On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the peak period for New Year greetings, I was busy making and answering phone calls in the morning.

The first lunch of the New Year was in a hotel. It was a family dinner organized by Xiao Hanlu's uncle. The Ge family was so prosperous that they couldn't fit in a private box, so they reserved a small banquet hall!

Xiao Hanlu's grandparents sat at the top like old birthday stars, and the younger generation lined up to pay New Year's greetings to the two elderly people.

The old man and the old lady were laughing from ear to ear, and those who were not married and had children all received red envelopes.

Xiao Hanlu "greeted the New Year online" through video and entrusted her brother and sister-in-law to collect the New Year's money on her behalf.

If you didn’t attend this family dinner, you wouldn’t know how rich the Ge family is. Helping to receive the gifts on behalf of others made more than 60,000 yuan!

Han Xin and Jiang Yue were originally married, but considering that although they had not held a wedding, they had already received a marriage certificate, and their relationship with the Ge family was a bit awkward, they declined the kindness of the Ge family elders on the pretext that their superiors had regulations.

What I drank was Moutai and what I ate were delicacies from the mountains and seas. Especially the eight-pound king crab was really domineering.

Not counting drinks, the per capita consumption is estimated to be more than 500. Lao Jiang and Jiang Ma finally saw what a big scene is, and secretly lamented that the developer is rich!

What Han Xin saw were ordinary people like them. Following the wave of reform and opening up, they worked hard to improve themselves and their families' lives, and achieved success in their careers.

I secretly lamented that it was not easy for my father to have what he is today. It was also not easy for Xiao Hanlu's grandfather and Xiao Hanlu's uncle and uncle to have what he is today...

Jiang Yue became the "star" of the audience, obediently following Ge Sulan and offering drinks instead of wine to the elders of the Ge family.

Seeing that their daughter's "son" was so sensible and their daughter-in-law was so beautiful and filial, Xiao Hanlu's grandparents were so relieved that they stuffed the red envelope that Jiang Yue had just refused into Jiang Yue's pocket.

After eating and drinking, the banquet hall turned into a chess and card room!

Two tables of mahjong and three tables of egg-beating.

Han Xin neither liked playing mahjong nor cracking eggs, and was just thinking of finding an excuse to run away with her girlfriend when Jiang Zhi from the Anti-Narcotics Detachment of the Anti-Narcotics Corps suddenly called and asked where she was and if she had time in the afternoon.

Together with Jiang Yue, they rushed to the anti-drug detachment according to Jiang Zhifa's position, only to find out that Jiang Zhifa was on duty today.

I visited the office and case-handling environment of the anti-drug colleagues in the lower provincial department, and followed Jiang Zhi into the office. Jiang Yue knew they were going to get down to business, so she tacitly excused herself from watching the Spring Festival Gala last night and sat outside to watch the replay.

Jiang Zhi took out the welfare candies, melon seeds and fruits that were on duty during the Spring Festival, and while asking Han Xin to eat them, he asked with a smile: "I don't want to go to the scene if I have the chance, but I have to watch it on my mobile phone. I really don't know what you think!"

Han Xin picked up a rock candy orange and asked curiously: "Jiang Zhi, you have the opportunity to go to the capital to watch the Spring Festival Gala. How did you know about it?"

"Lan Doudou said that, not me. You are really a bit ignorant."

"The main reason is that I haven't spent the New Year with my family properly for so many years. Moreover, there is an epidemic in Beihe, and Yanyang has been closed down. It is so close to the capital. What if I can't come back."

This epidemic keeps recurring, and its impact on travel is really great.

Jiang Zhi could understand his concerns and simply changed the topic: "Let's get down to business, how is your recovery going?"

"Recovering very well, almost recovered."

"Then are you planning to change your career?"

"Actually, I was just transferred to the detention detachment due to work, and I didn't really change my career. I just found two drug-related clues a few days ago, one was handed over to our hometown branch, and the other was handed over to Lao Wei, and both clues have been verified. .”

"Wei Jinsheng of the East China Sea?"


Jiang Zhi couldn't help but think of the scene when he led the team to Nanyun last year to participate in the on-site investigation competition. He couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Why should we hand over the clues to him? Are you a police officer of our Jiangnan Public Security System?"

"The person involved in the case is in his jurisdiction, and the clues are relatively vague and even a little spooky. It is impossible for us to go to his jurisdiction to investigate based on an unverified clue."

Han Xin smiled and added: "Besides, they have signed an anti-drug intelligence exchange and cooperation agreement with our municipal bureau. Since it is exchange and cooperation, there must be exchanges."

Jiang Zhi smiled and scolded: "You have done something wrong, and you want to make up for it."

"No way, how could I do something wrong!"

"So you are satisfied with the current situation and are doing well in the detention detachment?"

"The leadership is supportive, my colleagues are awesome, and my subordinates are capable. I am quite satisfied with the current situation."

Han Xin took out her mobile phone, opened WeChat, and said with a proud smile: "I have already given the special team members a holiday, but they actually regard work as a way of life. Just last night, Chonggang Branch and Development The District Security Brigade, based on the clues provided by our Special Intelligence Squadron, captured six gambling gatherings, and in two of them, more than 300,000 gambling dollars were seized on the spot!"

It’s normal to get together and gamble on New Year’s Eve…

In the eyes of Jiang Zhi, a veteran in drug enforcement, this was not a big case, so he smiled and asked, "That's all?"

"Of course more than that."

Han Xin put down her mobile phone and said in detail: "In the past two days, based on the clues and evidence collected by our squadron on the 'dark web', our municipal police rushed to Nanhu and arrested two people suspected of secretly filming and... The suspect who sold pornographic videos on the dark web was escorted back this morning.

