Veteran new police officer

Chapter 603 Unexpected Discovery (2)

At nine twenty-eight, Boss Chen walked out of the hotel after eating and drinking, shook hands with the supplier and said goodbye, then climbed into the van with the driver and returned overnight.

Han Xin asked Cao Xinghe, who had just arrived, to follow him, and then drove with the supplier to the community where the goods were loaded.

Perhaps considering that there are more people visiting relatives and friends during the Spring Festival, the management of the community property is more user-friendly. The railings at the entrance and exit are always lifted, so anyone can enter and exit regardless of the vehicles in the community or the vehicles outside.

Han Xin followed him to the parking lot on the second floor and found a parking space. He waited for the supplier to enter the elevator before opening the door and getting out of the elevator. He chased after him. The LCD showed that he was going to the 16th floor. He returned to the car and opened the suitcase. He took out a box of high-end fruits brought back from Jiangcheng and rushed to the elevator again.

I was lucky tonight, so I originally planned to go to the first floor and then climb the stairs to take a look.

It turned out that there was a red notice posted in the elevator. An owner on the 26th floor was having a birthday party at home. In order to make it easier for relatives and friends to go up and down the stairs, he asked the property management company to turn off the access control system.

You can enter and exit the unit building door without swiping your card, and you can take the elevator without swiping your card to go up and down the stairs.

Taking the elevator to the 16th floor, I found that this unit has a layout of two stairs and three households. The security door on the left is locked tightly. There are couplets and the word "Fu" on the door. It occupies the public space and puts a shoe cabinet at the door.

The door of the middle door was also closed, and the door of the house on the right was empty, but there was movement in the house, and a woman could vaguely be heard complaining about bringing back leftovers that couldn't be stored in the refrigerator.

Thinking that the supplier had just got out of the car with several convenience bags in his hand, he calmed down and took a sniff. He could smell the aroma of wine. Han Xin realized that the person he was looking for was inside, so he took out his mobile phone and took a few photos. , and then calmly took the elevator back to the parking lot.

Jiang Yue didn't expect that their special situation squadron was busier than the police station. She was a little anxious while waiting in the car. When she saw him, she handed over the police pass: "Xu Haibin is looking for you, saying there is something urgent."

"I know." Han Xin took the phone and called back quickly.

Xu Haibin was extremely busy. When he saw the caller ID, he quickly answered the phone and stared at the information he had just queried. He reported: "Boss, the suspects that Uncle He followed have entered the jurisdiction of our municipal bureau. Through online inquiries and highway traffic police, Comparing the photos taken by the camera, the suspect is the owner of the car."

"It can be found in our system, so he is not a security officer of the army."

"No, his surname is Wang. His name is Wang Xinyu. He is 37 years old. He is from Guzhou City. He has a college degree. He is unmarried and has no criminal record. Through big data comparison, it was found that he is a senior netizen and has registered on many online forums and platforms. I have an account and have posted job information on many recruitment websites.”

Xu Haibin clicked the mouse and continued: "His name is on the driving license of the car, but it is a second-hand car that has been passed through three times. There have been three violation records in the past year, and these violations all occurred near the military management area! "

Han Xin couldn't help but smile and said: "It seems we are lucky."

Xu Haibin did not expect that the Special Situation Squadron would have such a harvest, and said excitedly: "Who would follow and monitor the convoy of the leader of the unit for no reason, and who would always run to the military management area without any reason? There must be something wrong with him!"

"Where is he now?"

"I have just passed the North Service Area of ​​the Bridge and are following the convoy all the way north. Lao Zhao and Mr. Liu are alternating with Uncle He to follow and monitor. The on-duty personnel of the National Security Detachment have arrived at the command center, and Director Liu is also on the way to the command center. , he is contacting the military division and plans to find out the situation of the chief’s motorcade first and report to the chief as soon as possible.”

I almost forgot, the city bureau also has a national security detachment.

People are originally responsible for maintaining national security and social and political stability, and only cases involving overseas cases will be handed over to the National Security Bureau.

Han Xin reacted and asked with a smile: "Where is Mr. Chen's line? They are rushing back overnight. Have you made arrangements over there?"

