Veteran new police officer

Chapter 586 Mr. Liu’s big move (5)

In the coldest month of winter, the days are short.

It was just after five o'clock and it was getting dark.

Han Xin communicated with Liu Beibei and others who were watching the two detectives through the group voice for a while, and the two brothers of the technical detectives arrived in an off-road vehicle.

The technical investigation detachment and the anti-drug detachment work in the same building and eat in the same canteen.

Han Xin has been working in the anti-drug detachment for so long, and has often met the two newcomers, but due to the special nature of the work, they have not had much conversation, and she does not even know their last name.

Unexpectedly, he was transferred to the detention detachment and cooperated with them.

After exchanging pleasantries downstairs, we accompanied them to the twenty-first floor.

To make sure nothing went wrong, Han Xin didn't say anything, just invited them into the office and watched them open the tool box and take out the instruments for inspection.

I carefully inspected it inside and out for nearly an hour, but as expected, I found nothing.

Just as Han Xin was about to speak, the technical detective's brother suddenly raised his finger, packed up his instruments, and motioned to go out.

The three of them took the elevator downstairs and came to the SUV parked in the parking space on the roadside. Captain Ni asked in a low voice: "Han Da, are you sure your company is being monitored?"

"I'm sure my people are being monitored."

"Where are your people now?"

"We are eating in private room 306 of Nanhai Fishing Village right now." Han Xin took out her police pass to check the time and added: "But they have almost eaten. In about ten minutes, they will go to take a bath in the blue sea and blue sky."

Team Ni subconsciously asked: "That Nanhai fishing village next to Binjiang Park?"

Han Xin nodded slightly.

In the Binjiang catering industry, Nanhai Fishing Village is not large in scale and not well decorated, but it is relatively famous because it specializes in seafood and its consumption is not cheap.

Team Ni couldn't believe that in order to handle the case, they dared to go to the Nanhai fishing village where the per capita consumption was more than 300, and then they had to go to the blue sea and blue sky for leisure, which was also not cheap.

While he was secretly chatting, Han Xin continued: "To verify this guess, we are testing them in multiple scenes. It has reached the third stage, and the blue sea and blue sky is the last scene. If my people are in the dialogue of the blue sea and blue sky , can still be monitored by them. Then their monitoring technology is likely to exceed your technical reconnaissance."

Captain Ni reacted: "Han Da, are you going to ask your people to take a bath, use the sauna for a while, wear disposable underwear and pajamas provided by Bihailantian, and go to the private room to talk without their mobile phones?"


"If they can all listen in this way, it means that the phone is unlikely to be eavesdropped."

Han Xin smiled and said: "I don't understand technology, and I don't have as advanced equipment as you, so I can only use the elimination method."

Technical detectives are professionals in surveillance and monitoring. Team Ni has never encountered such a situation before. He felt like he had met a "peer" and asked curiously: "So, box 306 in Nanhai Fishing Village is the third scene?"


"What about scenes one and two?"

"The first scene is upstairs. You have just checked and you can rule out the possibility that a bugging device is installed in the office."

Han Xin smiled and continued: "The second scene is in the car. My people didn't drive very fast from the company to Nanhai Fishing Village. When they arrived at Nanhai Fishing Village, they didn't rush to go upstairs. Instead, they parked the car. We sat in the car and chatted for five or six minutes in a parking space on the side of the road."

Team Ni asked: "Then how did you verify it?"

"When my people were in the office upstairs, they deliberately said that they would contact two friends and go to Nanhai Fishing Village for dinner. However, within two minutes of saying this, your 'counterparts' took action quickly. A Starbucks from across the road I rushed to the exit of the underground parking lot and squatted down, and a guy who drove over from Xingguanghui to pick up the squatter followed and monitored me."

"How are the second and third scenarios verified?"

In the past hour or so, Mr. Liu has gained a lot.

Han Xin put the police pass into his pocket, took out his mobile phone from his computer bag, and explained with a smile: "This is a bureau, and the people who entrusted them to investigate are our team members, so I asked the team members under investigation to wait in the car. I chatted with another team member about some topics they cared about.

In less than five minutes, they called the team member who entrusted them with the investigation and asked them who Lao Ding and Mr. Zhang were going to have dinner with. They asked the team member who entrusted them to know these two people and whether they knew their relationship. Condition. "

It has been verified and it is 100% certain that it was monitored. The only thing I don’t know is what method the two suspects used to monitor it!

Captain Ni became more and more interested in this case and asked: "Your person's conversation in the private room of Nanhai Fishing Village was monitored and verified?"

"Verified. To show their sincerity and strength, the team members who entrusted them contacted them twenty minutes ago and invited them to dinner. They said they were busy and claimed that they were asking insiders from the judiciary to help monitor."

While rummaging through the voice message that Xie Meng had just forwarded, Han Xin said with a smile: "Maybe they are worried that the team members who entrusted them will not believe it, or maybe they want to remind our team members that they have the background and means. Don't think about it after the matter is done. In order to default on their debt, they also played this monitoring recording.”