And in the past few days, another clue has been found about a drug collector who is suspected of defrauding medical insurance funds. A clue suspected of producing and selling fake and shoddy famous wines. I'm sitting here chatting with you, but my people are watching. Although I am on vacation, it is almost like working overtime. "

The scope of business has expanded, and everything is in charge!

Jiang Zhi realized that the man in front of him was doing well in Binjiang, and it was unlikely that he would be seconded here. He could only settle for the next best thing, looked at him with a smile and asked: "In a few months, we will form a team to go to Nanyun again." Participate in the competition, are you interested in participating?"

Nanyun can be said to be his second hometown. There are old troops, old leaders and old comrades there. Of course Han Xin wants to go back and visit if he has the chance.

It was expected that the boss of the Bureau would definitely not agree, and "Kerui Consulting" really couldn't leave the company, so it could only decline politely: "Jiang Zhi, of course I want to go with you, but from the perspective of training the team, we old faces are always allowed to go." It’s not appropriate to go, I think the opportunity should be left to comrades who have never been.”

Jiang Zhi lit up a cigarette and said meaningfully: "Since it is a competition, the results must be compared. We can arrange for newcomers to go, but what about others?"

"The Miao Bureau on-site inspection has more experience than me. You can ask the Miao Bureau to come out again. Then there is my master. She has conducted an investigation once and is very careful. With them, there will definitely be no problem."

"You really don't plan to go?"

"Even if I want to go, our bureau leaders won't agree!"

"This involves the honor of our provincial department. Don't worry about your bureau leaders. If it doesn't work, I will report to Mr. Wang and ask Mr. Wang to say hello to your bureau."

"But our Special Situation Squadron cannot leave people..." Looking at the leader thoughtfully, Han Xin grinned and said: "Jiang Zhi, after all, I am also a captain and a Special Situation Squadron now. I have several Special Situation Squadrons under me, and they are special... I am the only official policeman in the Intelligence Squadron, so I really can’t leave.”

When talking about special situations, Jiang Zhi remembered the situation reported by Lan Doudou when he came back last time. He held his chin and asked: "How are the training of the special situations under you? Can they participate in actual combat?"

The Special Situation Squadron has begun actual combat a long time ago, but the actual combat before, including now, is obviously far from the actual combat mentioned by Jiang Zhi.

Han Xin did not dare to joke about the safety of his subordinates. After a moment of silence, he raised his head and said, "In another half a year, I should be able to participate in real combat."

"Okay, if you need it in the future, I won't be polite to you and will borrow someone from you directly."

"No problem. Your being able to use our special kindness is an affirmation of our work."

"One set after another, I am becoming more and more like a leader!"

"Jiang Zhi, why are you laughing at me?" Han Xin didn't want to be ridiculed by the leader, so she quickly changed the subject: "Is my master's matter accurate?"

Jiang Zhi was stunned for a moment, then realized: "You mean a formal transfer?"


"I heard from Mr. Wang that this matter was almost done, but she suddenly backed down."

Han Xin asked in surprise: "My master doesn't want to stay in the corps?"

Jiang Zhi nodded slightly: "Maybe for family reasons, we respect her choice."

Lan Doudou had the opportunity to stay in the provincial department but wanted to go back. Han Xin was surprised. She was stunned for a while before smiling and said: "It's okay to go back. Maybe she will feel more accomplished after going back. After all, she has worked in Linghai for so many years. She is familiar with everything and the leaders value her very much.”

While we were chatting, my "little uncle" suddenly called me.

Han Xin apologized and walked out of the office to answer the call.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, I must first pay New Year greetings.

After a few words of greeting, I heard Mr. Zhang grab the phone and say eagerly: "Han Xin, I know about Donghai. I didn't expect it to be true!"

"Little aunt, how did you know?"

"Everyone in our company was in a panic. The boss was so shocked that the first thing we did after going to work was to undergo a urine test and a hair test. He also asked HR to check whether the new recruits who are about to join the company are taking drugs or not when hiring new ones in the future. .”

Zhang Mei looked back behind him and continued: "There is also the one who is both a drug addict and has AIDS. It has spread in several groups and I heard that he has been imprisoned. Your efficiency is really high. Even during the Chinese New Year, Work overtime to handle cases.”

"Drugs are the root of all evil. Once discovered, they will be investigated and dealt with without any delay."

"thank you."

"Thank you for what I did, it's our job."

"When will you and Xiaoyue come back? I'll treat you to dinner."

"Little aunt, there's no need to be so polite. Besides, you're so busy. When I have time, I'll make arrangements and give this junior like me a chance."

It’s not bad to have a police “nephew”. Thinking of the group meeting in the morning, Zhang Mei whispered: “There are many opportunities to eat. I was chatting with friends in the morning, and a friend said that there was a person who seemed to be taking drugs.”

The little aunt is so powerful, she is a "rich mine" of drug-related intelligence clues!

Han Xin was amused and asked with a smile: "Who and where are you from?"

"My surname is Liu, my name is Liu Hechun, and I am a fellow traveler. My friend saw him smoking when we went to Xishan to work on projects and participate in entertainment last year. I don't know if he smokes now."

"Do you have his contact information?"

"Yes, I'll send you his business card."

"Okay, thank you, auntie."

When Jiang Yue heard "little uncle" and "little aunt", she knew it was Secretary-General Han and Mr. Zhang who were calling. As soon as she stood up and was about to take the phone and wish her uncle and aunt a happy new year, Han Xin walked in. In the office, he looked at the leader who was waiting for him with a smile and said: "Jiang Zhi, I can't come to you with nothing to give you New Year greetings. How about giving you a clue about drug-related New Year's greetings?"

Jiang Zhi didn't expect such a good thing to happen, and laughed and said: "Okay, I don't think this is too much for a new year's gift. Let's quickly tell you what's going on."

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