They say you can’t lose the watermelon and pick up sesame seeds, but now I want both watermelon and sesame seeds!

Xu Haibin said hurriedly: "It has been arranged. Comrades from the Food and Drug Environmental Investigation Detachment and the Market Supervision Bureau have arrived at the ferry. As soon as the van lands, they will stop it and inspect it."

"Where are the warehouse and those dealers?"

"Don't worry, boss, everything has been arranged. Director Chen and Liu Zhi of the Food and Drug Environmental Investigation Detachment are personally taking command. The ferry is just one of the action teams. The other action teams are rushing to the scene based on the intelligence clues provided by Uncle He and Xiao Huo. Arrive at the scheduled location.”

"Where is Shazhou?" Han Xin asked.

"The procedures are being prepared. As soon as the net is closed at the ferry, Political Commissar Yang from the Food, Drug and Environmental Investigation Detachment will personally lead the team there."

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on the big boss here and wait for the big troops to come." Han Xin thought for a while and added: "Xiao Cao is following the truck. You pass his contact information to the operation on standby at the ferry. group so that they can keep track of Boss Chen’s movements at all times.”

Jiang Yue didn't expect it to be so lively tonight, so she couldn't help but ask: "Husband, is that guy who was in the convoy with the leader of the army just now really a spy?"

Han Xin put down her phone and sighed: "Judging from what Xu Haibin found, using the word 'spy' to promote him is probably just a money-obsessed bastard who was beguiled by hostile forces outside the country to spy on our Chinese military intelligence. "

"No matter whether you are professional or not, as long as you do it, you are a spy!"

"Let professional people worry about professional matters. The National Security Detachment has already intervened. If even the National Security Detachment can't handle it, isn't there still National Security?"

"What about our side?"

"Wait." Han Xin picked up her phone and looked at the time, raised her head and smiled: "It's Chinese New Year, so there's no need to go through so much trouble with a case like this. When the person surnamed Chen throws himself into the trap, Political Commissar Yang of the Food, Drug and Environmental Protection Detachment will I will personally lead a team to investigate and deal with it.”

While the two were chatting, Xu Haibin called again.

As soon as Han Xin turned on the call button, she heard Director Liu of the Political Department of the Municipal Bureau say on the other end: "Xiao Han, I just contacted the military division and the situation is basically clear."

"Director Liu, what's going on?"

"The situation of the convoy."

If the collection of clues to money laundering cases and pyramid schemes involving huge amounts of money have brought tangible benefits to the municipal bureau, then this intelligence clue just discovered tonight can definitely help the municipal bureau in safeguarding national security. Bonus points for this highly political job.

Director Liu was very happy and excited. He held Xu Haibin's mobile phone tightly and said: "The suspect was following and monitoring the convoy of the commander of the air force in the theater. Commander Jiang of the military division reported it to his superiors immediately, and he and the commander were about to visit the garrison for inspection. Got in touch.”

"So the chief knows?"

"You should know. One of the security cadres accompanying me just called me and said that they would strengthen security and asked me how I need their cooperation."

"People respect us very much!"

"Local cases are originally under the control of our local police, and it's not like there is a mole within them. Bureau Liu instructed that this case be taken over by the National Security Detachment. From now on, He He, Zhao Hailin and Liu Beibei are under the command of the National Security Detachment. "

For fear that his subordinates would feel that he was not considerate of his subordinates, Director Liu emphasized: "The main reason is that the three of them have already followed and have rich experience in this field. It is too late to transfer people to replace them in a short while, so it is better to let them assist The National Security Detachment will be responsible to the end."

"Not everyone has the opportunity to participate in the investigation of such a case. I don't have any objection, and I don't think they have any objection either."

"Okay, that's it."

"I'll notify them right away."

"No need, Xiao Xu has their contact information, just ask Xiao Xu to notify you. Aren't you helping the food and drug environmental detachment to keep an eye on a big fish that manufactures and sells counterfeit goods? You must keep an eye on it. This is about to be closed." We can’t let him escape at this critical moment of the net.”

"Don't worry, Director Liu, the suspect can't escape."

"Okay, good job. Once these two things are done, I will help you, Corey Consulting, to ask for credit from your superiors. No matter whether the bastard who dares to follow the troop leader's motorcade is a big fish or a small fish, he must ask for credit from his superiors. !”

