby?"

"At the intersection in front of Wenfeng, there are many cameras nearby."

"Which direction did he go? Did he drive, take a car or walk? How long did he go?"

Gong Zhiyong thought for a while and reported: "He went north. He was walking at that time, carrying a black convenience bag in his hand, and walked for about ten minutes."

A warning is an order!

Han Xin stood up immediately and said without thinking: "Hurry up and forward the photos of customers who look similar to the company group, and ask Jianwei, Huang Dong and Xinghe to rush over to support you. You can search nearby first to see if you can meet them. . I will contact Manager Xu and Mr. Huang of Chonggang Branch and ask them to check the surveillance immediately."

Gong Zhiyong quickly said: "Yes!"

Han Xin put down her cell phone, looked for Xu Haibin's number, and said eagerly: "Wang Zhi, political commissar, I will go around the scene first to see if I can find the guy who is suspected of being a wanted criminal."

"Get to work quickly. If you pass the surveillance screening, remember to give us a call."

"Okay, I will report as soon as there is any news."

Time was urgent, and Han Xin did not dare to waste a moment. Holding up the phone she had just dialed, she reported the situation to Xu Haibin who was in the command center, and walked out of the office without looking back.

Liu Chunhui couldn't believe that they had discovered something again so quickly, and asked in a low voice: "Wang Zhi, Xiao Han has very few team members that he can mobilize now. Should we arrange for a few people to go with him?"

Wang Yan shook her head: "Surgery has specialization, we can't cause trouble for him. Besides, it's broad daylight, and there is support from the command center and Chonggang branch, so we have nothing to worry about."

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