Insiders of the judiciary help eavesdrop. This is no joke!

Captain Ni couldn't believe it and couldn't help asking: "Han Da, is the content sensitive or not? Can you let me listen to it?"

"It was originally a trap for them. How could the conversation be sensitive?" Han Xin clicked on the play icon and played the monitoring recording in front of the two of them.

Nanhai Fishing Village only has private rooms and no hall, so it is a bit unconventional for two people to have a meal, so an hour and a half ago, Liu Beibei invited "Crazy Cheng" and Principal Ding to help guest appearances through He Jun at Han Xin's suggestion.

Principal Ding's background can withstand the investigation of two "super detectives". Although "Crazy Cheng" is not the leader of the bureau, he has been helping the bureau leaders' representative meetings every three days in the past few days and has often been in the news, so he can only use the pseudonym "Mr. Zhang".

An old criminal policeman and a former political commissar of the border brigade who had led soldiers and arrested drugs. This kind of small scene was simply child's play for them. After a simple communication, they fell into the drama.

I heard Principal Ding ask slowly: "Hailin, can Mr. He find you now?"

"I used to always call, but I haven't called much in the past two weeks."

"I heard that the court sentenced it?"

"So what if I'm sentenced? If you don't have money, you don't have money. If you can, take me to jail. Besides, the six million is not a loan. It was made clear at the time that it was an investment."

"Then why did you write an IOU?" Cheng Wenming asked abruptly.

Zhao Hailin said angrily: "I was short of funds at that time, so I had no choice but to do whatever he said. I didn't expect him to be such a person. He could only make money but not lose money. If he lost money, he would turn against others..."

Gong Zhiyong didn't seem to want to talk about these disappointing topics, and suddenly said: "Let's not talk about this anymore, drink, drink, and take a shower after drinking."

"How about the blue sea and blue sky? I haven't been there for a long time."

"Mr. Ding, are you thinking of Technician No. 88?"

"No. 88 is a good job."

The recording time is not long and the playback is over quickly.

Han Xin put down her mobile phone and continued: "From Zhongnan City to Nanhai Fishing Village, they didn't follow us very closely. They always kept a distance of seven or eight hundred meters from our team members' car. When our team members' car arrived at the parking lot of Nanhai Fishing Village, their car followed us. The team members' cars still kept a distance of about one kilometer.

After our team members went upstairs, one of the suspects who had never met our team members followed him upstairs and walked around. After confirming which box our team members were in, he quickly went downstairs. Then the two suspects met, went around in a circle, drove the car to a position where they could see Box 306, stopped and sat in the car to continue monitoring. "

The monitoring recording just now sounded very clear.

Team Ni realized that the two suspects were very professional, and frowned and asked: "About how many meters were they in the straight line from Box 306 at that time?"

"About 800 meters, definitely less than a kilometer."

"Han Da, didn't you arrange team members to monitor the outside? Did you ask the team members monitoring the outside to see what they were doing hiding in the car?"

"Our team members went to check it out. The problem was that their Audi had a dark film on it, and it was already dark, so the visibility was not very good. They only saw one suspect lying on the steering wheel and another suspect sitting on it. The back of the car.”

Seeing the two technical detective brothers thoughtful, Han Xin added: "They came in a hurry, and the surveillance and monitoring operations were even more hasty. I can be sure that they have not had physical contact with my team members, and have no chance to monitor my people." He has a listening device installed on his body.”

"They can monitor it from such a distance, and they can monitor it in such a complex environment. How did they do it..."

"I also want to know, so I asked you two to help."

"Actually, with the current technology, it is not difficult to do this, but I think it is unlikely that they will master such advanced technology, and it is unlikely that they will have such advanced technical equipment. As for asking insiders to help monitor, I think This possibility is also slim.”

The Technical Investigation Department, like the previous Police Department and the current Special Service Department, is definitely the most mysterious unit in the city bureau. I didn't expect that they could even speak so ambiguously.

Han Xin was not very interested in what they were doing. In fact, he never thought of inviting them here. He said lightly: "How they did it will be found out soon."

Team Ni asked curiously: "How to check?"

Han Xin smiled and said confidently: "It is too difficult to park in the blue sea and blue sky. It was difficult to find a parking space at this point in the past. If they want to monitor our team members like just now, they can only park illegally.

I have coordinated with the traffic police team through the command center. As long as they dare to follow them, we can ask the traffic police to check whether they are drunk driving, see what they are doing hiding in the car, and issue them a ticket for illegal parking. . "

Team Ni wanted to know how the two suspects monitored the situation, so he asked with a smile: "Han Da, can you let us also see the world?"

You can't help with this case, and it has nothing to do with you.

Remembering that they had communicated with Director Chen an hour ago, it was confirmed that this case would be jointly investigated by the Municipal Bureau Intelligence Command Center and Chonggang Branch. Even if they followed, they could only watch the excitement. Han Xin agreed: "No problem, let's go together. Go over there."

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