"Thank you, Director Liu."

At the same time, a melodious whistle sounded from the riverside.

The ferry carrying dozens of cars continued to adjust its angle amidst the roar of its engine, and slowly approached the ferry. Ferry workers wore reflective vests and blew whistles and gestures to direct vehicles ashore.

Cao Xinghe held the steering wheel tightly, looked at the van in front of him, stepped on the accelerator lightly, and said excitedly through the Bluetooth headset: "Political Commissar Yang, we are ashore."

"I saw the target and I saw your car. Everything is ready on the shore. Please pay attention to safety."

"Thank you, Political Commissar Liu, I will pay attention."

Cao Xinghe drove a car and followed the van ashore. When he drove quickly to the ferry exit, which was like a toll station, he suddenly noticed that there were several police cars parked in front of him, and a traffic policeman and several policemen were making inquiries.

"Please show your driving license and driver's license!"

"Okay, right away."

"Also turn on the health code and trip code."

"Comrade police, what are you investigating?"

"Traffic safety is important, as is epidemic prevention and control. Please cooperate and wear your mask properly."

"Okay, okay, I'll do it right now."

"Have you downloaded the anti-email fraud applet? I haven't downloaded one."

No matter what you do now, you must bring anti-email fraud with you!

Cao Xinghe heard it clearly and couldn't help but laugh.

At this time, a policeman and a middle-aged man in plain clothes walked to his car, knocked on the back door of the van, and then said sideways: "Chen Changgeng, please open the door, we need to check."

Mr. Chen, who had just shown his itinerary code and health code, ran over and said in a fit of laughter and tears: "Comrade police, what's the point of checking the fruit..."

"How do we know if it's fruit without checking? What if it's fireworks?"

"What did I lie to you for?"

"Please cooperate and don't waste time. There are so many cars behind us."

"Okay, okay, I'll get the keys."

I got the key and opened it. There were really boxes of fruit in the car, and I could even smell the fruity aroma.

Political Commissar Yang of the Food, Drug and Environmental Investigation Detachment was stunned and looked back subconsciously.

Cao Xinghe did not think that Boss Han and Uncle He would make a mistake, and nodded with a smile. Political Commissar Yang realized that the secret should be inside the carriage, and said coldly: "Xiaoqian, Xiaoyu, take down the boxes outside and take a look inside."


"Comrade police, what I bought is high-end fruit, it can't stand the trouble..." Boss Chen realized that he was in big trouble and stopped everyone to interfere.

Political Commissar Yang grabbed his arm and pulled him aside: "Routine inspection, please don't interfere with official duties."

"Comrade police, it's so difficult for our physical stores to operate. Do you mean to embarrass us small businesses during the Chinese New Year?"

"Just checking, who is giving you a hard time? Don't worry, how did you unload it? We will help you put it back on later!"

Just as he was talking, boxes of packaging boxes with Maotai logos appeared in front of him.

Political Commissar Yang was amused, turned around and asked with a smile: "Boss Chen, are these fruits too?"

Boss Chen broke out in a cold sweat, but he still pretended to smile calmly: "This is the New Year, so I brought a few boxes of wine with me to give as New Year gifts."

"Fifty-three degrees of Feitian Moutai, one, two, three, four... There are more than a dozen boxes here alone. I don't know how many are in them and how much they are worth. Boss Chen, your gift is quite heavy."

"I have many relatives at home, and...there are a few boxes I brought for friends."

"Bringing this to a friend, you must be a distributor!"

Political Commissar Yang was too lazy to beat around the bush with him, and while asking law enforcement officers from the Market Supervision Bureau to check the authenticity, he said very seriously: "Chen Changgeng, I can tell you clearly that we have been watching you for a long time, and we are not out of luck. I came to check your car for no reason!”

He was investigated as soon as he landed, and it was police officers from the Food and Drug Environmental Investigation Detachment who came to investigate. How could such a coincidence happen?

When Boss Chen realized that the Dongchuang incident had taken place and that the police had seized all the stolen goods, he was immediately frightened out of his wits. He wanted to quibble but was too nervous and frightened to speak.

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